Just lost my virginity at 23 and feeling pretty good. Recommend me bloomer philosophy books, I'm done with all the depressing shit
Just lost my virginity at 23 and feeling pretty good. Recommend me bloomer philosophy books...
What pussy does to a mf.
you will go to hell
>Just lost my virginity at 23
To a man, right?
Subtle art of not giving a f*ck to cope with your NPC existence, Milk and honey so you have something to discuss with roasties.
This is a cope to prevent what theologians call 'remorse of conscience', which naturally comes following sin. Fornication is a mortal sin and merits eternal damnation on account of offending an infinite God. As no propitiation can be made, the only suitable remedy for offending a being of infinite greatness, majesty, and intelligence (before which you're less than a worm is to yourself), infinite punishment is merited, and as seeing punishment cannot approach an infinite single point of intensity, God, renders the punishment infinite in extension by making it eternal. He gave you ONE life, and made himself flesh, so that you would have the means to overcome your corrupts inclinations and become master of them. As St. Athanasius said, God became man that man might become God. In choosing to obey the lusts of the flesh, you become less than a man and become lower than a pig or a dog. And such is really the words of sacred scripture itself, 'and man, when he was in honor, did not understand, he is compared to senseless beasts and has become like to them'. You accomplished nothing, and what you really feel is remorse and shamed for having behaved like an animal and acted foolishly for a transitory pleasure. You need to drop the cope, and pray to God to feel remorse, and be so appalled at having sin that you're resolved and confess to never again offend God.
Give me a break. If a woman got down on her knees and offered you a blowjob, your pants would off in a nanosecond. Incels turn to religion as a cope so they can turn their weakness into a virtue. It’s Nietzsche’s theory of resentment and slave morality playing out in real time.
This contradicts nothing and is why the saints have all recommended to flee from all occasions that can lead to sins of the flesh, avoid the thoughts, images, and wicked people that cause your damnation.
>Now, says St. John Chrysostom, if all flesh is grass, it is as foolish for a man who exposes himself to the occasion of sin to hope to preserve the virtue of purity, as to expect that hay, into which a torch has been thrown, will not take fire. "Put a torch into hay, and then dare to deny that the hay will burn." No, says St. Cyprian ; it is impossible to stand in the midst of flames, and not to burn. " Impossibile est flammis circumdari et non ardere." (De Sing. Cler.) " Can a man," says the Holy Ghost, " hide fire in his bosom, and his garments not burn ? or can he walk upon hot coals, and his feet not be burnt ?" (Prov. vi. 27, 28.) Not to be burnt in such circumstances would be a miracle. St. Bernard teaches, that to preserve chastity, and, at the same time, to expose oneself to the proximate occasion of sin, " is a greater miracle than to raise a dead man to life."
A certain saint once was solicited by a loose woman, and he immediately plunged himself into the river, thereby preventing any consent to a bad thought.
>A certain saint once was solicited by a loose woman, and he immediately plunged himself into the river
This reminds me of when Saint Bernard jumped off a tower when someone locked him in there with some prostitutes
>sex is... le BAD!
Goes to show religion and mental illness go hand in hand. He could have just resisted temptation if his faith had been truly strong enough.
I remember reading on St. Lucy (I think, it was really long ago) and she supposedly said that even if Roman soldiers rape her, it would not be a sin because she didn't consent. Sin is in the decision one makes, not what is being done to them.
Did he treat you nicely?
The saints concluded that sins of the flesh, owing to concupiscence and force of nature, require special provisions to combat, including the advise to avoid even the remote occasion of it. The reasoning is clearly explained in the quoted text which you ignored:
>"Put a torch into hay, and then dare to deny that the hay will burn."
>Now, says St. John Chrysostom, if all flesh is grass, it is as foolish for a man who exposes himself to the occasion of sin to hope to preserve the virtue of purity, as to expect that hay, into which a torch has been thrown, will not take fire.
This was foremost established in the first letter to the Corinthians, where Paul exhorts the flock in so little words, "flee fornication". He did not say to stand back and analyze it. This passion is ferocious, and acts against reason. You can't just "resist" it, you must run away from it. Saint Philip Neri says, that "in the war of the senses, cowards conquer.
have sex
>at 23
Escorts don't count
You're not really making a good argument. In fact, you should ask yourself why is suicide by jumping off tower suddenly less of a sin than dick unwillingly getting hard. These are not good role models, they are just lunatics.
this turned me off christianity forever. And not just because "sex is bad", but due to the cowardly attitude attached to it, which is bound ironically to make people sin harder. Running away from temptation instead of conquering it.
Let's take porn addiction for example. If you're addicted, you close your browser window, and stop watching porn. Great.
You're free.
Following your guidelines, the addict should also walk around with a bandage around their eyes, to avoid being "tempted".
It's complete foolishness and it makes temptation something stronger than it actually is. In a way, it's satanic (which is a common thrope in christianity and explains the elevation of Lucifer, who was originally a servant of god and at most, a mere weak rebellious angsty cuck, and with christianity he gets elevated as this powerful evel god you should be super afraid of.
Confront this with how Buddha brutally mogged Mara.
Not with running away, but by stayinf relaxed, glorious, defiant, facing his fears and passions. A complete mogging.
Buddhist monks can have a shotgun fire near their ear and not flinch, while still noticing the gunfire, due to the way they rule over their own soul.
Meanwhile, people like you tend to be the most secretly degenerate and cowardly.
Ironically Jesus was and wanted you to be brave and defiant. He never ran away, nor tried to.
You're utterly retarded
Stop larping as a religious fundamentalist on an anime forum as a coping mechanism for your lack of success with women
>Meanwhile, people like you tend to be the most secretly degenerate and cowardly.
>Ironically Jesus was and wanted you to be brave and defiant. He never ran away, nor tried to.
This is because Christianity has little to do with Christ and more to do with Saint Paul
Why not
You're an utter faggot.
You're the one in total denial. Sexual arousal is a physiological reaction. Expecting a man not to get aroused by an attractive woman is like expecting fire not to burn a pile of hay. You're an idiot and everything you've asserted goes against physiology. The moment a sexual stimulus presents itself, we're impelled to mate, and if we weren't, we would have gone extinct long ago. The presence of an attractive woman for a healthy man , will incur repeated visual-neurological signals to trigger a response, eventually culminating in an action potential.
A bunch of cope to say you can't control yourself.
Excuses, justification, femininity, blaming "the body".
It's over. You're like those women who cheat on their man and claim rape, or say it's not their fault, because they were "drunk".
>never heard of concupiscence, the post
>in total denial about neurology and physiology, the post
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Siddhartha and anything by Terence Mckenna or Alan Watts bro.
>Terence Mckenna or Alan Watts
This makes Yea Forums seethe
>not remaining deliberately celibate to achieve wizard status
Why would you do that.
>present made up character act in anonymous image board
>"this is literally you lmao"
Cope harder
Is this a counter argument?
There was no argument to counter in the first place, larper
Do you steal all your thoughts from Yea Forums memes or just some?
Stop screencapping your own strawman pics
>Do you steal all your thoughts from Yea Forums memes
Says the guy who takes up larping as a christian because it's counter-cultural and fits his fringe political beliefs (in his mind). You're a living meme
Great posts. I obviously disagree that Hell is something that exists and would happen to someone who fornicates because that's a nightmare world view. More than likely, Christ would just forgive you.
OP, the reason Christians are so scared of lust is because 1) It's the hardest to deny despite it being effectively non-necessary, 2) Its ratio of desire/fulfillment is higher than any material pleasure, and 3) It is lusting against someone's soul-container. I'm glad you've recognized that intimacy and love are crucial to the human experience, but to conflate that with sex. People saying you're going to Hell are trying to offer you wortwhile advice - don't fall into the trap of seeking things which are relative goods compares to infinite goods.
Good meme and I did follow that path unironically.
>fringe political beliefs (in his mind)
How so? I don't vote nor do I hold strong political beliefs.
OP never asked about christians, what's the point of your post
OP never asked about people who criticized Christians, what's the point of your post?
>point out OP's thread isn't about christianity so barging in and shilling your shit is off topic
>"yeah well the thread isn't about anti christianity either!"
Are you this much of a brainlet? Calling out your post for being irrelevant is not itself irrelevant. You're quite stupid
>Are you this much of a brainlet?
Calling out your post for being irrelevant is not itself irrelevant.
>You're quite stupid
2/3 of your post is irrelevant. How about this - post your beliefs about casual sex and lust.
>Calling out your post for being irrelevant
Except it's not, you stupid fuck. Basic logic eludes you.
>post your beliefs about casual sex and lust.
Why? That's off-topic too. OP never asked you to post your shitty opinions on these subjects, nobody cares what you think.
Let me translate you:
>criticism based on anime board rules
Let me translate you:
Your proselytising needs some work. I will have casual sex and then I will marry a trad Cath when I'm ready to settle down and there's nothing you can do about it.
Did I just take the Eucharist whilst being in a state of mortal sin? Oh no
it is amazing how little effect having sex had on me.
I have read myself numb.
>I obviously disagree that Hell is something that exists
If you deny the existence of hell, then you are a heretic.
>“Depart from me, you accursed, into everlasting fire” (Matthew 25:41).
>“And these shall go into everlasting punishment” (Matthew 25:46).
>“Who shall suffer eternal punishment in destruction” (2 Thessalonians 1:9).
>“Everyone shall be salted with fire” (Mark 9:49).
To your other point
>and would happen to someone who fornicates
It's a just punishment, and St. Paul tells us that those confirmed in these sins are excluded from Heaven.
>Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
>that's a nightmare world view.
It isn't. It would be a nightmare if God permitted suffering, injustices, ignominies and insults for nothing but the same result in the end. It would in turn render God unjust.
>More than likely, Christ would just forgive you.
Forgiveness is contingent upon repentance and the savior had words for people like you
>Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
>Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Majority of those trad cath women have premarital sex too, so you'd just miss out by staying celibate. Of course, the celibacies of Yea Forums tradlarpers are 100% involuntary.
Augustine makes this point quite well - because you can't hurt God nonbelievers just hurt themselves to prove that they don't believe. I do wish you the best but on the best's terms.
My thoughts exactly. All women are whores. No exceptions.
I'm not hurting God though. Sin doesn't exist. How could a perfect God have imperfection in his creation?
Yeah, banged a few churchgirls myself, did drugs with them too. All tradwives a decade later, kek.
Nietzsche in general
Why do you guys care if a girl has had sex before? Scared you won’t measure up?
>If you deny the existence of hell, then you are a heretic.
>Three passages
Again this breaks the logic of infinity and is a key contradiction of Augustine and Aquinas's thought.
>Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.
Eternal punishment most likely means you die the death and stop existing. It's why the darkness does not know the light and God can't find Adam in paradise.
>It would in turn render God unjust.
. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
If God is perfect then how can he do bad to sinners? Can a punishment of pure suffering be perfect? This is to me where I see Christians decide to pick Paul and Revelation over the clear logic in the Gospels where God is pure goodness and thus Hell is logically not there - it is merely the snuffing out of the soul.
>Sin doesn't exist.
I'll leave you to your wisdom then. Enjoy!
>the Christian melts away before he has to cope that either sin doesn't exist or that God created imperfection
>Thus the soul commits fornication when she is turned from thee, and seeks apart from thee what she cannot find pure and untainted until she returns to thee. All things thus imitate thee--but pervertedly--when they separate themselves far from thee and raise themselves up against thee. But, even in this act of perverse imitation, they acknowledge thee to be the Creator of all nature, and recognize that there is no place whither they can altogether separate themselves from thee. What was it, then, that I loved in that theft? And wherein was I imitating my Lord, even in a corrupted and perverted way? Did I wish, if only by gesture, to rebel against thy law, even though I had no power to do so actually--so that, even as a captive, I might produce a sort of counterfeit liberty, by doing with impunity deeds that were forbidden, in a deluded sense of omnipotence? Behold this servant of thine, fleeing from his Lord and following a shadow! O rottenness! O monstrousness of life and abyss of death! Could I find pleasure only in what was unlawful, and only because it was unlawful?
>And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Destroy and being in infinity cannot be simultaneous. Hell here is Gehanna which is the pit where they burned trash. This is consistent with wheat and tares where the tares are burned. You will not that the means of destruction are eternal but what is lacking is the smoke. It is lacking this idea of what happens after you through out the fish. It is purely nothingness. The logic of a place of eternal suffering is not only not in the Gospels but anathema to a merciful God. I can't fathom why this lie has persisted other than an outward project from the shadows of one's self.
God made us free to more perfectly love existence. You pretending to expose 101 theology questions is not a refutation - I'm just bemused that if you leave you to yourself without Christ you will destroy yourself in illogical circles.
Based and beyond good and evil
God has free will yet does not sin. Why could he not imbue us with his great wisdom?
>Not with running away, but by stayinf relaxed, glorious, defiant, facing his fears and passions. A complete mogging.
hasn't read the Gospels/10