guess which book the picture is from and draw a painting yourself
MS paint thread
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Blood Meridian
Heart of darkness
Evening redness in the west
Man I'm really struggling with everything but the first one
Interview with the Vampire
War and Peace.
no, it's just tuberculosis lol
Fathers and Sons
Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea.
This scene was hilarious.
sailor who fell from grace with the sea?
Morte d'Arthur?
Mein Kampf
Hitchhiker's Guide
What scene was that? I read 80% of that book
Do you care about spoilers?
Nah, I just skipped like two chapters because I was bored
Misdemeanor and Rehabilitation
gogol, i got to re-read that one
The film adaptation is the only way to go with that one
What is the appeal of this book? Conrad's prose is dense and bland, and the end isn't that interesting beyond "The Congo makes you go insane bro". Is it just notable because it's such an early anti-imperialist book?
Well Noboru intentionally/unintentionally gets caught spying on his mother. He expects the Sailor to do something, I think maybe leave his mother or just get angry, but dangerous etc., I don't explicitly remember his motivations. But instead he gives him a nice old fatherly chat about how in the future they'll all be able to look back at this and laugh. Suffice it to say Noboru is disgusted and thinks he is beyond redemption, except by them killing him.
Honestly one of the best chapters in the book, you're retarded. My heart was pounding as his mother walked to his door.
Horrible film, nothing like how I imagined it.
Thanks. Now I want to go back to read that part
the mind is weird, isn't it? i read the whole book and yet i didn't know what scene you were referring to; i probably wouldn't even know that that scene was in the book as i remember almost nothing of it. but now that i read your description of it i even know where i was when i read that part, it freaks me out a bit to be honest.
excuse me for blogposting
Who knows how the so-called unconscious part of our mind functions. It's really a mystery.
Humiliated and insulted?
The Road
Breakfast of Champions?
>shows V2
>doesn't show Slothrop's erection
Come on now
In one thread an user said people take the book as a criticism of imperialism when it's actually about the fact that if the white man enters the black man's way of life they become like the black man.
Man I have no idea user, The Great Gatsby.
Out of the Silent Planet
Bound Shoes and Western Dress
The disappointing sequel to V.
The Brothers Karamazov
Fucking hell thats hilarious. Now imagine it's one of James Franco's fat Jewish friends that's about to rape him.
this has to be Great Gatsby
Are you all retarded? It's clearly crime and punishment
Best ITT