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Books on reality, truth, existence and consciousness?
Austin Perez
Matthew Green
The Conspiracy Against The Human Race.
Unless you're down for comforting lies. Anything will do for that; Book of Mormon, Dianetics, Yellow Pages, Koran, etc.
John Fisher
> yellow pages
> Koran
discarded. any more serious, engaging recommendations?
Robert Stewart
Most philosophy lol
Elijah Bennett
wrong. only specific branches of philosophy like metaphysics go into that question, others like normative ethics less so. also I am looking for specific recommendations
Isaiah Hughes
Are all of lIgottis books in the same canon? I read Teatro Grotesco and thought it was stupid
Noah Smith
>The Conspiracy Against The Human Race
The ultimate blackpill. Incels cry about 0 pussy, blissfully unaware of the existential prank played on everyone.
Nicholas Davis
I as a pessimist am somehow lower than an incel. An incel might still harbor pleasant delusions.
Owen Miller
There's no canon for tcathr, its non-fiction.
The rest of his stories afaik basically take place in any reality that can betray something hopelessly uncanny.
Oliver Powell
Then you already know where to look; read a book on metaphysics (or ontology). Can't recommend anything without knowing what you've already read
William Kelly
But just to throw out something that touches some of your topics of interest, I heard about this recently and thought it sounded interesting. Haven't read it yet, so I couldn't tell you to much.
Matthew Ortiz
In particular, any books about living in a world that is a hallucination?
Andrew Brown
Asher Anderson
Source for the image?
Some books delve into the divide between physical and conscious reality, and even the Bible talks about the separation of the flesh and the divine, and a whole lot of modernist literature goes into that topic in specific, but none touch it as childishly as "the world isn't real lol". There's no empiric truth to it, and emotionally charged schizo ramblings do not make good media.
To start easy, though, you'd probably enjoy Infinite Jest if you can read past the first hundred pages. It truly is the SubaHibi of modernist literature.
Joseph Nelson
I would recommend you read Discourse On Method by Rene Descartes and Plato's dialogue "Phaedro"
start there and work your way forward
Aaron Wood
Source is Milk Outside a Bag of Milk Outside a Bag of Milk, the sequel to Milk Inside a Bag of Milk Inside a Bag of Milk. They are VNs about a schizo girl, made by a ruskie.
Caleb Garcia
>Source for the image?
a game - milk outside a bag of milk
Ayden Bennett
The Holy Bible and the lives of the saints
Brody Torres
Blake Howard
a glossary about more interesting authors commented by a hack. Yea Forums must stop recommending this shit and start to actually recommend the authors he was talking about.
feels pretty juvenile thinking "the conspiracy against the human race" is dark and the ultimate pill of nothing. pretty reddit everything.
Carter Murphy
First of all, there was no question posed. Second of all, normative ethics still ultimately relies on that which was mentioned in the title of the OP.
Christian Cook
Reality by Wynard de Beer
William Clark
The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann, Jung's top apprentice
Gavin Reyes
Someday I will be holding your eyes open shouting "Do you see? Do you SEE?" on some fiery horizon.
Elijah Lewis
Ryan Nelson
Jayden Ortiz
>not so much consciousness as experience but Alfred North Whitehead's work serves as a genuine primer for imaginative shifts of thinking of nature unlike anything I have ever read
Julian Hall
Adam Nguyen
zen flesh, zen bones
John Parker
Hudson Adams
Did I spell it right?
Jayden Diaz
I am coming from /sci/ where there was a discussion on consciousness and reality. In particular, there were arguments of reality infinitely extending the one each of us currently experiences. Some examples
> we don't know if we see the same colours
> we don't know if we 'see' the same, maybe your vision is something unique and fundamentally different (after all each brain is wired differently)
> we don't know were consciousness and perceived reality springs off, except that the brain and nervous system plays a vital role here (e.g. 'where IS the picture in my head)
> we don't know if there is something extending the materialistic world we live in, everything we experience seems to be tied to matter, if there is 'something out there' not tied to matter, it is surely hard, if not impossible to experience
> therefore we also don't know what (objective) truth is, truth is hard to extend past our capabilities of perception (for instance existence of colours to a blind man)
> similarly we don't know what constitutes reality outside of our own perceived reality (does everything cease to exist when I die? Is it possible we live in a simulation?)
Aaron Baker
Jonathan Davis
I'll never stop redpilling people
Aiden Walker
Julian Stewart
Why do you hate de Beer?
Aaron Fisher
Gravity's Rainbow
Zachary James
>Reality by Wynard de Beer
what's the qrd?
Liam Evans
Name me a single book that isn't describing reality.
Isaiah Rivera
He's an anti-natalist, but he is 68 years old. If this world is so nightmarish why hasn't he killed himself? Seriously I think I've pondered suicide 100x more in my short life than this faggot. He just writes horror. He's an edgelord. Fuck him and his dogshit books.
Levi Martin
Suicide doesn't follow from anti-natalism
Jayden Cooper
Any book of Bernardo Kastrup. It won't get better than that.
Parker Moore
>Not a materialist
No thank you, I only read those that keep it real
Jacob Cooper
Why should an antinatalist kill themselves?
To what do they owe the definition of antinatalism that it requires that?
William Perry
It should follow, if life is so evil and twisted like this man proposes. But he's just a pussy asking for attention and cashing in on validating peoples' insecurities.
>but life really does suck!
Grow the fuck up or kill yourself, either way at least be consistent.
Wyatt Perry
If its morally wrong to have children, then being a human must be bad in an anti-natalist's eyes. No matter what kind of bullshit mental gymnastics you play with yourself, this is still the truth. A happy and fulfilled man is not an "anti-natalist". God I hate you faggots.
Levi Morris
>If its morally wrong to have children, then being a human must be bad in an anti-natalist's eyes.
Your B does not follow from your A here.
If it is morally wrong to have children then it means its morally wrong to have children and necessitates no special action with regard to the opinion holder aside from holding the belief that its morally wrong to have children.
Doesn't get any skinnier than that.
Alexander Ward
Lol imagine typing this out. Yeah man I get my health and fitness advice from fat people. Peoples' personal lifestyles don't reveal anything about their real mindset or true intentions, you sure got me.
Brandon Morales
You live in a conditional world where fat people cannot know nutritional information? That's weird.
If a man in a green shirt knows of a great sale on red shirts am I to disregard that information outright?
Adrian Davis
>You live in a conditional world where fat people cannot know nutritional information? That's weird.
Ayden Miller
>Unless you're down for comforting lies.
I am, thank you.
Adrian Anderson
I detect kafir sentiment in your post. Also, Al-Qur'an is not a book of comforting lies, it is a book of a truth that you can't handle. That is why people of your ilk either use poor arguments OR they resort to using ad hominem arguments because that is the only kind of argument that can't be refuted, as those arguments are based on purely subjective ideas.
David Butler
Ad hom is such a useful editorial tool, though.
For instance now that people think you're muslim they'll disregard any further ramblings.
Hudson Ortiz
Have you read the pessimist cannon, user? If you did you would know that all your cope is nonsense
Jack Davis
Let's put it this way; If I describe the contents of a box to only one blind man then blow my brains out, is he still a lesser authority on the box's contents? I mean, he can't friggin see!
Noah Bailey
Yes, death is an illusion, welcome to Earth newb. Learn to use your Heart
Zachary Edwards
Even if reality was meaningless I'd still be grateful to be alive in this moment
Angel James
Leo Fisher
Books that argue this?
Grayson Foster
Alright. Convinced desu
Nolan Hall
Why are people like this? You don't need a book to argue this. It's just common sense. What, is that "illogical" or "irrational"? You don't have to explain yourself to anyone. Just believe what you want to believe, no matter what. Besides, you can find "logical" arguments to support almost any idea, so you might as well find the one you like the most and stick with it.
Asher Carter
This. That's how I discovered my personal philosophy, white nationalism.