/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General

Ambush Edition

Previous Thread:>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent
Never going to be created.

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What is the
>last book you read
>book you are currently reading
>book you plan to read next

>>book you plan to read next
Going to finally start reading Shadow of the Torturer on Sunday.

tried asking this last thread, can someone redpill me on these books?

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That looks like some shit my wife would read.

Its a tame story about a boy, his magic wolf, mouthy sister and smol giantkiller gf in battle with clueless chucklefucks and over-the-top cartoonish villains.

i prefer the grimdark genre because im an adult capable of handling dark subject matter

plus if i was going to do sonething with imagination I'd go to the dark crevices of a setting of grim and darkness because i find that morbidly interesting

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i have put this on my avoid forever list

are the Drizzt books any good? Been eyeing them at work for a while and I get a fat 40% off.

>TWI, maybe

>I shall seal the heavens book 1
>I shall seal the heavens book 2
>I shall seal the heavens book 3

cradle is good, can u tell me the full name of APGTE ?

google is your friend

A Practical Guide to Evil

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ty user, i will take a look

reposting repost of question

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Do people actually like poems in Middle-earth books?

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I don't even like song lyrics in Pynchon books.

Can you explain further? Because if any of what you said is true then I'm going to buy it immediately

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poetry is simply dead to most readers unless they're specifically into poetry. also, it might help if they hear adaptations more often.


An epic tale of medieval horror

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an epic tale of gay sodomite priests buttfucking

almost finished with book I'm currently reading and then I can go ahead and read super cool grimdark novels

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finally finished

I'm thinking for my next book perhaps warhammer

I've honestly grew an interest in AOS

The dwarves
No idea I roll a D20 to pick something from my tbr shelf because I'm indecisive

>>last book you read
A Prince's Errand, was decent
>>book you are currently reading
History of the Fall and Decline of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbons. The prose is absolutely brilliant
>>book you plan to read next
was thinking of starting the Gentleman Bastard series or Belgariand, probably the former

I only read the first trilogy. They are interesting enough, from what I remember. 7/10.

>The Dragon Republic
>The Burning God
>Foundation if I can figure out which audiobook version is unabridged

The Poppy War trilogy is fucking terrible but I’m going to finish it so I can write a fully-informed short screed about what a stupid bitch Rin is and how being a stupid bitch undermines the trilogy’s attempted anti-racist themes.

Shadow Campaigns and Powder Mage

I have fond memories of The Belgariad, but if you’re on a Gibbons roll you really need to read I, Claudius next.

I think I've had enough of Roman history for the while but I will keep that in mind, since I mostly just picked it up after reading Foundation again. I guess Belgariad is next then

What are some good fantasy books with lesbian protagonists besides The Locked Tomb? There seem to be a never-ending tide of LGBT-tagged books in scifi and fantasy and since they all get raving reviews solely for pandering to whatever demographic it is incredibly hard to tell at a glance which of them are actually going to be good.

well here it is dudes

medieval warhammer kinoino

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I, Claudius is almost a century old, it will wait until you’re ready.

For the second time in one thread, Shadow Campaigns. There are three major POV characters and one (arguably the most important one) is a lesbian.

Anti-racist? It's completely racist revenge porn.

Gentleman Bastard "series" is one book called The Lies of Locke Lamora

>Anti-racist? It's completely racist
Isn't anti-racist just an euphemism for acceptable racism?

I don't know if you're aware, but the trilogy is a retelling of Chinese history with Rin as Mao Zedong, except she murders all the Japanese as revenge for Nanking by nuking every last one. It's all very blatant and that's what the author says it's about. It's literally apologia for communist atrocities and more. She did well in presenting the propaganda as a YA love triangle though. I guess most readers didn't care about anything else.

It’s about a dark-skinned Asian who gets bullied by light-skinned Asians and then by whites people.

An anti-racist book might be, “this dark-skinned girl is as good as light-skinned people.” But the MC here is such a stupid bitch that the whole series suggests that her race is, in fact, a load of idiotic super-violent drug addicts.

>An anti-racist book might be, “this dark-skinned girl is as good as light-skinned people.”
I don't think so.
>Anti-racism encompasses a range of ideas and political actions which are meant to counter racial prejudice, systemic racism, and the oppression of specific racial groups
It's literally just reverse racism to "equalize systemic and historical oppression"

Here's some more:
>As a philosophy, it can be engaged in by the acknowledgment of personal privileges, confronting acts as well as systems of racial discrimination, and/or working to change personal racial biases
"Acknowledgment of personal privileges", read: you have more than others, therefore you must give up in order to balance things. It's equity.

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Yes, it absolves their drug use because it's not their fault that Westerners forcibly addicted them to opium for profits during the opium/poppy wars. In this worldview only the oppressors have agency and anything disagreeable done by the oppressed is excused because they wouldn't have done otherwise if they hadn't been oppressed. It's all too common worldview among certain American liberals such as the author.

I knew the first book was a Sino-Japanese war story, but mahou shoujo Chairman Mao is fun.

I’m maybe a third of the way into the final book and I’ve never seen it as a love triangle. Rin has wanted to bang Nezha Malfoy since book one, Kitay had always been in the friend zone.

At the end of the day, when a book’s only representatives of a race are stupid violent drug addicts, it really undermines the author’s attempt to elevate that race.

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ok honestly I'm going to read the Broken Empire Trilogy

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stop reading grimdark

read high literature like a snobby pretentious dweeb like everyone else

I don't think it's so much about elevating themselves as it is about bringing everyone else down.

NOOOO read shakespeare instead even though it was written for stupid illiterates in mind (fart jokes) and wasnt meant to be taken seriously and analyzed in stupid american literature classes albiet ironic

it's pretty bad but you do you

>when a book’s only representatives of a race are stupid violent drug addicts, it really undermines the author’s attempt to elevate that race.
Careful there, lmao. At this rate, you might start quoting crime statics any time now.

Jokes aside, that's very common within stories written by progressives. They can't help but make unlikable characters, for some reason, and they act very surprised when people point out that said character is a lunatic. Remember the "new guy" meme?

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"in cold blood" by truman capote was at the top of a reedsy for true crime novels and it was quite an amusement ride. It had its low points and its thrilling moments but by the end I have felt I had literally been take on a ride or a journey

maybe one day I'll re-read it

also the first novel of broken empire trilogy is at the top of good reads

either you hate it because you're a no fun cringe boomer or its just meh

does Grrm really write about poop in ASOIAF?

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Pozzed writer = pozzed novel.

Go back

fuck off



You lost to /lgbt/

>He remembered awakening naked on a soft surface... a sleeping pad. His hands recognized it. Murbella unclothed just above him, green eyes staring at him with a terrible intensity. She touched him simultaneously in many places. A soft humming issued from between her lips.
>He felt the swift erection, painful in its rigidity.
>Murbella murmured in his right ear: "My hands are fire."
>No power of resistance remained in him. Her hands moved over his body. Her tongue. The humming! All around him, her mouth touching him. The nipples of her breasts grazed his cheeks, his chest. When he saw her eyes, he saw conscious design.
>Duncan hummed softly and touched her, moving with an agility that shocked Murbella. He should not be this responsive! Not this way! His right hand fluttered against the lips of her vagina while his left hand caressed the base of her spine. At the same time, his mouth moved gently over her nose, down to her lips, down to the crease of her left armpit.
>And all the time he hummed softly in a rhythm that pulsed through her body, lulling... weakening...
>She tried to push away from him as he increased the pace of her responses.
>How did he know to touch me there at just that instant? And there! And there! Oh, Holy Rock of Dur, how does he know this?
>Duncan marked the swelling of her breasts and saw the congestion in her nose. He saw the way her nipples stood out stiffly, the areolae darkening around them. She moaned and spread her legs wide.
>Desperate energy flowed into Murbella. She responded in the only way she knew: touching, caressing - using all of the techniques she had learned so carefully in the long years of her apprenticeship.
>To each thing she did, Duncan produced a wildly stimulating countermove.

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>Murbella found that she no longer could control all of her own responses. She was reacting automatically from some well of knowledge deeper than her training. She felt her vaginal muscles tighten. She felt the swift release of lubricant fluid. When Duncan entered her she heard herself groan. Her arms, her hands, her legs, her entire body moved with both of the response systems - well-trained automation and the deeper, deeper plunging awareness of other demands.
>How did he do this to me?
>Waves of ecstatic contractions began in the smooth muscles of her pelvis. She sensed his simultaneous response and felt the hard slap of his ejaculation. This heightened her own response. Ecstatic pulsations drove outward from the contractions in her vagina... outward... outward. The ecstasy engulfed her entire sensorium. She saw a spreading blaze of whiteness against her eyelids. Every muscle quivered with an ecstasy she had not imagined possible for herself.
>Again, the waves spread outward.
>Again and again...
>She lost count of the repetitions.
>When Duncan moaned, she moaned and the waves swept outward once more.
>And again...
>There was no sensation of time or surroundings, only this immersion in a continuing ecstasy.
>She wanted it to go on forever and she wanted it to stop. This should not be happening to a female! An Honored Matre must not experience this. These were the sensations by which men were governed.