His Name Is George Floyd

Anyone else bought it?

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He was a junkie lowlife
But he ruined America, so I guess we should be grateful

>using one copy of the book as a paperweight/bookmark for the other copy
do black people really?

He didn’t ruin America, tard. That was a psyops for the same of woke capitalism and the new censorship that silences dissent for the war on Russia

For me, it's esoteric Floydism.

Attached: floydvola.jpg (1242x565, 71.82K)

Something so weird about Black being capitalised in a book, it's odd enough in journalism but that's the lowest form of life.

wait, I don't get it
who wrote this?

it's an inside joke about men in black aka the british retards fucking up this planet

everyone does it because the AP style guide said to after the blm shit, they also said not to capitalize white (lmao)

drug addict on fentanyl resisted police after handing out counterfeit currency
why do blacks resist police and then complain when they get their ass beat?

Black being capitalized never made much sense to me. Hispanic and Asian are capitalized because they refer to the proper nouns of Hispania and Asia. Black and white are just stylized skin colours and therefore neither are capitalized. Activists say Black should be capitalized because the experiences of black people make them a distinct group or whatever, but doesn't that also hold for white people if we're positing this super racialized system?

>Activists say Black should be capitalized because the experiences of black people make them a distinct group or whatever
I'm quite sure the Euros had the most experiences in history. And they're White.

americans are truly retarded
In my language you just call them "a negro".

You're attempting to apply logic to understand the vagaries of an inherently illogical and hysterical system. I would suggest you apply yourself along a different avenue.

English is one of the few languages that capitalizes things like race/nationality. At least in French you don't capitalize any of that shit.

Hispania hasn't existed since 472 and what Americans mean by "Hispanic" doesn't refer to that specific region

We used to do so. Then one of their CIA-planted activist leaders started using "black," "negro" was deemed offensive, and here we are. I'm pretty sure "black" will be considered outre in a few years; we'll likely be expected to call them "global majority persons" or some such nuspeak drivel.

>global majority persons
That will never be allowed. They always have to be seen as the underdog.

>I'm pretty sure "black" will be considered outre in a few years
It used to be in the 90's and 2000's. You were supposed to call them African-Americans, and calling them black was racist because that was "only seeing them for the color of their skin". But now they've decided black is ok and they've also rehabilitated coloreds and colored people as POC.

That's a good point. I hadn't considered that. There will probably be some pan-origin "Out of Africa" theory terminology similar to the term "First People" used to describe American Indians.

don't capitalize white, capitalize Atlantean

I forgot about that. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

Cringe lunar cultist.

reads like a fucking fanfic lmao

can you even fucking read? the atlanteans were antediluvian

Buck Broken Brothas

The Atlanteans are an involution of the Hyperboreans

Apparently it's because "Black" is an ethnicity because the people were taken as slaves and cannot trace their ancestry back anywhere to any other ethnicity. This is a flimsy post-hoc rationalization for why "Black" should be an ethnicity while white shouldn't, because people started to notice that the jargon used by black nationalists could easily be used by white nationalists also. It completely falls apart if you ask a bit further, but most people don't do that. The people preaching it dont even believe it themselves, becaus they count actual Africans like modern day Nigerians or Congolese also as "Black", even though they shouldn't be by their own definition. It's just insanity.


the atlanteans were proselenes, you are a retard. never post again


>say Black should be capitalized because the experiences of black people make them a distinct group
Except they'll capitalize it for people like Kamala Harris who is not an american descendant of slavery (ADOS), she just has dark skin.
> doesn't that also hold for white people if we're positing this super racialized system
What you need to understand about all these cognitive dissonances is very simple. They hate white people. White people are always wrong, they should be replaced, they should just crawl into a hole and die. Everyone else is a saint.
Do you see how the contradictions suddenly disappear?

Because they're all mostly neurotic retards that don't understand how the system works. Anything can be taken to court, there's so many videos where people are just yelling at cops and acting like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum. I have no idea why but black people are so fucking dramatic and emotional, they only know how to escalate a situation.

>For as long as anyone can remember, George Perry Floyd Jr. had wanted the world to know his name.
well, mission accomplished. George'd be happy.

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>his sister Zsa Zsa


>Floyd had always seemed to be trying to go somewhere, to find something different, to outrun his circumstances in order to reach a better place.
So drugs?

I did, truly a breathtaking experience

You have to understand that pretty much forever they did nothing in africa and then right at the very end of civilization they hopped on the bandwagon and what would you know, they're way behind.

Wow niggers almost speak German

they hate white people and they worship black people. we know it, they know we know it, we know they know we know it, but we still pretend there is some other logical explanation for what is happening

I can’t overstate just how racist I have become over this last year.

One of the most schizo posts I've ever seen

Post proof of heterosexuality


Except "white" is both communicated and interpreted much less as a racial distinction than it is an ideology at this point

Does anyone actually believe this horseshit?


Yes, you'd be amazed at how little people can know about a subject before going to rallies and protests.
In France we had a guy like Floyd, basically, he was a black thug that had gone to prison several times, his entire family was a bunch of thugs, pretty much all of them had spent time in prison. And they were known in their town.
The day of his arrest he ran away from the cops, they caught him and cuffed him, he asked for a bit of time to catch his breath, the cops allowed it. Then the retard ran away again when the cops let go of him to catch his breath.
He was finally arrested after breaking into an apartment to hide (lmao) and had a stroke because it was really hot outside, he had smoked a lot of weed and he had cardiac problems.
Well guess what, his thug family is still organising rallies to this day, they had counter medical expertises done because the official one concluded that the cops weren't at fault, they are basically milking the whole situation for money, claiming that oppression killed the guy, where in reality, the guy lived a life that was bound to end this way, as sad as it is.

And I personally know people who went to rallies without even knowing the details of the case. It's crazy, you'd think if you are motivated enough to spend a whole day on the street yod know why, well they don't

He had cardiac problems and he had sprinted for a while*

Underrated post

How does Horst Wessel fit into this ideology? Is he a pre-incarnation of Floyd? Or a precursor, like John the Baptist in Christianity?

>you'd think if you are motivated enough to spend a whole day on the street yod know why, well they don't
Someone told them racism was involved. You're automatically racist if you oppose a claim of racism. Simple as. Those people went to prove they aren't racist. Because the next day you can post pictures on social media of you at the rally and tell everyone how you went to the rally to oppose racism, and BOOM you now have proof you aren't a racist.

>"I dont want to rule the world; I dont want to run the world. I just want to touch the world."
lmao there's no fucking way that gorilla ever said that combination of words in his entire fentanyl soaked life

You don't oppose racism; you embrace it.

>his name is george floyd
>typo in the title already
yeah lads I'm thinking dropped

reading this made me feel sick

This just seems like a cash grab and disrespectful of him. Kinda funny it exists though.

Its a sad state of affairs isn't it? Normies will do ANYTHING if you tell them its racist if they don't.
The West really is fucked isn't it?

>"nigga im finna clown dis store wi diz fake scrilla dawg"
> Saint George Floyd (American Hero)