Does the book described on the left exist?

Does the book described on the left exist?
I want to read this NOW

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Le Rouge and Le Noir has a little bit of that.
Also Levin's story in Anna Karenina. Maybe.

Seems something like Rimbaud mixed with Faust?

If you want Paris that you have that fag novel by James Baldwin, or Henry Millers Tropic of Cancer

>bewitched by woman
>on a quest to learn shit

Jude the obscure seems kind close

Wait... you mean, an angel, but with only one wing? Splendid post modern story telling, definitively gonna give this one a try, unironically.

The one on the right is cringe but the one on the left is boring.

Book on the left sounds boring and self-indulgent as fuck. Who wants to read a novel about a guy going on an “intellectual journey?” Sounds like something Waldun would write.

Japanese stories are deep and moving philosophical works.

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>compare vapid consumer trash (western) to 200 year old art

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Anime site you pretensions dick wanker.

yeah, so we can't make fun of it because?

Anime is mostly trash anyways and holds little to no literary merit.
We don't care

cry more

Most anime was never supposed to have literary merit. There's artistic approach in OVAs and movies with bigger budget, but the example in OP belongs to the side that is just there to sell merchandise to lonely idiots. The book equivalent would be trashy romance novels.

Anime is objectively better than 100% of old eurotrash wordsalad you call art.

>critically acclaimed anime
>no-name boring novel
>nobody cares

>critically acclaimed
I think you need to realize the difference between something being hyped by otakus and weebs and actual quality work. Of course romance novels don't have the privilege of such audience, unless they are something like 50 shades of gray.

The Learned Disguise

>madoka is on the same level as 50 shades of gray artistically
2/10 bait

you didn't ecen try lol.
Low effort troll.

Stay mad faggot, I don't care

i thought this would be a joke pic, what a waste of time

Must be nice being a preteen, when the peak of literature is replacing random nouns with French words or using the longest word in your thesaurus without even checking if the word has the same connotation.

Madoka's great

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the left one sounds gay as fuck

So basically they are both YA novels. And there is nothing wrong with that.

I'll have the one on the right, thank you very much

I thought you were kidding, user, but your persistence is getting a little worrying. Does a Yea Forumsizen really enjoy a story about magical girls made entirely for selling toys?

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thought it was Nausea by Sartre but doesn't sound like it.
Now I thought of Sartre, my day is tuined thanks OP

>Does the book described on the left exist?
a man asleep by Perec
that's the book you're looking for

Rebellion is the greatest movie ever made!

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this is just embarrassing, I sincerely hope you're no older than 18 because if you are then this is depressing

Pretty sure the creators of Madoka were influenced by a lot more classic western literature than the amount the average anti-anime elitist has read.

this is one of the mf who made it.
Now go on and tell me about how much of genius he is and totally not a creepy old chinese man

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I would suck his cock ngl

I want


not bait: where do you go for Japanese "high culture"? All of the supposedly deep and profound stuff in their media that westerners generally consume seems to be like 17-19 year old tier in its complexity

>why is western culture capeshit?
>where can i go for "high culture"

yeah cause that's the demographic for japanese classics.
Even japanese authors in their adulthood read mostly western writers.

The sad truth about Japanese modern and contemporary literature is that it can only appeal to an edgy twenty year old or manchild at best.

Murakami (both of them)

Can you imagine anyone older than 25 reading them?

Why would you make such a broad, ridiculous statements? Yes, they are well-known authors, I imagine many many many older people have read them. I'm sure you could also find many statements from writers and critics from around the world praising them highly. In the case of Dazai and Mishima they were both severely pathological (obviously, given how their lives ended), so their "immature" angst was in fact without a doubt deeply in earnest and was in fact grappling with realities you cannot comprehend. Their works appeal to people in states of extreme psychological distress, which is disproportionately the case for adolescents but also for plenty of adults - and dealing with those sorts of themes is a hallmark of modern literature in every culture, nothing to do with the Japanese in particular.

You are also ignoring Abe, Tanizaki, Soseki, Endo, Kawabata, Oe, Sakaguchi, and the many many others I'm not aware of because I've never actually made a concerted effort to learn about Japanese literature; and yet here I am defending it because it triggers me so much when people make edgy blanket statements like this. Being arbitrarily opinionated is not a personality.

hehe, got you with my shitty low effort inflammatory post.

I know user, don't get agitated

Based Japan
>muh salons

weird cope imo

>Now go on and tell me about how much of genius he is and totally not a creepy old chinese man
He is a healing-type writer.

nah was totally intentional, legitbdidn't think anyone would buy into it because of how over the top it was lol

why do europeans viciously want everyone to be like them

just the urge to civilize, it's in our blood

Yeah don't pay it any mind, I'm just an obnoxious pedantic autistic sleep deprived procrastinating loser looking for some sense of self-worth by picking on random low-hanging-fruit posts that are either bait, or made by underage kids who don't know any better. Thanks for indulging me, it's cathartic.

Dazai and Mishima being treated as edgy memes is unironically sad though. When something comes from a really raw place I feel like I have to give it some sort of respect, it's more worthy than empty middlebrow intellectual posturing. Rock and Roll McDonalds is superior art compared to anything Fantano has ever praised, I will defend this opinion with my last breath.

Totally aside from that perspective on it though, I do think Dazai has some level of merit and if he was essentially writing his diary at least he naturally saw himself in a way that was interesting. Maybe that should be considered an outgrowth of his pathology and not an intentional artistic choice, but where could one really draw the line on that?

I'm reasonably sure this isn't Madoka. Isn't Walpurgisnacht a demon in that setting, not a date?

In films, Akira Kurosawa seems pretty obvious to start with.
In art Yoshida Hiroshi is a favorite of mine. Yoshitaka Amano is a more contemporary artist I like too.
For anime it's undoubtedly Miyazaki and maybe Oshii and Tomino.
I imagine their poetry has a lot to offer though I'm not familiar enough to recommend a name. I also know Japan also has a rich and extensive history of theatre.

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In my defense people post shit like that all the time. There is a thread up right now saying there are no good authors who wrote in Spanish. I'm willing to bet that almost any language of any significance has at least a few good writers, let alone the fucking 4th most common language in the world.

I only replied to your post because the tone was relatively reasonable and non-aggressive to the point I thought it wouldn't be a total waste to engage. But if you were only pretending to be retarded that's a relief, carry on. Better to be a shitposter than a fuming pseud effortposter such as myself.

yeah, it's alright lad, we can agree on most things, just killing some time don't mind me.
Have a good one

Watch Ozu. Do it. Now. Right now. All of his movies. No you don't get to skip any of them just because it's the same plot over and over again with minor variations. You WILL watch them all and you WILL feel cleansed and renewed by their perfection.

Also I'm gonna cry now because it's mother's day tomorrow and thinking about Ozu hits too close to home. No my mom's not dead, it's just nostalgia and the passing of time. Cherish your mothers anons, if you're lucky enough to have a good one.

Yeah don't worry about it, I'm just being a manic faggot.

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Ozu is definitely Japanese high art
Sesson Shu is a Great Painter

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Japanese aren't human.
French are human.
Fuck off.

The Japanese are more genuine and human than any frog could ever be with his pretentiously shitty high culture

anime/japanophilic website, faggot Chinaman.
tiananmen square

He cute.

Really nice paintings though, I love the variety of styles he's capable of for different subjects.

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Hey I've watched the film. I think the guy's maybe psychotic - without triggering events. It's not good to valorize that life

quads of truth, the French are always posturing.

>meets a woman
>goes on a personal quest
>said quest has nothing to do with the woman whatsoever
why don't writers typically have this sort of discipline?