One of the blurbs at the back of SPQR, from Daily Mail, says that if Romans had Mary Beard on their side back then...

One of the blurbs at the back of SPQR, from Daily Mail, says that if Romans had Mary Beard on their side back then, they would still have their empire. Agree, disagree?

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Twitter made her cry because she supported Doctors Without Borders fucking underage Haitian grils
No was she could have handled the Visogoths

Could you post the full blurb?
I have a feeling you're taking it out of context

Give me a few mins, i'll take a pic of the cover. Taking a shit right now

There you go playa

The question is does dame Mary Beard have the political savvy and military cunning that could have kept Roman Empire alive and striving

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Out of context? Are you unironically autistic? it's obviously a joke.

Surprised the Daily Mail was able to keep it so pithy, I'm used to their headlines that cover the screen as they try to include every SEO-friendly word possible.

>Finally, if a blog can be said to count as a diary, I should mention Mary Beard's delightful A Don's Life (Profile £8.99), a book-length selection of the Cambridge classics professor's blogs of that title
>It has the virtues of brevity, eclecticism and learning worn lightly. Jade Goody's dust-up with Shilpa Shetty inspires her to muse on Ancient Roman racists; she discovers why Italian academics won't shut up; and she brings a historical perspective to the mysterious case of a lipstick-stained statue. Beard is a very funny and penetrating commentator on academic life = and has a fantastic knack for controversy. If they'd had Mary Beard on their side back then, the Romans would still have their empire
Yeah that makes sense why I couldn't find it, I was searching for reviews of SPQR
Not autistic I read it as op did, that she has such penetrating insight about the Roman Empire that the Roman Empire would have surprised if she was able to apply them

Survived not surprised

Kek Tell me more about this nigga
>She wrote: “Of course one can’t condone the (alleged) behaviour of Oxfam staff in Haiti and elsewhere. But I do wonder how hard it must be to sustain “civilised” values in a disaster zone. And overall I still respect those who go in to help out, where most of us wd not tread.”

“You sound a tad colonialist”

Christ what fake and gay times we live in

She has the attitude of an ancient roman

> But I do wonder how hard it must be to sustain “civilised” values in a disaster zone. And overall I still respect those
What a bizarre thing to say. It’s like opening with “of course child rape is BAD but I still have to give it up for hard working people who entertain children”. Why would you put it like that you fucking weirdo?

isn't that the lady that openly admits she's can't read latin fluently and that classicists should not be expected to really know the language they work with because latin is just too damn hard? it's too bad that even with a time machine she wouldn't be able to deliver her life-saving insights to the romans because she never bothered to properly learn their language in the process of becoming an "expert." anglo classics departments are a joke institution

I mean few classicists were fluent in Latin. It’s not like you have interviews to do with Latin speakers. Looking up key words in texts is pretty normal.

Was she any better looking pre wall?
Or just your typical English Rose?

Reminder when some twitter retard btfoed her in a debate about ancient Rome so hard she stopped responding?

kek yeah

Any screenshots, articles on that?

Meh, she was passable if you were down a few beers

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didnt she have a twitter meltdown and cry for days for defending pedos

Pretty sure it was Nassim Nicholas Taleb

>pedo defender
>hates roman paganism for being antisemitic
This woman is a fucking trainwreck lmfao

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Both lost

Two retards who managed to get validation from other retards are fighting, what are you missing here

>>hates roman paganism for being antisemitic
Where did she say this?

Funny how he puts down academic writing but then uses how often he's cited by what he calls frauds as an indicator of his success

10/10 in Bongland

This started because she was defending the BBC showing a black Roman soldier with a white wife in one of their propaganda vids. She claimed that Roman Britain was very diverse and used an anecdote from the Historia Augusta to back her claim up - a work famous for inaccuracies, errors and outright fabrications.
Classics have been pillaged and ransacked by the usual suspects and her 'fame' is just another example of the depths to which it has been dragged.

Would have been more probable if he were Middle Eastern or North African

I always knew that NGO was shady. Philanthropy is evil

Twitter beefs aside, I dont understand where academic citations even matter in this day and age when academia is pretty much at fault for the mess we're in today. Year Zero can't come soon enough.

Is there a distinction in the citation system that shows positive citations and negative ones?

you overestimate the power of people sitting down and writing articles in an office

so funny to me that these people argue on twitter

Was the particular anecdote she cited inaccurate, erroneous or fabricated?

being fluent in latin was normal not even just for classicists, but for any learned person before 1750

It's pretty fucking sad if they aren't fluent in a language that is their bread and butter when there are nthusiasts that developed heir Latin speaking skills to very high levels of fluency

So she’s a Yea Forums user.

Submissive and breedable

She's run her mouth a lot on the "Wokeness (Being a Cultural Revolution) is a lot like early Christianity (which was also a Cultural Revolution)" topic, and her assessment is that Wokeness is awesome because it will lead to a neo-Byzantine Empire (I actually agree with her on this point, but I don't think that this is a good thing). As such, Wokeness is great and the comparison to Early Christianity is just a testament to Progress because we're Progressing and blah blah blah. Thus, Roman Paganism was racist and Anti-Semitic, and Christianity was a good thing because it got rid of those, and Wokeness is great because it's doing that but even more.

Taleb wants a job at a Ivy league school really, really fucking badly, and he's been trying to boostrap an academic career for a few decades now. It's not so much that it matters, because it doesn't, interdepartmental politics are what matters (which is why Nassim "the alt-right Arabic white nationalist ISIS madman" Taleb will never get that Ivy job), but rather that part of Taleb's "boostrapping an academic career" thing is that he has to present himself as a helpful radical by BTFOing other academics who aren't supporting Academia enough.

>incest jaw

If you want to know how far educational standards have fallen at British universities, just know that she had a phd in Classics with a specialty in Roman studies without knowing ANY LATIN.

Would go for a walk with her through a quaint countryside after school, sharing a fag she stole from her mum and listen to her speak about the last book she read. We would make a stop by the old farm fence, watching sheeps fraze over slopy pastures, leaning next to each other on the weathered rail in silence. Our elbows touch. Did she come closer? I look over and she immediately turns her head and our eyes meet. There's an unmistakeable glint in her fixed look. A palpable expectation. I feel anxiety in my throat and look away at the grazing sheep.

the daily mail is a tabloid you know

>claimed that Roman Britain was very diverse
> black Roman soldier
Why is this the line they will lie, cheat and steal to defend. It's the same obsession as with ads. In the US they must show black faces, even though about half the ads should be hispanic if representative. In Britain they must show black faces, even though by representation they should be indian or pakistani. They must show black men with white women, there's not even an attempt to show an equal amount of white men with black women.

In history they will bend the truth or break it to place one black everywhere in Europe and from that draw the conclusion "it's always been so". Even though they also look down upon the fact that most Euro nations were 99% white as little as 20-40 years ago.

It can't even be about "diversity" since it's always blacks. Even to the point they suppress actual diversity to post more blacks and talk about how great blacks are and how we should all embrace more blacks. What the fuck is their deal?

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Simple as

>will uh there are women CEOs so patriarchy doesn't exit anymore
>you activated my trapcard

Who knows? How could you tell since that book is the only source for it?
If a guy tells you all sorts of wild tales and you come to find half are false doesn't that cast suspicion on the other half? What reason do you have to put stock in anything he says?
Besides the guy was Berber and she insists that could mean black therefore does mean black, which itself is dumb

Nobody tell her Jews hated the Byzantine Empire
t. Jewish /his/fag

If they can convince children that "it was always like this" they think there won't be pogroms. Just more marxist utopist thinking. Pogroms don't happen or not because of how things were, they happen because the present is intolerable and when the mob goes out to round up the troublemakers, anyone who defends the troublemakers is rounded up with the troublemakers. Then the rest of the people related to the troublemakers feel very uncomfortable and voluntarily leave.

The most annoying thing you can do from this perspective is to tell children the truth about the past. There's nothing "they" hate more. They call it an "idealized past" and try to pathologize it, but telling the truth especially to children is incredibly powerful.

Sources for that please?

What’s the issue?

Not him, but just look at the revolts in 7th century Palestine. We call them byzzies but to the contemporary eastern Jews they were the same polity that destroyed Jerusalem. Not to mention emperors like Heraclius opting for mass conversions.

blacks are being set up to be the enforcer class of the globohomo agenda.


>academia is pretty much at fault for the mess we're in today.

I know what you mean but you're mistaken. Academia is the handmaiden of politics, not the other way around.

black is the universally oppressed, white the universally oppressor
I think that's the reason why they will always pick blacks though most of time they do it subconciously

i thought ancient romans didnt care about race except that they considered northerners savage

>from that draw the conclusion "it's always been so"

Not to be a smartass, but you could say historiography as a thing exists because people always wanted to create a narrative of the past about which they can say : "it has always been so". A narrative which confirms their biases and views of the world and which discredits the views of those they oppose. That's what writing history is about, in a realistic sense. No one who writes about the past, no one who records the past does so completely disinterestedly. It has always been so.