Books about psyops, propaganda and subversion?
Books about psyops, propaganda and subversion?
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You'll get a bunch of lunatics and schizos trying to pull you into their world, go back to your home while you still can. RUN!
My diary desu
Why is Yuri considered 'based'. He ran away from his ethnostate to fuck his interacial wife over in the states and paid to lecture students on 'freedom'
lmao. seriously. where do I even begin with this guy. I am no fan of the soviet union, but this guy is even worse.
You're scum. Fuck commies
That sounds based tho. Or are you underage and get mad when people don't conform to your expectations of integrity you push onto them?
Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad is basically this. A spy gets an order of creating a false flag operation to make people believe that anarchists are attacking scientific laboratories and observatories, things dealing with science in general.
Naked lunch, maybe some more by burroughs I haven't read yet
Are you enjoying the new world, kike ?
Everyone in Yea Forums is underaged but me
It's okay user, I was underage when I came to Yea Forums in 2007. You can tell me, I won't judge
why has bezmenov become so popular among american poltards?
Pynchon obviously. Illuminatus! trilogy too, probably (haven't read it)
Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman was a really fun read, enough that I bought Twilight Language too. It's not "academic" but fun to think about.
BASED Dark chocolate enjoyer.
>Pynchon obviously
Finally started GR after seeing it mentioned here so much. 75 pages in and it's just starting to get really weird. Pirate goes down toilet to avoid being raped by Malcom X.
not all of us but he did he have some legit theories.
This book is literally about the Soviet Union doing a subversion operation to meddle with UK politics and help the Labor Party win elections
Call of Duty, I'm not even kidding.
She looks really uncomfortable
Similar vibes
This is a good one OP
The three most successful and consequential false-flag terrorist operations of the last half-century, thankfully, have quality English-language material to read about from.
The Cinema Rex Arson, which brought Ayatollah Khomeini to power and Iran to ruin, is detailed excellently in Chapter 19 of The Fall of Heaven by Andrew Scott Cooper. At the time, it was the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the world, and there's a lot of people, not just Khomeini'ists, who to this day falsely blame this brazen act of mass murder on the Shah rather than the Khomeini. Including the greatly overpraised Marjane Satrapi.
Chapter 13 of Judi Rever's In Praise of Blood details the Assassination of President Juvénal Habyarimana, which ultimately kicked off the worst wars and genocides since the fall of the Soviet Union. It was a false-flag terror op by the RPF, and much like the Khomeini'ist Arson, the perpitrators have yet to face Earthly justice for their crimes.
The most recent of these false-flag attacks, and perhaps the most consequential given the nation's importance, was the September '99 Bombings in Russia. This campaign was the handiwork of Boris Yeltsin and Vladimir Putin, and is detailed excellently in David Satter's The Less You Know, The Better You Sleep:
This article's a good starting point:
All these books are easily available physically and digitally.
Kill yourself, you commie cocksucker. Prefferably make it a murder-suicide and take a few of your commie friends with you first.
he exposed KGB psyops, that's it. you're retarded.
The rape of the mind by joost meerloo
>americans pay random ussr political refugee to say propaganda bullshit
>useful idiots complain about communism subverting everything and making the gays while it's just the next logical step of capitalism
Just read the MKUltra Protocols.
Publicly available hosted by mutt taxpayer money.
Not to mention that the US had been working itself to the bone to subvert Russia since even before WW2
>it's just the next logical step of capitalism
Check out the books by victor ostrovsky. He was a russian israeli mossad glow nig back in the day and wrote two books. Theyre pretty interesting
He talks about subversion and psyops and details the steps usually present in the subversion process. Also, subversion is not exclusive to one ideological movement, political party or nation so it can happen, it has happened and it will continue happening on all sides of the polítical and ideological spectrum
>soviet union
even russia alone wouldn't have been close to that
You could make an argument that the union was supposed to be a pluralistic federation of ethnostates all under a super national organization. Whether or not that happened is another matter entirely.
Killing hope, masters of deceit, Legacy of Ashes all spring to mind as both books about psyops and psyops in and of themselves
>Dumb post
checks out.
>while it's just the next logical step of capitalism
Subversion is not tied to a specific political idea you fucking retard, it can be communist, capitalist, neocon, globohomo subversion, etc... You're probably just a seething pathetic 80 iq commie fuck who still lives in the 1950's communism vs capitalism false dichotomy
there's anons that shill him constantly so they can get the youtube click money
>bezmenov is now a mccarthyite hero of liberal wine moms and blue hairs
What a bizarre timeline
it's garbage
Choosing your political ideology based on what women you find attractive is a better reason than most.
William Cooper’s “Behold A Pale Horse.” He was killed by the US federal government/if you want to get more out there, he was killed by the international New World Order which has taken control of and works beyond the constitutional and legal limits which the authentic US federal government should abide by (that he was deliberately killed is clear if you have a thinking brain and aren’t an NPC, but arguments are always brought up by skeptical dickheads about the circumstances and how it was just an entirely ordinary shoot-out with policemen that happened due to his tax evasion because you know... nothing deeper to see here when a prominent conspiracy theorist gets killed in a shootout with policemen).
The deeper truth behind the “communism vs capitalism” dichotomy (which is more like a controlled dialectic, what some not-strictly-academic-but-they-have-their-hearts-in-the-right-place conspiracy theorists would refer to as a Hegelian dialectic, even though it’s dubitable they’re Hegel scholars, coming from the popularized conception of Hegel’s theme of thesis vs antithesis leading to a synthesis) is that of a globalist elite of international bankers, like the Rockefeller-and-Rothschild types, who have been working behind the shadows of the 20th-century, bankrolling revolutions and wars for their own ends to push us towards some new form of world government, of which the League of Nations made after World War One and the United Nations after World War Two were attempted precursors, and maybe even having existed in some form for the past few centuries with shadowy ties to pulling the strings of the French and American Revolutions, the creation of the Federal Reserve, and the by-now cliched groups we all make fun of the conspiracy theories about (is this itself natural — the skeptical scoffing and making fun of and turning them into memetic depictions of “what those schizophrenic conspiracy theorists believe in” by the news and on social media and by academics? or has this engrained skepticism when these topics are brought up, itself been engineered by shadowy social engineers?) like Masonic lodges, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Skull & Bones and the like.
None of this is a “dog-whistle” by the way (another masterpiece of social engineering...), I’m legitimately referring to a cabal of globalist international bankers whom I conceive of as existing, like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, SOME being Jewish and SOME being White, as per Cooper’s conception of the New World Order.
Has anyone read pic related?
The history of MK-Ultra is itself also well worth reading about, as well as Project Mockingbird (CIA research into compromising journalists and thereby using the news as their mouthpiece for what they want the public to believe in). Edward Bernays’s “Propaganda.” Ostrowsky’s “By Way of Deception” indeed gets into the Mossad and its ties to assassinations, drug running, international espionage and the like. The ADL exists partially to cover stuff like this up. You’d be surprised how much info about all this is public or has attempted to become public through brave whistleblowers who sadly enough are disregarded.
After a certain point of redpilling you become as if a schizophrenic according to the masses — you legitimately become the archetypal conspiracy theorist made fun of by the news, academia, on social media, by society and family — the black sheep, the outsider, the outcast. In fiction these same themes are to be found developed and forecasted by wise analysts of modernity like Orwell in his 1984 (with the “War is Peace/Freedom is Slavery/Ignorance is Strength” and “2 plus 2 is 5 if we say so” being powerfully simple depictions of brainwashing, propaganda, and psy-ops techniques used even today in the news and education system), as well as Robert Anton Wilson in works like the Illuminatus! trilogy and Cosmic Trigger I (a sophisticated trans-conspiratorial worldview which doesn’t give the reader “the supreme expose of the secret world government” but rather deconstructs and satirizes the idea, as well as bombards you with so many possible conspiracy theories and worldviews about it that you question reality and politics more than you did before — the mindfuck coming when you realize he actually is inserting genuine history and journalism into his works, accounts of CIA corruption and government conspiracies and the like, and from trying to distinguish this from the fantastical or satirical parts — Wilson’s works are like anti-psy-ops or meta-psy-ops meant to decondition you either from blind adherence to government-promoted official worldview or conspiracy-theorist-promoted-ones — he won’t give you a definitive view on who killed JFK, but he’ll give you so much unconventional information and conspiracy theories surrounding it put into satirical fictionalized form that you’re now more open-minded about it).
You can read the entire news and modern apocalyptic society as an account of psy-ops. When they say, “Crazy conspiracy theorists claim the government is trying to kill us with vaccines,” I wouldn’t be surprised anymore if it were a straight-up 1984-style inversion of truth and we’ll see a massive amount of strokes, blood clots, heart attacks and the like in the next few years. “QAnon theorists claim a Satanic pedophile New World Order elite is trying to form a one world totalitarian government and microchip us all (etc).” —-> meanwhile we’re actually being softened up for a transhumanistic dystopic future promulgated by groups like the WEF and concepts like the Great Reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution, the world’s elites have ties to Mossad/CIA sex traffickers like Epstein and Maxwell, etc. (Fascinating psy-op possibility, itself floated around on modern alternative and conspiracy news sites: QAnon itself was a massive intelligence-agency psy-op meant to entrap and humiliate enemies of the state, a la the Bolsheviks’ Operation Trust — see also the 1/6 entrapment and possible FBI involvement in it).
It’s becoming even more skeptical than poor Noam Chomsky is — who’s brought into the “liberalism” psy-op, and vaccine psy-op, apparently.
Other fascinating books about possible massive instances of psy-ops/propaganda that may have been run or still are being run, include KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn’s “New Lies for Old” (1990) and “The Perestroika Deception” (1998), also recommended by William Cooper, who seemed to have accepted the hypothesis as referring to the NWO that infiltrated and funded the Bolshevik Revolution just as completely as it secretively infiltrated American and European finance and politics. The hypothesis being that the USSR (or Marxist ideology/cabal behind the USSR) didn’t truly “break up” after the fall of the Berlin Wall, but simply appeared to do so so that it could continue its subversive activities even more secretively and effectively!
However, a RAW-inspired, even more postmodern skeptical worldview, would be that even these books and “whistleblowers” could themselves be massive instances of psy-ops and propaganda meant to promulgate certain outlooks certain social engineers want you to have, lies made up for money and fame, intelligence agency deception done for a specific reason or inspired by disinformation deliberately put out by the same, or hypothetical/speculative and without sufficient proof behind it, or even some mixture of all of the above. This is the “mindfuck” worldview you can give yourself and which RAW loved so much. When you get deep into this stuff, it’s not like you’ll have some final “Ultimate Answer” about the “Real Truth Apart from What the Government and Intelligence Agencies Want Us to Believe”, but you’ll have more skepticism about official worldviews and more openmindedness towards “kooky” ones.
>You can read the entire news and modern apocalyptic society as an account of psy-ops. When they say, “Crazy conspiracy theorists claim the government is trying to kill us with vaccines,” I wouldn’t be surprised anymore if it were a straight-up 1984-style inversion of truth and we’ll see a massive amount of strokes, blood clots, heart attacks and the like in the next few years.
By the way, this is the same idea referred to by Hoffman as “the Revelation of the Method,” a term for a propaganda technique he deduced is being used and has been used for decades. This is a mindfuckingly powerful, effective, and simple one — the simplest things working the best, precisely because they’re so simple that no one would think they could possibly ever work so well — also analogous to the “Big Lie” technique, which ironically was also used by the Nazis but which they attributed to the Jews — “telling a lie so big that no one would believe that someone could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously,” as Hitler put it in Mein Kampf.
For Hoffman, the Revelation of the Method is basically this:
>the elite is going to furtively tell you what they’re going to do through depictions of it in the news, in books and speeches, even things like imagery and storylines from the entertainment industry & Hollywood, and how they’re going to do it (“the revelation of the method”)
>they’re going to officially and publicly deny they’re doing it
>they’re going to actually do it anyway
For Hoffman — who, as you put it, is not the strict “academic” but a unique thinker and fascinating to read — this fulfills multiple functions on multiple levels. It discredits the truth, making this a valid response to people who try to tell the truth:
>Isn’t what you’re saying just like that science-fiction scenario depicted in that movie? That sounds like whatever source or ‘whistleblower’ you got it from simply took it from this exact movie or TV series
>This is alt-right misinformation which CNN debunked & informed us alt-right conspiracy theorists believe now due to online misinformation, possibly Russian in origin.
Hoffman, further, as a religiously-minded writer who sees much of the occult in all this, then also attributed an occult and psychological significance to it — by revealing the method in this way, they also help prepare the masses for it and normalize it as an acceptable reality in their minds. E.g. depictions of transhumanism and certain utopic/dystopic possibilities in movies, sci-fi, as well as pop-sci and futurist speculations by figures like Yuval Noah Harari (who’s closely affiliated with the WEF) actually help psychologically prepare us for what would otherwise be too outlandish and shocking if rapidly introduced — the phenomenon of “future shock,” where people can legitimately be profoundly shocked by the introduction of new scientific and technological revolutions.
>Hoffman, further, as a religiously-minded writer who sees much of the occult in all this, then also attributed an occult and psychological significance to it — by revealing the method in this way, they also help prepare the masses for it and normalize it as an acceptable reality in their minds.
Further, in Hoffman’s analysis, absorbing all this information and programming further has an effect of being psychological and spiritual warfare on us — we’re genuinely degraded by degrading portrayals of reality — like a psychic and spiritual infection or mind-virus (William Burroughs conceiving of language itself as a virus, interestingly enough —something which can form linguistic constructions and manufactured ways of viewing reality which can be passed on like viruses — hence why “Newspeak” is also a principle Orwell astutely noted totalitarianism and propaganda relies on). Therefore, occult imagery, repetition of certain slogans and normalization of neologisms, transhumanist-inspired futuristic sci-fi dystopic portrayals of humanity, trauma of the viewer with a degraded focus on sex, violence, the cruder impulses of humanity, and so forth — all this also has the added effect of genuinely degrading the viewer, making them as if participants in their own spiritual and psychological enslavement by absorbing the very media they choose to absorb. Degraded and degrading depictions of the world are the perfect choices of consumption to give a degraded society which you want to keep degraded and to degrade even further. Like a Satanic Borges — propaganda extending even into Hollywood, using movies to depict the future the elites want to create, which idea has also been conceptualized as “predictive programming.”
Literally that retard is an american psyop so that all natural features of life under long term capitalism you don't like will not be associated with it. It's not the fundamental nature and built in consequences of the regime that rules you that makes you feel bad, it's sabateurs and corrupting, exogenous influences messing up what would be a great thing on its own terms and by its own nature.
If you are comfortable all discontent from anyone who has it worse than you isn't real, isn't indicative of your society being bad, it's just magic russian hypnosis tricking people into thinking they have it bad. If you're not comfortable, it's not because you have fundamentally conflicting class interests with those making the decisions, and that there's a falling rate of profit in a market that has run out of room to expand meaning your conditions of life will be lowered to preserve profit. It's actually that they're all secret marxist infiltrators who have no reason to do any of this built into the capitalism you think you support.
Care to elaborate? It's better than any other book in the thread.
Rather than Bezmenov, I thought this was a good look at the actual KGB during the Cold War -- and written by a CIA-connected journalist, but I think it's reasonably objective despite that fact because it was intended for a fairly elite audience (government, media, intellectuals, etc.) as a way of teaching them how the KGB would try to recruit them as assets -- which more often than not meant using them as sources of information without them knowing who they were talking to; or in the case of media, planting stories in the media to make the U.S. look bad.
The funny thing is that I think this also explains how U.S. intelligence agencies like to operate.
I don't think the stuff Bezmenov was saying about the KGB was intended for actual decision makers or opinion shapers. And the fact was, he was peddling disinformation of a different kind that had the patina of truth because he was a former Russian spook.
Can't blame a brotha fo havin' some jungle fever frfr no cap.
>In fiction these same themes are to be found developed and forecasted by wise analysts of modernity like Orwell
There's some insight in Orwell but I think that reflected an extreme paranoia and pessimism at that stage of his life and it's worth considering the extent to which his book also ended up being used as a psyop to stoke paranoia and fear in the population.
>When they say, “Crazy conspiracy theorists claim the government is trying to kill us with vaccines,” I wouldn’t be surprised anymore if it were a straight-up 1984-style inversion of truth and we’ll see a massive amount of strokes, blood clots, heart attacks and the like
If that doesn't happen, though, you'll need to figure out what went wrong with your analysis.
>Fascinating psy-op possibility ... QAnon itself was a massive intelligence-agency psy-op meant to entrap and humiliate enemies of the state
Now that *wouldn't* surprise me. There's also the concept of the "limited hangout," which is to selectively reveal true information but mix it with junk to throw investigators off the trail. Journalists who may want to investigate true stuff in that can then be dismissed as cranks or conspiracy theorists.
>The hypothesis being that the USSR (or Marxist ideology/cabal behind the USSR) didn’t truly “break up” after the fall of the Berlin Wall, but simply appeared to do so so that it could continue its subversive activities even more secretively and effectively!
My theory is more like... the USSR breaking up became part of a TINA ("there is no alternative") myth constructed in the post-Cold War era, presented as a victory in a war which the West "won" rather than the USSR's death being self-inflicted. China is also, in fact, a Marxist-Leninist regime, and Western elites involved in the decision-making knew this all along and had no serious expectation it would reform. I think they thought, that'd be nice if it did, and it'd be nice if it eased up a bit interally, but I think a lot of them can have a pretty hardass attitude that it exists and it's better to deal with it as it is, since you're gonna have to deal with it either way. But that's not the narrative that was sold to the public since that would be them basically admitting that they wilfully transferred a ton of technology and productive materials to a communist country.
I just don't think elites are omnipotent. That's where conspiracists seem to go wrong which creates a doombrained paralysis in their imagination.
>bezmenov is now a mccarthyite hero of liberal wine moms and blue hairs
>What a bizarre timeline
Well that's one irony of this, because they're the "moderates" and "rational" believers in "science" but they think everything that is going wrong in America including the Supreme Court leak is due to Russian subversion. But I think these problems are principally internal with external factors (and we can debate what those are) having a secondary effect.
Also another thing I mean about doombrained pessimism inculcated by a lot of conspiracy literature (which isn't to dismiss the existence of conspiracies), is that it's not *that* different from mainstream Hollywood entertainment (and also probably reflected in how those aforementioned liberal wine moms see the world).
Which is worth pondering considering the same people who write those conspiracy tomes will tell you about Hollywood propaganda depicting a dystopian future these elites want to create.
Nice argument.
I wonder who could be behind this post
>My theory is more like... the USSR breaking up became part of a TINA ("there is no alternative") myth constructed in the post-Cold War era, presented as a victory in a war which the West "won" rather than the USSR's death being self-inflicted.
Also a valid enough analysis. Again, this is where RAW (an underrated figure since he can be regarded as “kitsch” “lowbrow” “non-academic” for his interests and eclecticism) comes in handy — the glorious extension of paranoia to being so paranoid you don’t even trust handy paranoid models of reality. For instance, the Bezmenov/Golitsyn hypothesis that the KGB or some Marxist cabal behind the USSR is still in operation attempting to subvert the West could be a CIA narrative — throw journalists and researchers off track, make them think it’s Marxism that’s their enemy.
>Which is worth pondering considering the same people who write those conspiracy tomes will tell you about Hollywood propaganda depicting a dystopian future these elites want to create.
I understand the immediate skepticism but I view it as being just as naive to instantly disregard the hypothesis and say it’s just gratuitous paranoia to assume that the CIA could EVER have any ties to Hollywood. Set aside movies for the moment — the very idea of “predictive programming” doesn’t have to be limited to fiction, as I pointed out. In fact, in a much more simple and obvious form it appears in nonfiction and the field of futurism. Which is more likely — the instantaneous rolling-out of new developments like cybernetic implants, genetic engineering of the human being, and the like, or would it first be that these are suggested to the populace (or some of the academic elite of the populace interested in it anyway) through speculative scenarios — as a seemingly fringe hypothesis but one which, due to modern technological advancements, is becoming rapidly possible and which we should consider as a possible future of humanity we already need to prepare for the ethical dilemmas it might bring up — like the Yuval Noah Harari of the World Economic Forum gives in books like “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”?
>If that doesn't happen, though, you'll need to figure out what went wrong with your analysis.
A much simpler analysis, to be fair then, is that this won’t necessarily happen to such a great extent but all the propaganda about “the crazy anti-vaxxers” fulfills the function of silencing dissent and handwaving all criticisms of Big Pharma and the new medical totalitarianism with cliched phrases like “anti-vaxxers.” Hence, why even pieces in the news can be found now about the philosopher Giorgio Agamben. Since he’s a well-respected philosopher, they have to take his repute and massive intellect into account and run hit-pieces about how: “Wow, even great academics like Agamben can fall into the trap of distrusting Big Pharma and the official narrative...”
>There's some insight in Orwell but I think that reflected an extreme paranoia and pessimism at that stage of his life and it's worth considering the extent to which his book also ended up being used as a psyop to stoke paranoia and fear in the population.
The insight encapsulated in having the mottos, “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength” is still a perfect one and astute representation of propaganda — it’s a classic for a reason — how it can be so simple yet effective precisely because it is so simple (as in the “Big Lie” technique). By telling the populace such bare-faced lies and normalizing them, dissent becomes impossible because it is preemptively debunked — a phenomenon we see today in the West, in the USSR, North Korea, the CCP, Nazi Germany, Israel, other totalitarian regimes historically and today. If someone in 1984 were to say the obvious truths, “War is war and peace is peace — war is not peace and peace is not war, — and freedom is freedom and slavery is slavery — freedom is not slavery and slavery is not freedom, — and ignorance, finally, is ignorance and strength is strength — ignorance is not strength and strength is not ignorance,” they would instantly be seen as either schizophrenics for stating an obvious truth (due to the schizophrenia and inverted view of nature instilled in the populace which makes obvious truths now seem detached from reality), or, worse yet, a criminal enemy of the state, “a potential domestic terror threat radicalized by alt-right misinformation” or what-have-you.
Hence, they can never say something tautological and obvious like, “Yes, Agamben’s conception of the tyrant as suspending law during an announced state of emergency or crisis to instil a ‘state of exception’, IS a feature of tyranny consistent from Germany’s actions in the Third Reich, Bush and the US government after 9/11 with the Patriot Act, and the modern US government and other Western and European governments in response to COVID-19,” no, they can’t give him that, their brains would implode typing out these truths, they would sneer in disgust as if it were beneath them — they’re not even on CIA payrolls but they’re so well-conditioned they’d gladly put out this propaganda for free, it feels like their moral duty. Propaganda isn’t “something far-removed from us that we study in academic tracts and in history and in accounts of the KGB’s actions in the USSR and life under the Third Reich,” it’s something we constantly breathe in and need to be deprogrammed from.
>By telling the populace such bare-faced lies and normalizing them, dissent becomes impossible because it is preemptively debunked — a phenomenon we see today in the West, in the USSR, North Korea, the CCP, Nazi Germany, Israel, other totalitarian regimes historically and today.
Bezmenov by the way called this stage “normalization” — literally, the making normal of. The most frightening stage, because the populace has been so well-conditioned that they view potentially the worst and the most totalitarian aspects of their society as normal, just normal facts of life. An instructive thought-experiment is considering that you already live in a subverted society which has reached the ultimate stage of “normalization.” As points out the stages and descriptions Bezmenov gives are so apt they could be tied to any entity trying to subvert and take over a society, not just the KGB or some hypothetical crypto/super-KGB existing even after the USSR collapsed. In American military literature, you have Lt. Col. Michael Aquino’s paper “From PSYOP to MindWar,” as well as his book “MindWar,” an extension of the principles and knowledge required to run psy-ops, societally- or even globally-wide. The ultimate war is that of capturing the minds of the subjected populace, instilling fatalism towards their enemy/oppressor towards them, making them think that the scenario the US government wants for them is the same scenario they want and came up with of their own volition. Aquino notes with some pride that although the concepts he came up with apparently didn’t have a massive sway in military circles when he first conceptualized and disseminated them, he saw them applied decades later in the Gulf and Iraq Wars.
Baudrillard on hyperreality is also surprisingly applicable here.
what should the average user who opens this thread and reads this do at this point?
in terms of fiction, tree of smoke and harlot's ghost are pretty fucking kino