Attempting deeper or more mature kid's stories is stupid

Attempting deeper or more mature kid's stories is stupid.

Everyone seems to just never ever understand that kids are ridiculously superficial and only care about surface level entertainment. You know, because they are kids. That's not talking down and claiming kids are stupid and will consume anything, but they are attracted to the cool factor of cheap entertainment and love tie-ins. No child is going to give a fuck about classical entertainment or pursuing intellectual stimulating anything. Because it's boring.

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>Attempting deeper or more mature kid's stories is stupid.
No, it is not. Responsible parents at least bother checking out what their kids are consuming.

Maybe for your kids, I wouldn’t expect much of anything coming from your sperm.

I hope your parents beat you as a child


...The fucks your point?

As a kid I grew up on the Spawn movie, BTAS, Ninja Turtles Movies, STAS, X-Men, Gundam, Transformers... so many things. I enjoyed it all and really took a liking to art.

I got scholarships to one of the best art collages that is always in the ~5 art collages in the USA. By mid teens I was already running a art-program in my local youth center. By late teens I was already on a professional level. I was often the only one in afterschool programs and I actually know the level of my IQ from tests.

All of those things I enjoyed have their purpose. None of that is on any level of technicality to great artists in classical history, but they have their own merits and energy and you can say they contributed to anything I did. And your disregarding real artists putting in work and skill making figures.

You seem to mistake self awareness for anything else. You also think that cramming "High quality intellectual" media is going to make people smarter or achievers.

You also seem to think kids are going to want to analyze a classical painting and enjoy it. And you're also mistaking the fact that children's media is all done brainlessly with zero thought and dont have their own merits and can be enjoyable. And you also don't even factor the general mental state or intillegence of the average person and what they can enjoy.

Maybe try rethinking things. Here's a Street Shark.

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yeah well I liked Phantom Tollbooth when I was a kid and now you're a colossal faggot

illiterate non-reader writes a blogpost on a literature forum he doesn’t use because he’s afraid of phantom intellectuals looking down on his shit art. no one cares.

kids are easily influenced from a young age, you probably do not do enough self-reflection to realize how your personality was shaped by the type of influences you were subjected to. i hope you never have kids

Blatantly false. I could understand that Miyazaki's films were deeper than other kids movies as a child and was way more emotionally engaged by them than other kids movies, even if I didn't know why. Same with LOTR and kids fantasy novels. Kids can appreciate high art if its aimed at kids.


You're just flat-out wrong

why are you seething so much?

is this pasta?

Just say you have never once been around a kid before, because it's completely fucking obvious at this point.

>blah blah blah blogpost
>Street Sharks
Love those niggas, also had a bunch of Maui & Sons stuff as a kid.

Who's seething?

I don't have kids or anything, but I have a very good memory and know that I could appreciate higher art if it was aimed at children.

There‘s different stories for different situations. Sometimes your kid just wants a good story, no deeper meaning. Sometimes they do want to reflect and go deeper. It all depends on the kids and the moment. My 4yo sometimes love looking at simple picture books where every day situations are retold. Other times he loves fairy tales and talking about why someone did this or that or what he would do in that situation. It‘s true though that many books just try too hard and it‘s cringe. This applies for both types though, there‘s also an insane amount of children‘s books that are desperately trying to be fast paced enough to keep up with youtube. Both those and those who try hard to be so deep are trash.


> You will never know the feeling of discovering a profound message in your childhood entertainment
Sucks to suck, I guess.

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All stories have messages.

I always thought I was smart for being able to read Jack London novels as a fourth grader. Was that actually impressive, or just average against a backdrop of mediocrity?

what about when they grow up and rediscover the stories they loved but with a different new perspective?
Does it hurt you so much if they do so?

did you walk Bob Dylan up on stage? Did you know the Grateful Dead from 1966? You're nothing.

You're wrong. It's this particular book that's just shit

Honestly I never saw what was so incredibly wrong about a toy based show. Kids like it, kids like the merch, it makes memories for them, what's the issue?

I am definitely getting a near Moviebob styled
>I would have a mansion on Mars right now if not for all the stupid anti intellectuals!
vibe from you guys constantly parroting this intellectual pursuits nonsense.

Everyone seems to just never ever understand that kids are ridiculously superficial and only care about surface level entertainment. You know, because they are kids. That's not talking down and claiming kids are stupid and will consume anything, but they are attracted to the cool factor of cheap entertainment and love tie-ins. No child is going to give a fuck about classical entertainment or pursuing intellectual stimulating anything. Because it's boring.

I suppose never having been around any kids at all gives someone the impression they can remove toys and make the population smart.

Shakespeare wrote political intrigue entertainment to get paid and get laid
Mozart wrote sex scandal stories to get paid, live the high life and party a rock star
Mark Twain wrote low class entertainment and kids books for the paycheck after quitting his job
Steven Foster write ad jingles and theme songs for sporting events
Jules Verne wrote cheap ($.10) entertainment that could be picked up at a grocery store

and all of it was used to sell movies, albums, tv series, and built further upon for even more corporate branded profits. Yet those are
>"Soulful culture!"

>teaching kids to speak is stupid since they don't actually understand the language and only mimic.
You sort of make a point in a roundabout self referential meta fashion.

i think you are the superficial one friend.

Nope. It's just the truth.

you can make entertainment that is exciting to kids while also emotionally and aesthetically deep, and kids will remember those things far more.

>Phantom Tollbooth
peak comfy children's lit

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Yes, but how does that have anything to do with what he said?

>best art collages in USA
yeah i can see that

They’re kids. Let them read for fun.

Kids read to have fun you colossal autist. Not so that retarded adults can shove their mature issues down their throats.

I love how this post serves a microcosm of post-modernity. A small piece of nihilism in a nutshell:
>It just makes sense! Their brains aren't developed! Their taste isn't refined by outside sources! They're just tiny biological machines that have no idea what it is they consume, so you can get away with anything devoid and empty so long it's aesthetically attractive to them!
The irony of displaying very humane traits while denying humanity will never not be hilarious. You're missing the forest for the trees when everyone else can see the very thick woodland. Perhaps you're projecting your own inadequacies unto others and assuming that's the normal.
Realize you know nothing. Look back at the moment when your child brain was introduced to Le Petit Prince, and a spark of wonder was born right then and there. You could not tell what it was, you could not consciously understand it, but you were damned certain it was right there.

They don't have to necessarily "get it" right then and there. But talking to a child as if they are a child all the time will surely lower the mental bar, so to speak. Just talk to them like an adult, let them ask you questions and figure things out for what they don't understand. Push them just a little, let them think. It's no small wonder kids are just hooked into dopamine devices and can't figure out shit on their own anymore.

Holy cringe.

>All that text
It's okay to just admit you're wrong.

Go on then

>a art-program

>Knows his IQ but doesn't post it

midwit alert

Kill yourself.

The thing about "Good" writing of the past is that it was tied to national/religious/philosophical destiny which made it an important part of one's cultural mythos. Beowulf is written like shit and all the Norse Myths are probably as trashy as any DC comic but they have a role in shaping the identities and thoughts of the people that they were told to.

The same cannot be said for Marvel Movies, Game of Thrones or Star Wars, or anything at all written today. Memorizing Lord of the Rings doesn't let you do your job or live your life better. People need to work service jobs and live in a thriving industry. Consuming more "Well written" geek media that takes itself too seriously does not shape them in a way that benefits society, and can even have some dangerous consequences if taken too seriously. People like Mark Twain and Kurt Vonnegut were well aware of this, so they chose satire to mock their readers and their relationship to literature.

Establishing this, the only role left for "writing" is to make people happy. Which doesn't require as much depth or put pressure on stories to be as complex or engaging, because that complexity itself serves no purpose/can be destructive.

Why would you want this?

The point of making deeper histories for kids is to pass good values to them, retard. It's not like children are deep or even that kids will find any deeper meaning on it. It's just that they will absorb good values by osmosis

why would you deny children who do want to take an interest in more intellectual topics the possibility to do so though

if you only give children access to superficial stories then they can only be superficial

You aren't giving them enough credit, some of them are able to deeply understand a situation, and feel the emotion behind it more intensely than adults can. They aren't desensitized to the world, their experiences are brand new and more intensely felt. Bearing this in mind, most behaviors are also learned - not innate. Most ideas your child will learn are directly acquired from you, moron.

Also, keep in mind every child one day becomes an independent adult. If you treat children this way, no one will be sorry for your ass when you're alone and decrepit in a nursing home

>kids are ridiculously superficial and only care about surface level entertainment
This sounds more like a parent problem than a kid problem

Just say that you've never been around kids before.

When you're a kid, you dont wonder how things work... you just blissfully watch the flashy colorful pictures before your eyes and self insert like crazy.

kys and also stop posting

How does having a better plot in a murder mystery, horror piece or anything make them better at their jobs or living their lives? You could argue it teaches them detective skills but at that point why even write stories and literature and why not just give detective manuals or something?
>Don Quixote, Infinite Jest, the comic book guy
Those aren't without purpose. They're critiquing society.

This had meaning for us at one point, but here's the problem with the INTERNET in modern life- everyone has a critique. Everyone blogs, comments tweets or posts as user nowadays and has their own speshul opinions. Satire is a dying art and that kind of critique doesn't matter as much nowadays because there's such a sewer of opinions and common place ideas, alongside people so entrenched in their views, that no work like that can penetrate the infosphere or influence anyone anymore.
>Y-you're just in a bubble!
The problem is we're all kinda in bubbles and microcosms now. Good writing isn't universal, what one might enjoy for a webcomic or Sci-fi Serial might be different than another genre and its audience. And the audience for "Works that make people confront reality in some bleak non-escapist" is exceedingly small as to seem pretentious.

>Attempting deeper or more mature kid's stories is stupid.
Explain the bible then.
Checkmate idiot.

>No argument

There is more of a sense of purpose in past works.
Great poems and literature were seen as similar to how some view the bible or holy books- they speak about "Their people" and their way of life, who they are, their identity and roots. To make art that was allowed to spread it had to meet these criteria.

But art (Mass media) today doesn't do that. It kind of numbs us and distracts us, because the media itself IS it's own micro-cosmic bubble and identity rather than the identity of a great collective. In a postmodern world, this means nothing to most. Like you could define your purpose as a Starwars fan and write deep literature or fanfic about it, but it would be completely meaningless to your neighbor or grocer, parents, even your roommate. That wasn't the case with national epics or ancient literature. At best, you can connect with a few random people elsewhere in the world you'll never meet.

The purpose found in commonality is prettymuch gone.