Good books for understanding Adolf Hilter?
Good books for understanding Adolf Hilter?
Other urls found in this thread:
Adolf Hitler: Heil und Unheil, by Helmut Stellrecht
On the Origin of Species
nazi means nazirite, aryans are the jews
he wrote an obscure book called "my struggle" that explains why he did what he did.
Anything about Thule society
Probably the best book explaining Hitlers ideals and domestic politics. if you want more of a political biography read the Thomas Dolton translation of My Struggle and for a history binge anything by James A Gregor and David Irving.
Found a great Blog on Third position history and ideology along with some Communist takes and topics. The Blogger also translated Rudolph Jungs book which is basically the “Das Kapital” of National Socialism, so that’s a must read. There are interesting historical arguments in National Socialism, some thought-provoking analyses of capitalist economics and property relations (a good chunk of the book is focused on outlining the bases of NS economic theory)
Winifred Wagner's documents.
>Significantly, he once told her: "I can always rescue individuals from the excesses of some of my more zealous officials. But you must give the letters to Dr [Karl] Brandt [his personal physician] to hand to me: otherwise Herr [Martin] Bormann will see to it that the letters do not reach me."
I'm reading Ian Kershaw's biography of Hitler right now and it's pretty captivating
My personal favorite
Ian Kershaw's two tome biography Hitler is a classic.
Hitler wasn't an Evolutionist, dumbass
Read books and memoirs by those close to Hitler. German soldiers. Why the fuck would you trust 3rd hand accounts from the Allies? I can't tell if anons are just dumb or they're kike pied pipers trying to mislead you.
>Mein Kampf (1925) — Adolf Hitler [Dalton]
>Michael (1927) — Joseph Goebbels
>Positive Christianity (1937) — Cajus Fabricius
>Hitler: Memoirs of a Confidant (1985) — Otto Wagener
>Artist Within the Warlord (2017) [Memoirs of Hermann Giesler] — Caroline Yeager
Adolf Hitler: the Last Avatara, by Miguel Serrano
Pretty much any modern day book will do.
so evolution happens, but there is also some kind of divine intervention in leaps between species
I like this synthesis
Evolution doesn't happen.
This, might be the best one since it doesnt look at hitler from the perspective of the holocaust, and actually tries to understand him instead of just portraying him as a monster
there's no evidence for evolution? sounds doubtful
of course for the average person, these things are taken on faith, but that doesn't mean the science came out of nowhere
Germania, history of the Third Reich by book-user, 2020
anonfiles dot cum/V8p2Kad7ya/Germania_History_of_The_Third_Reich_pdf
Very impressive overview of the third-reich. And quite red-pilled
evolution is the reason niggers exist
more melatonin means more resistance to uv from the sun
the humans that were darker survived and got to reproduce more hence the niggers in africa and the pale whites of northern europe
iq is really similar between human races relatively speaking
Damn, nice find brother. Gonna save this one
Evolution doesn't mean you get smarter, otherwise you wouldn't be a complete fucking idiot.
>iq is really similar between human races relatively speaking
>relatively speaking
Read this book if you want to understand the central philosophy that was created for the movement. A large amount of the book uses quotes from either other books or primary sources and puts them into a broader context including some of Mein Kampf.
The philosophy can basically be put into 4 total life laws which would be the basis of keeping the volk strong and improving them. The law of struggle (most important), the law of selection, the law of fertility and the law of inheritance. It's really suprising i've never really seen historians or even /pol/ talk about these (besides the law of struggle which was their interpertation of the will to power) even though they were quite often used and explained in the philosophical departement of the SS
There is no book or books that will make you understand hitler, besides the one you write yourself, ablut the experience of killing 6000000 jews, or maybe it was 600 or none at all.
Hitler's War by David Irving. You won't read it because you're a moron trolling.
he was a fucking scumbag who killed millions of innocent people just because he disliked something about their religion for some reason
>Hitler's War by David Irving
Hmmmm not OP but I think I am going to read it
Ian Kershaw's Two Volume biography: Hubris & Nemesis.
>just because he disliked something about their religion for some reason
laughed aloud at that, thank you
Just read Mein Kampf. It provides a good overview of his life up until the Munich Putsch, and explains what his worldview is and how he got it. A lot of (((critics))) claim that it's boring, but he manages to weave his autobiography and political views together into a quite compelling narrative (For My Legionaries by Codreanu and My Life by Mosley also use this format to great effect).
His second book provides insights into his views on foreign policy and the world situation in the interbellum era.
Probably the worst Hitler chart I have ever seen.
Ludendorf's Total War and his own book.
Don't expect to sympathize with him. He had a very odd look at human purpose. He seems to have been easily swayed by "higher purpose" rhetoric. It's honestly surprising how he ended up a leader.
>Random chance
Idiots like these do not even read the description of the topic: Natural SELECTION.
The Nazi party was astonishingly scientifically illiterates despite all the science going on back then in Germany. They thought modern physics was "Jewish Science" so they didn't bother with it. (Why they could have never have built the bomb whereas we did).
It's always funny to me how confidently wrong anons can be. The Nazi atomic program was ahead in many areas early in the war (they developed the first subcritical pile and were much closer to criticality until early 1942). It's primary downfall wasn't scientific illiteracy, but internal competition and a tendency to trust the judgement of elder scientists even when the results contradicted that judgement. They absolutely could have built the bomb if they didn't have several different teams all squabbling over resources. The bomb was never ignored or defunded due to being "Jewish".
Dumbest post all week.
No he is right. The Nazi party most definitely was scientifically illiterate. They're politicians. They're not supposed to be. Are modern day politicians 'scientifically literate' lol.
>The bomb was never ignored or defunded due to being "Jewish".
But do you not understand why people will not doubt such a thing with the kind of characters we are dealing it? People these days 'ignore science' for being 'too white'. It's not a far fetched idea you know!
there are literally no photos of her online where she's not wearing makeup.
>scientifically illiterates
Sure they where.
>The Nazi party most definitely was scientifically illiterate.
His statement was that the Nazis had some sort of crusade against scientific progress.
Just imagine...
This is so delusional. Humans are giant greasy chimps.
No you're not
>no proof
So we're going with teleology now?
Life experience. Look at the YT trending page. The truth about who you are is entirely physical and hormonal. Everything else is the use of language to deceive
So because humans are similar to other creatures in some respects it means they must've had a common ancestor even if you don't accept evolutionary theory because apparently this alone proves it.
Great book.
Single handedly ruins the "muh 6 million" BS.
I've heard the author comes off as slightly pro Hitler. I wonder how many other historians secretly respect/admire Hitler, genocide notwithstanding.
>It's wrong
>"Ok but the fact that it's believable has to mean something, right?"
The book basically goes against people like Adam Tooze who act like Hitler was failing on all fronts and was totally horrible in everything he did and destined to fail if not through war then through his own incompetence. Might be wrong but I thought it even said in the intro it was supposed to be a more favourable view since all others were extremely negative while they are supposed to be neutral
Hitler dinduism
Karl Ove Knausgaard's My Struggle book 6