Christchan edition
Bible thread VI
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>an entire subculture of young men because fundamental Christians because of anime girl memes
>full screenshot instead of saving the picture
The christcucked intellect in all its glory
If they were serious they could colonize any number of elderly churches with sheer numbers and redirect them. But they are not serious
Oh no not my PFC, if it's small I'm wrong
>ugh bros I sat behind the most delicious cunny in holy BASED mass today. She's going to make such a trad wife one day. I dropped my spaghetti hard when she turned around to me during the sign of peace.
These are literally not coherent thoughts. Wow
Christianity more like
This religion is running on fumes
Are you one of the dumb ones? There are almost no priests compared to a hundred years ago. Any one of you larpers could go get ordained if you actually have a serious conviction in the religion, and probably be put in charge of a parish rather quickly. But then you can't larp anymore since you'll have to maintain a building and convince a community to participate. And there are, judging from the volume of christkeks who post here and elsewhere, probably more of you than there are seminarians. You'd overwhelm them within a decade, and then the gerontocratic leadership dies out, and then you would be institutional Christianity itself. But none of you will do this because it is all a performance to distance yourself from culture war opponents
There's no sign of peace at trad mass larper
I grew up Catholic, incel.
Then you would know the difference between the traditional rite and the novus ordo lol
See, this right here is why you're a LARPer.
I have yet to get baptized since am still trying to find out what denomination I belong to since I became Christian last year. The people at my local Presbytarian church are nice, but I do not think I am a Presbytarian. How did you guys discover what denomination you belonged to? Did you have to do a lot of searching to find it or did it not take long?
How can anyone take this shit seriously? God is obviously not real.
Completely ahistorical approach to this religion in particular
That's why you're not an incel and he is.
I'm a Christian but I've increasingly been feeling that I'd be relived to find out that it was all a lie.
John 16:33
"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
Be Christian, not a "denomination", no matter what congregational building you attend.
Please elaborate. Is there some fundamental component of the religion that bothers you? Do you feel not cut out to be a true believer?
Too easy to make a mistake and go to Hell. Most medieval saints argued that almost all people went to hell and I think they should be considered credible. One has the problem of EENS and lack of knowledge of the Christian revelation afflicting most of the world. It all makes life seem like such a burden rather than a gift, and the afterlife terrifying rather than a source of hope. It's incredibly bleak.
That's weird. NTA, but whenever I think of Christ my soul sees light and happiness. I can't imagine he would send me to hell when my entire life is dedicated to Him. Like am I going to kill someone or what mistake could I possibly make to go to hell? I always help people, I never hurt anyone, I don't understand your view. Has it always been like this for you or did something happen?
>That's weird. NTA, but whenever I think of Christ my soul sees light and happiness
Nope, just pure fear for me, that and depression knowing what the ultimate end of most of mankind is. I started going to Church again a few years ago out of fear that Christianity was probably true, haven't really changed my mindset since then.
>Has it always been like this for you or did something happen?
Always, even before I started going to Church I had a similar view towards religion.
I'm the user who originally asked you to elaborate. It sounds to me, from that little bit of text, that you're embroiled in a legalistic view of things, too beholden to dogma to see the joy of grace, and the joy of walking the path with Christ. Granted there is some harsh stuff in the NT and the traditions that flow from it, but if you believe in the Lord, and you embody your belief in your thoughts and deeds, how can you go wrong? How can you keep from singing?
Furthermore, on a personal, potentially heretical note, I don't believe there is anything bad enough we can accomplish in our tiny time on Earth that would merit true eternal punishment from a God who loves us so much that he sent his Son to live among us and die the infamous death on a cross.
>depression knowing what the ultimate end of most of mankind is.
Is it because of mankind or because of yourself? Would you be relieved to somehow know you 100% go to heaven?
>Is it because of mankind or because of yourself? Would you be relieved to somehow know you 100% go to heaven?
Sure, but it would still be depressing to know how almost everyone else in the world was going to end up.
>It sounds to me, from that little bit of text, that you're embroiled in a legalistic view of things, too beholden to dogma to see the joy of grace, and the joy of walking the path with Christ.
My background was in pure math and physics. It is to be expected, logicism and legalism come naturally to me.
>Granted there is some harsh stuff in the NT and the traditions that flow from it, but if you believe in the Lord, and you embody your belief in your thoughts and deeds, how can you go wrong? How can you keep from singing?
It's easy - just reflect on double predestination (or single predestination if you want some copium). People talk about "the tragic worldview" of the ancients, but I think the Christian revelation is far more tragic, really.
>Furthermore, on a personal, potentially heretical note, I don't believe there is anything bad enough we can accomplish in our tiny time on Earth that would merit true eternal punishment from a God who loves us so much that he sent his Son to live among us and die the infamous death on a cross.
This is copium, imo - not to be rude, of course. Eternity really is a scary thing.
So if a non-hell afterlife is unattainable, why do you torture yourself in this life by trying to attain it? In that case I would think it better to curse God to his face and live however you see fit, rather than trying to appease the terrible tyrant
>Most medieval saints argued that almost all people went to hell
What are the arguments? Who wrote them?
Massa Damnata is due to Augustine iirc, As far as I know Massa Damnata was broadly accepted in the Church until relatively recently. St. Leonard of Port Maurice had an epic sermon in which he declared that perhaps 1/10,000 or so people would even make it to Purgatory. I'm actually sort of intrigued by these types or by people like St. Alphonsus Ligouri, maybe because they're as obsessed with eternity and judgement as I am.
>So if a non-hell afterlife is unattainable, why do you torture yourself in this life by trying to attain it?
To be honest, I'm not really a hardened sinner - I mostly sit at home and read/game. Besides, just because the world seems depressing to me doesn't mean I'm actually correct in viewing things that way - logically speaking, since God is the source of all goodness and justice His judgements are always correct.
Anti-semitic christers are the dumbest posters on this board. Threadly reminder that you worship one of "them," consider their scriptures to be revelation, name your children after them, call their land holy, believe in the fulfillment of their prophecies... need I go on?
Young Christians realize that their elders have wisdom and deserve honor and respect. Progressives who laugh at that are gonna find THEMSELVES old one day, begging the minimum-wage orderly at the retirement home to change their diaper for them. Should've put their treasure in heaven, where moth and rust don't destroy it
Those who call themselves Jews nowadays are not the Israelites of the Bible, user.
"Look at those who belong to the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews but are liars instead. I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I love you." (Revelation 3:9)
It's like saying an apple has to be red and can't be yellow or green. You are both apples as far as someone not invested in your dialectical controversies with one another is concerned.
It just sounds like you're depressed. Or pessimistic like those Eastern philosophy posters. Maybe you're lonely. I honestly don't think it has anything to do with theology but rather with you feelings.
Jesus was the son of God, and the Bible was basically written by the Holy Spirit. Doesn't really matter if Jesus' body was Jewish because he was God. In other words, you can be anti-semitic just fine.
Did you know that if you lay in bed and visualize the passion of Christ, it can get you high as a kite? Much faster than any of the Buddhist or New Age meditation techniques. Visualize our Lord and Savior suffering on the cross, humiliated, bleeding. Visualize yourself as one of the Romans whipping him. Visualize the water gushing out when the spear is thrust in his side (just like the water gushed out of the rock when Moses struck it with his staff in the desert). Know you can never atone for your utter depravity (just like no-one else can) but that Christ loves you anyway and you can accept his free forgiveness
It's a little ridiculous to profess an immense hatred for the people who created your religion, but sure, you can nail those who still keep to the old beliefs per the basis of the add-ons your sect developed to their theology which they disagree with, such that they are the heretics and you are the REAL worshiper of Yahweh who has kept his covenant. But still, from an outside perspective one is forced to conclude you both are just rivalrous interpretations of the same texts. One has the "old" covenant, one has the "new." Now there can't very well be an old without a new or a new without an old, now can there? The relationship is obvious, the interpretation is sectarian
No thanks, I don't believe I am in a state of "utter depravity" for not agreeing with your doctrine
>profess an immense hatred
Just don't like them. Didn't read the rest of your post because it sounds boring.
What you say would be true if Christians saw the Old Testament as a Law which one follows in order to earn salvation (as the Jews do). But that's not how Christianity sees it at all (despite what 12-year-olds tell you who don't know what they're talking about). The whole Law of the Old Testament is just an image of Christ. It's sort of like if the Constitution of the U.S. contained pages and pages of gibberish which no-one could understand the meaning of, and then one day someone discovered that the gibberish was actually a secret magic eye poster with an image of George Washington. Obviously after making that discovery, no-one would continue trying to follow the gibberish as binding law.
Are you the same person upset that Augustine, author of "Against the Gentiles," was against persecuting the people who founded his religion? You have poor comprehension anyhow
>one day someone discovered that the gibberish was actually a secret magic eye poster with an image of George Washington. Obviously after making that discovery, no-one would continue trying to follow the gibberish as binding law.
those someones were Hellenizers and they came up with such an exegesis so as to preserve elements of their original religion while adopting new influences. It is impossible to say "Christ is the Logos" without having been buck broken by the Greeks, but having been broken in one can read Platonism into the Old Testament and square it with the New Testament. But again, why would you need to do this if not for the fact that you consider one to be continuity of the other? And the reason for this continuity is the simple fact that the religion was founded by people who followed the "old" and wanted to reform it into the "new." An apple pie is made from apples.
That's a whole lot of interesting speculation there, bro. Meanwhile, none of that changes the fact that contemplating the crucifixion (in all its gory detail) routinely gets me high as a kite. Sorry, I'm gonna continue worshiping Jesus, sorry, just, sorry, man, I'm just gonna continue. Jesus loves you user
No, I don't worship one of "them", you disgusting subversive. Calling Jesus the same as what the Bible deacribes as the (((Synagogue of Satan))) is blasphemy.
I'm sick of kikes following Christians wherever they go and pretending to be one.
Yea Forums itself is antisemitic
/pol/ is antisemitic
Christianity is antisemitic
That's why they're here to pilpul
It's not. He spent time in the temple and was descended from the kings of Israel. You are just an idiot who doesn't comprehend what he reads.
See above. If he wasn't one of them, why is most of the Bible about their history and culture? Why are all the principle characters "them"? Why does he come not to abolish the[ir] Law but fulfill it? Why did the early church have to pose the question, do gentile converts to the religion need to be circumcised? Why would they even be wondering about that if they weren't "them"?
The election was so long ago it's hard to believe you haven't gotten bored.
The fedoras who always come in these threads trying to stir up trouble are just like abstinence only sex education.
"Here's 100 logical rational reasons why you should save your virginity until marriage."
Doesn't matter how rational or logical those reasons are. Young ppl are gonna get it on as soon as they have the opportunity.
You could tell them "If you have sex before marriage, you'll immediately die." They'd still do it without a second thought as soon as they get the opportunity.
They're like anti-marijuana advocates who somehow never got the memo that people smoke marijuana for a reason---it's psychoactive. They just assume everyone smokes marijuana purely because of social pressure and for no other reason whatsoever, and they preach their anti-marijuana sermon accordingly. And all the potheads just chuckle.
If you're done stroking each other you could attempt to follow what was actually said. No one is talking about pot or abstinence
I don't care what pilpul have to say, kike. Romans 2:28-29, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9 all show you Kikes are Not Jews and you never will be.
You're not Jews.
You're not Israel.
You're not saved.
Who wrote those quotes? Were they Gentiles or not? Or was this a chosen-on-chosen debate over who was the real rabbi?
>saved Christian brother is all ecstatic and raving in ecstacy
"Hey you! Stop having fun there!! Don't you know that according to Marxian dialectical theory, the Lukan theory of Old Testament as Christ-Image is *actually* just disguised Hellenism?? Hey! Listen to me!!!"
>Blessed Christ-bro just continues basking in the mystical ecstacy
Stop replying to this bloody guy, for the love of goodness. Same guy, in every thread. And it wouldn't matter one iota if silly people like YOU, with all due respect, just refrained from responding. Just enjoy the ducks, brother.
Kikes are scared. Simple as.
I got baptized into and adopted the theology of my nearest church without looking for anything else.
>it's marxism to observe Greek Influence in Christian theology
wow you are completely and irredeemably challenged. This religion is truly on its last legs among people who can use the internet
>your internet friends playfully poke fun at you for being so autistic
>respond by DOUBLING DOWN HARDER on your autism
I'm not sure what you're getting at, but I'm sure it's been refuted several times over. There is no Christianity without the Hellenistic conquest of Judaea
Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is the important bit. All the rest is just window dressing.
'“Master,” said John, “we saw someone driving out demons in Your name, and we tried to stop him, because he does not accompany us.” “Do not stop him,” Jesus replied, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”' (Luke 9:49-50)
>"Haha great party! Pass me a beer!"
"STOP! Don't you guys know there is no beer without the Zoroastrian conquest of Atlantis?!? Everyone stop having so much fun! HEY!"
Lighten up man, we're all friends here and no-one cares whether there would be Christianity without the Hellenistic conquest of Judaea or whatever. Accepting Jesus gets you totally saved and beatified so stop thinking so much and just do it :)
I posted this in the last thread maybe a little to late, but has anyone made a rebuttal against Trent Horn?
It just seems that he refutes everyone who says anything detrimental about Catholicism. Does he never think ‘yeah, fair enough. That was a bad thing the Catholic Church endorsed/did’
Surely this guy can’t be as “right” as Catholics say he is…