How the fuck did we end up in the gayest timeline imaginable? There are a million and one historical divergences that would’ve stopped trans rights and fat acceptance from being fucking conceivable ideas yet I end up in the one fucking timeline where these become core party doctrine of the faggot octogenarian geezers running this shitty oligarchic tyranny?
How the fuck did we end up in the gayest timeline imaginable...
Other urls found in this thread:
>There are a million and one historical divergences that would’ve stopped trans rights and fat acceptance from being fucking conceivable ideas
There wasn't? Everything you see around you is the logical end-point of a society that adopts christianity and its morals. There's nothing disgusting nowadays that does not find its origin in the christian contempt for life and the universalism of the christian faith.
It's literally a collective mind-break operation. Tranny acceptance is like the scene in 1984 when they ask Winston to say 2+2=5 until he's asked once against what's 2+2 and he says "I don't know! I don't know!"
When you actually get to think of trans men as women your sense of truth and reality is completely broken. When you agree that there are more than 2 genders you're telling the Party that you will agree with anything you're told to agree with, that we've always been at war with Eastasia, etc.
Trannies are traditional in most cultures
All these traditional groups underwent HRT and surgery?
Another thread, another seething incel who can't get laid.
Seriously though, this is what /pol/ is for
the explanation is easy to understand: they are a lot of people (women+fats+faggots+trans+mr.niceguys+etc.), they are egocentric and non-logical ie a bunch of people vote to those who say "you are important" and that's it
>Alexander the great lives to old age continuing to conquer more territories with a clear heir to his dynasty
Saved your timeline bro
>Julian Caesar doesn’t get assassinated and goes on his Parthian campaign conquering and integrating Persia
Saved your timeline bro
>Romans don’t lose at Teutoburg forest
Saved your timeline bro
>All of Augustus’ decent heirs don’t get whacked by his cunt wife
Saved your timeline bro
>Commodus doesn’t become Emperor and instead Marcus Aurelius makes someone competent his heir
Saved your timeline bro
>Aurelian doesn’t get assassinated
Saved your timeline bro
>Julian the Apostate doesn’t die in his Sassanian campaign
Saved your timeline bro
>Charlemagne marries Irene of Athens and Births a heir with her uniting the HRE with the Eastern Romans
Saved your timeline bro
>Crusaders don’t sack Constantinople
Saved your timeline bro
>HRE wins 30 years war
Saved your timeline bro
>Napoleon wins in Russia
Saved your timeline bro
>Tsar Alexander II isn’t assassinated
Saved your timeline bro
>The Schliefen plan works and Germany conquers France in 1914 ending ww1
Saved your timeline bro
>Hitler wins or stalemates out of ww2
Saved your timeline bro
>Soviet Union doesn’t collapse
Saved your timeline bro
>Ross Perot or Pat Buchanan win the presidency in 1992
Saved your timeline bro
>Donald Trump doesn’t fuck up his entire White House staff
Saved your timeline bro
I could go on
Fat acceptance is based though. I would accept having a fat girl on my dick right now.
Everything is unfolding as it should
Poo poo pee pee
Thought of a few more
>Royalists win the English Civil War
Saved your timeline bro
>Nationalists beat the communists in China
Saved your timeline bro
>US conquers Canada in the war of 1812
Saved your timeline bro
>Emperor Hadrian completely wipes out the Jews
Saved your timeline bro
>Teddy Roosevelt first run in 1908 so Woodrow Wilson can’t become president
Saved your timeline bro
Caesar was a tranny
>When someone insultingly remarked that that would be no easy matter for any woman, he replied in the same vein that Semiramis too had been queen in Syria and the Amazons in days of old had held sway over a great part of Asia.
Suetonius, Life of Caesar 22.2
*Teddy doesn’t run
The truth is that every single one of those things was destined to happen. It literally couldn't have ended any other way.
T. Bibulus
Because the elites are boomers and things like "Esoteric Catholic National Bolshevism" scares them. So much they go the opposite direction.
>books and literature
What is with the left and their obsession with sexual intercourse? Grow up
>Archduke Franz Ferdinand isn't murdered
Europe would be full of kings and emperors until today
Probably the fact that we have it, and you don't
Anyway, fuck off back to /pol/
I'm right and you know it.
>non European cultures
Ww1 was destined to happen. However it did not have to be as bloody as it was.
Random shit happens. You could make the argument in the most abstract sense that the universe is predetermined, which I don’t even believe btw, but as far as the real objective world no that’s utter bullshit.
That's not true. The pre-war Germans were looking for any chance to implement their autistic mobilisation plan. They saw it as a matter of inevitability.
Cringe, I almost threw up when I read it
True but you’re pinning it too much on the Germans, all sides saw it as inevitable and in fact welcomed it.
The Germans as you described saw it as a chance to stop the rise of Russia in its tracks.
The British saw it as a chance to stop the rise of Germany in its tracks.
The French had been ready to chimp out for decades against Germany for whatever reason to get Alsace Lorraine back.
The Russians didn’t in the long term want the war however in the short term at the outbreak it was very popular and seen as a way to unite the nation.
Actually I've had quite a bit of experience and I'm close to 40. I'm sorry but how does "having sex" constitute as argument. You guys are terrible at rhetoric. No wonder you want to be around kindergarteners. You talk you're five and you wanna fuck them too.
Reminder that the leftist's endgame argument is "if you do not agree with me you should be sent to a gulag". You are not talking to human beings.
I'm sure you have. Now close your eyes, and in due time, your cringey larptianity will make a tradwife appear on your dick
Christianity has shaped every part of our lives, even your paganism. Nietzsche said this.
Just because it's also left its influence on modern progressives doesn't mean it's to blame for it. Do you forget that most of the people against this shit are Christian? Damn armchair pagans.
>>Royalists win the English Civil War
*Cromwell lives to a ripe old age and establishes his own monarchy.
Saved your timeline bro
>Christianity has shaped every part of our lives, even your paganism.
This is demonstrably the other way around. The two main principles of Christianity, monotheism and the Golden rule, were developed in polytheistic societies. Monotheism came from Egypt and was first implemented by Akhenaten, and the Golden rule came from Babylon and was first implemented by Hammurabi
Seethe. Every intellectual in history that's worthwhile has been PRO-globohomo. Start with the Greeks.
All these demaned to be recognized as their preferred sex or were content with being a third gender?
It's inevitable, the progress brought forth with capitalism requires more and more liberal societies, you honestly cannot halt progressive ideology no matter how hard you try, even if every single one of these events occurred, perhaps you'd be living in a more conservative era, but undoubtedly a less developed one, and once technological development catch up and capitalism is brought forth so too will the degeneracy you see today.
Why are they like this?
i am a homosexual
RIP board. the appeal of looking smart to others by LARPing as a person who reads books was too good, they had to come here and have the same discussion they’ve already had a million times on their shit boards
now they don’t even try to pretend with a bullshit ‘books for this feel?’
>rightoids are repressed trannies
who would've thought
Gender is a social construct
you are seething at all times with a brain full of demon mind trannies. YOU are sex obsessed
If this is so obvious, why do all leftist parties support capitalist enabled mental illness like transgenderism?
Mom doesn't count
because leftism died a long time ago
>why are lefties libural
lmao is this what/pol/ does to the brain?
Because trannies represent the current threat to civilised society. A lie which we are commanded to accept but which we refuse to. Yeah, it's autistic, but you kind of have to be to fight off the school teachers and tv shows trying to shove this shit down your kids' throat.
You are vile. Go suck a black boy's penis or something
Oh I know
>climate change? pollution? massive wealth inequality? mass surveillance? no that's not a threat to civilization
>a small percentage of the population does not feel comfortable in their assigned gender? OMAYGOD IM GOING INSANE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I'm sure you've fucked kids before
Actually, liberalism IS leftist if you look at it from the point of the French Revolution
>I'm close to 40
honestly pathetic, just kill yourself boomer you are not welcome here
Of course, this is 4channel after all
Yeah, there are other problems, sure, but perversion of morals, preying on and brainwashing our children, and being forced to accept a lie is easily the one which will make people the most pissed off. Honestly leftist should just give up this whole tranny thing so we can focus our attention on stuff that matters more.
You don't have to. Just be prepared to hear their deformed Manshee crying.
focusing on the things that matter more is what people start with instinctively, so clearly none of those things are as important to rightoids as trannies are, the left isn't out there tearing down environmental protection laws and giving full reign to corporations over fucking the planet up, the right is.
Seethe more, incel
>Yeah, there are other problems, sure, but perversion of morals, preying on and brainwashing our children, and being forced to accept a lie is easily the one which will make people the most pissed off.
You don't have to be this harsh on Catholics, jeez
God rent free
Anyways I'm saging this thread for off topic
>literally defending a MINISTRY OF TRUTH that tells people men can become women and vice versus
Loving these guys complaining about fat acceptance also electing a fatass president after a skinny one.
>literal troons in my board
>Honestly leftist should just give up this whole tranny thing so we can focus our attention on stuff that matters more.
>Fat acceptance is based though
The problem is socialised health care.
The fit and healthy are paying for people who SHOULD be able bodied and they have chosen to live lives of gluttony and greed.
Do it on your own dime.
>The problem is socialised health care.
The U.S. doesn't have socialized healthcare unless you're old. Employers pay for it mostly.
>The U.S. doesn't have socialized healthcare
It's not the NHS but it is taxpayer resources being wasted.
it's actually the complete opposite, people are fat precisely because there is no universal healthcare.
countries with universal healthcare also have strict guidelines on food production and imports, they also encourage their citizens to eat healthy, because they have an incentive on you not being a fat fuck and a burden on the system, but since in the US every fat pig pays for his own healthcare there is suddenly no social pressure on them to lose weight.
land of the free I guess