Book of Mormon

Is it worth reading as literature?
What're your thoughts on Mormonism as a whole?

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Read it with a companion commentary to get more out of it.

I grew up Mormon and have read this book multiple times. The prose is frankly horrible. It is turgid and embarrassingly derivative of the KJV. The stories aren't all that bad. If you don't mind reading "and it came to pass" 3000 times in a row as a device to move along the plot, then the book might be for you.

It was recently proven false but it's still a fun read

The musical is better.

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Can you give some timeskips or give a summary of what he says? Surely you don't need 43 minutes to do it

I haven't read the whole thing, but in general I'm not fond of it. It's interesting, but not nearly as much as the Bible or Qur'an. Part of the problem is that its 'civilizational roots' are much shallower. But I also suspect that part of it is that it was written by a conspiracy of a small group of men in a very brief time, so it's just not all that great as literature. The parts that are good, like Lehi's vision of the tree, come from Smith family lore and actual visions people received.

There are a lot of summaries of why Mormonism probably didn't come from a genuine revelation, like this:

There's a mountain of apologetics to answer all the claims, of course, but in general Mormon apologetics is much more difficult to carry out than for older religions, because it all happened in the 19th century and is fairly well documented, compared to the advent of any of the other Abrahamic faiths.

How did I know this was going to be mike winger Bible thinker. Lol great choice user

Ok I watched like 30 minutes of the video on 1.75 speed, nothing about this is new to my ears as a Mormon. He doesn't even discuss the John Tvedtnes mnemonic theory which has the most merit of all the accounts of the Book of Abraham translation.
Have you investigated Mormon apologetics really in depth?

>What're your thoughts on Mormonism as a whole?
Pretty much a cult, lovely people, but still cult-like tactics and cult-like people.
The book is pretty blatantly falsehood and starts off with God telling someone to commit murder(?).
I wouldn't pay it much attention.

It seems the translation given by Joseph Smith to one book was completely wrong thus falsifying his claim to being a prophet

A shame the only good thing about Mormons was eliminated in modern times, which was the preservation of the white rave and the rightful demonization of blacks


>Have you investigated Mormon apologetics really in depth?

Not that in depth, but I've looked at a little bit of it. Mormonism has to account for everything Christians do, along with a ton of other batshit stuff. They believe that the Garden of Eden was in Missouri and that there were Semitic civilizations in North America a couple thousand years ago. There's a lot of crazy shit you have to account for, and I wouldn't want to do it. It seems totally hopeless, even more so than other Abrahamic religions that also seem to have insurmountable historical problems.

Yeah but when it comes to the apologetics research into miracles or how Mormon beliefs square up with ancient Jewish or early Christian beliefs they really do come out strong. People just focus far more on these other things that are on a par with the Garden of Eden existing at all 6000 years ago, or Noah's flood, or stuff like that.

Yes. Beautiful work. Mormonism’s doctrine is the most rich Christian doctrine that exists.


Not him but it is truly very theologically rich. You're getting stumped by the non-theological histories. This would be like failing to see the beauty in the incarnation and atonement because you think Adam and Eve didn't exist 6000 years ago, or that the Flood couldn't have been global. Mormon theology is very interesting and thoughtful.

>Mike Winger
Literally a candidate for the only person who could make Joseph Smith seem legit by comparison.

the average /pol/ tard has a much better grasp of sociopolitics than the average uni student. though this says more about uni than /pol/.

>Mormon beliefs square up with ancient Jewish or early Christian beliefs
Do they follow the Torah? Do they keep Shabbat? Do they abstain from eating blood?

>Is it worth reading as literature?
No unless you are a jew freemason, in which case its no different than the kabbalah
>What're your thoughts on Mormonism as a whole?
It was created by a freemason as an attempt to subvert Christianity and Jesus Christ. mormons are ultimately jew foot soldiers just like the freemasons. It is freemason gnosticism, they think they will be gods of their own universes when they die. They are easily refuted
>recently proven false
It has been false since the beginning. Their founder is a freemason deceiver, this guy goes into it There is but one true faith and that is traditional Catholicism.
mormons are not Christian, they are talmudic luciferians, their doctrine is ripped straight from freemasonry.

>There is but one true faith and that is traditional Catholicism.
Oh yeah, the religion that not only throws the Torah in the garbage, but also throws the new testament is the garbage since apparently the council of Jerusalem was too inconvenient for the blood eating theology (something prohibited since Noah to everyone)

Explain your words further or hold your deceptive tongue jew. We throw nothing out.

what chapters would get the mormons to let me soak in em

>soak in em
I don't know what this means.

feel their juices on my cock

>Explain your words further
What are the 10 commandments and why Catholics don't follow the 4th?

Masonic cult, (((Anglo)))-American. The usual suspects. They still use grips and have their own quasi-masonic temples seperate from their churches.
They are not Christian at all. They have more in common with Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientology than with Christianity.
In short, Counter-Initiation.

Catholicism is quite literally satans church. Yeah you wish you could be half as Christian as Mormons are. All of your doctrine was pulled out of the asses of men.

The Bible literally says Catholicism is Babylon the Great, fuck off with your Biblically-marked eschatological bad actor of a church.

Unironically watch the South Park episode. You'll learn everything that you need to know about Smith and how the book was written
>b-but South Park is mean-spirited and has lots of bad words!
It will be the same shit as reading a serious non-Mormon text about the subject minus the satire

Even Arno Schmidt loved how silly and inventive The Book of Mormon was. Gonna read it one day.

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No American novel is more successful.

The commandments are numbered differently depending on what religion you prescribe to. In the one true religion traditional Catholicism the fourth commandment is
>Honour thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be longlived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. - Exodus 20:12
In which case we absolutely do.
>Catholicism is quite literally satans church
Jesus Christ founded the Catholic church when he gave the keys to the kingdom to his apostle Saint Peter, making him the first Pope in the process and we have maintained the Holy apostolic succession of St. Peter ever since, it is unbroken.
>And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16:18
>And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven. - Matthew 16:19
If you want to know what satanic is, well that is the jews which also founded mormonism through the freemasons.
>Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie--indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. - Revelation 3:9
Mormons are not Christian they are polytheistic scifi freemason luciferians, they have nothing to do with Jesus Christ, don't you understand fool, they were founded by a freemason who are luciferians, they worship lucifer, mormonism was created to decieve and subvert. Listen to this guy he is right.
Show me on the Bible where it says that. You will not find such a passage.

Mormons are hilarious
No idea how they got away with calling themselves Christians though.

>The commandments are numbered differently depending on what religion you prescribe to.
Keeping the Shabbat is still a commandment no matter what order you try to arrange them

Catholics also commit idolatry when they kneel to statues

Depends. It's mostly a dry read and the Book of Mormon itself has little to no influence on Mormon theology if you're interested in that.

That would be the third commandment.
>Remember that thou keep holy the sabbath day. - Exodus 20:8
>Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works. - Exodus 20:9
>But on the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: thou shalt do no work on it, thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy beast, nor the stranger that is within thy gates. - Exodus 20:10
>For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and the sea, and all things that are in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it. - Exodus 20:11
Yes we also keep the Lord's day which we use as Sunday to go worship God at church. And we do not commit idolatry. I was going to type out a lengthy refute but it would be easier for you to watch this

Momson theology is even stranger, for that OP you should read, "King follet discourse", " Adam - God doctrine", and "Adam and Eve theology" basically they just injected freemasonic luciferian gnosticism into mormonism, the most notable of which is the idea that you can become a god. They are being deceived big time, join the one true faith Traditional Catholicism and reject the novus ordo. God bless you.

mormon here
baptized at 8, priesthood from 12, active in the church, missionary work, married in the temple, graduated from byu (not that that’s a religious thing but is a very mormon thing).
recently, in the last 2 years, been drifting away (any other members here, we can chat if you like)
it’s not worth it as literature. KJV is much more interesting, literarily
as crazy as this sounds, it’s accurate. the theology, which is quite rich, primarily comes from the teachings of joseph smith in Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and the History of the Church (7 vols., ed. B.H. Roberts)

Peter calls the city of Rome Babylon, God calls the Jewish people of Jerusalem and Samaria as harlots and describes them as richly dressed when they turn to paganism, whereas his faithful church as his bride and wife, and then Revelation 17 describes a harlot Babylon the Great sitting on seven hills. It's clearly the Church of Rome turned apostate. It's you guys.

Its more complex than you'd imagine. Give it a chance. All of the books I highlighted in green are worth reading (pic related). My favourite chapters are Alma 29, Alma 30, Mormon 9, Moroni 10 and 1 Nephi 8

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Redditor baka, Mormonism is the restored church. This youtube page has proved mormonism to be true

A read a good chunk of it. It's try-hard to sound religious babbles

The whore of Babylon is apostate Jerusalem. Are you a protestant or a jew? Seek the truth brother, may God remove the scales from your eyes, Traditional Catholicism is the one true faith.
Mormons, return home to the one true faith Traditional Catholicism. You are on a path towards self destruction by following your luciferian doctrine, can you not see beyond the veil of your pride that your false religion was founded by the very enemies of Jesus Christ, the freemasons.

But Peter did not call Jerusalem Babylon. He called Rome Babylon. It's clearly the Roman Church that is being meant.

>founded by freemasons
any proof of this? mormon theology firmly places lucifer as a high angel who attempted to lead astray gods children, who attempted to steal gods glory, and this was thrust from heaven

Pearls before swine, brother. That's why I just made the one post and left. It's not like they're gonna convert anyone here, anyway.

Are there any other member that browse Yea Forums because it's one of the last blue boards that doesn't routinely post porn as a joke?
Read it with commentary. If anything else, Mormonism is an extremely unique piece of American history and is entertaining enough to learn about. You'll learn more about the beliefs of the church through some kind of secondary source. For example, a ton of the theology centers on a theodicy found in 2 Nephi chapter 2. But it's such a small part of the text you would never know how much importance is placed on it just by reading it as a novel.
As far as pure entertainment, read up on church history instead. The founding of the church, exodus from the widwest and colonization of Utah feature some of the most bonkers parts of American history.

yeah i posted above
i stopped browsing /fit/ bc of that

I was born into the church, was active until I joined the military and started reading the fathers of the RC/EO church.
The strong family values and communities are really nice. If I had lived somewhere like Rexburg, Idaho my whole life I would probably be a lot happier and probably wouldn't spend my free time on Yea Forums.
I just can't agree with their interpretations of the Bible or their metaphysics, no matter how nice it would be to stay in the Mormon community. I can't believe in a God who is dependent on an outside source for his existence, a Jesus who, in an almost Gnostic fashion, is a kind of brother to Satan, and a view of the universe where there is nothing but physical matter, wherein even God has a physical body and the Holy Spirit is composed of particles "too fine to be seen." Basic Platonism tears through it all like wet paper. And those complaints come without even mentioning the numerous other, more worldly issues with the church - the dubious source of the Pearl of Great Price, the language in the Book of Mormon cribbed from the KJV, the anachronisms, the teachings changing with the social currents of the times - which have already been discussed to death elsewhere.

Rec some books by the fathers that red pilled you? Dis you ever read ‘Articles of Faith or Jesus the Christ by Talmage?

You are right, there are too many who are not open to the truth in front of their faces.
As for the luciferian part, I will leave you with this video

A basic intro to Gnosticism will get anyone with half a brain to realize that Mormonism is nothing new under the sun. Irenaeus is as good a place to start as any.
I read various bits and pieces of Augustine, Maximus the Confessor, and John Chrysostom, along with more modern stuff like Therese of Lisieux, Timothy Ware, and Damascene. Really, it was the doctrine of the Trinity that did it for me - I always considered it some kind of bizarre fabrication by some nebulous cabal of faceless dastardly Catholics bent on controlling the world or some other such nonsense because I could only see it in physical, literal terms and thought being the son of yourself was the most ridiculous thing ever. Exposure to the philosophical foundations of Christianity, which are pretty rare to encounter in the Mormon world, did away with this kind of thinking, but it still took me two or three years to fully accept it as the truth. From there the rest of the core LDS doctrines fell apart.
I have a copy of Talmage's book somewhere.

The moment someone claims to be Mormon and then acts like Jesus being Satan's brother is WILD is the moment I know this is actually not a real Mormon, you're clearly larping. Because if you knew Mormon beliefs better, you'd know I am also Jesus' brother, and you. We're all brothers and sisters equally. There's no special status about Satan's relationship to Jesus. This is Mormonism 101. Only outside Mormonism do people hype this relatively minor detail so much. They think we're claiming Satan and Jesus have a special relationship when we're not saying they have any relationship distinct from that we have to them and to our common Heavenly Parents. You are such a liar.
>The Church Fathers
I bet you're reading the post-Nicene ones because if you dig deep into the ante-Nicene ones you'll just become more convinced of Mormonism. That is, if you read with the right frame of mind, investigative and daring, and not letting some Catholic or Orthodox cherrypickers tell you how to interpret some scattered saying of Tertullian or Origen while hiding other things from you. I hope you're actually reading their texts directly cover to cover.
Mormonism and Gnosticism are literally opposites. The Gnostics are the Platonists here, and the consubstantial trinity has more in common with Gnosticism, it even began in emanationist theology with Tertullian if you actually investigate, plus it was Neoplatonist Church Fathers who characterized it in language that Plotinus himself used in his Enneads, saying the Son was like a ray of sunlight and the Father like the sun, Tertullian uses that language, Hippolytus too, and I believe Origen might too, maybe others. Plotinus also uses it, but in the Enneads, to describe the relation of the Neoplatonist Logos to the One. Gnostics are the ones who think matter is fiction and everything is actually immaterial, they actually made JESUS immaterial, whereas Mormons go the other direction, we make spirit corporeal, we deny immateriality, and we say the Father has a body. If you really want to learn about the Trinity, read the ante-Nicene Fathers. I recommend starting with Justin Martyr, the earliest Church Father, an anti-emanationist and arguably tritheist, comfortable with saying Jesus was a SECOND GOD, and a second Jehovah specifically.

The mormons really have you all brainwashed dang, clearly you haven't read the Church fathers, let's take your example St. Justin Martyr
>"And if any person investigates the subject of images, and inquires on what ground those who first fashioned your gods conceived that they had the forms of men, he will find that this also was derived from the divine history. For seeing that Moses history, speaking in the person of God, says, "Let Us make man in our image and likeness," these persons, under the impression that this meant that men were like God in form, began thus to fashion their gods, supposing they would make a likeness from a likeness. But why, ye men of Greece, am I now induced to recount these things? That ye may know that it is not possible to learn the true religion from those who were unable, even on those subjects by which they won the admiration of the heathen, to write anything original, but merely propounded by some allegorical device in their own writings what they had learned from Moses and the other prophets."
You freemason mormons are trying to use Catholic Saints for your own perverse paganism, as if we wouldn't notice, pathetic.

Thank you. Please give me some book recs about Christianity like the fathers. I’m LDS and can tell immediately when somebody is just speaking from a place of prejudice and fear. It’s usually Catholics I’ve noticed.

Yeah okay it's not like Ezekiel says he saw God had the likeness of a man, or that Moses didn't show God's back to Israel, or in another case God on his throne to the seventy elders. It's literally Biblical. But Justin came out of Platonism, he says so himself. Point is that he isn't a trinitarian but a tritheist.
If you really want to investigate the secret conspiracy crap behind your Roman apostasy, search out what Hippolytus and Tertullian say about Pope Callistus. Then read Cyprian's various condemnations of Pope Stephen. And then read some secondary literature on Donatism, there's some guy that wrote his dissertation on them and you'll learn some fantastic stuff from it and about the Catholics. Basically, what emerges from researching this is that in the early 3rd century, the Roman church began covering up a lot of sinful activities and designed a theological justification to let people off the hook easily. It got infiltrated and gradually become more and more apostate. The African church and some more puritanical partisans in Rome continually opposed them. By the early 4th century the reputation of the bishopric of Rome among the Africans was so so poor, they saw them as idolaters and corrupt. This reputation went back a whole century. But hey enjoy being part of Babylon the Great.

>It's literally Biblical
>He will overshadow thee with his shoulders: and under his wings thou shalt trust. - Psalms 90:4
This is Bibical too, does God have the body of a bird since wings are mentioned?
>roman apostasy
Why is there no mention of a great apostasy in any history? How can there be a great apostasy if the church fathers taught Catholic doctrine? How can it then be that the Catholics defined the canon of the Holy Bible?
The Church that Jesus Christ founded is the Catholic Church uncorruptible and it has never faced total apostasy.
>And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. - Matthew 16:18
Yes there may be traitors, there may be deceivers, just like in the beginning with judas iscariot, but the Catholic church is uncorruptible.
>I’m LDS and can tell immediately when somebody is just speaking from a place of prejudice and fear. It's usually Catholics
Oy vey rabbi jewstein slow day at work today?

not that dude but
>quoting psalms to say that god has a bird body
brain damage
using clearly poetic language (isa., psalms, song of solomon) to describe god must be read symbolically
explain the moment of stephen seeing god and jesus in Acts 7
go fused a finger to write the 10 commandments
or, famously, Ex. 33:11