i had a hardcore new atheist period as a teen and that combined with the hard right turn of 90% of the big new atheist figures kind of led to me not really considering my atheism as an animating thing in my politics but the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed. what's the hot new shit in this sphere, is it even still around?
Anyone else been coming back to this?
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He got destroyed by Terry Eagleton:
This Life—Martin Hägglund
>but the escalation of anti-trans laws and this roe v. wade thing have basically made me realize that this is wrong and that christianity at the very least needs to be destroyed
Hi jannie.
>but the escalation of anti-trans laws
pathetic bait
Pretty sure this is the guy who tried to make the Scalia threads earlier and is trying a different approach. The second attempt was deleted shortly before this one went up.
Hitchens book "God is not great" is much better than this book. Dorkins should stick to biology, his books on evolution are much better
Start with the Greeks (Romans). Skip the Anglos
nu-atheism is so fucking gay
If abortion is bad then why did God kill his son
the bible tells woman who had an affair to take bitter herbs to abort the baby
The Bible explicitly states that
-Embryos aren't human (they are golems)
-Killing them is more or less fine
Read the fucking thing.
If God is good why would he nail baby jesus to the cross
jan assmann
yeah especially at easter. what a git
He's the assmann
at least edgy atheists used to be cool back in the day, like Shelley
written by the prophet of atheism himself
Cuckstianity along with every other religion is what's wrong with the world. The cabal of christfags who are well connected at the top in American politics have ruined this country and destroyed the future prospect of freedom in any sense.
I finished reading it a month ago or so, it's pretty good. But this book is more of an intro or for complete beginners. My favorite part was where he refuted Aquinas.
This one's good too if you want something written by a person who has in-depth knowledge of Christian theology and philosophy. It's got a clear scientificist bias, but it's not as harsh on its criticisms as the big titles written by the four horsemen of Nü-Atheism.
Forgot book cover.
Nah. I'd say humans are just selfish and drawn towards short-term pleasure by nature. Religion is just a product of human thoughts and feelings. It's not intrinsically any more evil than art or technology.
God didn't kill Him, He was killed by the Romans and the Jews.
Then why didn't God save his own son from getting mutilated by the romans and the jews?
Fuck off back to r/Atheism cringelord, nobody cares about your state of suicidal faggotry (sorry I meany "enlightenment").
>anti-trans laws
? lmao these nigger jews are literally mutilating child genitals
>BrbrruhhBUT this is a Catholic board!!!!¡
>Cuckstianity along with every other religion is what's wrong with the world.
Define wrong
>Nah. I'd say humans are just selfish and drawn towards short-term pleasure by nature.
Capitalism living rent free
I'm questioning my religion and thought about giving this book a try but the preface was so fucking bad that I immediately put it down and read a summary instead. The thought of someone falling for this shit is hilarious.
smart move
How do you mean falling for it? What are you talking about?
You have to he a fool to think something is from nothing
Humans being selfish is actually one of the central tenents of Christianty. "Lead us not into temptation" is an expression of Man's wishes to deny his own nature.
Hedonism is much older than international trade and currencies. Animals are hedonistic by nature.
>is an expression of Man's wishes to deny his own nature.
What other species tries to deny its own nature?
Where do you come from?
Fear is the only thing stronger than desire.
>Fear is the only thing stronger than desire.
Aaaaaaaand repent
Muh laws of physics. Try and reconciliate that with the big bang(brought to you by a Jesuit) you brainlet.
>Try and reconciliate that with the big bang(brought to you by a Jesuit) you brainlet.
The Big Bang is literally something from nothing. That's why it was ridiculed to begin with by mainstream science. Big Bang is supposed to be derogatory.
Can you name even a single true Christian that has ever lived who was not an ascetic?
Also Christians don't equal validity of Christianity
The Big Bang does not explain the beginning of the universe. It only explains how the universe became as large and as cold as it is right now.
>The Big Bang does not explain the beginning of the universe
So then what were you trying to say here
>Muh laws of physics. Try and reconciliate that with the big bang(brought to you by a Jesuit) you brainlet.
What is there to reconcile with the Big Bang? As far as we know something came from nothing. Speculating before the Big Bang is meaningless for modern physics.
Ding ding
Saying the big bang made the universe is the logical equivalent of saying conception made you. It's technically correct but misses the really important part of how you can have a big bang / conception in the first place.
The contemporary Israelite studies stuff from archeology is interesting too, a lot of recent adavnces in understanding the geneology of recognisable Second Temple Judaism from the Canaanite religious milieu of polytheism, monolatry, and child sacrifice that the Israelite religion began as.
>It's technically correct but misses the really important part of how you can have a big bang / conception in the first place.
The Big Bang seems like pretty clear evidence that something came from nothing. The original argument was that believing something can come from nothing is stupid. I asked why. The Big Bang seems like good evidence that something can come from nothing.
If God doesn't give his followers strength to overcome sin, then it means sin is stronger than what faith may give people. A person may claim they repent, yet what use is it do so if they repeatedly come back to committing the same evil deeds against their fellow man?
>The Big Bang seems like pretty clear evidence that something came from nothing. The original argument was that believing something can come from nothing is stupid. I asked why. The Big Bang seems like good evidence that something can come from nothing.
How does the possibility of the big bang come from nothing?
>A person may claim they repent, yet what use is it do so if they repeatedly come back to committing the same evil deeds against their fellow man?
Because repenting and striving is the blessing.
It doesn't even do that well, the Big Bang requires a lot of fine tuning to make it work, inflation being one of the most egregious examples of the fine tuning need to produce the observable universe.
What if the universe, bruh, was just preceeded by another universe that imploded?
What if the universe is just part of a greater multiverse?
What if the universe always existed in some form or another?
What if God IS the universe?
*hits bong*
>How does the possibility of the big bang come from nothing?
Because it seems there is evidence something can come from nothing in the Big Bang since we can detect nothing before it not even in theory. Aristotelian actuality and potentiality are stupid and discredited along with his Physics if that is what you're getting at
Yeah, how is possible for God to come from nothing? Where did God come from? Where's God right now? Will God always exist? How is it possible for God to be there all the time?
I mean, nigga, you gotta do sum serious mathronomics to make sense of this shieet.
God is the thing which allows for existence.
Not detecting doesn't mean there is nothing.
ok but does science allow for me to have a wife with a 10 inch dick?
>God is the thing which allows for existence.
So what allows for God's existence? And if God doesn't need anything to allow for his existence why does the universe? The same silly easily disproven argument gets parroted on here daily. God is not outside the quantifier everything. If something applies to everything it applies to God
But, I mean, where the f does God fit in? If the universe is where everything is, then how can something that is part of everything (for if it weren't part of everything, it would be nothing) be the creator of that which includes itself?
>inb4 no, that's not what the universe is, faggot
Then what do you call the set of all things that exist?
>So what allows for God's existence?
God. It's perfectly circular whereas the big bang is linear.
>Then what do you call the set of all things that exist?
Things willed by God. The set all of potential and actual existence is the knowledge of God.
You just described Islam. Not Christianity. Man read more books before you try and argue dumb shit.
>God. It's perfectly circular whereas the big bang is linear.
Circular argument is not accepted by most people. Otherwise I can prove God doesn't exists by just saying God doesn't exist. For the truth of that statement just refer to the same statement circularly.
Pantheism describes Spinoza's work, maybe Hegel too. Christians believe in the transcendent God bullshit that I don't agree with since it makes no sense for the universe to be everything minus God, and God to just be whatever caused everything else.
Nah. So think about existence as something which is a logical structure. Math is like this too. All logical structures have, at root circularity. Words are meaningful by other words. Algebra works because A can really equal A. Existence can exist. When I say Existence can exist I'm saying that the divine substance Existince, which is eternal, is real and thus God, which is pure existence, is real.