I want to be highbrow, where do I start with little magazines, criticism of criticism, and avant-garde literature?
I want to be highbrow, where do I start with little magazines, criticism of criticism, and avant-garde literature?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're going to remain retarded forever
Blätter für die Kunst, Mercure de France, The Little Review, Botteghe Oscure
Les Fleurs de Tarbes
Mafarka the Fururist, Jésus-Christe-Rastaquère, Sam Dunn Is Dead, The Dream Life of Balso Snell
none of those magazines are in circulation
"Adequate little" red wine kek this chart is a riot
I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for but it's usually a lot more helpful to just search through jstor (or whichever database or piracy software of your choice) for whatever you are interested in. If you find an article you like, maybe check out the publication and see if you want to order copies or subscribe. I guess if you just want something to keep on the coffee table subscribe to the paris review.
What is "the Game,"?
You just lost it.
So did you!
What they used to call charades
Cause: The Lodge
wtf, Masonic Lodge? I thought those were full of upper class dudes.
Masons BTFO
Lodges were stuffed to the brim with parvenus and social climbers, that's why the aristocracy and clergy shat themselves so much over them
sheit thanks. I always wondered why they hated masons so much.
look up publication studio
>Bach and before, Ives and after
Hard to go wrong with that.
it's actually pretty impressive how accurate this chart still is if you can mentally update a few of the terms
Give us an updated version user
That’s the point
There is no highbrow now
the eames chair is what every 30 year old engineer owns, it's literally a reddit meme. you can get a kitsch calder inspired knock off for $10 on etsy and it would blend in seamlessly with the standard midcentury living room. if you told anybody today you were into ballet and bach they'd think you're a posing dullard
the point is that you can't buy elite taste, by the time people outside of the williamsburg bubble have caught wind of it it's already stale and there's nothing more gauche than being sincerely into something late. a few years after even the hangerson have learned about it, it gets refined and sanitised to suit a broader palate and you'll see it in a24 films and in the new yorker and then it's practically twittercore. you might say the entire point of elite styles is to be as inaccessible and different as possible and to swiftly discard them once the rest get hold of them. it's a self-referential bubble.
>elites are too detached from liberal social causes, too focused on art
good joke
>lowbrow entirely accurate
>highbrow verging on satire
Something you want to confess, user?
Accurate. Fur is not murder.
Mastery of self and ability to disguise your property is inherently good.
>useful objects
a little schizophrenic but still good to have, they aren't vanity objects
Cultural studies as well as secrets hidden from you. Learned.
luv me meat
Rural well water is full of necessary minerals for a hearty constitution.
I can't find any of it disagreeable, the works and idols of our ancient ancestors are worth studying to see what transferred into the modern age
yeah i don't get it
Market manipulation is a game played only by the high-brow elite.
magic is real, as is family
never had any of those, but i do like running
>little magazines
Yeah, you are going to have to read literature my nigger in Christ.
Here is babies first steps
>Egyptian book of the dead
>Holy Bible (Pick your poison, you are going to have to read all versions eventually)
>Homer - Oddesey
>Plato - The Republic
>The Divine Comedy
>Shakespeare in the entirety
>Declaration of independence and the Consitution
>Federalist Papers and Anti-federalist papers
There are many, many more authors and books to read. You can't live in reality if you don't know the tree of life.
based reader
that's literally upper class values user, idk what youre talking about
Low brow is SOVL
Whatever you think.
There is not a single one of those were the high-brow is the best one.
>Durr, I only listen medieval peasant music from before 1700, HURRR I'm so smart
Such unrelenting faggotry.
Surprisingly, lowbrow and upper-middle brow have an equal amount of wins, sharing first place, while lower middle-brow and high-brow share the same number as well, literally zero.
In this particular image lowbrow seems much more soulful. Eating coleslaw, watching Westerns, and picking your music from the jukebox is kino
Thanks user, now I can strive for true highbrowness. This legitimately reminded me why I waste time on this site at all.
The chart author said that tastes change over time, so what was once high brow will often become middle-brow, and what was once low-brow can sometimes become highbrow.
Canvassed suits and jackets, tweeds, flannels
Lesser known mid-century furniture (i.e. not Eames/Sarriien, but solid furnishings from regional joiners)
>Useful Objects
Cell phone; shotgun; watch; computer
Theater, Live Music (classical [baroque through modern]; jazz; opera); shooting, films and television downloaded from usenet
Arugula with fruits and herbs, all grown in the garden
Wine (from the Rhone Valley and from California [Napa; Paso Robles]), brandy (Armagnac ranging from 20 to 50 years old), cocktails, coffee, water
Yea Forums, contemporary 'literature,' middle-brow literature from the 1920s through 1980s, ancient Greek literature, history, and philosophy. Periodicals from Trumpists/Straussians on the Right and milquetoast anarchists on the Left
Reproduction busts and small statues; houseplants; floor lamps
See Live Music under entertainment, replace with recorded. Add bluegrass and gypsy jazz as well.
Chess, Minesweeper, Skeet, losing The Game any time similar images are posted
Increasing use of sortition in selection of government officials; encouraging people to be kind to others that they disagree with
Alcohol, tobacco pipe once a month; caffeine
Read Fussell. Ignore the self-serving 'class-X' conclusion where he tries to hide the fact that he is himself middle-class.
lower-middle brow is literally me other than games (visual novel), causes (don't care about politics) and drugs (none)
>Games: Go
How do I become sheer Zen mode with this game? Every time I play online I rage out like a lunatic when I lose. I just want to sit down with someone face to face and learn.
You just need to get good desu senpai.
Highbrow means the intellectual elite, not the upper class.
If you need a demonstrative example why the difference matters, McMansions are not highbrow but are very much upper class.
top kek saving this
You're making shit up based off of one cartoon.
The image clearly depicts charades, also: en.wikipedia.org
>thousand of folding chairs
The lodge? Like Freemasons?
highbrow: living out of the YMCA
low brow: leasing your own apartment
Highest brow: owning your own dwelling place outright.
kinda gay
saying fuck societal rules and reject normality
You bastard. Do you know how long my winning streak was?
I hide behind Class-X because I'm poor. I thought that's what it's there for.
The real poor are generally Fussell's "low and out of sight" class.
This is a little too powerful for the uninitiated.
That guys actually a genius.
>thousands of folding chairs
I don't see the point in caring about the highbrow/lowbrow divide anyway. None of you are going to be in a situation where having the "right opinions" will matter to you in a social sense and if not for that, then for what else are you supposed create such a dichotomy? The idolatry of terminology and the hierarchies of whoever happens to be the leading clique dictating tastes and trends never led to a fertile soil for creativity.
wait, had a point.
if brow-class is measured in this context as getting the most out of your price-unit; by forcefully usurping land and refusing to pay taxes (owning; outright.) you then win harder than homeowners and renters.
That's one better than the YMCA van dwelling call of the croc (((puppetmaster))) life.
but he prob wont last very long when raided by alphabetsoups
those digits user...
Recently I realized it had been about a decade since I lost it.
Forehead height, or at least it's development potential, is determined at birth. I'm not sure if it has any definitive connection with character as such (probably a correlation), but through the fact that the brow is so monumental and the brain is more exposed with bare skin in the facial region, people with higher brows are usually capable of more dynamic and textual facial expression, this adds to their IQ by expanding the threshold of their vocabulary beyond mere phonemes, and into a holistic demonstration. There are things these people can convey in person that the more 'stunted' simply can't. The forehead acts like (so it's no surprise that there's a link between the 'intelligence' of dolphins and humans mostly by way of their exceptional gregariosity) the sonar receptive dish of a dolphin, in this case picking up the subtle wavelengths projected by the intention of eye contact. This establishes a 'good luck loop' like being born with lots of money. You are more attractive because you can convey more expression with people, as a result you become more 'open,' and positively emotionally intelligent. Therein is the quality of the highbrow.
The trick to being "highbrow" is to "be" elite.
Being elite means being the best at things that "actually" matter (etiquette, gatherings, intellectual matters, principles, etc.) while excelling at things that "new money" cannot do. (owning large amounts of land, being friends with other elites, meeting royalty, hosting "old money" events like hunting expeditions, owning rare artifacts, holding a degree from an ivy league school, etc.)
Elites read books in order to maintain their elite status. They don't read fiction, they read works read by other "elites". Stuff like "How this African kid changed America" or "This Vietnamese dude survived being tortured for 90 days". These types of misery-porn biographical works make for great ammunition in social settings, which are the battlegrounds of the elites. Intellectual works like the western canon are just "for fun", and are only read to make allusions in social settings. "Everyone knows" the western canon, so it's never mentioned, only deconstructed.
Non-elites are the possessions of the elites. They love immigrants, because it allows them to be the saints they know themselves to be. Most people rush to the opportunity to be the hero. They will be very upset if they can't say, host the benefit concert for a certain cause that's scheduled to happen 8 years from now.
Highbrow means you don't "try" to be the best. You "are" the best. There is nothing to show, nothing to prove. You always say the right things, do the right things, you are elite. You don't wear fancy clothes, you wear the appropriate clothes for a given setting. Poorfags spend thousands on luxury items to impress other poorfags. Richfags spend thousands a day on invisible things like hairstylists and spa treatments. They'll buy a white shirt that costs thousands of dollars, then get a facial that costs thousands of dollars, because they want to hang out in the city with their other richfag friends and poorfag orbiters. 5 dollar cargo shorts or 800 dollar cargo shorts is a manner of preference.