How have Guenon's books, especially picrel, influenced the way you see the world?
How have Guenon's books, especially picrel, influenced the way you see the world?
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everytime I think about something, I first ask myself what would Guénon think about that
they liberated me from the false assumptions that the modern educational system told me were right and verified by "experts"
Based. I realized the earth is hollow after reading The King of the World. Geology is fake news
No one can seriously read Guenon and remain neutral, you either understand and change your whole worldview or you don't understand and hate him. Guenon was the Al-Hallaj of our times.
he explicitly stated that such a literal point of view is hardly probable, you don't fool anyone
>he explicitly stated that such a literal point of view is hardly probable
Guenon also hates on probability theory in The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus.
And in Reign of Quantity he implies that magic worked in the East and not the West and that gemstones have occult powers.
They haven't at all. They're just interesting
this is either bait or you are mentally retarded
My view of things is no longer limited to natural world.
Why it not work in the west? why?!
don't listen to that retard, he is a well known poster that spreads misinformation about Guenon. Read the book and see for yourself.
have you seen the spirit world yet?
yes, with the eye of the heart
Guenon believed the left and right were qualitatively distinct. He literally meant East and West in a geographical sense not just a cultural one.
It's complete gibberish
After being half way in RoQ why do I bother with Kant's CoPR?
Honestly just gonna stick to the Pali Canon after Spritiual Authority by RG
I'm currently reading Nasr's Knowledge and the Sacred. It's my first serious encounter with Traditionalism but so far I emphatically agree with everything I've read.
No, and to be honest I don't know do I even want to experience the higher realities. They sound pretty intense experiences.
why don't people talk about Schuon as much?
Fags keep people shilling this retard
No one wants to be a muslim here
Schuon was a New Age whacko. Claimed to be a Sufi and a Native American shaman at the same time. Made up nude rituals for his female followers.
Asians can make accupuncture work and make math child's play. I would not be surprised if they fucking floated on glowing rocks despite being rice peasants in debt to Anglos.
But Nasr seems to really like him.
This and Karate chopping cinderblock chiropractor kwan do
I see Ghosts and endorse Guenon. You dont get any smarter after you die by virtue of dying. Ghosts have nothing smart to say to but "hi" and "tell your mother I said hi"
A better question is, why don't people talk about A.K. Coomaraswamy as much? He is the only academic scholar among them.
If you want to read the real deal, go for the french La Gnose squad: Guenon, Matgioi, Agueli. Schuon and his followers are popular just because they live(d) in the anglo speaking world.
why shanki and gueni at mani kant's tomb? They were friends? They paying respects?
Nobody read Guenon, nobody will, this is clear by the fact that all threads are either about Guenon or the book covers
Since I first started lurking and posting on Yea Forums not once was there a thread about one of Guenons ideas, his philosophy. Its always about either him as a person and face, or about the esthetic of owning his books
Everytime I call out the Guenonposters, and never were they able to actually summarize his philosophy.
The Husserl, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Jung, Freud, all other really, posters on this board always have threads about their ideas, and ar always ready to post a short summary or explain to newposters what their ideas are about. But Guenonposters, never. Same for Evolaposters
I figured that out when I got memed into reading his book on calculus and I realized what a fucking retard he was. I posted some selections here and one Guenonfag even claimed I made one up.
true but you are forgetting when actual guenon readers started begging guenonfag to reply to them and stop disgracing guenon's name on Yea Forums and guenonfag replied some cringe shit like "i do it for the lulz fuck you i'm spreading the guenon gospel #guenongospel"
one guy was really upset and really hated guenonfag kek
I dont remember what I first read but it ended up just being plagiarised Heidegger, coated in some
eastern lingo
high level Guenonfag vs. Frater Asemlen debate over here bros
>Finally, entirely disinterested in any external action, we do not dream of addressing to the masses, nor of making ourselves understood by them.We care nothing for the opinion of the vulgar, we despise all attacks, from whatever quarter they may come, and we recognize no one's right to judge us.This being declared once and for all, we pursue our work without troubling ourselves with the noises from the outside;as an Arab proverb says: "The dogs bark, the caravan passes."
>René Guénon - La France Antimaçonnique, "What we are not" Declaration of Palingénius to the Management
hylics never stood a chance
Crisis made me comfy. Profane so1ence shoo shoo!
this is from my telegram channel btw
Ch v of RoQ time and space are dependently originated and linear time is a profane Jewish trick
Hmmmm this really feels like Buddhism with extra steps guys
of course not
of course yes
is this chart a meme?
Substantially. I read him after reading some Evola, and while Evola was a more entertaining read, Guenon was a far more penetrating and deep read, and more thoroughly convinced me to seek something that wasn't modernity. I moved past him when I accepted Orthodox Christianity - but I appreciate him and he is on my prayer list.
At some point, I would like to write a book about appraising Guenon from the Orthodox Christian perspective - what he gets right, in particular his completely nuclear refutations of modernity and his subtle insights into the development of the fall of humanity over time, and what he gets wrong in trying to push Advaitin metaphysics into the secret core of every tradition.
I just see his cult follwers always pushing his bullshit and converting people to Islam
It seems like it's well put together. I would personally have a little less Sherrard on there (despite how insightful he is, his approach is a bit academic), and I would be surprised if the maker of the Chart actually read "Behind the Veil".
I would add "Genesis, Creation, and Early Man" to the list, but it is a very thick tome, despite how crucial it is to understand fully the doctrine of what early man was like in Orthodoxy, to see from what we've fallen.
>At some point, I would like to write a book about appraising Guenon from the Orthodox Christian perspective - what he gets right, in particular his completely nuclear refutations of modernity and his subtle insights into the development of the fall of humanity over time, and what he gets wrong in trying to push Advaitin metaphysics into the secret core of every tradition.
Didn't Seraphim Rose already do that?
If he did, then what he did wasn't published, so I haven't read it. He heavily read Guenon before becoming Orthodox, and wrote a letter to someone who was interested in both Guenon and Orthodoxy about the limits of Guenon to the level of detail that a letter could permit, but that's about it.
>Seraphim Rose
Admitted homosexual who died of a perforated colon at an all male monastery
You've already convinced one user here that there must be something good about Fr. Seraphim Rose if he prompts such unhinged, irrational countersignalling of him. The more you do this, the more Anons you will convince to read Fr. Seraphim Rose.
If your goal is to make Anons avoid reading him, you are backfiring amazingly, and proving the Psalmist right: "I make your enemies a footstool for your feet."
Guénon said that his critique of modernity is based on his metaphysics, you can't separate the two.
The secret core of any tradition is pure metaphysics, identification with the one, hinduism, taoism, buddhism, some sufis here and there agree with it, if your religion doesn't then is incomplete.
I would prefer for people like you to never read Guénon. You will only drag others down with your sentimentalist crap.
What are you replying to? Did you even read my post?
In my experience it's the people claiming to refute Guenon who seem never to have read him. Not that there are many in the opposite camp either though.
What I've mainly learned from Gaynon is how many cringe incels there are and how much they enjoy larping, and how little they understand you need to actually practice what you preach
I keep hearing about Guenon and im very intrigued. If i was to read one or two books of his that would give me a general idea what should i read?
I couldn't get past the first couple chapters where he talks about metaphysics. I have never dealt with these concepts before and I have no way of verifying if I understand them. Is the whole book like that or can I skip ahead to different stuff
I've dealt with these concepts a fair amount and I'm currently finding these chapters a little tricky. I think I might have to read through them again, because his writing is quite concise. Do anons on here know if he has any other books that cover the same metaphysics but a bit more patiently?
I became addicted to opioids.
Have you tried reading Crisis first? RoQ is harder
Looks good. I was already Orthodox, though, so I didn't have to read anything. Just the Bible.