Does Yea Forums considered it a meme? Or does it live up to the hype?
Hillbilly Elegy
It's trash, the same sort of ahistorical drek someone like Sowell would recommend. If you want to understand cracker culture, start with queer theory and work back to the reconstruction era (particularly DuBois).
It's worthless, but Vance himself is fascinating. The guy went from trying to urge liberal society to treat rednecks with respect to becoming a parody of a redneck to gain political office, which was successful in the end. And then there's the Thiel stuff on top.
>this is my story of how government programs helped me get my life in order and contribute to society
>but you don't need government programs to get your life in order and contribute to society
I listen to NPR in the car sometimes for as long as I can stand it, which is not very long, and they talk about Vance like he's the Chud Whisperer. It's very strange.
Cope. The Year of the Chud cannot be stopped.
not today satan
Vance holds rural whites in the same level of contempt as the average bluetick on Twitter, it's just manifested in a different way. He's smart enough to know that their inarticulate anger can be exploited.
I'd rather have a sleazy politician who caters to me for personal gain than a sleazy politician who caters to my enemies for personal gain.
funny, I think blueticks deserve genocide honestly.
It's an interesting memoir, especially if you aren't from a white trash background yourself and are curious as to what their family life is like.
>I'd rather have a sleazy politician who caters to me for personal gain than a sleazy politician who caters to my enemies for personal gain.
He's not catering to you, he's catering to his donors, and his *job* is to deliver you to those donors on a plate.
what's theil going to do once we're on the plate? sodomize us and then ramble about girard? sounds like an improvement desu.
No, what I'm saying is, Vance comes across to me like a creature of NPR that was created to be their "explainer." He's a corporate lawyer by trade and I didn't expect him to win his primary because he seemed so fake to me growing a beard and trying to be rugged. He comes across to me as someone you'd run into in downtown Austin. But I guess it worked.
Exactly. You should vote for the beatings to continue
Usual case of someone telling an interesting personal story and then going nuts because they delude themselves that it gives them some sort of insight into societies ills at large.
What's wrong with Thomas Sowell?
Well he’s an uncle Tom sellout, same as Obama, just a different group of capitalists. That poster is a troll though.
I also do this
Here's another funny thing.
This article says that Trump likes Vance because he's tough and smart, and unnamed members of The Establishment don't like him. Quote tweets: "woah based." That is, The Establishment (which doesn't include right-wing media or the former president whom every single congressional candidate is chasing the endorsement of) hated Corporate Lawyer J.D. Vance so much they got uber-Hollywood liberal Ron Howard to make a movie out of his Yale personal struggle essay.
Published in Axios... co-founded by executive editor Mike Allen, son of Gary Allen, infamous John Bircher, anti-Semite, advisor to the Hunt family of Texas oil billionaires, and unhinged Red-Scare propagandist... and literally headquartered in Arlington, Virginia and writes super-short "articles" to disseminate pro-U.S. disinformation. Mike was also hand-picked as the court stenographer to accompany George W. Bush on a "secret" trip to Iraq and puff up that story, and soon after, weaseled his way into the good graces of the Obama White House as a surprising bipartisan darling among the Washington cocktail set heyOOOOOOO that's called a glow up. Graciously yours, an user.
His face is giving me ghoul vibes. Wtf is his problem?
i only read books written by physically attractive people
reaganomics apologist, the only people BTFO worse by the last two decades were libertarians
Mainline Republicans are straight bitches. Was listening to some npr interview with some journo glowie faggot who was sucking off mitch McConnell for being a pussy.
I mean that's a very short list and even JK Rowling isn't that hot either. What the fuck do you even read then? Writers are known to be either ugly as fuck or very average looking
Donna Tart looks like she could suck a mean dick.
Prime Donna kinda cute ngl but she gives me Ghislaine Maxwell vibes now
For comparison, sure I'll buy she can suck mean dick but she'd take your soul in the process
What's with the Human League haircut?
She’s a nonsexual lesbian and has likely sucked 1-0 dicks in her life
Nothing is wrong with him. He makes morons seethe
It's ok. The stories about white trash life were fun. But you would be a fool to make to much out of one person's anecdote. Also because this isn't wrong.
what were the sex stories that made mandel a weirdo like?
It's basically Crime and Punishment combined with Gravity's Rainbow and Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Whats thiel's plan for america and the world?
if things go his way he could end up with 5 senators in the next congress and with the ability to make Trump endorse anyone he wants in exchange for a bit of cash
Isn't he, like, a for-real reactionary? As in, he does not like democracy?
I know he's a fag, but he seems to have genuine right-wing disdain for the current geopolitical order. He likes Moldbug as much as he does for a reason. He may even be a monarchist, though I doubt he's been dumb enough to say anything like that out loud.
>start with queer theory
This should unironically be the first answer in every thread. I know queer theory has a bad rep now because of all the libs co opting it, but it's fucking badass.
>5 senators
JD Vance, Blake Masters. Who else?
This book has such a weird artificial vibe to it. It's like this weird little "key" that liberals want to use to try and "unlock" the rural American mind.
thiel is a gay straussian heavily involved in fintech, building the tools that are becoming the foundation of modern international finance
what part of that makes you think he's a reactionary?
he just wants to subsume the current system and do away with the absurd shit that's causing it to fail
candidate Schmitt in missouri is one of his aswell, the link is weaker but its there
Hawley is a thiel plant
And he's good friends with Cruz and was his top donor in 2012 and still donates
Youngkin might also be a thiel guy, and we know yougkin is building a national political organization with which to endorse candidates around the country
Dude fuck off
It's a shit book. Vance claims he came from poor hillbillies, but in his memoir he reveals that his (supposedly disfunctional) parents were pulling in a six figure income for much of his childhood. The writing itself is not elelgiac at all. It's a straightforward and trite bootstrap story in which his great epiphany is that he should ask other people for explanations or help when he doesn't understand something.
It's a shit book. The praise that was heaped on it was undeserved. The anons calling him an NPR talking head are right.
As for his new political life, he just says what he thinks people want to hear, but there is no there there. He is at heart a fake.
>As for his new political life, he just says what he thinks people want to hear, but there is no there there. He is at heart a fake.
whos the real deal then?
>candidate Schmitt in missouri is one of his aswel
I expect Trump to endorse Greitens
Someone like Mike Anton. Or even Trump desu senpai (I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but I also think he basically just says what he thinks without a filter and without trying to calculate who he's appealing to)
senator jd vance?
Actual Appalachians hate this book, say this guy is a jackass who elected himself as their spokesman, and the book is overrated trash. I trust their opinion.
I trust them too.
explain how, in a nutshell
Strategically, this book was an attempted revision of poor white people from villains to victims in the worldview of NPR listeners. A nice goal, but in the end it did not accomplish this goal. Anti-white values are too thoroughly engrained in the target audience.
queer theory is cheat code to understanding society
How does this compare to Redneck Manifesto? They've both been on my reading list for a while and I'll probably only read one.
I mean it's sort of the tale as old as time. Gay liberals take control and after a few decades start slowly running society into the ground. A small-but-growing cadre of competent elites start to realize that the gravy train can't just run incompetently forever and that eventually someone has get things back on track before some true-believer gets into power and does something actually retarded. Unfortunately, it turns out the only people not completely bought out by or bought into the system are fringe political weirdos who spend their time reading ancient tomes about how how to wield the full power of the state. You take what you can get, fund them into power, eventually they get power and surprise, they wield the full power of the state in the name of their weird fringe political beliefs. Krupp and NSDAP, the Italian aristocracy and the fascists, the Party of Order and Napoleon III, the anti-Jacobins and Napoleon, etc. Thiel, Andreeson, Musk, whoever definitely don't completely buy into NRx let alone some of the less palatable ideas popping up on the right like BAPism but the people they put into power almost certainly will and eventually they'll be the ones holding the leash.
white trash will always be white trash and there is no way this redneck is gonna win the general election
It's the same sort of Neolib garbage. The problems of Appalachia are caused by Whiteness; if those dirty rednecks didn't want to be mistreated, then they shouldn't Vote Against Their Own Interests. The real victims are the Black And Brown Bodies of Colour, and the Misogyny is just rampant. I Can't Even.
It's not really worth dissecting too much, but both are designed to do two things: one, lead you away from the racial angle (every single problem in Appalachia comes from Jews being parasites), and two, defending the narrative that the US Federal Government and its (Jew authored) dictates are just the way reality is and there's nothing that you can do to change that. The results of the first are obvious: the massive health problems caused by coal and meth and actually the fault of the Appalachians, not the people forcing them to mine coal at gunpoint or handing out government subsidized meth. The results of the second are a bit more nuanced in that they're designed to reinforce the above by shunting the above from political problems to the economic. The poverty of Appalacha is morally justified because the people are subhuman vermin that need to be kept down, thus justifying continued government oppression of them. If they weren't subhuman vermin, then they wouldn't be poor, and the government wouldn't need to keep them poor. It's circular by design, because no matter what the Appalachians do, there is no way that they can win within the system: the only solution involves hanging Noses from streetlamps.
They're the same thing, you realize.
>liberal psyops propaganda
Fucking internet socks.
as if rural retards would ever back anyone even mildly successful. they're crabs in a moonshine-stinking bucket for a reason
Where do you even start?
He's a house nigger