matched with a qt on christian mingle
these are the books she's read recently
Matched with a qt on christian mingle
prepare to get brainmogged
wife material/10
Best I've seen from a woman. Anna Karenina is possibly my favorite book.
Too many meme Russians. Its very respectable for a woman but I would lol hard if this was a man since it shows an apparent lack of personal taste
nut inside/10
People praising this list arent grasping the main problem it indicates. If you read all these in short time period what kind of crap were you reading before?
Anyone can buy books and take a picture of a stack.
The telling sign is what she got out of them. Can she have an in-depth discussion with you? If not, she's a LARPer and merely a pump and dump.
sorry for not staying on topic but Christian mingle? Is that a meme or can you seriously find people on such sites?
>Pevear and Volokhonsky
Tell her she wasted her money by not downloading the Garnett translations off Project Gutenberg.
>Greek New Testament
>The Bible Made Impossible
Oh, she's one of those LARPers. Stay away from her for your own good.
what if he has a taste for russians?
None of the spines looked creased, I doubt it.
that's a tranny
Are you memeing? Every Garnett translation I've seen is awful.
embarrassing for a man, suspicious for a 'women'
It's one of the top dating sites/apps on the market, is this a real question?
the only books I own that ever crease are shitty Penguin's, I feel like you intentionally have to go out of your way to crease a book.
hell I'd marry her too and I'm pretty cynical about women
You should read P&V. They're Google Translate tier. 100x worse.
Don't lose her.
OP she almost certainly posts here, let us know if she says anything about us.
Not necessarily. A handful of my girl friends have read a lot of those books and I would have to explain what Yea Forums is to them.
Are your girl friends fat? If not, are they single? If so, where do they go out for fun?
My wife is a good Christian girl and only reads young adult literature. All my arguments against it break down when I realize she doesn't share the same desire to self improve that I do
I don't have fat friends.
Now that they've all finished uni, your best bet is the trad latin mass or a book store kek
its best to not fall for the weird incel meme that women should be exactly like men
P&V Anna Kerinina is excellent, cant speak for anything else they've done though
It's the most boring book I've ever tried to read
lel its easily among the best books ever written. opinion discarded
Yeah maybe she only figured out Surface level ideas like nationalism amd not regret of the conscious
P&V drops it - 0
If she's already good enough for you what more does she have to improve?
kill (you)r self
It would be nice if women were a tad more logical
my wife is a ancient languages graduate and when we met was working for a famous Dante scholar. i remember walking into her digs and seeing hundreds of borrowed latin and italian books, this was the mid 2000, scatted all over her floor.
i was so happy when she insisted we home school our kids .
>i was so happy when she insisted we home school our kids .
No they aren't :(
if she's sweet and she loves you and isn't a degenerate whore just count yourself lucky and don't try to "fix" her, that's what I've learned
She used to do "crazier stuff" in her youth that she doesn't want to talk about, but otherwise she seems pretty chill
not a chance
Sounds like the rebel teenager that was 'born again', but actually just changed from an extreme to another. Do these people really change? I tend to believe that they do so, as i've met one that truly changed.
i hear wedding bells OP
True but on paperbacks with a lot of pages like the idiot for example it would also crease on most editions I think, that has been my experience
thats a man though
I don't want to change her to be more like me, but I think she would find it more fulfilling to read something above a middle school reading level. These books seldom take her more than a day or two to finish, once she can parse and retain at an impressive rate.
Guarantee this is some Yea Forums incel turned tranny.
Are angloid femoids so trash that if you encounter one that reads this kind of stuff it's guaranteed to be a tranny ?
>Dante scholar
>She insisted we home school your kids
I don't know if this post is larp, but I'm really happy for you user, wish you the best man.
What do the Farmers Only girls read?
Truth is in the middle desu, some of them never change and some of them genuinely 180
Have you ever met a Christian woman who stayed virgin till marriage
bought the first one as a gift for my dad, he liked the short stories
Books about women and their black bulls
i've never met a woman
Not him but where I am it is surprising anyone reads at all.
>read half a page
>close the book
>take a photo with them
>never open them again
Perhaps not. This is pretty close to my gf's taste though and she got me back on here
My sister
Art hoe status:
Don't fuck this up, op.
How is Christian mingle anyway?
How do I get a gf like this? Sounds perfect.