Write whats on your mind
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So what constitutes fan fiction or an off topic thread? I’ve seen and had threads deleted and been banned and it doesn’t make sense.
Don't try and make sense of a tranny's mood swings.
It’s crazy because I’ve thrown out different opinions that are all over the political spectrum or whatever.
I wake up every day it's a daydream
Everything in my life ain't what it seems
I wake up just to go back to sleep
I act real shallow but I'm in too deep
And all I care about is sex and violence
A heavy bassline is my kind of silence
Everybody says that I gotta get a grip
But I let sanity give me the slip
Some people think I'm BONKERS!
But I just think I'm free!
Man, I'm just livin' my life
There's nothing crazy about me
Some people pay for thrills
But I get mine for free
Man, I'm just livin' my life
There's nothing crazy about me
I plan on talking to a navy recruiter at the end of the month, I've always wanted to serve in the navy, go on a ship, and see the world while working hard. As the arbitrary deadline I set comes closer and closer I'm nervous to go through with it because I'm afraid to fail. Anyone got some advice for getting over that kind of nervousness?
Depends how many trannies and jews report your posts.
Would you let your buddy plow your wife if it was specifically for the purpose of continuing his genes?
that's good and healthy anxiety. bad and unhealthy anxiety is what you get from doing nothing and having nothing coming up the leads the feeling of time and opportunities wasting away.
Genes only matter for animals
Humans are all alike, sons of Adam and daughters of Eve
you bb
You can't fail unless you are a complete waste of breath. Unless you have a verified medical condition you will pass and go through boot camp and training with no problems. Remember that the Marine Corps exists and double digit I morons make it through with no problems.
nope all of my friends have inferior genes. and we like it that way.
You said what I needed to hear thank you.
how to be a digital nomad while being Yea Forums ?
>t. dysgenic non-white
I'm reposting this from the previous thread:
If you reply to someone's story on Instagram and they don't follow you, will your message go to their DM inbox or to their message request inbox? I want to get in touch with someone who gave me the greelight to dm them but they don't follow me back and no one ever notices the request inbox
Thank you as well, I know chances are I wouldn't fail for some reason I always get this creeping feeling that I wouldn't do well
I have worked with every branch of the military and im going to let you in on a secret. recruiters are penalized for not making quotas. I have talked to several retired marines, army and navy guys that have gone through recruiting duty and every single one of them had a story about driving two hours away to bring a guy to base only to help him cheat through qualifications just to make their quota (and those qualifications are not hard. not even the physical ones). The system is rigged to get people in. you literally have to be brain dead desu. dont sweat it.
Being around people always makes me feel more isolated. I think I'm pathologically incapable of forming relationships. People just seem so far away
Can I cheat my way through the medical examine? I heard they specifically check wrists for cutting scars.
Thank you for that I always thought recruiters would do something like this, but this information really helps with my confidence thank you sincerely
Tell them you fell off your bike or got them in a wood cutting accident. Unless you have been placed in an involuntary psych hold or have psych med prescriptions on your medical record they will gladly except your bullshit lie.
DM box. Request inbox is only for the subsection of messages from those who you neither follow or are followed by. If they let you follow them, it'll appear in their main inbox since they gave consent to let you see their profile. To put it overly technically, if one party gives permission to follow or be followed, it'll show up along the others. If neither parties have given consent to follow, it'll show up as a request.
I don't know if this person is a girl or an artist or whatever but if they're any kind of popular figure in their own social sphere, especially one who thrives on clout, chances are it slipped through the cracks and there are more "interesting" - I don't mean this pejoratively - people to talk to. A greenlight to follow someone doesn't mean much for any influencer type. Watch out for people who chase follows and never follow others back. I'm assuming that's the case this doesn't sound like you're messaging a close friend or someone with whom you have IRL social bonds. (Also, I get notifications on my home screen if someone's sent me an anonymous DM request and the request inbox appears at the top of everyone's DM list iirc so it probably stands out to me more in a way. But that's rare for me since I'm also a nobody. Plus social media's gay so idk.... don't over think it champ.)
Humans are divided into two overgeneral categories: of those who are impelled by the forces of purity, and of those who are compelled by the forces of hybridization.
The category of those who are impelled by the forces of purity is epitomized in the type of the pure virgin; the category of those who are compelled by the forces of hybridization is epitomized in the type of the hybrid whore.
The noble ones belong to the category of those who are impelled by the forces of purity; the ignoble many belong to the category of those who are compelled by the forces of hybridization.
This dichotomy, as can be expected, is rooted in biogenetics, and manifested in racial type; the racial lineage of those who are impelled by the forces of purity is referred to the original aryans; the antiracial lineage of those who are compelled by the forces of hybridization is referred to multiple sources, to multiple points in spacetime, to any occurrence of miscegenation.
To destroy is easier than to construct, therefore, the process of hybridization can occur within one (de)generation; to construct is more difficult than to destroy, therefore, the process of purification not only can be realized only through multiple (re)generations, but it is more propense to ruption of sequence, than the process of hybridization.
The noble ones, impelled by the forces of purity, strive to cure the racial damage incurred by degeneration, to curb base urges, to sublimate physical energy in metaphysical work, to save others from hybridization, to regenerate the noble race.
The ignoble many, compelled by the forces of hybridization, continue the orgy of degeneration initiated by their ancestors, to mistify, conflate, and confuse, to become ever more chimerically blended, to cause others to become like them, to dysgenerate a raceless mass.
Man I have a lot and they're pretty fucking obvious
no but if your recruiter knows your evaluator well enough they can work out over looking it to boost both their numbers (evaluators can be penalized for not green lighting enough people. they can also get investigated if you are a POC).
I'm basically albino so I'll get no PoC privileges
I still say its worth shooting your shot if you really want it. as long as you pass the psych evaluation (which has obvious right answers) and dont act openly psychotic during boot camp / basic training (which isnt even all that intense with the new anti hazing protocols) you should be good to go kill bad guys and get foreign strange until you get sick of being treated like an object owned by special interest groups (or you get life time pay for disability like all of my buddies at work. one of which is retired at 39 because of his 100%)
I’m mediocre and I always will be. I can’t write without cringing at it. There’s no reason to do it any more.
I think you misunderstood me.
I asked them in public if it was fine to dm them on Instagram and they said yes. They allow anyone to follow them which I did and then sent the message request but haven't got a reply back. I don't know if they disabled notifications for that or they are just ignoring me which would be weird. After all, they literally told me I was welcomed to dm them.
Someone replied to me in the other thread and said that it goes straight to their inbox though in case they don't follow me back so idk which one of you is right. Maybe I should confront them and ask what's up.
Social media truly isn't designed to make friends, is it? Ironic
I think what I want most is the prestige. Once in the military you are untouchable. I know some shut in, autist, weirdo, who spent the last 6 years playing minecraft. He barely graduated high school and is dumb as shit. He was everyones punching bag. The butt of every joke. The type of person mothers point at to make examples of what not to be for the kids.
He joined the military and suddenly all critque ended over night. Now he's everybodies darling. he doesnt even have any important role. He does very minor maintenance work and wouldnt see combat even in a war. But he has everyones praise and all the cool financial benefits. He gets his mom fancy hotel rooms at a franction of the price. He has low interest rates on his credit cards. He hasthe besr healthcare known to man.
It pisses me off that a public works program for otherwise redundant individuals is like a golden ticket. I'd love to get some low tier postition in the National Guard, show up to base once a month,and get to wag my dick like a king. The free college is appealing too.
And yes, in event of actual war I would in fact defect.
correction, you are untouchable to anybody who isnt also active or prior military. also all I hear from my buddies is that the VA is absolute ass so, as long as you are still active you will have that good health care but be ready to be nothing again once you rejoin society.
I remember in the last year of primary school we had a summercamp with the entire class. We went to a house surrounded by a big forest and put our tents in front of there. During one of the nights there was some kind of quest or treasure hunt organized by the teachers were we had to search for clues in the forest and some girl made a big drama about being raped or something (which was bullshit). During one of the nights there was music and slowdancing giving me butterfly in stomach feelings when dancing with a girl. In fact this kind of dancing was repeated at several birthday parties i attended that year and during the summer between primary school and high school. Wish i had my first kisses then instead of 11 years later in some club while semidrunk.
I'm not enjoying reading books anymore.
Have sex
Fuck i should have reread it instead of using the same phrase twice.
Then don’t do it for a while and when you come back you’ll probably enjoy it again.
That's what I did but after coming back I'm still not enjoying it.
My flesh done sloughed off flopped on the rocked ground around my bone the purport support of my flesh done sloughed off flopped on the rocked ground around my bone the purport support of
>asking if it was fine to DM
user i hope this isn't a women you are talking to because you have a lot to learn about women if you found it necessary to even ask such a question.
Unless it's on paper they don't want to hear about it. You can't be worried about some chicken scratches on your arms and think you'll make it through boot.
In 2 weeks I become a young professional with a salaried job full of benefits. I have 2 weeks to get all the degeneracy and partying out of my system. This all feels so strange. Hopefully ill be able to adjust to the white collar lifestyle. I really hope so...
anyways i have to go to the bar now and continue my bender.
With you?
i started going on /fit/ today and it's such a different culture there, the whole place is full of horndogs thinking about getting laid 24/7 such a difference from Yea Forums which is just people coming up with ideological copes for their learned helplessness. not saying one is better than the other, just amazing how different it is.
very long winded and gay way to just say you believe in Nordicist larp nonsense have sex incel
Oh, their profile is public for anyone to follow? Let me guess, they have thousands of followers or are trying to be an influencer in some niche? In that case if you follow them yeah it'll probably appear in that inbox. Always makes me suspect their offer to follow them was less genuine
Honestly I think it would just be a lot easier to understand this situation and get good advice if you provided more context. And like that other user said I pray to god this isn't some woman/oneitis in which case I don't know what to say. Trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here so throw us a bone.
Have fun having your ship blown up for Israel.
That only happened once and it was an (((accident))).
>last review from 2010
Hemophilia good.
Oh shoot, chickens are a great excuse. Thanks user
Yes, it is a woman. Ofc it's a woman. Do you think I would overthink like this if it was a man? I didn't want to mention their sex to not deviate from the main question and to avoid someone to ridicule me because I asked if I could dm her. I didn't want to waste my time guessing whether she's open to receive DMs from strangers so I just asked her publicly on twitter and she said that yes, I was welcomed to (it was a very fast reply too btw). If she had said no or ignored me then I wouldn't have bothered.
I just want to make new friends after leaving a toxic social circle, don't even want to date her because I'm not in the right mind to be dating anyone.
my nephew brought some homeworks and he gave me one and i read it it was about terror attacks and shit, but thats not the point,
the point is this teacher plagiarized the crap out of this shit. i went onto the fbi website and there it was the same damn thing. except she just added and removed like five words.
I don't understand why you needed permission to send a message when she has a public Instagram. Unless your looking to DM due to some niche interests or common goal then this 'just want some friend' shit looks like 'im trying to fuck you' 99% of the time.
Have you ever been through boot camp? how long ago if so? I have a few friends that were instructors and they have stories about nearly being reassigned due to hazing charges for yelling at guys too much. It really doesnt sound that hard if you are relatively fit desu.
So here's the plan, gonna turn your neighborhood into Afghanistan
Maybe my personality is thorny, or I’m just horny but you’re so corny
Fuck your mother, your sister, your brother, your whole clan
I'm about to expose you like you were on Onlyfans
Toss all your clout into the frying pan
Cuz I'm in first place, you an also-ran
Switching gears, call me the bogey man cuz I’m all your fears
You and your friends? A bunch of queers
So bend over as you take it in your rears
You’re going out of business like Sears
Cuz you’re a con, and I’m like Amazon,
Shuttering your doors as you stutter on the floor with your butt sore
Diss you to your core, your whole deal makes me snore
You’re a bore, and I have unnecessary insults galore
On top of it all your mom’s a whore, you will hear me roar
Not even tryin’ but I got the heart of a lion
Leave em crying, maybe even dyin’
You will need triage, for with my espionage
I gain intel, on your plans I am spying
Into the pit of hell I will send you flying
Excessively belligerent, willfully ignorant
Obsessively militant, yet skillfully fluent
I’m the teacher, you’re just the student
A punk who can’t get paid, you get a failing grade
Sign your death warrant, my uncalled for hostility is abhorrent
Talking shit like a torrent
Your dream? I will foil it
And you’re toilet so let
my turd coil
over your head cuz I’m over it
I'd rather die doing something i've always wanted to do than die wishing I had
Most of my friends went through boot and none of them described any sort of abuse or anyone that tried to report the DI or DS. Trust me they do everything in their power short of physically dragging you to the finish line to graduate boot camp. The only physical incident i heard about was from one of my marine friends. They were doing the tear gas training and when he ran out of the shack practically blind one of the DIs clotheslined him hard just for shits and giggles. My friend wasn't even mad he was too busy being miserable from the gas.
>A punk who can’t get paid, you get a failing grade
*flunking grade
Missed opportunity