Previously on Bible Thread: Our opening question will be;
What is the best piece of literature written by someone in the same denomination as the one you’re in?
>C.S. Lewis
>Mere Christianity (close second being The Screwtape Letters)
Bible Thread V
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I am scheduled to get baptized in a few weeks.
Beautiful to see! May God keep you well.
Thanks user. Yesterday at church the pastor and my parents had me stand up front and he announced my decision and everyone came and shook my hand.
I was confirmed into the Catholic Church on Holy Saturday, the other week. It truly was a once-in-a-lifetime feeling. I had been baptized as an infant by tradition, and never really entered into the Church. It was a once-in-a-lifetime feeling and will probably be the most memorable of my life. All I will say is don't be surprised if you feel a little empty afterward. On the night of confirmation, I felt immense joy, but on my first Holy Communion the next day, I felt underwhelmed. I think that was Satan's influence, trying to win me back over. But over the last few weeks, Holy Communion has been very positively emotional and I feel a connection. I would love to hear your experience. Best of luck.
2 Peter 1:11 For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I highly recommend Northrop Frye's two books on the Bible and specifically the language of the Bible to anyone reading it as great literature (which isn't mutually exclusive with reading it as truth)
I honestly think we could get /tg/ to accept our general there. We would probably have to deal with less fedora posters also.
>What is the best piece of literature written by someone in the same denomination as the one you’re in?
Not exactly applicable to me. But the Gospel of Philip is in the same theological ballpark as me and I think it is a fantastic religious text. Perhaps not as good as Thomas, but since Thomas is just quotations, I do not think that really counts.
>If a pearl is thrown into mud, it will not lose its value, and if it is anointed with balsam, it will not increase its value. It is always precious in its owner’s eyes. Likewise, the children of God are precious in the eyes of the father, whatever their circumstances of life
>No one would hide something valuable and precious in a valuable container, but countless sums are commonly kept in a container worth only a cent. So it is with the soul. It is something precious, and it has come to be in a worthless body
What denomination?
Just name this "Mythology Reading Thread"
This. So much this.
I didn’t know you could summon them like this, you have quite the skill
Most threads regarding Christianity across all Yea Forums boards have been getting hit by an unusual amount of fedora losers for the past week.
Probably some discord tranny op from either r/atheism or the 'pagans' of /pol/.
Is despair a sin according to the Bible?
What does the Bible say about overcoming it?
Blessed are the poor in spirit. Be of good cheer. You will find peace that surpasses understanding.
I'm protestant and have recently gained an interest in the idea of there being a "true church" that traces back to the apostles, as Catholicism/Orthodoxy likes to claim. I haven't had the time to research much, but I've always found that the Catholic's Papal Infallibility and some other doctrines seem obviously wrong, and the Orthodox denial of the Filioque seems incorrect also (but I generally know less about Orthodoxy). What other churches make similar claims, or does anyone have any other thoughts on this topic?
There are the Oriental Orthodox churches.
The Body of Christ doesn't need to "trace back" to anything, it is directly connected with Him. Do not fall for the Catholics and "Orthodox™" propaganda. Both of them pray to "Mary", both of them are filled with false doctrines and the traditions of men, extrabiblical fables, fictions. Do not make idols of earthly institutions.
>What denomination?
I've read genesis exodus and judges to 2 Samuel.
What do you recommend next?
I interpret the true church as being the faithful adherents to Christ and His teachings. Catholics have a historical claim, sure, but the long and bloody history leaves much to be desired in regards to their spiritual one.
I've said before that I believe the current decay of many churches across the world is going to be part of Revelations, and from these fallen churches the secular Christianity 2 will propagate itself and spawn thousands of heretical apostate priests/preachers, and further bring the world down into darkness.
It's why I'm so hesitant to advertise any particular denomination of Christianity, because the amount of nuance and alertness you need to spot the wolves in sheep's clothing is exhausting.
>the amount of nuance and alertness you need to spot the wolves in sheep's clothing is exhausting.
There are some dead giveaways though that shows a church or denomination to be the work of Satan…primarily;
>Woman priests
>Openly supporting homosexuality (I.e. rainbow/trans flags)
>Thinking other religions are just as valid as Christianity
>BLM worship
>Immigrant worship
Just to name a few of the big ones for me. If a Church engages in modern political discourse it’s doomed, basically.
I’d be happy to see what others think are some Church/denominational red flags
Comfy threads
recently bought the orthodox study bible as im thinking of converting
any ortho lads able to tell me how accurate it is to orthodox teachings and interpretation?
coming from a anglican background it looked like a pretty decent medium
I actually think that The Great Divorce is Lewis' most brilliant work. I'm thinking of making him my patron saint when I'm confirmed. His works speak to me on such a deep level.
You want Orthodox or Anglicanism, or Lutheranism at a stretch. They have all the same traditions of apostolic succession and so on as the Papists but none of the popery.
What is the meaning of Genesis 3:20 bros?
''And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.''
Is it related to Eve's etymology?
I've said many times here, there *is* no particular "denomination" that is "the one" or even just "fully legitimate". The Body of Christ is made up of true believers/followers, not one member less nor more. There are members of the Body sprinkled around in essentially "all" denominations, even among the worst, and there are members who are in no "denominations" whatsoever. God places each member where He wants them, providing functions that are largely beyond our comprehension, even to the members ourselves. There are times we are doing His will and have no conscious knowledge of it, but we do know that we make ourselves available to the best of our knowledge and abilities. Any claim to be the "One True Church™" is Satanic Babylonianism. God was born in a barn.
I can agree with this. If there is a "true" church, it's probably so small and "insignificant" barely anyone knows about it. God seems to love using small things.
I honestly agree, the problem is that there are many within the catholic, orthodox, and various protestant churches who will tell you that if you aren't a member of their specific church that you are eternally damned. This makes people afraid and because of this fear many people won't acknowledge this as the truth even if they believe it in secret.
There's one I struggle with, and that is the exaltation of Israel. I recognize so much of the truth is lost in the modern machine of mistranslation but it is incredibly difficult for me to NOT see the horrible anti-Christian ethnoreligion of Judaism anywhere it goes, and even when I've been able to reach a semi-cordial conversation of the subject matter, the conditioning is so extreme that people get visibly angry when you broach the subject.
I just don't think I could trust a preacher who either spent practically no time thinking about the truth of Israel or one who spent too much time and concluded that they're justified in their heinous atrocities.
Anglicanism has this view as a central concept. That's why it permits its members to receive communion from Papists, Methodists, Lutherans, Orthodox, etc.
Never forget, the Jews claimed to be the equivalent of the "One True Church™" with perfect "Orthodoxy™", yet Jesus blasted them left and right. The Samaritans were a heretical offshoot, yet Jesus said the "Good Samaritan" was the true member of His Body and not the "Orthodox™" Levite. He also told the Samaritan woman at the well that the time had come that the Father was looking for those who worshiped in truth and in spirit, rather than either their own temple, nor that of the Jews. It's all right there, plain as day (light), for those with ears to hear. To attempt claiming an institutional monopoly on His ekkesia is Satanic Babylonianism. Call no religious leader by the title of "Father". There is no longer an institutional office of priesthood mediators between man and God. We, the believers/followers, are a holy priesthood, and the Body of Christ *is* the third temple.
Anglicanism is pretty cool, if it wasn't for the ordination of women and the pro-LGBT stuff I would probably be Anglican.
Go to a diocese which doesn't ordain women. I'm not really sure what you mean by pro-LGBT. Gays need help and support just like anyone else does, and to my knowledge few Anglican churches have ever performed gay marriages.
Orthodox don’t claim this. It’s certainly the best and surest way to be saved though.
Roe v. Wade just got overturned by 5 Catholic justices. Just thought you guys might like to know.
Praise God. Who knows how many lives could be saved by this
Martin Luther's "The Jews and Their Lies"
>It's real
I can hardly believe it, our government is so far gone that I'm genuinely surprised when our officials do the right thing.
I don't know what Anglicanism is like where you live. But I have had an eye on Anglicanism in the UK for awhile now, and they seem totally lost in a swamp of progressive, satanic sin.
Forget gay marriage or women priests, they have moved onto full trans grooming and drag acceptance.
It has not been overturned yet. It was only the leak of a draft ruling. But short of a massive left wing chimpout, I would expect it to be overturned by around September. This opens states up to passing abortion bans.
As fantastic news as this is. I think it is important to note that as Christians we should not just reflexively support total bans. I think we can all agree that there are some select circumstances where abortion could be acceptable (rape or incest) or should perhaps even be mandatory (retardation/genetic sickness).
Either way this is fantastic news. I hope that this is just the start of removing evil from the legal system (such as getting rid of gay marriage). First in the US and then across the world. It is such a nice change to get some godly news for once.
>I think we can all agree that there are some select circumstances where abortion could be acceptable (rape or incest) or should perhaps even be mandatory (retardation/genetic sickness).
No. Abolish all aborition.
Christbros I need some advice. I was thinking about converting to Catholicism because as a Methodist with doubts I was moved quite deeply by their art, hymns and prayers.
Now that I took an interest in religious history and am having large disagreements with the doctrine of Christianity regarding pascifism and being a walking doormat I am having second thoughts. Any advice?
I prefer preaching the Gospel and staying out of the world's business. Any time you think something is improving in the world because your political team "wins" something, there is always a blowback ramification in some other way. Babylon Babylons, news at 11. Politics is one thing the JWs get right.
Fellow Anglican here. Tom Wright's works are always good, nothing specifically, although I recently finished Surprised by Hope which was very good.
>as a Methodist
Found part of your problem, and I would say that regardless of what you said after "as a" unless it was "Christian". There is no "one true" institutional church anywhere on this planet, but there are plenty of individual Methodist churches that are far preferable to any Catholic ones, for at least a long essay's worth of reasons. Pray to God and God alone. There is no institutional office of priestly mediators. Read your Holy Bible and pray without ceasing to determine God's will as best you can. Ask not what God can do for (You), but what you can do for God within your congregation, community, the world, etc.
Augustine's just war theory. This also has implications in regards to self defence and defence of others ( family etc).
Pacifism has no place in Christianity. ' turn the other cheek' is in regards to insults. Jesus did after all take a whip to money lenders in the temple.
Tldr; sell your cloak and buy a sword.
>But I have had an eye on Anglicanism in the UK for awhile now
Each church is totally independent, and those sort of churches are going to make headlines while traditional ones won't.
I don't remember this in his Confessions. My reading of Scripture is that violence is only justified in self-defence and even then only sometimes.
>Pacifism has no place in Christianity
>turn the other cheek' is in regards to insults
Augustine never wrote one letter of Scripture. He was a member of an already heretical institution which had hijacked Christianity for power, control, and wealth. He fabricated his own doctrines of men.
>heretical institution which had hijacked Christianity for power, control, and wealth
Which of these three men taught heresy?
>St. John the Evangelist
>St. Polycarp, disciple of St. John
>St. Irenaeus, disciple of St. Polycarp
Only one of those wrote Scripture, and thus is the only one I have any interest in listening to.
So, you don't have any interest in the things St. John told St. Polycarp?
Nope, whatever God wanted all of humanity to know was written in Scripture. Anything outside of that can be filled with the errors of men.
I see. So you only care about those who wrote Scripture. So, when St. Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 2:15
>Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
you read it as
>Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, not by word, but only by our epistle.
Right? So, when St. John wrote Scripture, that's one thing, but when he taught verbally to his disciples, in this case St. Polycarp, you believe he was probably bullshitting? Okay, I was just making sure that your unbiblical beliefs are just as unbiblical as I assumed. Carry on. I pray for you.
Paul was speaking to people before Scripture was complete, who didn't even have the gospels yet. Once Scripture was complete the traditions he spoke of were codified in writ as God intended so that all of humanity had full access to truth.
I pray for you. I'm sure Jesus knows you don't mean to say St. John was full of shit, as you do, but you can't help yourself.
Bless your charitable attitude user.
What is the best audiobible out there? When I try to sit down and read scripture my brain forces me to do almost anything else.
I really like listening to Johnny Cash reading the New Testament.
I only wish he did the OT.
It’s available on audible or they’re on all YouTube.
Where is it written in the Bible that tradition is irrelevant once scripture is complete?
The name Eve is related to the hebrew word for life