Are you ready for the Great Work?


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>With the coming of the Aquarian Age, the world has seen an influx of older souls whose inner being has
a desire for more than material acquisitions. Within these souls lives the desire to aid and help their fellows, to alleviate the pain and suffering that is so unmistakably present, and to bring about the true Brother/Sisterhood of Man. If you are one of these souls (regardless of your physical age), then you know the inner yearnings of which we speak.
u'll be better off trying to recruit the schizos on /x/


Seems like a perversion or degeneration of the older and more authentic Rosicrucian path of the Royal Art. Do they really only believe in a soul-body human? No tripartite? Not to mention various other things.

>Seems like
Join and you'll know the reality

Do they recognise the Traditional tripartite division of man?

How do you mean?

Body Soul Spirit
We are the Spirit, not the Body or Soul


You don't know this, and you call yourself an occultist?

Only wanted clarification

Form and awareness evolve simultaneously. Consequently, as evolution unfolds, all men and women will ultimately be possessed of higher levels of consciousness. Almost incomprehensible periods of time elapse before such changes occur. Yet acceleration is possible. Humanity is endowed with mental and physical faculties which can be trained to speed up the evolutionary process. This cultural forcing process has been the work of the Mystery Schools for many centuries.

Higher Consciousness, Illumination, can be attained by learning theory and testing it in the rigors of daily life. These instructions and practical secrets constitute what is known as Ageless Wisdom. It is called ‘Ageless’ because it is not susceptible to the mutations of time. Ageless Wisdom is not primarily a product of man’s thinking. It is “written by God upon the face of nature,” and is always there for men and women of all epochs to read.

Builders of the Adytum is an authentic Mystery School in the Western Tradition. Its teachings are based on the Holy Qabalah and the Sacred Tarot, and have been handed down from one group of initiates to another since ancient times. However, B.O.T.A. does not claim value on the grounds of being old, but because its instructions have met the tests of centuries of practical application.

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Pseudo-inititation at best, counter-initiation at worst.
Case was a Mason, Pro-NWO; he even states explicitly that Novus Ordo Seclorum does in fact mean New World Order ((and why that's a good thing)). A lot like Manly P. Hall in that regard as well as in general. And one the BOTA's central texts is the New Thought fraud the Kybalion. Here's a pertinent pasta:

It's just another Atkinson book written under one of his countless credibility-building pseudonyms. A lot of those New Thought guys were direct-mail marketers first and mystics second. Atkinson even wrote a revealing book on sales tactics.
The 'mystic marketer' thing can also be seen with various Rosicrucian movements [such as BOTA] and with a number of '70s-'90s self-publishers (all associated with crazy long-form sales letters in various publications, promising all kinds of mystical powers and success [again, such as BOTA]). In the Internet era, it can be seen with The Secret, which known sleazy marketers were instrumental in popularizing and which is, after all, a paraphrase of old New Thought material.

Serious students of hermeticism will avoid.


Im being played? How do you know they don’t actually have secret knowledge?

Source for pasta? Also why Kybalion make you seethe?

The old question with which people sought to push logicians into a corner, so that they must either have recourse to pitiful sophisms or confess their ignorance, and consequently the vanity of their whole art, is this: "What is truth?" The definition of the word truth, to wit, "the accordance of the cognition with its object," is presupposed in the question; but we desire to be told, in the answer to it, what is the universal and secure criterion of the truth of every cognition.

To know what questions we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity and intelligence. For if a question be in itself absurd and unsusceptible of a rational answer, it is attended with the danger—not to mention the shame that falls upon the person who proposes it—of seducing the unguarded listener into making absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) "milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve."

If truth consists in the accordance of a cognition with its object, this object must be, ipso facto, distinguished from all others; for a cognition is false if it does not accord with the object to which it relates, although it contains something which may be affirmed of other objects. Now an universal criterion of truth would be that which is valid for all cognitions, without distinction of their objects. But it is evident that since, in the case of such a criterion, we make abstraction of all the content of a cognition (that is, of all relation to its object), and truth relates precisely to this content, it must be utterly absurd to ask for a mark of the truth of this content of cognition; and that, accordingly, a sufficient, and at the same time universal, test of truth cannot possibly be found. As we have already termed the content of a cognition its matter, we shall say: "Of the truth of our cognitions in respect of their matter, no universal test can be demanded, because such a demand is self-contradictory."

On the other hand, with regard to our cognition in respect of its mere form (excluding all content), it is equally manifest that logic, in so far as it exhibits the universal and necessary laws of the understanding, must in these very laws present us with criteria of truth. Whatever contradicts these rules is false, because thereby the understanding is made to contradict its own universal laws of thought; that is, to contradict itself. These criteria, however, apply solely to the form of truth, that is, of thought in general, and in so far they are perfectly accurate, yet not sufficient. For although a cognition may be perfectly accurate as to logical form, that is, not self-contradictory, it is notwithstanding quite possible that it may not stand in agreement with its object. Consequently, the merely logical criterion of truth, namely, the accordance of a cognition with the universal and formal laws of understanding and reason, is nothing more than the conditio sine qua non, or negative condition of all truth. Farther than this logic cannot go, and the error which depends not on the form, but on the content of the cognition, it has no test to discover.

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The first part of their course is on the law of attraction, so if you think that's bullshit you are warned.

But is it really bullshit? Even Evola (or was it one of his associates? It's in the UR books anyway) says that it's legit.

>But is it really bullshit?
That is the question. Any book recs on whether it’s bullshit?

bota…more like…. BOTA DEEZ NUTS.

Jokes aside i am not very impressed with them, their tarot fixation is whatever, their usage of the kabbalistic cube of space is from everything I’ve gathered relatively shallow (not at all making use of the teli-galgal nuances.)

It, aurum solis, order of the cubic stone and other such have cute nick-knacks but none of them genuinely advance the theories of magic and mysticism nor do they interact much with higher philosophy, one would be right to call all such orders more often than not a weakling form of sorcery, in the guise of mystical attainment bodies, to their credit at least they aren’t as politicized and normie fixated as the OTO or the like, but in comparison to the developments of groups like the TOTO, the fraternity of Saturn and other such, BOTA is a small fry, a small fish, not anywhere even near the AMOOKOS I would say. All in all one is better off to study and practice alone, I wouldn’t trust the adepts of Bota. (Not for malice, but lack of competence beyond lesser forms of sorcery.)

An actual group of some power but also danger (as they are not friendly and are likely to manipulate you.) would be the various groups centered around/made by bertiaux, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua, (OTOA( the La Couleuvre Noire, (LCN) and other such. Bertiaux being still alive And never stopping his refinements, but also continuously bullying and lying to people. He is definitely an option if you want to throw the dice.

>All the anti-materialism posting is just edging people towards cults and fringe groups
lmao lol even
Well played /x/

I have always felt like this idea could be explained using neuroscience or psychology so maybe it is legit

>higher philosophy
What’s this?

>Kaballah is the core of Christianity



Did you previously be in bota or how do you say you’re not impressed?

The older neoplatonists did not stray from the advancing sciences and new philosophies of the times but integrated, advanced and produced superior models, or to use the typhonians as an example, they fused the historical esotericism and philosophical positions with studies in continental philosophy, phenomenology, when relevant post-modernism, along with much more study of ancient and medieval literature, along with study of the aesthetics and fictional aspects of the current periods, whether this is Kenneth grant taking from Hegel, ramana maharshi, mallarme, lovecraft and Lautréamont and shoving them in a blender with his other sources, or the much more baroque mixture of Anglo Saxon witchcraft with laruelle, deleuze and so forth in the likes of Peter Hamilton giles.

Bota doesn’t have any metaphysical breakthroughs nor systemizations because they again, are little more than lowly sorcery.

If I’m autist should I avoid them?

I’ve spoken and known people initiated into em, I’ve also studied their public works and any leaks I’ve come across, I put them above the AMORC and Scientology but below the OTO at the end of the day. (I say this as someone who was a part of the OTO, and left voluntarily on account of finding the high amounts of larping normies, coomers and drug addicts distasteful there. It’s shit but at least it aims higher in theory.)

100% avoid, self initiation is the best bet, there is no shame in this, the tantras say self initiation is fine, and besides all genuinely good mystical traditions will tell you the only valuable initiator is God himself, thus prayer, fasting, Bible study and general study are far superior to any of these orders.

>high amounts of larping normies, coomers and drug addicts

I mean, didn't you read the box before you poured the cereal?

>Kabbalah = alchemy

I really appreciate your replies Frater. You’ve been really helpful.


>self initiation
what is self initiation? Is that just developing your own personal spiritual theory and practice?

I see it as a practical consequence of idealist metaphysics

What do you mean by this?

>Grant's views on sex magic drew heavily on the importance of sexual dimorphism among humans and the subsequent differentiation of gender roles. Grant taught that the true secret of sex magic were bodily secretions, the most important of which was a woman's menstrual blood. In this he differed from Crowley, who viewed semen as the most important genital secretion. Grant referred to female sexual secretions as kalas, a term adopted from Sanskrit. He thought that because women have kalas, they have oracular and visionary powers. The magical uses of female genital secretions are a recurring theme in Grant's writings. He believed that the XI° degree O.T.O. ritual, which Crowley argued necessitated anal sex, should instead involve vaginal sex with a menstruating woman. He was critical of Crowley's use of anal sex in rituals, stating his view that the "sodomitical formula" was "a perversion of magical practice".


Occultism always includes either simping or faggotry.


its not, look at all the depression "imma kill myself" threads, usually at least 2 a day that pop up, this place attracts that stuff like flies on shit and it perpuates and replicates itself constantly. its not bullshit, is what I'm saying. far from it.

I'm suspicious of kabbalah, its a perversion of neoplatonism

How is it a perversion of neoplatonism when kabalah is older than plato?

B.O.T.A. doesn't involve buttsex does it?

I'm just going by what I heard from a friend who dabbles in esoterica.
there was a Zoroastrian priest Mazdak who wanted what amounted to what an incel's dream come true would be.

Source was an user on the topic of William Walker Atkinson. The Kybalion is not hermetic, it is New Thought. Atkinson sold many New Thought Books as Yoga, Hermeticism, etc. but it was only marketing. Anyone interested in actual hermeticism will not waste their time. New Thought is basically just self hypnosis and belongs to the counter-initiation. If it does nothing , consider yourself lucky. Case was just another Anglo-American Masonic-Theosophist Spiritual Medium who was active in the Occult War pushing for the One World Government led by the United States. Nothing to see here.

Also, absolutely everything the good Frater said ITT.

I'm trying to keep people away from cults, friendo. Either ride the tiger or fuck off.

that's all fine and dandy but Atkinson has been dead for a good while. any way to push it towards something more productive, I guess?
>One World Government led by the United States.
I'd be ok somewhat with this since it might benefit me, provided its not another screwjob.

you and I differ much in the idea of whether self-fufilling prophecies are true, I'm guessing?

The tripartite structure is hammered into you through so much of occultism and alchemy, how could you need clarification? Its like a physician asking for clarification when you ask them what three elementary particles an atom is made of ffs.

Chill. Breathe.

thats the thing, atoms aren't the most elementary particles in the universe, energy is.

>Join and you'll know the reality

>just going by what I heard
>a friend who dabbles
why even reply baka

No. Reeee!

>Do they really only believe in a soul-body human? No tripartite?
A question about humans, not what is most elementary.
>what three elementary particles an atom is made of
A question about atoms, not what is most elementary.

Typhonian OTO along with its offshoots in the form of Chumbley Cultus Sabbati and the like is hardly an advancement in occult philosophy or practice.
Typhonian OTO is composed of three elements:
1) Advaita Vedanta at is barest as the philosophical underpinning
2) Edgy, witchcrafty, Satanic imagery as an aesthetic form coming from Grant’s understanding, explained in the Nightside of Eden, that because the ego is scared of the original brahman/void, it will process that state through destructive and fearful imagery and therefore its useful to work with gods that are considered evil - Satan (in one of the books Grant spells Satan as Sat-An, a pun understandable to anyone who knows anything about India and its philosophies), Set , the Qliphoth, - because they’re the images closer to brahman/the void.
3) Heterosexual sex magic as praxis
All of Grant’s books are an exercise in the “how many edgy metaphors I can use to describe the brahman and how many edgy metaphors I can use to veil the secrets of the sex magick.” Hence, you get the brahman as Cthulhu, the Mauve Zone, the Transplutonic sphere, the Other side of the Tree of Life, the Qliphoth; and you get the sex through the metaphors of the Vaulters, of the leap from Yesod to Binah, the Yellow River and Cairo Vaults in the last books.
In essence, Grant’s innovations are neither philosophical nor pragmatic (both having a long pedigree in India) but merely aesthetic, and even here it’s not as much a creation of something new as a re-evaluation of already existing material.
Cultus Sabbati, essentially a further development of the Typhonian Oto which has the same Advaita Vedanta philosophical ground and the same understanding of aesthetics, is even more primitive.
Underneath Chumbley’s windbag farting about Azoth and mutability of magical quintessence lies nothing more but the ideas of animism and mana: everything is imbued with magical energy that can be manipulated by will. And this is, in fact, what Gile’s use of Deleuze is about: the concept of chaosmos fits well with the prehistoric ideas about mysticism that typify the Cultus Sabbati material.
In the end, it’s not advancing new theories of mysticism and magic but, in a manner equal to Bible thumpers and New ageans, mutilating contemporary philosophies, truncating them till a limbless corpse remains, till they fit their paleolithic view.

The reason why mysticism and magic is such a shitshow is because while other scientific disciplines look into the future, it has it own head stuck up at is ancient, crusted arse. The Cultus Sabbati - latest, hot, development in magic, exemplified by Chumbley and Giles - is an example of everything that’s wrong with esoteric. In the ninieties, when everyone was dead set on the technological and scientific advancement in all fields, a group of Brits decided that it was the best time to return to the past, to the time when people cured diseases with spells and believed that if you chanted some mumbo-jumbo over a candle you’ll get rich or hurt you neighbour, and peddle a baroque occult system that featured killing animals in the forest, handling roadkill, imbibing tropane alkaloids, collecting animal remains. Even the skeleton upon which the system was built - the work of Mircea Eliade - was getting criticized, old, in the academia. Instead of advancing cybernetic, post-modern theories of the occult, like everyone did and still does, or finding better and quicker and cheaper and more efficient ways to get result, like medicine and science, the Cultus stuck with an animistic view and hour long Byzantine rites requiring tonnes of material: a very medieval form of magic.
Occultism is still stuck using spells to cure sicknesses while the world had moved one with vaccines and germ theory and antibiotics.
Occultism is still using coal while the world is getting on with electric cars and solar panels.
Occultism is still believing in the magical qualities of the papyrus while everyone around them has shifted to e-libraries and i-pads.
Contemporary occultism, as exemplified by the Cultus Sabbati, is a philosophical, aesthetical, pragmatical, creative Russia compared to the rest of the world, dabbling with nigger cults like Santeria and resurrecting old follies like Anglo-Saxon magic, instead of presenting something appropriate for the modern world utilizing the philosophical and scientific advances of the modern world.
The best way for magic and mysticism to update for the modern world is through subjecting itself to the scientific methods - psychology, biology, chemistry, neuroscience in particular - so that by understanding what happens to an enlightened or mystical organism and brain we could, first, map the process and, second, reproduce it on a mass scale instead of a few lucky ones in a million. It’s obvious that enlightenment and mystical states involve physiological changes - even UG Krishnamurti, when documenting his enlightenment process in the Mystique of Enlightenment, describes bodily changes that involved visit to doctors and then tells of permanent perceptual changes that the enlightened state, the importance of which he denies, brought - so the attention should shift to that because scientific, pragmatic analysis and understanding is the way of the future,

not experiments with aesthetics or the even more medieval way of
>prayer, fasting, Bible study and general study.
The only things that are happening in the occulture is the shift of aesthetics and wars over whose aesthetic is better or true without even trying to understand - even a little - why trances happen and how they work. It’s philosophical, pragmatic, epistemological ideas are heavily outdated - they still believe that spirits exists despite not a single shred of well verifies scientific evidence confirming this fact since the beginning of civilization - and act more like an swollen inflamed appendix, at the point of bursting, of the modern world.
This is the best example of occult thinking.
>I want to achieve something in life, let’s say money or fame
>How about eating pussy
>Receive a raise or a gazillion likes several months later due to a million reason unrelated to the fact you ate pussy after chanting mumbo jumbo and seeing your wife not as a some super model, as usual, but a goddess
>magic works
A toddler way of making connection between events coupled with sexually sublimated cannibalistic practices based on the idea that “other person special and if we eat them we gain their powers.”
Very advanced.

Somebody needs a vote.

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>1) Advaita Vedanta at is barest as the philosophical underpinning

Not so, they’re fundamentally tantriks. This is clear due to the constant fixation on aesthetics and fiction. Where grant succeeds and sabbati fails I believe, is the aesthetic-contemplation portion, which becomes too masturbatory in sabbati.

>2) Edgy, witchcrafty, Satanic imagery as an aesthetic form coming from Grant’s understanding, explained in the Nightside of Eden, that because the ego is scared of the original brahman/void, it will process that state through destructive and fearful imagery and therefore its useful to work with gods that are considered evil - Satan (in one of the books Grant spells Satan as Sat-An, a pun understandable to anyone who knows anything about India and its philosophies), Set , the Qliphoth, - because they’re the images closer to brahman/the void.

There are superior images and aesthetic modes, but to double form on this usage of evil see bertiaux Choronzon papers and the fiction of machen and his student Evelyn underhill.

>3) Heterosexual sex magic as praxis
All of Grant’s books are an exercise in the “how many edgy metaphors I can use to describe the brahman and how many edgy metaphors I can use to veil the secrets of the sex magick.”

Over simplistic reduction, he has a multitude of formulae the fundamental of them being the IAO formula.

>Hence, you get the brahman as Cthulhu,

Not correspondent in his system.

>the Mauve Zone,

More akin to meinong’s jungle.

>the Transplutonic sphere, the Other side of the Tree of Life, the Qliphoth;

References to the same thing as the Sufi ghaib, the mapping of the nothingness and so forth, qlippoth is the worst aspect of grant due to his ignorance.

However you cannot reduce the philosophy in the book of s’lba to vedanta, it is very explicitly a tantrik and illusion affirming position thus the fixation on aesthetic manipulation.

>and you get the sex through the metaphors of the Vaulters,

Reduction of them to sexual symbolism removes the nuance of the vaulters in relation to the frog which chumbley elaborates well on.

>Grant’s innovations are neither philosophical nor pragmatic (both having a long pedigree in India)

I would agree they have pedigree from India but to say the kantian, Hegelian and kabbalistic modifications and synthesis with these isn’t a new development would be lying plainly.

>Underneath Chumbley’s windbag farting about Azoth and mutability of magical quintessence lies nothing more but the ideas of animism and mana: everything is imbued with magical energy that can be manipulated by will. And this is, in fact, what Gile’s use of Deleuze is about: the concept of chaosmos fits etc

Based! If the gnosis occurs and they can advance the most basic principles without destroying them but advancing them further and further via integration of the most advanced philosophies this is indeed an advancement.

>It’s obvious that enlightenment and mystical states involve physiological changes
And this exactly what bota teaches. So thay frater guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

>spirits exists
Dr. Stephen Skinner is pretty adamant about this. How would you respond to him?

All of the GD related cults believe the various occult and mystical states can be studied in terms of psychology, neurology, physiological changes of all manner, etc. you don’t even have to go as new as William James but you can trace it to the likes of Agrippa, the nuance is that esotericism does not see a divide between the material and the spiritual, the mental and so forth. In this regard the process being studied physically and being examined in the brain doesn’t actually change any of this, this is all rather common at this point. I could flood the thread with links about the relation of meditation to a kind of controlled epilepsy for example.

Denial of spirits can only be done if you’ve not encountered em, anyone who has practiced sufficiently cannot actually disbelieve in spirits, they can only do so in the kind of skepticism that one denies the basic realities of every day life, a denial of experience utterly. Any arguments concerning spirits are gonna be pointless if it’s concerning people who will actually put themselves to the task of practicing daily, the reality of it will force itself upon them if they’re actually practicing consistently and with dedication.

>esotericism does not see a divide between the material and the spiritual
So like the practical application of the logical consequences of idealist metaphysics?

>the reality of it will force itself upon them
Thanks frater. By the way, what the hell are spirits? Are they simply beings that for some reason do not reflect light within the light spectrum visible to us? Or are they visible but just very shy? Are they beings made of gases and vapors instead of solids and liquids? Has anyone studied the physiology of spirits?