>one shot at life
>fell for the cs meme
>want to become a writer
>have no education in the humanities
is it all over? is it possible for a bugman to write great literature?
One shot at life
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I have to assume on some level that you are literate, so start putting that skill to use.
pynchon started college as an engineering major. faulkner dropped out after a year and a half of not giving a shit. mccarthy didn't even start reading for pleasure until he was 23. wallace studied mostly philosophical logic in college. basically, a lot of highly regarded authors went down bug paths until later in life.
>is it possible for a bugman to write great literature?
nah, but you're not necessarily a bugman just cause you have a gay degree. have you always had artistic interest? Do you have a critical mind? do you have excellent taste? how many languages do you know? how much effort do you put into refining your command of whichever language is yours?
All these things matter way more than a degree when it comes to being an artist
>cs meme
What does this mean? I'm doing a math degree right now and looking to switch to cs. Why is it a meme
Just start writing, retard. You're in your head too much.
I think OP just calls CS a meme because it's a "bugman" degree. He's probably incapable of realizing that he can go into STEM and not be a "bugman".
I'm a dimwit but don't tell me to lurk moar please.
What is a bugman?
CS isn't a meme but if you're not cut out for it it can be soulcrushing.
I'd argue that becoming a writer requires basically no qualifications, while for CS, the school you went to, the contacts you made there, and what projects you got to take part in all have a huge impact on where you will end up working.
OP, you can start writing right now in your free time. Dropping out of school just to pursue writing would be a mistake
Just write. It's that easy. Read as much as you can to see what other people have already done. No use complaining if you haven't even tried.
Hold on, let me get my chart out
Please consult this diagram at your leisure
it's a /sci/ meme that they perpetuate to comfort themselves that working as a lab tech for 6 years for their phd wasn't a waste of time instead of doing CS
After reading this, I want to snort Ketamine off of Critique of Pure Reason and start reading it while dissociated.
It's a meme because your starting job is barely above minimum wage writing the html code for porn adverts
If you have a CS degree you can get pretty much any easy job you like. I would suggest getting one that fits your financial habits and spend any moment you have off writing and listening to English, creative writing and humanities lectures on the internet.
Good luck, you're going to do great.
untrue. much like any other sufficiently broad field like law or chemistry, you can earn peanuts or 6 figures base for a junior starting pos. if your main concern is money, going into sre/devops or networking/security are probably your best bets. boring as fuck of course (current devops engineer) but whatever, job's a job.
>mccarthy didn't even start reading for pleasure until he was 23
wow, source for this? that sounds unbelievable
>asian male white female
how did he do it?
I love images like these because everytime I see them I realize how desperate and inferior other races are. To that guy, this is an amazing accomplishment. To losers on the internet, it's a cause for mass propagation to suggest regularity. The need for validation, positive and negative captured by this phenomenon (which is frankly rife on the internet) speaks more about the psychology of races than a million books.
>not spending six years in a lab for your CS PhD
By being 6'0" or taller I guess
His wikipedia page says he claims he didn't start reading until he was in his 20s in the air force
Won't know until you try. Don't stress too much bro
Yeah that explains why McCarthy is a hack.
Gay Euler diagram.
>Dva shamara
>if you're not cut out for it it can be soulcrushing.
Can I get by bullshitting? I got by copying-pasting code. I can barely code myself without Googling.
>Ass goes on crotch and not face
Stupid and weak chinks.
>he didn't at least get a minor in philosophy or literature or classics
Why? Even as STEM, I had enough flexibility in class choice to start and complete a minor in my junior/senior years. Not that it does anything for you other than provide personal satisfaction, the act of reading will prepare you infinitely better to write than any lecturer.
Plenty of writers had stem careers. Musil did climate science stuff. Platonov was a land reclamation expert.
Delicious feet
Books for this feel?
>cringe: the post
have sex immediately
mimetic theory
Petrarch's poems
well well, the lesser-spotted rice-cooker.
Hubert Selby thought "well if I can spell, I can write a novel". So he did. All you need is guts and talent.
If most shit on a bestseller list can make it through publication, then so can you user.
>The neoliberal consumerist slave as a wiling slave to the system.
Good post user, this really sums up what`s going on right now
Just doing writing in your free time. A skill to learn while your not working. Read about the humanities you dipshit instead of crying and complaining about not knowing them you baby
She looks asian
Edgar Rice Burroughs didn't start writing until he was 31. He was a pencil-sharpener wholesaler. He got his start because he looked at trashy pulp magazines and novels, and thought, "I could do this and better." Not exactly a high art luminary but he was prolific and his stories live on.
Thomas Hobbes was basically middle aged when he started writing and publishing his own works. I think in his 50s. He hated the universities of the time, though he had a classical education, other than learning Greek, he didn't put much stock in it. I think he learned Latin later in life. Still managed to redefine English political philosophy and European political philosophy in general.
JRR Tolkien had academic training, but didn't publish his work until he was older.
The point is, lots of greats didn't start until they were older. A lot of famous writers were BAs, MAs, MFAs, or PhDs. But plenty else were not.
As a slavic male who can’t get white or slavic women due to being ugly, I feel like shit.
It's a meme because it's a predictable career choice for 20 something year old men and demands zero creativity i.e. it's for autists
>If you have a CS degree you can get pretty much any easy job you like.
Why do people here lie so brazenly?
virgin internet addicted retard
I'm gonna be honest
I absolutely cannot stand sleeping in the same bed as someone else
Just imagining it gives me an unpleasant feeling
>he gobbled up the STEM dream sold by grubby toy merchants, dooming himself to an existence of zeroes and ones. Zero purpose. One sad bugman.
A masterpiece
Language is a better choice of minor, at least in the US. I remember taking one literature class as an elective, and the professor asserted that the wrestling of Gilgamesh and Enkidu in the streets was metaphorical language for gay sex. His reasoning is that in the original language, the same word can be used to describe both acts.
It's true though unless you're an actuall retard
Nice thread faggot kys
based Zizek poster is based
Swing and a miss, not to mention hypercritical.
>boards.Yea Forums.org/r/catalog#s=eddit/AsianMasculinity/
He's white on /pol/
I read The Road in high school and it was extremely dull.