
>just go join an existing tradition bro
>hinduism? impenetrable to westerners if not by caste then by rite, too spoopy
>islam? abrahamic and somewhat similar once you get past the arabic and it has great esoteric paths still extant

downsides to islam:
>growing and prominent modernist Salafi/wahhabi movement that advocates the mass murder of conventional ashari-creed muslims and 'sufis'
>is a political unit as well as a personal religion. you are essentially casting away your old tribal/ethnic/racial filial piety to essentially help western muslim diaspora immigrants get what they want out of the dunya. ala paying zakat to import their economic migrant cousins under the guise of 'refugees' to your homeland
>you will never fit in as a white muslim unless you move to Bosnia or some shit
>the white/western converts are more than not xenophiliacs and exoticists
>no authenticity
>alienate all your family members and other euros look at you as a weird collaborator with no real identity

Was Guenon full of shit? You can say this should all be discounted by a person who seeks God/Truth, but it's a sad reality. To be legit you'd need to do what Guenon did and move to an Islamic country, but not everyone can do that.

>paganism doesn't exist anymore, any attempt to revive it is a tarp
>christianity is a dead, hollowed out husk
>catholicism especially
>orthodoxy is as big a LARP for westerners as islam, and the orthodox churches are corrupt facades. especially the Russian Stalin-founded one

Is there no hope?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Move to another country. Is there any good reason to remain in your native western country? I don't think so. Take your time, make some plans and do it.

If you want Islam then move to Morocco, they have a lot of sufi tariqas from which you can choose and is one of the countries with the least number of salafis, sufism being approved by the state there.

The other option would be to move to India and gain the trust of a hindu householder and he will initiate you without having to be born in any caste, there are many non-dual paths within hinduism so you have a variety of options.

If you are serious then you will find your path. If is just a phase then what can I say... sad.

So, only smelly shithole countries still hold to Tradition? Curious...

The only sensible religions to convert to IMO are Protestant Christianity, Buddhism, or something esoteric like Taoism. Converting to religions like Catholicism, Islam, or Judaism is weird because unless you're born into those religions or marry into them, there's almost no good reason to try and join.

the smelly shithole medieval europe is no longer here so yes

When will the Guenon pseud shit end? It's literally only in the company of schizophrenics that the name is mentioned.

You could try responding to something Guenon actually wrote.
That might be a better start


You will never be a Sufi

you likely live in a city that's 40% black

Why is Catholicism not an option when it has so many orders and rites to choose from (from Dominicans to Carmelites)?

Protestant Christianity isn't a valid spiritual path. Catholicism or Orthodoxy both seem like valid options to me, but not Protestantism.
Buddhism I'm not sure on. Gun to my head its valid but I have some reservations.
Taoism seems legit.
I agree though ideally you marry into Catholicism.

He thought it fell away from Tradition too much by his time.

Ananda Coomaraswamy's son, Rama Coomaraswamy, explored this in great detail. In a post-Vatican II world, only a few strains of Sedevacantism are valid according to him.

what is the optimal amount of opium consumption to achieve the perfect Guénonian high state of mind...?

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Which book?

Destruction of the Christian Tradition

but you can get a qrd here:

>Now one thing is clear. If we as Catholics believe we have an obligation of obey the pope, then we face a dilemma. If we obey these popes we must give up our Catholic Faith. Hence it is that all sorts of solutions are considered – solutions that avoid recognizing the real issue. The bottom line is one cannot obey these individuals and remain Catholic. Hence it is that one must declare that they have no authority – that they do not speak as one hierarchical person with Christ. It matters little how one labels them – anti-popes, usurpers, materialiter popes, or no popes at all. The bottom line is that they have no authority to speak in Christ’s name.

Attached: rama book.png (338x500, 310.96K)

>Paganism doesn't exist anymore give up boo hoo it's a larp
Hinduism is Paganism with legs.
Fuck you OP. All I need is legs.

it's not that easy, india is full of pseudo-gurus, entire lineages are corrupted or just downright cults, the most clear examples are people like Osho, sri sri ravi shankar, sai baba or sadhguru

and you can say the same in the "sufi" realm, there's A LOT of schizos there, a lot more that you would think, the naqshbandi order for example has some of the most idiotic and deranged characters you can imagine

How so?


If you seriously study Guénon and have a good reasoning, it will be much easier to avoid pseuds, this is a topic on which he wrote extensively. Charlatans and deviants are everywhere but in the countries mentioned by me, there are also a decent amount of authentic paths.

I grew up with an Islamic family, please just don't do it. It's such a terrible, restricting, soulless culture. It is the very definition of a hivemind. And yes you will never fit in if you're not full blooded anyways, just go your own way. Why do you need to follow the path some guys a thousand years ago laid out? If you live in a part of the world under circumstances where you can easily choose and then decide to fall back into cults and religion traditions you're a coward.

>no trip impostor

Wasn't he friends with Malachi Martin?

>Vatican II world, only a few strains of Sedevacantism are valid according to him.

and Martin was present when Rama was ordained
and then re-ordained him again just to be sure

bonus rare audio footage of Rama talking about Martin:
(around 48:46)

Why are you joining these other foreign religions? What do you hope to get from it? Just develop your connection to the Divine where you are. Did you fall in some terrible pit where internet exists but God does not?

Pic just sort of fit thread theme.

I'm European but my parents joined Sant Mat (Indian esoteric faith) before I was born. I was raised in that community but fell away at University. I'd like to go back but because of various attrition it's a very small community. Unless I want to be an ascetic, I can't stay. I won't find a spouse or even food every day. Am I so much better off?

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I posted his essay on it here


im not op
but sup

whomst do I have the pleasure of speaking with? vrillmaster or guenonfag?

Nvm r you monitoring pol and lit like 24/7 ?

yes (but only on weekends)

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look at you. posing as a traditionalist who wants to embrace faith. but your mind is so neatly programmed you don't even recognize how you turn religious faith into an accessory to shape your identity. In a way you larping faggots are not so different from trannys. You try to cope with your meaningless existence which is being consumed by more and more slavery by the day by joinging some faith other then the one in which your grandparents believed. How pathetic. You realize that guenon was simply a coping shizo right? The is no such thing as world plan written by the one true god. There is no common god that is worshipped by multiple traditions. Gods and the ethics deduced by them have always been created by human imagination. Why don't you just set yourselfs free of faith in something else and realize that power and knowledge is to be found withing yourself? Don't let yourself be held back by the arbitrary restrictions traditions put on your image of god. Embrace it in the way YOU like it. But beware, you might discover that your biggest problems are caused by being opressed by people who already are powerful precisely because they rejected tradition in the way i just described.
>t. promethean pragmatist

Stick to christianity. And if you're looking to get into esotericism, study the Hermetic Tradition set forth by Evola, but only start if you're gonna go all the way, otherwise you're wasting your time or damaging yourself. Hermeticism proper is totally superior to sufism and many other things, you have no idea.

>shudra dog has entered the chat
You low class swine, get out of here. You disgust me, like a dirty shitskin or a tranny.

He was just disenchanted with it basically, in my opinion. It wasnt esoteric enough. Or its esoteric tradition was weak in the face of Islams.

>Why are you joining these other foreign religions?
Because "foreign" doesn't speak to the validity of a religion

Guenon was too dogmatic. He also didn't actually know everything. You will probably need to go out and look for yourself and guide yourself for a while, as a Westerner, then maybe you can reach some groups eventually. You're lucky, since most people on that path don't have clear rules like the Traditionalists and they get lost.

So basically Evola is correct, at least in practice.

This is true why?

Sure it does. How will you ever believe some faith you picked out of a hat? Either you have a mystical experience or grow up with it. Otherwise you are just trying on new hats.

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>Is there any good reason to remain in your native western country
It's your and your ancestors homeland?
It's where you were born and where you should die?
Blood and Soil?


>Give up your spirit quest, seeker! Sip your corn syrup and sell us more corn syrup! Join the Corn Syrup Sales team or die, seeker!

I read this in valley girl uptalk voice.
Umm, like Hitler?

>ure it does
Ok prove geological location has anything to do with truth

>>hinduism? impenetrable to westerners if not by caste then by rite, too spoopy
plenty of westerners have been initiated into vaishnava, shakta and shaiva sects before

Those aren't good reasons if the faith is wrong though


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post your willy and i'll judge whether you are heckin cute or not
>Buddhism I'm not sure on

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He was writing in a different time. I don't think he could imagine the current state of the west

There's no relevant Sufism that preaches what Guenon preaches. Guenon thought Ibn Arabi = Shankara but Ibn Arabi refuted that position countless times.

Guenon was an idiot talking about things he never experienced and didn't understand.

>What did you call it again? Traditionalism? *laughs*

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Brodisatva, give us the CUM

Ive never read Guenon. But sufism seems very different to the rest of contemporary Islam. Nothing like salafism or wahabism.

>Guenon thought Ibn Arabi = Shankara
Where is this written about

who's the guy on the right? And did Guenon actually retract this and agree that Buddhism was sufficiently esoteric or Traditional or whatever?

Or he just wanted to smash brown puss

you are deliberately misunderstanding me. I am not telling you to stop seeking truth, or the good life. But you shouldn't seek it in arbitrary deprivation from life on earth by joining some elaborate LARP group. Practicing slavemorality even more then you already are as a western consumer won't bring you any liberation in life or in death.

>who's the guy on the right?
Ananda Coomaraswamy
>And did Guenon actually retract this
(which specific book? can't remember. it's in the footnotes of the early part of either Intro to Hindu Doctrines, Crisis, or East & West)

You are right, it isn't geographic location. They are foreign because you don't believe them. You're just an atheist going to church to meet girls. Do you really want a relationship with the divine? Go to the place that feels the most sacred to you and pray. Don't talk to anyone, don't eat, just pray until God revealed.

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