They're not reading Nietzsche in prisons and asylums they're reading the Bible...

They're not reading Nietzsche in prisons and asylums they're reading the Bible. Nobody doing a few decades hard time has ever said that Nietzsche was the strength that got him through.

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That‘s because people who read Nietzsche have no interest in boasting about it, unlike religion fags and their unfounded superiority complex.

congrats, you just figured out what prisons are made for, you fucking moron

user, christian morals are baked into the prison system. you don't get out on parole unless you recant of your crimes and confess to being a bad person.

even if you don't believe any of it, you'd want to read the bible at least to learn the cuck language so you can get out early. it's to your advantage.

>Nietzsche isn't for weaklings with low impulse control who need guidance from an invisible authority
Tell us something we don't know.

overmen dont get caught

>he thinks religion has no essential difference from any other belief system

this is so fucking untrue holy shit
>religion fags
yes im a christian but how do you fucking exist in this reality believing your entire life is just a cruel joke of nature?

>They're not reading Nietzsche in prisons and asylums they're reading the Bible.
Yes THEY are, who the fuck do you think runs the prisons?

>low life thugs read the Bible and not Nietzsche
That sounds like a point for Nietzsche

I'm a Nietzschean Christian.

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>how do you fucking exist in this reality believing your entire life is just a cruel joke of nature?
Why would existing by pure chance be a cruel joke? This would only be true if you believed that it is better for you, personally, to not exist than to exist.

Almost like the chief purpose of prisons is to make prisoners hate themselves and believe they deserve punishment - the most horrible institution.

>be degenerate faggot
>convert to christianity
>believe this absolves you of being a piece of shit
>have phase of convert zeal
>fall off the wagon
>repeat until heroin overdose

It's because once you are in prison you want to annihilate any ounce of individuality you have. Exactly what christianity does. Nietzsche exacerbates that which seeks to be killed in prison.

Yeah, because the book cart that comes around the cell blocks more often has the Bible because it's a book that everyone will recognize, and because a good percentage of people in that cell block are probably religious to begin with.

Besides, how likely do you think it would be for a prison to stock copies of something like Thus Spake Zarasthustra? How likely do you think it is for most prisoners there to have the mental faculties to even read or grasp works like that? Repeat offenders or people serving life sentences for rape, murder, or arson aren't exactly known for their high intelligence; verbal, literary, or otherwise.

i have a sense of humor

No, it's because Christianity is explicitly for criminals. Raped and killed someone? Sorry I repent, I'm good now. Of course they look to the Bible for 'strength'.


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except 'Crazy' Joe Gallo

but he allied with the moolies so u gotta take him with a grain of salt

>That‘s because people who read Nietzsche have no interest in boasting about it
16 year olds would beg to differ.

Duh, he's some gay incel that died of syphillis.

Cruelty and humor are human inventions. Nature is nature. Man's denial of nature spawns religious cope.

> No, it's because Christianity is explicitly for criminals. Raped and killed someone? Sorry I repent, I'm good now. Of course they look to the Bible for 'strength'.

Georges Bataille argued that Christianity needs lots of violence and sin to operate more effectively. Christianity’s popularity in the Middle Ages makes more sense when one thinks about all the violence. Bataille uses the child serial killer Gilles De Rais as an example

> With astonishing impudence, Rais imagined saving himself to the end, despite his abominable crimes, and escaping Hell’s flames, which for him were the object of a coal-seller’s implicit faith. Even though he invoked the demon and expected from him the reestablishment of his fortune, up to the end he was naively a good and devout Christian. A few months before his death, still free, he confessed and approached the Sacred Altar. He even had a feeling of humility on this occasion; in the church at Machecoul, the common people moved aside, leaving room for the great lord. Gilles refused, asking the poor folk to stay beside him. This was a moment when anguish perhaps took him by the throat, when he wanted to renounce his orgies of blood. He decided then to go abroad, to go crying in front of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

> This bedlam is not contrary to the truest Christianity, which is always — be it frightening! be it Gilles de Rais’! — ready to forgive crime. Perhaps Christtianity is even fundamentally the pressing demand for crime, the demand for the horror that in a sense it needs in order to forgive. It is in this vein that I believe we must take Saint Augustine’s exclamation, “Felix culpa!,” Oh happy fault!, which blossoms into meaning in the face of inexpiable crime. Christianity implies a human nature which harbors this hallucinatory extremity, which it alone has allowed to flourish. Likewise, without the extreme violence we are provided with in the crimes of one Gilles de Rais, could we understand Christianity?

> Perhaps Christianity is above all bound to an archaic human nature, one unrestrainedly open to violence? In his mad Christianity, no less than in his crimes, we see one aspect of the archaism of a man who, “leaving very early in the morning, wandered all alone through the streets …”

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>yes im a Christian
immediately btfo

According to what? Have you visited prisons to see what everyone is reading? Where is this data coming from?

I don't want to even entertain the argument but I will say that picking up a religious text and believing hard enough is far easier than the Nietzchian path, leagues easier. The main religions is an easy path for the masses.


Yes. The opposing path to Christianity and religion in general is a difficult one, mental anguish you'll experience. But I do think there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it's overall worth it.

what is violence?

Imagine believing there is a single German philosopher who isn't destructive to life. They're all terrible.

>Why would existing by pure chance be a cruel joke?
Because an existence without meaning yet many men spend their existence pondering what the meaning is is insane when you bother to contemplate the sheer absurdity of it.

Most honest poster ITT, although all philosophy detached from religious roots is bad. The east understands this, the west did at some point too until multiple Christian sects came into the picture and nihilism became the norm.

One of the few reviews I read for nietzsche was from some woman who gave it to her husband in prison. Sort of an oddball thing to see, except that anything to do with justice is safe to be imagined in interest to people like that, to see if it can ameliorate their guilt or something like that

>yes im a christian but how do you fucking exist in this reality believing your entire life is just a cruel joke of nature?
So your belief is really just about what makes you feel comfortable then?

Why would they allow psychopaths to read Nietzsche? His writings are one big glorification of psychopathy

Nietzsche was the strength that got me through.

>His writings are one big glorification of psychopathy
Ask me how I know you didn't understand Nietzsche

>Literally beyond good and evil
>Not limited by pity (empathy), fear, guilt and resentment
>Disregards the opinions of the masses
>Will to power is the main driving force in life
Psychopaths are pretty much master morality personified, proto-overmen

Nonsense. Psychopathy has no relation to intelligence, and high intelligence is a necessity in order to be one of Nietzsches higher men.

Congratulations, you misunderstood every concept and every point N was trying to make.

Once I started reading Nietzsche I realized that many here don’t

yeah, christianism and marxism are the ideologies of criminals, thats why they give it to criminals to read

Amazing isn't it?

Criminals read the Bible willingly, though.

Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

'n this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.'

i can smell you, beaner

Absurdism is my latest cope, we'll see how long that satisfies me.

They want to reform them into passive citizens
So they read the Bible.
Of course they wouldn't let them read Nietzsche.

If you think that's what life is without God I think you are the one with the problem.

Prison is full of low iq, impulsive individuals and people with barely any education.

>the bible is for the criminal, the insane, and the criminally insane
>Nietzsche is for free spirits

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People that do hard time are also more likely to commit crime after they are released than those that spent a few months in jail. The only logical conclusion is that the bible produces criminals. check mate theists

The guards read Nietzsche

What would Nietzsche’s thoughts on the Tao Te Ching be?

idk but i almost tao te ching at the bookstore yesterday, is it worth the read?

>slave morality taught to help you endure enslavement
Oh gee, say it ain't so. "Thank you for my enslavement" so strong.

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JHow can I rreach these keedz?
Gwhy cannot I teach JGerman Ideeelism to tha keedz?

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>yes im a christian but how do you fucking exist in this reality believing your entire life is just a cruel joke of nature?
I believe in a conscious entity that is responsible for putting into place the rules upon which the universe exists.
I don't believe in a religion made up by men, copying stories and themes and characters from other religions made also by men, who themselves repeated the process several times all in an attempt to cope with their existence.

Right you preferred feminine Jews instead of men. Good job, Jacob.

And this is why we have woke shitlibs today, people don't do enough crime so in order to continue the Judeo-Christian tradition to its absurd deathbed, they must turn everything into at least a thoughtcrime for which the guilty must seek absolution. At some point they even forgot the entire religion part of it, and just believe in this dumb shit.

Slave religions should've been exterminated immediately.

People like you should be publicly executed. Also, a purely animist or vitalist viewpoint would not lead to seeing nature as a dog-eat-dog world. Nature has more than just competition and death, even if they are parts of nature.
Genuinely kys. One day I'm going to mutilate edgelords like you in Minecraft.

Monkeys will rip your guts out and laugh. Squirrels will sneer and chatter, stopping their sprint to point and laugh. Cats will rollover playfully. Nature plays more than it works. For this many species extinct. Pandas kms

One-sided perspectives like this piss me off and obviously come from some kind of emotional disturbance than real analysis. People can befriend and learn from other species too. It's not all just eat or be eaten. Also, let's be honest, being killed and eaten by a tiger (if one unfortunately fails to defend himself) is preferable to being abducted and tortured by a serial killer. The former is at least sympathizable.

Yes… some translations are wonky though. Lao Tsu was definitely onto something. The book makes no sense neither does life. For example, if someone is a coward, by knowing their cowardice, they can be brave…the paradox of life

The bungled and the botched like their little slave morality book, color me surprised.