Are there any books on women and how they flock to the winner every time

Are there any books on women and how they flock to the winner every time

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Ninja looks like THAT?

>they flock to the winner every time
Not necessarily true but if you like just read Darwin or any book on Evolution and sexual selection.

I am allergic to peanuts and have never had a butterfinger or a snickers. Recommendation for alternatives? maybe with sunflower butter.

Also, isnt that everyone? everyone wants a winner. No one wants a loser. Unless they are a losser who can make them feel like a winner.

this pasta

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Boys do this, user.

That's really how it works, just tell women that you're the New Thing and you can fuck em in the pussy

This is basically just an incel describing the will to power. Women like men who have achieved self-actualisation.

So wise

>Women like men who have achieved self-actualisation
What is self-actualization?

What the fuck is the reason for their periods lining up though it always bewilders me to hear it happens

I hate women so much it’s unreal

t. not a thing
I started pulling pussy once I said I have a girlfriend

Love from Kazakhstan

What is Wikipedia?

How do I become a thing? I noticed that you can fake being "a thing", and that in my cases they project you into being "a thing" where you are in fact "nothing". And at times I wanted to show this nothing but they don't seem to see it, and so do not see me

becoming a thing is equivalent to having status, highly context dependent

unironically, is this true? I am interested

try it, but drop it nonchallantly and dont be afraid of staying in the friendzone (by putting her) you have more control and you can let her open up. Maybe you can also leverage her social circle this way

How do they feel about you cheating? Do they feel as if they have won you? It seems that thats what its all about, winning "you" against other potential opponents, they want to feel that you have specially selected them over potential others

I dont quite care, if I try this trick its for one time flings usually. But yeah its all an ego trip in the end, if you can satisfy her ego you can fuck her as a general rule

I only had this when talking to girls on tinder. I told them that I was talking to other girls aswell and one of them straight up said that she feels like being in a competition, how I would feel if she was talking to other guys aswell etc. Basically mad and jealous but they could never stop talking to me
Makes it easier for sure and it's universal, or close to universal for all girls

How have I never seen this before? Best post in history of Yea Forums.

This is not what he's saying.


>Best post in history of Yea Forums.

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What's wrong with the post?

Anons, can you ever be vulnerable with a woman? I'm tried of games and SMV and all the pill bullshit. I just want to be myself

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a silent voice was also made for girls, you just are associating anime with men because in the west that is the predominant anime-watching demographic

Explains Pete Davidson's dating history a good deal 2bh

This picture is so stupid, I don't know why it gets reposted. It could just as easily be a comparison between 'romance for Japanese people' and 'romance for Americans'. Disingenuous cherrypicking at its worst.

I did residency with a scrub tech and we went out to the bars once. Since you're not allowed to wear rings around the OR I was surprised he had one on when we met up since he never mentioned a wife to me before and when I asked him about it he laughed and told me apparently he wears a ring when he goes out to get women. It works he says but that's not the interesting bit for me, it was the women's reactions after he tells them he's not married, post-coitus

Imagine you hooked up with a hot lady who was wearing a ring. Maybe you'd actually like to date her but implicitly this is only a casual thing. Then she tells you "hey actually I'm single wanna see where this goes?" you would probably be pretty cool with that, even pleased, because she's available now. Right? Well apparently his conquests are near universally MAD at him for not being married. They say he misrepresented himself but surely the absence of a partner is a good thing, much like if a guy told you he had herpes, you banged him anyways, and then he's like "well actually I don't have herpes" you probably wouldn't be mad about 'misrepresentation'

Anyways the point is women like men already in relationships. it says your cock works and you have a bit of cash, and someone can stand to be around you. A single man is a wild card

Yes, it means you have something of value that a woman might want

Yes and let me present you with my conclusion after reading about it for a decade.

>locate the most alpha male you can find
>put him in an artificial coma
>keep his testosterone optimal
>automate cleaning, sex toy and so on
>record and play a narrative of success to him
>harvest his sweat and rub it all over your body
>replace your pubes with his with glue

Result: Get all the ladies.

Alternatively you can go to the gym early every day and take the alpha guys gym clothes, while he's in the shower, into the bathroom and rub them against yourself, before you put them back

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All this posts says is:
a) Women are attracted to social status
b) social status is based in shared beliefs about who members of a society think holds comparatively more or less social value e.g. it is a collectivist value that is relational and determined by others, by definition.

Shows all the midwits here who find that impressive.

You’re retarded

You can bee urself with the right woman but you can only uncover the right woman by being urself. Is this shit dawning on you already?
The truth has always been to best tool to weed out unhealthy/unworthy people from your life. Isolating? Sure, at times, but once you find a worthy person with this process they will be worth it. This goes for friends, family and lovers.

>whyte whyte, like a crack do

Also showing vulnersbility combined with confidence is literally the recepy for being attractive. Play around with this. Unless you are a nigger, then i'm lying.

all women want bbc simple as

>you can be yourself with the right women
>he hasn't found out yet
Have a fun next 5~ years, user :^)

No, it says women are fucking horrible at seeing value, and you shouldn't base you decisions on what they do because theyre fucking retarded parasites. women with power is a horror that it is very hard to recover from. its like letting 6 year old boys, and not the smart ones, run things. its death and destruction, not because women are evil and neither are 6 year old boys, but power in a dangerous world without experience and moral understanding is death.

idk man, hope youre right, it fucking hurts. Ig I was able tp be vulnerable with my mom, but idk if that exists with women I would be marrying

>humans are basically glorified pack animals
>therefore girls are impressed by high social status/hierarchy
Wow, I never would have guessed

I'm glad we screencapped this for the future generations

see my post

Read Models by Mark Manson it explains the whole vulnerability and attraction thing best.

basically its like basing your decisions off of a really low status male, hes low status cause hes stupid and weak and selfish. if you want to find your value only work within the male dominance hierarchy, and let women be.

Well put my man.

thanks broski, really appreciate it
do you have personal experience with it? id be curious cause ive been thinking the same things

What makes you see them as "retarded parasites"? I'm not sure I follow the logic. They enjoy seeing men with social status and appreciate the confirmation. Conversely, men enjoy pissing contests and dick measuring for social status. What's so difficult to understand?

It doesn't make women whorish or parasitic just because you're to see the social hierarchies.

Experience with what? The book or pulling chicks by being genuine. Both my guy, both. But models taught me a lot and it works. Only book you need to read on male-female social dynamics.

*just because you're too autistic to see the social hierarchies

The implication being that women want black men because they are "winners," which is quite funny. What isn't funny is that some faggot, probably wearing women's clothes, posted this on my Yea Forums. This faggot doesn't read, and if it does how much do you wanna bet it's shit?

>shitskins telling themselves this to cope
Do you know what a fucking loser you are?

Men who need to "pull chicks" for validation or uncontrolled sexual lust are children. If you can control the desire and remain superior to it, you yourself are superior.

Oof, spilling all this newfaggotry all over the place. Women are parasites, the examples are endless. Ooen your fucking eyes you fucking retarded cunt.

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yeah youre dumb, just be quite
sick, you got anything specific? on the personal experience side. what changed when you started being genuine?

This kind of behavior is a lot more common man the “chad” behavior.

Women will date anyone their friends tell her to. The quality of man you are is irrelevant. That is why having female friends/sister Is very helpful for finding girlfriend.

yeah I agree, tho I dont have much experience with not trying to pull chicks for ego reasons, thats what ive done my whole life. what change when you stopped and tried to be real? I would like to do that

Ah. You must be from the 2016 election.

In that case, Yea Forums is not a hugbox conforming solely to your political view.

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>tells me to shut up
>proceeds to ask the other guy about the /r9k/ PUA book
Holy shit none of you are getting laid

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Its just that by not masking what you really think you make yourself vulnerable. And this combined with not giving a fuck if she walks away makes you high status because you dont put on a mask and try to deform yourself in order to get to know her, like a desperate creep would do. Women pick up on this shit much more than you might think. Women are super finely tuned for social interactions.

no but youre dumb and shouldn't include youre off topic personal attack woman arguments here. leave

Actually I left /pol/ in the first half of 2016 after being there since 2012. Never went there again. I witnessed the good times and can see the contrast.

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vulnerability my guy, youre not capable of it. I have no idea what the book is hes talking about, so im interested. stop youre little girl slide attacks, we'll just ignore your responses from here.

yeah thats a really good observation, obvious to me but something I dont act on that much, its a tough thing cause everyone wants love but I dont think women, specifically the age group im interacting with, are very capable of it.


Pol took over Yea Forums, how new are you? Or are you just stupid?

This thread is pretty clearly full of leftist shills and serves no purpose.

>I'm not sure I follow the logic
No surprise there