Read the plot of Death in Venice on Wikipedia because there was a random reference to it in an anime I was watching

>read the plot of Death in Venice on Wikipedia because there was a random reference to it in an anime I was watching
>it was based on a real vacation the author had according to his wife
What the fuck

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Mann was a homosexual pedo, yes. He also lusted after his own son. Total creep.

>read the plot of The Merchant of Venice on Wikipedia because there was a random reference to it in an anime I was watching
>it was based
What the fuck

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Homosexual pedophilia will never be based, Abraham.


I misread I must kms now

What's the problem with that? It just means Mann started (and properly understood) the Greeks.
>Mann's wife Katia (in a 1974 book) recalls that the idea for the story came during an actual vacation in Venice (staying at the Grand Hôtel des Bains on the Lido), which she and Thomas took in the summer of 1911:

>"All the details of the story, beginning with the man at the cemetery, are taken from experience...In the dining-room, on the very first day, we saw the Polish family, which looked exactly the way my husband described them: the girls were dressed rather stiffly and severely, and the very charming, beautiful boy of about 13 was wearing a sailor suit with an open collar and very pretty lacings. He caught my husband's attention immediately. This boy was tremendously attractive, and my husband was always watching him with his companions on the beach. He didn't pursue him through all of Venice—that he didn't do—but the boy did fascinate him, and he thought of him often… I still remember that my uncle, Privy Counsellor Friedberg, a famous professor of canon law in Leipzig, was outraged: "What a story! And a married man with a family!"[5]"

>All the greeks where le pedos! xD
retard detected

not all, just the ones that matter.

you are seething and coping hard


> Le false flag thread.

Name any famous Greek and odds are you can probably tether them to pederasty in some form or another.

The lawgiver Solon:
>While one loves boys among the lovely flowers of youth,
>Desiring their thighs and sweet mouths.
—Solon fragment 25
>The same lawgiver [Solon] said: ‘The slave is not to be the lover of a free boy, nor to pursue him, or else he is to receive fifty lashes with the public whip.’ But he did not prevent the free man from being a lover, from associating with or pursuing a boy, nor did he think that this brought harm to the boy, but saw it as a testimony to his self-control."
—Aeschines, Against Timarchos (138-9)

The playwright Aeschylus:
>Aeschylus talks nonsense in claiming that Achilles was in love with Patroclus (rather than the other way around), for Achilles was more beautiful than not only Patroclus but all the other heroes as well; and besides, he was unbearded, and thirdly, far younger than Patroclus, as Homer says.
—Plato, Symposium 179E-180B
>And you did not respect the chaste consecration of the thighs, oh ungrateful that you were for those countless kisses!
—Achilles in the Myrmidons by Aeschylus Fragment 135

The playwright Sophocles:
>This boy laid his own cloak on the ground under them, and they wrapped themselves in Sophocles’ cape. After the act the boy snatched Sophocles’ cape and went off leaving Sophocles his own boyish cloak. The incident was widely reported. Euripides heard of it and made a joke out of it, saying that he had had that boy too and it did not cost him anything; Sophocles had let himself go and had paid with ridicule. When Sophocles heard that, he composed an epigram against Euripides in the following sense, alluding to the story of the North Wind and the Sun, and at the same time satirizing Euripides’ adulteries: "It was the Sun, and not a boy, whose heat stripped me naked; / As for you, Euripides, when you were kissing someone else’s wife / The North Wind screwed you. You are unwise, you who sow / In another’s field, to accuse Eros of being a snatch-thief.
—Hieronymous of Rhodes, Historical Notes)

The philosopher Socrates:
>I saw inside his cloak and caught fire, and could possess myself no longer; and I thought none was so wise in love-matters as Cydias, who in speaking of a beautiful boy recommends someone to "beware of coming as a fawn before the lion, and being seized as his portion of flesh"; for I too felt I had fallen a prey to some such creature.
—Socrates, Charmides 155d

The inventor of Stoicism, Zeno:
>Zeno of Citium, the Stoic . . . says to use boys sexually without any restraint.
—Epiphanius, Against Heretical Sects 3.36
>You are boy-watchers, and that is the only way in which you rival the founder of your school, Zeno the Levantine, the man who—so Antigonus of Carystus tells us in his Life of Zeno—never had a woman and never stopped having boys.
—Athenaeus 13.563D–F

Most pedos are right wing or conservative

>all le ancients were le same without any distinction! hehe
you have maggots in the brain.

What anime?

>a fiction writer is his characters
I didn't know you were actually retarded.

Aeschylus is the only one with fictional characters there, and he, like most Greeks, depicts pederasty positively

der Nobelpreisträger

You will never fuck a boy

Tits or GTFO

OK? Good? Keep coping about the Greeks

Full Metal Panic: Fummofuo Episode 3

Repeat after me: "I must seek mental help, for I am a danger to the civilized world."

The phrase "total creep" makes him sound like a vapid roasty but, yeah, that's definitely some grade A degeneracy.

I know you are

>pedophilia isn’t wrong it’s just artistic XD

Not really since Mann simply recorded the feeling and expressed his disquiet about it, he didn’t write it lavishly or lustfully. He never abused his children

Said by Mr Pedofag.

>if you point out to me I am wrong about the sexual practices of the Greeks, that makes you a pedo
Just admit you lost the argument

He felt it in the first place and wrote about it. That makes him a mentally sick fuck. God, pedos should be executed.

>What's the problem with that? It just means Mann started (and properly understood) the Greeks.
Yea, totally not supporting homosexual pedophilia.

People can’t be held morally responsible for urges nature gives them

I wasn’t the user who made that post. I only replied to you when you coped about the Greeks

Don't try to use reason against the user you're responding to. He's arguing purely from emotion, and in bad faith

The being a closeted pedo is all true according to Wikipedia.

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>anime watchers come to literature board to shit it up with their moralfaggotry as if 99% of the western canon aren’t rapists, murderers, pedos, fascists etc.

>I'm not a pedo! I simply side with them!
That's great. They need more fancy cheerleaders like yourself.

So if a pedo says something factually correct and the person arguing against them says something factually incorrect, asserting that the pedo was factually correct means you side with pedos

>incestuous ideations
this freak should've been executed on sight.

True, that definitely makes it better, but still--can you imagine getting to that point in the first place? He was definitely fucked up.

Yup, been this way since 2016 election tourists flooded this board. 2020 covid tourists finished off this board once and for all

The pedo said there was nothing wrong with pedophilia and used "the ancient Greeks" as a justification. You chimed in and sided with him.

>fascism is le BAD

No? I didn’t even read his post. I just replied to your post with evidence for Ancient Greek pederasty because you denied it. If a pedo says Michael Jackson is a pedo, and you say he isn’t, and I provide evidence he is, that makes me a pedo

I simply said that the moral panic about it is a recent phenomenon, limited mostly to America and England. I was simply stating a fact, not making a moral judgment.

>German people of Portuguese brazilian descent
>is a gay pedo for polish bussy
What did he mean by this

not him btw

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Honestly user, I hate pedophiles, faggots, and other degenerates as much as the next guy but seeing someone who watches anime get this passionately anti-pedo on an Ancient Indian streetshitting forum is kind of giving me bad vibes about (You) irl...

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It’s part of some gag where the student council president will s reading a new book every 5 minutes

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Watch Full Metal Panic Fumoffuo and don’t fall in love with it I dad you. Also most of the posts in Thai thread haven’t been from me.

I’m drunk as fuck lmao

He was a son of God and made in his image.

What are some other Paedaristic books?

Enviable body hair, user, one day I'm going to be like you.

Calling out the J

Homos pretend that their regard for the beauty of boys is so exalted but every normal guy feels that way about women. It's honestly cringe.

Why do you lie, groomer?

>read _ because there was a random reference to it in an anime I was watching
yeah not gonna lie I've done this too

that's the reason i've read catcher in the rye

The only female beauty that has inspired good art has been that which has remained at a distance; Beatrice and Byron's sister. This is contrasted to the admiration of pedaristic beauty, which has inspired a veritable torrent of some of the greatest pieces of art known to man.

>The only female beauty that has inspired good art has been that which has remained at a distance
This hast to be bait

did you think nazis burned his books for fun? Guy was a pederast