Good books on the Shroud of Turin now that it's been conclusively proven to be 2000 years old?

Good books on the Shroud of Turin now that it's been conclusively proven to be 2000 years old?

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Other urls found in this thread:–PhD

idk probably just browse and see if Barrie endorsed anything.

The amount of time Christians (including myself) spent inventing mental gymnastics to verify dubious relics and miracles made me seriously question my own faith and eventually abandon it… made me realise I was living a cope

take your meds

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>the size of that arm
jesus confirmed for alien man

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It was dislocated on account of hanging on a cross for an entire day

The amount of time Atheists (including myself) spent inventing mental gymnastics to verify dubious science made me seriously question my own lack of faith and eventually abandon it… made me realise I was living a cope

It is funny how insecure Christians are of themselves. No other religion on the planet is so obsessed with proving the validity of their faith.

>carbon dating didn't work, quick let's invent a new dating method that WORKS

And faked.

The carbon dating sample was taken from a part of the shroud that was added at a later date as a repair.

Unless you can debunk every single point in pic related the Shroud is legit.

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>The carbon dating sample was taken from a part of the shroud that was added at a later date as a repair.
This argument (which I used to parrot) apparently got deboonked years ago
>Some proponents for the authenticity of the shroud have attempted to discount the radiocarbon dating result by claiming that the sample may represent a medieval "invisible" repair fragment rather than the image-bearing cloth.[25][81][10][7][82][83][84][85] However, all of the hypotheses used to challenge the radiocarbon dating have been scientifically refuted,[11][6] including the medieval repair hypothesis,[7][8] the bio-contamination hypothesis[10] and the carbon monoxide hypothesis.[11]

>We present a photomicrographic investigation of a sample of the Shroud of Turin, split from one used in the radiocarbon dating study of 1988 at Arizona. In contrast to other reports on less-documented material, we find no evidence to contradict the idea that the sample studied was taken from the main part of the shroud, as reported by Damon et al. (1989). We also find no evidence for either coatings or dyes, and only minor contaminants.

Keep in mind these are the same people saying you need 5 doses of the vaxx, take what they say with a massive grain of salt

If you won't trust that peer-reviewed studies, why trust the peer-reviewed study of the OP?

*that peer-reviewed study

Ok? I’m not anti-vax and neither is the Catholic Church. I don’t trust Wikipedia but I trust random internet Christians even less

That doesn't explain any of the other issues in the image. Unless you can similarly explain them then the law of parsimony says that the carbon dating was wrong, as proposed. Coming up with 15 seperate copes to explain the blood stains, blood type, position of the wounds, 3D propertys, details that can only be seen under ultraviolet light, details of anatomy that weren't known until the 20th century, pollen from the Levant and other issues is unlikely to say the least

>I’m not anti-vax
You've been chemically lobotomized user, you really shouldn't be arguing on the internet. You should be on a vaxxie cope site wondering why all these people have the "brain fog" for some unknown reason

I trust studies that have conclusions that actually fit the evidence presented. Being peer reviewed by a committee of kikes means little to me, it's only mentioned for the benefit of the NPCs who put stock in that kind of thing.

>I trust studies that have conclusions that I actually agree with.
Oh, I see.

So why don't miracles and relics happen anymore nowadays then

They say it knockoff from black market in medieval times.

I can Gish gallop in the same way and ask you to come up with 15 different copes to explain why Christ’s arm is unnaturally elongated to cover his genitalia, why there’s no record of the shroud before the 1300s, why the local bishop at the time considered it a fraud and wrote a letter to the pope saying an artist had confessed to fabricating the relic, why the shroud is made out of material that wasn’t used in ancient Jerusalem, why blood pattern analysis shows that the blood stains are not consistent with crucifixion injury,. The “details of anatomy not known until 20th century” sounds like bullshit. Regarding 3D qualities:
> Optical physicist and former STURP member John Dee German has noted that it is not difficult to make a photograph which has 3D qualities. If the object being photographed is lighted from the front, and a non-reflective "fog" of some sort exists between the camera and the object, then less light will reach and reflect back from the portions of the object that are farther from the lens, thus creating a contrast which is dependent on distance.[104]

Vaccines work
The covid vaccine doesn't

Antisemitism is a sin

Idolatry (of relics) is too

Relics still happen, anything owned/used/touched by a saint becomes a relic, and saints are still being born. Miracles still happen as well, in fact for the Church to recognize a saint, a miracle is required to be performed by said saint (technically, God performs the miracle, the saint intercedes with God on behalf of the person praying to the not-yet-confirmed saint).

Although miracles have become admittedly less impressive as scientific knowledge increases. Lots of cancer remissions these days.

Thanks, kike

> in fact for the Church to recognize a saint, a miracle is required to be performed by said saint (technically, God performs the miracle, the saint intercedes with God on behalf of the person praying to the not-yet-confirmed saint).
I was disappointed when I looked into this and it basically means someone prayed to a particular figure while they were ill and then got better

>explain why Christ’s arm is unnaturally elongated to cover his genitalia
Already explained >why there’s no record of the shroud before the 1300s
It's referred to in the Bible itself. John 19:40
"They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen cloths, according to the burial custom of the Jews."

>why the local bishop at the time considered it a fraud
Bishops aren't infallible

>an artist had confessed to fabricating the relic
Later found to be a Jew who wanted to discredit the Shroud

>why the shroud is made out of material that wasn’t used in ancient Jerusalem
It's made of Linen which was very common in ancient Jerusalem.

>why blood pattern analysis shows that the blood stains are not consistent with crucifixion injury
This is just flat out incorrect. The blood stains are consistent with crucifixion injury, see image.

>Later found to be a Jew who wanted to discredit the Shroud
Lol, source?

>It's referred to in the Bible itself. John 19:40
>"They took the body of Jesus and wrapped it with the spices in linen cloths, according to the burial custom of the Jews."

What about John 20:6-7
> Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head.
If there was a separate cloth around his head, why does the shroud include his head?

>If there was a separate cloth around his head, why does the shroud include his head?
I'm very glad you asked this because we actually have the head cloth, called the Sudarium of Oviedo, and it has the exact same qualities as the Shroud, blood stains with the same blood type, etc. As for why it includes his head because the image is of supernatural origin, namely a high intensity burst of electromagnetic radiation when Jesus was resurrected.

if there was a separate cloth over his head the shroud wouldn't have the image of his head because... it wouldn't have been over his head

We got too cocky Turin bros… it’s over

The second cloth was around his head on the outside of the shroud

I am convinced it is real.

Why are atheists/anti-christians even in this thread? It looks like they are the insecure ones. No other group of people is this much concerned about vocalizing their position.

then how did it get blood on it

and also I don't think it would have been, but I'm not well versed in first century Judaic burial customs so I'm not sure. But that sounds odd, to have a shroud and then wrap something around the head over the shroud.

>then how did it get blood on it
Blood can soak through cloth user. You're really stretching here.

it got all that blood on it but the shroud doesn't have that much if any

It deals with the shroud in the end.

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The silence is deafening...
>M.D., Ph.D.

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Zugibe was a very experienced M.D.
>he estimated his office had done 10,000 autopsies during his tenure.

It isn't actually blood. They tested it a long time ago and it was proven to be aloe sap and other ointments they would rub on the dead

Attached: Screenshot 2022-05-01 at 12-59-14 Talk Frederick Zugibe - Wikipedia.png (783x464, 51.39K)

He obviously went to grad school twice.

Is this an argument?

I just don't understand the motivation.. I used to be Catholic and I used to cling to these dubious articles and experts but I knew deep down that I was coping... it was a sad existnce–PhD

It has a blood type of AB

Bro... you are disregarding the book because you find "MD PHD" impossible when it exists How about you open the hecking book instead of clinging to wikipedia discussions. You are the one coping.

God still loves you user.

That's not what I was pointing out. The joke is that people who list their credentials on the covers of their books tend to be quacks

I used to be Atheist and I used to cling to these dubious articles and experts but I knew deep down that I was coping... it was a sad existnce

Do you think it is the author's idea to put his credentials? It is obviously a choice by the publisher/editor so that fedora academicians seethe

Tell me more about how Behemoth was a Brontosaurus thus proving the word of God because deep down you know you're beliefs are absurd and you're trying to rationalize it by any cope necessary

>ahhauhubhbul bbulluuuuuuuuuuughgh uuahhhhgghwuwahahhh bubuuubhuuhuuhahhhhuuhrhghhhh

Just because you’re an accident doesn’t mean everything else is.

In 1988, radiocarbon dating established that the shroud was from the Middle Ages, between the years 1260 and 1390.[5] All hypotheses put forward to challenge the radiocarbon dating have been scientifically refuted,[6] including the medieval repair hypothesis,[7][8][9] the bio-contamination hypothesis[10] and the carbon monoxide hypothesis.[11][12]

Wikipedia is run by trannies

The Shroud isn't even necessary, the Church has more powerful miraculous relics. To this day, for example, no one has been able to debunk the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Even its continued existence is miraculous; being made of natural material, it should have rotted away to nothing centuries ago.

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