Are there any books that argue using common sense and intuition instead of studies?

Are there any books that argue using common sense and intuition instead of studies?

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What is the replication rate on common sense and intuition? It seems pretty intuitive that the sun orbits the earth


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Yeah stereotypes were shown to be very reliable in a study but it's wrongthink

OP here just to add. I hate communists but I like this clip of Zizek talking about Chomsky kinda explains what I mean.

Good thing Zizek isn’t a communist, but a CIA agent

Same thing


>everything i dont like is CIA

A study being published in a journal does not mean it is accepted as fact, journals are about peer review and getting published just means the topic is new and methodology is sound so the scientific community can check the work, repeat the study and determine if the conclusion is valid. The whole "controversy" that came out surrounding the journals being filled with "fake studies" was just the media doing damage control for their spending years years representing those studies as fact to back up their stories and agendas. The scientific community attempted to explain this to the general public but the media won because they realize ignorance and ego is more powerful than fact.

>ignorance and ego is more important than fact

Literally Descartes

Everybody and my grandmother know media spouting out "studies" is entertainment only.
>Eggs are bad for you
>Eggs are good for you
>They raise cholestorol
>They decrease cholestorol levels
>Eggs will kill you in the long run
>Eggs are part of diets for longevity


Can a mathanon tell me, if you have a p value of .05 as standard and a strong publication bias for big results and another for drawer effect, what's the chance that even those 36% that replicated are still junk?

>>everything i dont like is CIA

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Are you really that naive and sheltered from the world?

are you gonna tell me the truth about eggs now, frendo?

So that is a yes.

I eat 20 eggs a day. Come at me, bro.

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You really are a moron, not because of the eggs.

trusting successfully replicated science is common sense. "intuition" in any other context than the common sense implication of successful replication, is just retard tier mysticism.

I bet you got vaxxxed too. Enjoy being sterile for the few years you have left.

> Mathematics and all axiomatic systems in general are built upon retard tier mysticism.

What do you do when there are 4 different types of replicated studies? Do you trust this replicated peer reviewed study or the other one?

just two more weeks, fellow migapede! shadilay!

The axioms in math aren't true or false they're just axioms. There are at least 3 different versions of the parallel axiom studied in geometry and they all contradict each other

has math been successfully replicated or not?

No, of course not. I only trust what schizos from /pol/ tell me from the youtube videos they watch.

yup, checks out.

no, we're still waiting for math 2



define "common sense and intuition" and then explain how you deal with conflicts of "intuition"

>explain how you deal with conflicts of "intuition"

>define "common sense and intuition"
You don't have common sense huh lol

>how you deal with conflicts of "intuition"

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you don't have an argument huh lol

>you don't have an argument huh lol

My common sense tells me all of you are morons who don't have a clue how the world works.

>believing you can trust intuition 100% of the time
You know that's just your brain telling you what you want to hear right

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It's intuition + common sense. Not just intuiton.

Notice no one has responded to

explain that to a mob that looking to put you up with

what if their common sense is wrong?

Common sense can't be wrong because you don't have it if you're wrong

and what is wrong?
>inb4 "le whatever i say :)"

Wrong is being wrong? What more do you want

>be sigma
>believe the Sun orbits the Earth out of blind intuition
>go out and lift weights
>cultivate agriculture
>lead your community

>be neurotic libby
>believe that it's important to figure out whether the Sun truly orbits the Earth
>spend all your time 24/7 reading books and looking at your telescoop
>after decades of research determine that the Earth orbits the Sun
>go and tell local sigma about your discovery
>he says, "cool, I never would have expected that, science is great."
>proceed to live the rest of your life as a guy whose only use is trivia accumulation

36% is a massive replication rate. Many disciplines cannot achieve that. Compare also with yearly profits in business. Most of work goes into keeping companies alive. This one of the facts books like Bullshit Jobs for example do not account for. Cf. also the Pareto distribution of productivity. The rate of progress in science is considerable. Just look around and pay some attention to society.

The methodology in most stuides is generally fucking shit tho or at the very least not detailed enough.

>be Yea Forums larper
>constantly post your survivalist stack
>get laughed at by everyone
>b bb but i am a sigma!

>cultivate agriculture
>after decades of research determine that the Earth orbits the Sun
I can tell you've never left the city. Rural farm life is miserable even in a developed country. Subsistence farming is the most boring exhausting job imaginable. Given a choice any medieval peasant would have jumped at the chance to sit and look through a telescope all day instead of working the fields.

>be Yea Forums larper
>see post that makes you upset
>invent fantasy cartoon character in no way resembling the gentleman who posted it
>imagine other people agreeing with you and mocking the fantasy cartoon character
>proceed, still in your imagination, to conquer the Persian empire, cure cancer, and become an NBA star

>be Yea Forums larper
>always being meta without realizing it


Marketing term.

The Emperor Diocletian gave up the hedonism and luxury of the big city to cultivate agriculture. Likewise, the Icelandic sagas often portray noble pillagers who, upon maturity, switch to the more contemplative life of farming.
There are notable populations, like the Mennonites, that reject technology and live off the land.
Medieval peasants could do astronomy without telescopes by just looking up at the sky, except they didn't obsess over it like nerds do because obviously it produces little good for anyone.
But really, my point was never "RETVRN TO MVNKEV", it's that the other user's example is dumb, because the common sense solution isn't really any worse than the truth. Men will understand intuitively all the things in their environment that can be of use to them; do not think that out of ignorance they will pursue a counterproductive practice.

You are as bad as the user you are responding too. Many people enjoy rural life and while subsistence farming is harder work than most are willing to do, it is not a bad life and the hard work pays off, you get a great deal of free time to do with as you please for much of the year. First few years is constant work, after that you just have a few months of the year where you do nothing but work and in those few months you do more work than most do in a year. Most city folk can't take rural life for long even if they are skipping the farming aspect and just living off their bank account, I know of none who have lasted more than a couple years and I have seen a good many.


>Many people enjoy rural life and while subsistence farming is harder work than most are willing to do, it is not a bad life and the hard work pays off, you get a great deal of free time to do with as you please for much of the year.
Laughable. Come to south Texas and tell that to some of the Mexicans down here willing to work 12 hours a day 6 days a week rather than stay in their shitty villages
>Most city folk can't take rural life for long even if they are skipping the farming aspect and just living off their bank account, I know of none who have lasted more than a couple years and I have seen a good many.
How does this help his position? Rural life blows even without the miserable grinding labor of subsistence farming?

Norman Mailer uses it in his Dick Cavett appearance. All the words for left-wing ppl are ungraceful (leftist, lefty, liberal, socialist, etc) but libby is pretty good.

Almost all Greek philosophy lol


Greeks sure knew a lot.

Sounds like Texas boys just fucking suck at farming and ranching. My friend's dad is a fucking chicken farmer and he's loaded as fuck and loves his life.

>The Emperor Diocletian gave up the hedonism and luxury of the big city to cultivate agriculture.
lol you think he was doing the farming himself. he had a lot of slaves in his large villa

Bounded rationality.

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It would have been rather dull if he didn't do a fair amount of work himself.

>what is Critique of Pure Reason
you can't learn everything through pure reason alone. we've known this since at least Kant