Who discovered them?
They werent even famous before 2016/2017 .
Who discovered them?
Russians. Dugin especially.
Internet racists aka chuds
Steve Bannon likes Guenon and Evola
Why does it matter? These are not original ideas, they were written by another person. You are not clever or unique for worshipping Guenon
They were propagated through Iron March. 2015 is about when real life integrated with internet life. The fascist e-circles were already well established and competent at memery, and so were able to reach a broad audience. Conveniently for them, there was a lot of discontent and anger among the population generally, and especially in the right wing. That made for something of a perfect storm for these ideas to spread. Thats why big tech censorship hit hard shortly after the 2016 election
Guénon was well known in the french speaking world.
I found Evola before the 2016 bullshit in an occult anthology book call Book of Lies by Richard Metzger. I highly recommend not reading it, it's terrible and worthless aside from the Evola excerpts.
No its not. Im from Belgium. I didnt know him until 2017. Guenon is rarely discussed in right wing circles.
fuck you nigger lover
I found evola in pagan larp group . It was varg who introduced me that.
2015 was when Europe was infested with immigrants and in the US Obongo was enjoying the presidency for almost 7 years now.
Houllebecq's book "Submission" was published in early January of the same year, he was on the cover of Charlie Hebdo on the day of the shooting.
At the end of the book he mentions Guenon a few times.
The people of both the US and Europe were fed up with the ruling multicultis and globohomos.
Both authors were already discussed online and offline long before, but with GamerGate as the peak for the neo-reactionaries (Moldbug, Land, Dugin even), those who were discontent with the status quo that deemed them unwanted and obsolete, seeked out for an alternative with (at least) some intellectual basis to legitimize their cause beyond the mere "Don't loik em - simpuh ayz".
he meant france, you think the monkeys in french guiana are literate? same goes for you, tintin
>Guenon is rarely discussed in right wing circles.
Guénon wasn't a political author, only some english speaking right-wing pseuds shill him in these groups. He is known in France as one of the main esoterists from the 20th century.
>Iron March
Iron March got Evola from /pol/ and /new/, who in turn got them from various Asatru circles (Asatruar were reading Evola back in the 70s) but yes, this is what really popularized Evola as someone whose ideas people actually knew. Just like how cripchan's /christ/ board created catholarpers, Iron March created internet traditionalism by virtue of creating a huge amount of infrographics that distill the ideas down to really simple points that you can quibble over in Yea Forums posts.
I remember watching that video years ago and the /ourguy/ comment made me kek hard
still does
Bannon said that Man and His Becoming According to Vedanta by Guénon was the book that had the most influence on him
This. Steve Bannon mentioned Evola as one of his sources of inspiration. Some far-right wingers noticed and paid special attention to this, and started reading Evola, and a few of those people also happen to post on Yea Forums. You know the rest from here.
Conspiracy nuts went mainstream in 2016/2017.
Yeah, I even remember there was a news article that specifically mentioned Bannon reading Evola. Kinda like what the news agencies are doing with Ilyin and Dugin today.
No, Evola was talked about on Yea Forums way before Trump got elected. This is the earliest post mentioning "evola" on desuarchive.org's Yea Forums wiki, and he's replying to a pic of a dude's bookshelf. It's from 2010.
As said, Pagans were into Evola, and that leaked into /new/ and /pol/, and it leaked into there from here.
This is true. Neopaganism will always lead to evola
Of course you'll be able to find instances of people mentioning Evola all the waybback in 2010, but Evola's popularity surged in 2015 and 2016 because of the political situation at the time. If you could create a chart that counts the number of mentions "Evola" and "Guenon" received in each year, I can almost guarantee you that you will see a dramatic increase in 2015 or thereabouts.
it's encouraging to see the increasing number of Evola audiobooks available in places such as Audible
hopefully we will see the same with Guenon in the coming years
>but Evola's popularity surged in 2015 and 2016 because of the political situation at the time.
No, it didn't. You weren't here before 2016, so you aren't aware of this.
>If you could create a chart that counts the number of mentions "Evola" and "Guenon" received in each year, I can almost guarantee you that you will see a dramatic increase in 2015 or thereabouts.
If you measure Yea Forums's total viewcount it increases during 2015 to 2016. The entire reason that Steve Bannon was even namedropping Evola and Guenon was to appeal to Trump's voterbase.
>hurrr durr are you implying that steve bannon read guenon because of /pol/ durrrrr
No, Steve Bannon has never read Guenon, and he has never read Evola. He's a fucking liberal conman who works for Israeli intelligence, of course he has no interest in people like fucking Julius Evola or Rene Guenon. Bannon's entire political career has been in the service of Israel, why the fuck would he read the works of some weird French muslim occultist or some Italian neopagan? What he has an interest in is conning dumb rubes who pick up on names of obscure authors and view these as tokens of tribal membership because they're incapable of actually doing politics. Steve Bannon knows that SAYING that he has read Evola and Guenon will get a certain group of dumbasses to give him money. It works. I view this as a great tragedy, but it is a simple fact.
It was already a meme before 2016
>No, it didn't. You weren't here before 2016, so you aren't aware of this.
Do you know what the word "to surge" means? Yeah, I wasn't on Yea Forums back in 2016, but I was actively discussing issues like Brexit back then. I wasn't totally out of the loop about what right-wingers were discussing in those years.
>If you measure Yea Forums's total viewcount it increases during 2015 to 2016. The entire reason that Steve Bannon was even namedropping Evola and Guenon was to appeal to Trump's voterbase
WTF? Why would he namedrop an obscure philosopher in a random news article just so he could potentially garner votes that were already secured? 99.9% eithe haven't heard or don't really care all that much about Evola or Guenon.
>Steve Bannon knows that SAYING that he has read Evola and Guenon will get a certain group of dumbasses to give him money
Well, I understand your viewpoint now.
You can directly count the number of threads that mentioned Evola in each year starting from 2010 and see that he gets more popular as time went on.
2010 = 1 thread
2011 = 6 threads
2012 = 8 threads
This is the article I was referring to in an earliest post: theatlantic.com
>people made more threads between 2010 and 2012 as the number of users increased
Don't play willfully ignorant. The number of threads on oldtime Yea Forums culture, like DFW, has probably decreased in recent years despite that.
I already showed you posts from 2015 that were talking about Evola being a meme on the board. There's nothing else required to disprove the claim of the OP
>They werent even famous before 2016/2017 .
They were.
I don't know how else I'm supposed to prove people made more posts about Evola and Guenon after 2015 than before other than simply giving you the data on how many times Evola and Guenon were mentioned in each year. Like, sure, it could be the case that the number of threads about them increased due to new visitors. What sort of evidence do you want?
>Yeah, I wasn't on Yea Forums back in 2016, but I was actively discussing issues like Brexit back then. I wasn't totally out of the loop about what right-wingers were discussing in those years.
Then by your own admission you don't know what you're talking about.
>WTF? Why would he namedrop an obscure philosopher in a random news article just so he could potentially garner votes that were already secured?
What the fuck does this have to do with votes? He's not trying to get votes. For whom would the votes be for? Trump? Trump was already elected. Why would you think that votes matter? He worked for Israeli intelligence user, he KNEW that votes don't matter. What he was trying to do was get money and attention. Steve Bannon went around begging for people to give money to Israel, and he namedropped weirdos like Guenon and Evola TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE to do it. Those people weren't people on Yea Forums, they were Magapedes on reddit and in Breitbart comments. They gave huge sums of money to him so that he could take a cut, live luxuriously, and send the rest to Israel. Why? Because he crafted a fantasyland for them to live in, and they paid him to do it. That has been his modus operandi since day one.
2015 was 2016 lite desu
>people made more posts about Evola and Guenon after 2015 than before
No one is disputing this. What people are disputing is the claim that people only started talking about them after 2016. That has been proven to be false. Tastes change, Evola and Guenon are no longer en vogue, this is normal.
>Then by your own admission you don't know what you're talking about.
Do you realize that Yea Forums is not some super secret club whose archives are only able to be accessed by a select few? Jeez, man.
>worked for Israeli intelligence user, he KNEW that votes don't matter. What he was trying to do was get money and attention
Ah, well, I don't know a lot about Bannon except from what I've heard from other people. I just wanted to remark about the article where he mentioned Evola (which is incidentally where I also first heard of Evola).
You can divide by the total number of threads
I wanted to interpret OP's assertion more charitably by rephrasing his question as "Why did Evola and Guenon become so popular in the years 2016 and 2017?" not "Why did exactly zero people on Yea Forums mentioned Evola before 2016?"
>Why did exactly zero people on Yea Forums mentioned Evola before 2016?"
That's not what not being famous means. It sounds like you're just really bad at reading.
I can't find the total number of threads on warosu. I counted the threads by putting a start date and an end date and then counting the number of pages of search results there were (so, assuming one page has 24 threads, 3 pages of Evola threads would amount to 72 threads)
>It sounds like you're just really bad at reading.
That's how previous posters interpreted the question. As if a single thread mentioning Evola back in 2010 means he was famous back then.
No, they were interpreting it as "people were talking about Evola prior to 2016", which is what the thread is about.
Evola - 2016 via /pol/
Guénon - 2019 via guenonfag
Why is it that none of the people who embody right-wing ubermensches was actually influenced by them?
No one who embodies the ubermensch, fit 6'0 chad archetype says "yeah, I was inspired to be this way by Evola/Nietzsche/Ayn Rand." And then all of the people who DO consider themselves inspired by Evola/Nietzsche/Rand are all limpwristed neckbeards.
So was Evola through Eliade and Codreanu.
dark enlightenment blogs from the early 2010s
You have less-than-zero understanding of what the overman was supposed to be.
Squidward Against the Modern World
>tfw guenon fag changed the course of history
Nigga what, just go follow BAP twitter.
there was a period where the catalog was so fuckin funny
This community is still very much in it's infant stages of understanding most people have made a commitment to be better, it takes time. As for me, I've long been on the journey, the thing is what is considered "chad" varies by many, I've been referred to as a chad irl because I'm quite fit and am known for being a very good boxer in my community, but there's plenty more I have to do.
This is your brain on memes.
I remember seeing half the threads having pictures of guenon I was so confused
then the other half were pictures of people like Whitehead or Jordan Peterson with the subject
>*Retroactively refuted by Guénon
unironically peak Yea Forums
A lot of books and people we see mentioned toady were basically forgotten before 2016/17 to now. Lately a lot of right wing books have been starting to get published which were virtually unkown/inaccessible before. Take Darre's a new nobility of blood and soil for example. No English translation was widely available even though it is one of the main works of the blood and soil concept. Last year a translation came out however. We have acutally been seeing kind of a renaissance of far-right works in the last few years.
>We have acutally been seeing kind of a renaissance of far-right works in the last few years.
the organism has fully adapted
This is the correct answer although Evola appears in a footnote on a post on Moldbug's blog from 2008 so Evola's enterance into common recognition begins at around that point.
I don't know who to look at that's earlier than Moldbug who would be in the right political paradigm to care about Evola. 2008 is super early in "Alt-Right" thought, so early that the term would be almost anachronistic to use.
The people concerned with Evola before then would be actual academics whose political or sociological studies would make him relavent or meat-space political ideosyncratics with ties to the post-war continental european right where Evola persisted as apart of the ideological canon.
Mainstream exposure begins around the turn of 2010 when those people or people influenced by them began to proliferate their books.
Guenon I remember hearing about even before then and his name was more widely known although I couldn't tell you to what extant then vs now.
>romanian immigrant whose (rich/spy) parents fled communism and put him through top universities
>promotes glorified instathot lifestyle of travel and bodybuilder larping (minus the selfies)
>most likely vaxxed so he can continue travelling while never working
>shills for the mongol untermensch neo-communism because he's femininely drawn to what he perceives as a strong daddy figure
>won't actually go live in the based aids abortion suicide ridden multi-ethnic steppe utopia
>now tries to dilute race & ethnicity to appeal to his mutt audience and make his rootless cosmopolitanism less obvious
sure, sounds legit
definitely not concerning how bap twitter is now also the main promoter of the darkMaga qtard 2-more-weeks gigacope, not at all
just like baneposting it was one guy spamming them endlessly until it gained traction