Hey lit I'm a personal trainer from Ethiopia and i fucking love books.
Hey lit I'm a personal trainer from Ethiopia and i fucking love books
hey man
cool shades and nice smile bro
what's your favorite book
Cool bro, Ethiopian Orthodoxes must stay strong, long live Haile Selassie.
looking cool my man!
How did you find Yea Forums and post timestamp
based thread and bumped
keep it up big man !
holy based
Sanctimonious fags. Who are you doing this for?
are you okay?
it's a joke user, it's like if a caterpillar wandered into an anthill and all of the ants were nice to it.
Woah, nice job on the analysis bud!
Proud of you (◠‿◕)
Post pic and find out.
lmao loser
w0w came here to say this ! nice job anony
looking cool my man!
Cute! Cute! CUTE!
need more of them then, a bit of wholesomeness won't hurt us, even if it's just a joke
I am always nice to foreigners in case any quirks in their conduct are a result of simple misunderstandings.
love you bro
Do habesha qts like the le white man?
Asking for a friend.
in my experience Yea Forums is one of the nicest boards on Yea Forums
don't misunderstand me, this is still Yea Forums but Yea Forums anons are generally nicer
Not at all. There are some hardcore white supremacists who are always yelling shitskin and ruining any civil discussion. I actually agreed with white nationalism due to logistic reasons of homogenous populations being more high-trust whilst disagreeing with supremacy of any race, yet he was still yelling shitskin at me while sharing average IQ population maps.
quite rightly, my good dude
Seethe and dilate. He posted good vibes and the people reciprocated. You must be German. Go be soulless and autistic on another board.
Hello hello there my good sir! Do sit, come now - we shall have ourselves a discussion of the finest literature!
i am a hardcore white supremacist and i made a nicepost itt
that's true, but it also seems that the mods on this board are more diligent in curbing those sorts of people
I can agree with that.
That's because no one is presently challenging your views.
Nigger sold out, he moved to a first world country.
yes, as long as you submit we can have peace.
White supremacy is grandiose narcissism projected onto race.
I am a white nationalist (and an Ethiopian nationalist and a Palestinian nationalist and so on) but not a white supremacist. I agree that there are some younger people who are using their racialist views as a vehicle for venting their general frustration with how shitty life is these days, and unfortunately this often takes the form of trying to reduce every single fucking moment of life to a strike or counterstrike in an online culture war between THE LIBS and BASED RACISTS. But that is more a function of their youth and hopelessness than anything. There's nothing inherently uncivil about being a white nationalist.
>yet he was still yelling shitskin at me while sharing average IQ population maps.
His brain was on autopilot because he thinks of everything in black and white, friend-foe, zero-sum terms. It's his real life video game and substitute for actual solutions to the world's problems. Being able to detect when some zoomer is doing this, talking at you rather than talking to you, is vitally necessary online and it's only going to get more necessary.
Yea Forums actually taught me this because it let me see in real time how effortposts (mine and others) are met with people just repeating themselves or defaulting to the same talking point so they don't have to think at all while they repost it. They've turned themselves into primitive pattern recognition algorithms with stock responses. You will literally save yourself some major health complications later in life by doing these two things:
>Learn to detect and disengage when someone is being constructive vs. when someone is just seeing you as an opportunity to see himself in his preferred "role" (whether that role is right winger triggering the libs, communist owning chuds who think liberals are leftists, facebook normie scolding you for having unpopular views, etc).
>Defend and promote marginalized viewpoints when possible, and try to engage in constructive conversation with other people regardless of viewpoints, but don't contract the social media brain disease of visualizing everything in terms of "me as an instance of My Viewpoint" vs. "you as an instance of Your Viewpoint." If you walk away from an internet fight, you are not "losing," nor is your viewpoint necessarily losing.
The second one is how you end up a fat tranny arguing the same talking points online for 30 years. The goal of conversation isn't "winning," it's mutual learning. Most adults thinking otherwise is why everything has become so shrill and feminized these days. It is really a very feminine way of socializing, because it's predicated on the assumption that you can't just walk away from a retard, you have to "defeat" him and save face to maintain your status in some oversocialized social hierarchy.
You speak and think like a Talmudist Jew with an ethnic supremacist complex. Do you never feel like you're a hypocrite?
Submit to globohomo and trashy pro-industrialist and secular/scientific values that will culminate in us fusing with machines? There's nothing worth being proud about in the modern age from any race. Ulrich Horstmann is right.
>akshually i am a white nationalist
more like a white loser
I wouldn't care if we weren't on the precipice of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The jab was testing genetic and bio engineering technologies, most likely injectable self-assembling nano neural meshes that connect to cloud servers. My mother who is a top nurse said there were partitioned rooms where neither doctors or nurses were allowed into during the "pandemic".
I wonder if the loss of autonomy, body ownership, privacy of mind, freedom, and so on are in the telos of organization-dependent technologies. A lot of people treat Ted like a meme, even when agreeing with him, but I think it's much more frightening than people would like to admit.
I can link some peer-reviewed journal articles and more if you don't believe me.
case in point
holy based...
it's more that history has regrettably and involuntarily shackled you to a group of people. one might want that group to be dominant for selfish reasons, but even that's not the motivating factor. the motivating factor is seeing the warden blow the brains out of the first prisoner in the chain gang, and then the next one, and the next, and the next...
i could be wrong but i don't recall the turner diaries expressing any pride at all. just a grim conviction.
>neither doctors or nurses
neither doctors nor nurses*
Kind of, except competition isn't the fucking problem and it's definitely not feminine and the solution isn't to walk away but be more fluid and synthetic and authentic in one's competitive strategies. Spouting the same talking points for thirty years is more symptomatic of having a low-IQ, closed and simple theory of mind (and I mean mind here as broadly applicable as possible) than not being in an empathetic, cooperative mode, which is the actual feminine mode, as it is too the antithesis to narcissism. The hysterics is women trying to be men and experiencing internal incoherence between their narc and antinarc attributes while trying to compete. Think of Megan Rapinoe *actually* playing the men's soccer team vs the game she's actually playing in her appeals.
>some guy shows some based energy in a site that is a sea of racism and gets a nice response
/pol/turds are literal psychopaths
Do it
Technological "innovation" that will ultimately strip man of more autonomy. First one is peer-reviewed journal article and second from Rand Corporation:
Good post but ofcourse the reditors you replied to dont know about chan culture and like this sort of attention whoring because theyre used to it. That plus a heckin based niggerino bookerino
i've been here for some time and i've seen this kind of response to people of different races. you're just a seething /pol/chud
so you're saying we can't react positively to people of the black race otherwise we're treating them like children? that's ludicrous
>le hecking chan culture!
You're so fucking boring. Being incendiary and rude is so played out and unremarkable now that it's actually novel to be positive. "chan culture" is counterculture and being polite is the new counterculture.
I agree, this wouldn't be a problem if we were in some timeless era where peasants are gonna peasant and you can always just not talk to peasants. But we're not in pagan antiquity anymore, and the stakes and the opportunities are both greater, for better and worse. Have you read Baudrillard's short essay on information vs. meaning, The Masses: The Implosion of the Social in the Media? It's in In the Shadow of Silent Majorities, which you can read in like an hour and a half.
But compare that with something like the noosphere concept in Vernadsky and especially in Teilhard de Chardin, a more optimistic take in which it's precisely because dialectical cybernetic feedback loops are so powerful and inherently "runaway" (which is the source of their power) that they need to be integrated into something positive. It's like being scared in the Bronze Age that these barely moral savages are eventually going to have guns and bombs, which are exponentially more powerful versions of the weapons they already use to genocide each other every two years. The solution isn't to only be scared of technological advance (though that's important), but to evolve beyond Bronze Age consciousness. We need to pull off a similar feat of spiritual evolution in the next century to be able to integrate technology as an appendage before it integrates us as one.
Like Bergson says, matter and technology are just hardened spirit, and it's extremely dangerous when spirit forgets this and allows itself to be materialized and technologized in turn.
Have you ever read Stapledon's The Last and First Men? The final race of men have a kind of psychic noosphere that is an interesting and hopeful model of how information could become integrated into meaningful structures instead, of simply overgrowing and tyrannizing us as petrified "facts" like Baudrillard fears.
Good post, but I think there is a form of closed-mindedness that comes from autism as well. Lots of high IQ people are sitting on Reddit having the same three arguments about which car is the best car for 20 years. They aren't even doing it to soothe the pain of their lonely existence either, they enjoy being bugmen like that.
Have you ever read McGilchrist's Master and Emissary? It's about how we need to reestablish a balance between the empathetic-intuitive-holistic (archetypally feminine?) and deconstructive-analytic-modeling (autism; archetypally masculine?) parts of human consciousness. You can get a lot of the gist from watching a Youtube talk or two of his.
>being a nationalist of any stripe in 20 fucking 22
Cringe, globalism is the future and it’s great.
I was talking first and foremost about the anonymous chan culture which has been erroded by bitch niggas like you who >have been here for some time who dont recognize that anonymity is foundation of this website. You can go post a selfie on redit whence you came from. The niggerino part is secondary because there's a tendency for your type to treat blacks with kiddy gloves like the user i replied to said. You have been conditioned to not criticize blacks just in case someone calls you racist and you carry that here. Let yourself free, call him an attention whoring nigger like you would call out an attention whoring incel.
Seethe. Dilate. Cry. Go back
Hows that for chan culture newfag?
Your positive and affirmative mentality in face of the industrial-technological order absolutely disgusts me. I have much more reading to do such as Skrbina, Klages, and a few others, but the problem is we're basically sacrificing the entire natural world to bring forth an invasive and destructive system. I recommend watching the documentary Jago: A Life Underwater. It's about an Indonesian deep sea diver, and near the end it talks about how there's more crowding of people now than fish at the reef from industrial practices like trawling and pollutants. Globalization and modernity also destroyed his traditional way of self-reliant life.
I don't see any kind of positive integration of technology with nature or humanity.
Ulrich Horstmann is unfortunately in the right direction. Omnicide from dangerous "innovative" technology is inevitable at this point, and I simply hope it does not happen to me.
And I say good riddance to the human species. I would have preferred being a bird or cetacean during a time without man.
You don't know shit about chan culture, you reek of election tourist
Fuck Chan culture. I just come on here because everywhere else I get censored. My views don't fit either in Chan culture or Plebbit.
>globalism is the future and it’s great
if there was any justice in the world you'd be beaten to death
Even in your deranged fantasy you put the responsibility on someone else to do it, you're chronically a coward
Oh no, I'd love to do it myself don't get me wrong. But the potential prison term would of course not be worth it.
The other guy’s analysis is correct.
We live in a Promethean age, we are on the cusp of stealing fire from the Gods and here you are telling us to stop because you are scared.
You are like the cavemen that we’re scared of fire.
Yes, if used irresponsibly it can burn down entire forests but fire can also be a source of warmth, a light that shines in the darkness to bring us home safely and avoid predators.
Technology is the same, your mindset is wrong because if we had listened to the naysayers we would still be living in caves.
Rather than banning something out of fear we should instead have the courage and wisdom to use it responsibly.
>I don't want to go to jail for standing up for my beliefs :(
You're laughable
>I don't want to go to jail for standing up for my beliefs :(
Obviously, retard
>lit hates white people now
You and all your selfie loving redit friends combined have not been here longer than me. Cry more about an anonymous imageboard not liking attention seeking though
You come here to seek refuge from the internet and you want to turn it into a second Facebook. How dumb are you exactly? Are you perhaps one of those third world immigrants who go to a first world country and vote for the same socialists that made them leave their shithole?
>Technology is the same, your mindset is wrong because if we had listened to the naysayers we would still be living in caves.
The naysayers were right
I am not really positive and affirmative, I just believe there are structures and processes behind what we see and that this all has more meaning than material algorithms becoming too smart, making disembodied algorithms, and eventually being tyrannized by them. Your thinking seems very machinic and materialistic by default, which may be why you can't easily imagine alternatives other than "a different sort of material algorithm meaninglessly evolved instead of apes."
I strongly recommend reading Klages, though most of his writings are still untranslated (but I assume you read German if you like Horstmann). But balance him out with something less "naturalistic" about conceiving Seele in opposition to Geist. Unironically, consider getting into neoplatonism as a corrective to your pessimism.
The exact processes you are trying to escape by cultivating disgust and anger for them are worming their way back into your thinking at its base. Your alternative to materialism are alternative materialisms. You will burn yourself out with this false dichotomy. You have to gain some insight into structures beyond the material, capable of justifying and sublating the material.
Your Faustian mentality is what paved the way to both your race and mankind's destruction. This is why I don't like **MOST** modern Europeans. I want to enjoy tea in the garden and sing with the birds, not become a genetically modified cyborg that sacrifices the Earth's biodiversity in the attempt to colonize other planets.
For your information, I have killed people in self-defense, and I would not hesitate to do that to you in Minecraft. This is how serious I am about this topic. It's not a fucking meme. For two years I have been debating a batshit insane Slovenian crypto investor who claims technological development supersedes nature, and that it is fine for cloud servers, AI, and more to destroy the Earth's biodiversity and man's traditional self-reliant ways of life. He is fine with man becoming a cyborg whose minds are connected to cloud servers. I'm a data scientist for monetary purposes, but I don't share such positive views of technological development. Eventually we started threatening the each other.
The problem with Chan culture is none of you people are sincere. You talk a lot of shit, but I know most of you are ultimately incapable of truly fighting and killing for your ideals. I am pretty serious when I say we have to reevaluate the telos of the technological-industrial order, topple it, and make overly Geist-worshiping faggots like you and Elon Musk stfu.
i've literally never posted on reddit
it's clear that you're just a polshit obsessed with blacks mad that people didn't talk shit about a selfie who isn't probably not even OP's real pic. people probably just thought it was funny and acted in a meme-y way. you're just an le white supremacist full of hatred and mad that people didn't act the way you expected.
y'all mad
*selfie which
Good! I'm glad that you and everyone else with your beliefs is this same breed of coward. You're all LARPers who want to be "great men" but will never achieve anything more than effete fantasizing and it's fucking hilarious
Advantages of globalism
>decentralized economies, economic activity would stop being restricted to cities that suck up labor and resources but rather it would be diffused across the globe, with nodes linked to each other
>travel would be easy and fast, if you don’t like it where you live you could easily move somewhere else
>decentralization of political power would mean tyranny would be almost impossible
Basically it would be a richer and freer world.
I get why you’re apprehensive, right now we are experiencing the tradition from a colonialist to a globalist model of the world, and with any change comes friction and hiccups.
But the state of the world right now is just a temporary phase, it’s going to get much better after we get through those transitory period.