Did Kafka write the first Trans allegory?
Did Kafka write the first Trans allegory?
no because transgenders are just mi6 agents in drag
I wish I woke up as something other than human.
I really don't like that they're making me want to side with the fringe right
Why is your flag so ugly, bro?
No bro, its just science fiction about a man that cant go to work becose he's now a mutant giant bug or something and everyone is scared and he dies of hunger
nonsense strawman, fringe right doesn't have to be racist or nazi either. Seeing your lot seethe again in the years to come will be nice.
It doesn't really work because main protagonist does not wish to be a bug, in fact he doesn't really acknowledge that he has become a bug.
He'd prefer to remain human, like he was before.
Fippy Bippy
It must be fun having imaginary friends as an adult
In 21st century neoliberalism, your boss would make you come to work anyway regardless of the fact that you’re a bug now.
>The horror of waking up and realizing that you've turned into a disgusting insect hated by all men is an allegory for being trans
is this some 4d chess
I just don't understand how this meaningless relativist garbage became so prevalent. Gender ideology is so fucking arbitrary and worthless that there's reason why every country in the world isn't outlawing it right now. When you see trannies try to say that Kurt Cobain was transgender or that Kafka and Hemingway were too, that's when you know it's time to purge all the infiltrators who are pushing this shit.
That's actually a very interesting angle. Obviously not what he would have had in mind, but on the other hand when you write so symbolically you have to allow for myriad interpretations, which he would have known.
The dysphoria would be in being the bug dummies.
>gender dysphoria
Im just a poor sickly waif who just cant help it, im ingesting female hormones and crossdressing for purely innocent and non sexual reasons as if compelled by a terrible illness. Lmao you crazy faggot, you would have us believe becoming perverted from watching too much anime pornography is the moral equivalent of being on a wheechair
I was an edgelord industrial nazi MDE jim goad boyd rice My posting carreeer faggot before it was cool but now im thinking about following steve albinis example checking my white privilege and becoming a progressive maybe an academic a democrat party strategist maybe work at an NGO, if anything else fails, i can start a breadtube channel, even a subhuman zero IQ moron can do that. im renouncing my nazi ways and becoming a prog, not for any gay altruistic reasons but because thats the optimum way to be debased and inflict the maximum possible amount of hardcore mkultra buckbreaking trauma based mind control on the weak and unsuspecting . All the while monopolizing the moral high ground and killing off any chance for 'proletarian solidarity'(the gayest most idiotic thought imaginable, why even pretend to be 'post left' and argue with trannies on twitter if you can get to buckbreak the trannies yourself, i mean they are already pretty buckbroken but one always has to make sure) . I get off to the thought of reducing human beings to nigger cattle, destroying any semblance of an independent personality so they can be rebuilt in the image of the cult. Being a leftist grifter must be fun much like back in the 70s you have a mindless throng of followers you can fuck or else pimp out to strangers for extra $$$. Instead of hippie chicks its now basedboys and trannies.
They need imaginary friends because they all removed their real friends from social media years ago for having the "wrong opinion" about something
Yet still go on Yea Forums to get negged and degraded by user, freaks that they are they get off to that as well, like all fags they are masochists who fantasize about getting assfucked by their dads(that being also how they ended up that way to begin with)
Dysphoria is a real phenomenon that's very similar to the Metamorphosis actually, which is why I like OP's post. At some point in your life you wake up and feel like you're the wrong gender. Regardless of whether you think that can happen, open your mind long enough to *imagine* it happened to you. But instead of gender I'll put it in terms more relatable to you (as I can guess by your deranged post). Imagine you woke up one morning and you were black. Everyone around you thinks you've always been black, and refuses to accept your claim that you're actually white. While for you the idea of being black is completely contrary to what you know about yourself.
You're correct that for some people this isn't actually pathological and comes from fetishization (autogenephelia). But more often it's a genuine medical disorder with the symptoms I described. For some reason your brain has suddenly rebelled against your body.
Virgin born lgbt due to genetics Chad became LGBT after being horribly raped and molested as a child watching too much pornography falling for globohomo psyops and propaganda
have already read lots of anti trans books so by this point id be more interested in reading pro trans literature. What could possibly justify this madness?what is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs, this snivelling priesthood of pedophilic apparatchiks, cowardly hiding behind political correctness and victimhood in order to rape, groom abuse and indoctrinate our children, purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for pharmaceuticals, the corporate monoculture and the democratic party, i mean these most noble and progressive these most pitiful and wretched of creatures?
Any lgbt/ gay/queer theory/ groomer/transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a straight white cis male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices, and be a better ally to our politically correct friends in the corporate social engineering and propaganda/child molestation community?
The overwhelming majority of trannies today do not have dysphoria. Most are teenagers in the West who decorate themselves with pronouns like they're Hot Topic accessories and autogynephilies who are aroused by the idea of being women.
Judith Butler.
Or autistic kids who got molested
This user is correct, every fat woman with dyed hair and male aligned hobbies is FTM now. Most don't medically transition, and if they do they detrans once they realize how society treats men. The term trans is now synonymous with AGP's, fetishes and neopronouns to the point that I completely dissociate from the term and forget I ever transitioned. These people parade their identity in the absence of a personality, rather than wanting to live quietly as the gender they have assumed. It would be difficult to write a story about dysphoria while avoiding the crowd I mentioned, but Kafka's metamorphoses is in the right spirit of it.
Gay people are in for a shock when surveys are taken in the next couple years and find that most lesbians don't even call themselves women anymore. The goal of transgenderism is to completely phase out any intrinsic foundations for gender relations and most transgenders do not have any medical issues. They're mainly just normies who call themselves genderfluid because it's popular and they have no other meaning in their lives anyways.
The tranny movement has objectively done more harm than good. Last year was the worst for trannies.
> because it's popular and they have no other meaning in their lives anyways.
I see this as the reason for most of what plagues gen z. Their social lives are vacant and mostly spent online, hobbies are being replaced by scrolling, critical thinking has gone out the window. They have no purpose, no religion, and they can effortlessly assume an identity by adding two words in their online biography, like changing socks. In this landscape all social foundations are phased out, from gender to how relationships are defined and what counts as communication. It's the entire culture that's going in the wrong direction, modern transgenderism is just one symptom of this degradation
This is unironic body mind dualism.
The main issue at hand is the idea of being the "wrong gender", which cannot be substantially inferred. It invariably falls into emotional appeal and/or the issue of intuiting experience -- which trans people tend to believe is found materially and is another experiential issue unto itself.
It is a medical issue, insofar that doctors of the psychological sort should be the only ones handling it; but it falls directly into the mind.
i don't see how it relates to gender but definitely touches on the identity crises young people have today
Trans is only an ideology or identity, it has nothing to do with gender or sex. It’s cynical bourgeois social positioning. Reading Kafka as such is genius.
>you vill BE ze bug
i agree on the identity but is it really elitist posturing? i've been thinking about what posted and asked myself: if there truly is some benefit to posing as something i'm not--saying i'm trans, nonbinary or whatever the newest, most outrageous mumbo jumbo these people call themselves--why shouldn't I abandon all preconceived self-identifying labels and just use whatever titles, pronouns and names that would benefit me the most in that given situation? people used to build their identity through their work, but so many people today only care about work if neglecting it meant damaging that identity. obviously, this isn't everyone and they are hard to find but one must work really, really hard if they want to be rewarded for their work rather than their identity.
It's just about being disabled or depressed, nothing deeper than that
There are advantages in their insular circles which will go away with time. Not much different than getting a face tattoo or something like that.
i'm unsure if i'm willing to wait that long. it would be quicker to lie your way into these cliques and destroy they from the inside, but doing that is extremely difficult and portraying yourself on the correct side of history (or deleting the history all together) is near impossible today.
and they're disliked by le trutrans people and normal people alike. it's a horrid fad that may later close all paths for genuinely dysphoric people after hordes of first world girls realise the fad is over and they're repulsive now, they get vocal about it, they blame all but themselves, the transsexual condition is demonised forever and the gatekeeping would be unmatched by apostle Peter himself.
some detransitioners go megacope, i. e. by becoming a radfeminist, and the transtrenders viscerally HATE all detrans, which include a lot of sensible normal people. feels like the most retarded boring civil war among the shittiest demographic.
i wish no one knew what trannies are and those suffering from real dysphoria could just get treatment clandestinely, maybe get ridiculed for being ugly (cant avoid that) but not put in the spotlight to such a ridiculous degree
t. ftm
If it was then it just proves how mentally ill trannies are lol
>She's a beautiful princess!
>Yeah but he's a he
Definitely mentally sound individuals
Imagine being this informed on trans issues holy shit
*Misinformed ffs
>wake up a disgusting freak
>people can barely contain their vomit looking at you
>stay inside all day
>kill yourself
>everyone who knew you is kind of sad but mostly relieved they don't have to live with the shame any more
Tranny raiders don't know about the delete button
freudian slip
no. what? no
when the river's stream pushes on your legs, you have to push a lot harder to simply stay where you are. It's such a stupid fucking counterargument to complain that a person knowns so much about an issue like this, when it is being pushed constantly in our faces
what is this absolute schizobabble
> Regardless of whether you think that can happen, open your mind long enough to *imagine* it happened to you.
If it happened to me I would seek help from a psychologist or better yet go hiking and camping for a few days to clear my head. What the fuck is wrong with people today? You wake up with some swirling thoughts and decide to chemically castrate yourself because "it all makes sense now, I was a woman all along."
>I would seek help from a psychologist
and it may be discovered that you have real gender dysphoria. imo, in most cases its a symptom and not the cause, especially in pubescent teenagers, and it can be cured by addressing the cause. but rarely people have what i call Genuine Dysphoria, an extremely distressing mismatch between the body and the mental map of it, quite like body integrity identity disorder where some body part feels disturbingly alien.
dysphoria is physical. many people have just "social" dysphoria ("i dont agree with the gender role assigned to me") and in that case they should just be free to be nonconforming without transitioning. libtard docs and Internet often force those into thinking they're troons
The problem is that taking issues to correct it generally does absolutely nothing to help. The feeling of "wrongness" continues, causing major depression often leading to suicide. Because it's a mental illness, not a revelation. And it's the only one I've seen in my life time that some radicals came out of left field in force and demanded the treatment for said illness be changed to "humor them."
>dysphoria is physical.
No it fucking isn't. There are more and much more significant physical differences between any man and any woman then which colors light up on an MRI.
Does anyone else actually ever genuinely worry about Jewish people? All the white w*men in journalism are making dads hate trannies so much I fear that the violence against them will increase and one day Kafka will be erased from history. Not even being funny but how much blood do these women have on their hands ? punching down on people constantly literally made half of America think Covid was a hoax, how many dead is that?
No, I'm sure there are many ancient Greek stories about dudes turning into chicks and vice versa. I mean merchant of venice has some tranny-play
The thing I find funny about these comparisons is that they really don't affect me. I don't identify myself by the colour of my skin, or the "gender" I am, or my sexuality, or any of that. I don't even think I identify myself with any labels, I feel like humans are far too complex and nuanced to aptly fit into one label. If I woke up black tomorrow, it wouldn't affect me. If I woke up as a giant fucking cockroach that was unable to move, then yeah I'd call foul play and say I've been trolled. If anything, a better analogy would be to say you could wake up tomorrow completely paralyzed from the neck down. Not only is it realistic, but it actually fucking matters to everyone but the most enlightened idealists. Thinking you're a girl when you very clearly have a penis doesn't matter one iota.
of course individual difference is huge, doesn't deny the fact that there are distinctly male and female bodies and they have their respective functions and qualities
dysphoria as a requirement for transition is extreme distress about your sex-related bodily characteristics that cant be treated in any other way
hrt is like chemo, extremely loaded with side effects and harm, but can save someone who needs it