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that's the thread we needed. Sorry, i havent any chart that isnt in the wiki. I plan to make one soon, i'll share when completed
>Doesn't include the supplementary texts...
You posted the wrong one
Not the first time I've seen this but makes me crack up every time. Thanks for the good laugh user
Namaste my niggas
any one have the books name dropped by carlos zen
the saga of tanya the evil dude
I need norse lit chart
the filename gimmick doesn't work because it doesn't end with any type. D- see me after class
Can someone post the charts related no nature? Also Christianity. Thanks.
Lol first time I've seen a reference to Doug Lain here. He's based and makes the nucommies seethe
I have never seen a good political theory chart, all of them fucking suck. Also fuck the great books series.
This is the best chart, everytime I see it I chuckle.
Are there more recomendations from Carlo Zen?
Anyone have a general cosmology chart?
Or if not that, A foreign policy chart
Really no one?
This is the nearest that I have. Not exactly what you want, but still.
How many of those do you think Rowling read? She clearly is influenced by them but it might just be the work of the collective unconscious
It seems she's well read. In one of his talks Peterson mentioned how some imagery she used with the golden snitch or something can only be found on his own website or some obscure ancient Egyptian thing.
But what are the odds she actually read that rather than tapped into some vein of unconscious symbolism?
Yeah that's what Peterson would probably say lmao. Or you know, heavily imply so there's that plausible deniability and people don't see him as just a Jungian freak
Anyone have any recommendations on U.S. history?
well shit, no wonder I got so confused. I thought everyone was just pretending they didn't know each other in the Sorcerer's Stone.
text files don't need a type specified in the filename on early (and some modern) unixlike systems.
Is there a Wagner one? If not I'll probably make it.
This is actuallya pretty good list. I would say Washington: Indispensable Man, though. Also Ferling's John aAdams.
Bruce Catton's civil war trilogy is good.
yeah, you're right
*changes grade to a B*
I feel like Western culture is becoming Egyptian in this chart’s sense
Isak Dinesen
It's a fool's errand. There's no linear path to reading Wagner, he's just too difficult to get into for most people.
i think its kind of old but idk if there is a v2
do you guys think I could get a Latina gf next week by going to a random Cinco de Mayo party
These are glorified amazon wishlists full of books you'll never read.
i skim through books on my phone
>y-you're not ACK-CHUULY reading-
don't care, finished 51 books already
thank you user
Great thread. Though I have a question, you have two places where you put "Start Here". So if I start with Nietzsche, and then get to Evola through Nietzsche, then what do I do? Do I go from The Will straight to Ride The Tiger as in the chart? Because if I went through Guenon, it leads to revolt against the world. So theoretically, once I finish all of Nietzsche's works, what should I read? Does it matter/ am I looking too much into it? Also thanks Dago for good posts on this board