>"You like the Dune books? Aren't those the ones where a woman has an orgasm just from watching a guy climb a cliff?"
This is you
>"You like the Dune books? Aren't those the ones where a woman has an orgasm just from watching a guy climb a cliff?"
This is you
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Hm. How high was the cliff?
"Slowly, he turned full circle, examining the top while he let his memories at last estimate the height of that climb. Nine hundred meters... at least that."
No, no, she was right. That is hot.
>tfw no huge phallic cliff of metrical size
feels bad, man
doesn't seem like something I'd say but alright
You could orgasm (hands-free) simply from watching someone climb?
The cliff was wall-shaped, not phallic-shaped. The God Emperor Leto II however, he is phallic-shaped with a vaginal opening.
it's called a climbax
>You could orgasm (hands-free) simply from watching someone climb?
A 900m cliff? Probably even a couple times, yeah.
Climbaxes only occur in climbers, not spectators.
it's a voyeurist inclination for sexual heights. think of it as a woahgasm with second-hand adrenaline and extreme velocity drops of panties
"its more complicated than that, but yes"
is this Zendaya's character moaning for Timberland Shalamay's character ?
God Emperor of Dune takes place 3,500 years after the time of the Dune movie
That image is wrong, Lego’s cowl was described as metallic and silvery, not fleshy or pink
>god emperor of
>You like the Dune books? Aren't those the ones where a guy just rambles incoherently into his journal and then gets mad when nobody understands his schizobabble?"
This is going to be difficult for you to believe, but I was in a high school in the early eighties when Dune was getting released. I remember when God Emperor of Dune was first put on shelves and I remember having to beg my father for money to buy it for me because it was the middle of the school year and I hadn’t saved any money from my summer job. He did and I read the book in about three or four days.
I know which line you’re specifically referencing and I remember laughing my ass off when I read it. I laughed so hard I cried. It was so funny to me to have actual written proof that Frank Herbert was a virgin. All the sex stuff in the book (homosexuals make the best soldiers! I like the fact you fucked my soul mate, Duncan! Etc) make me suspect that, but when he wrote about the tall bitch literally squirting in her panties from seeing Duncan throw a rope from the top of the Wall, I knew that Frank was a old man virgin who had never talked to a woman in his entire life.
I wrote him a letter telling him as such. I loved most of the book, and told him that as well, but I warned him next time to not make it so obvious that he had no idea what sex was or how women thought and felt. I had written him before, after Messiah was published I think, and had gotten back some typed up “thanks for writing!” Bullshit that I know he just has printed off in the hundred and signs when he needs. But he didn’t reply to this letter.
Imagine my surprise when his “son” started writing in his stead after his death. It made no sense to me, there’s not way this man who so clearly had never seen a vagina in his life could have a son. I’m convinced that Brian is a bastard, and that Frank is a cuck.
>I wrote him a letter telling him as such.
my fucking sides
So the man who lived thousands of years by transforming himself into a worm is alright, but you think a woman being aroused by watching an attractive man engaged in a manly and dangerous activity is unbelievable?
If you think that women don't literally squirt when they see men do masculine things (gaming, climbing big walls, etc) then you might be the virginal one here.
can confirm. My gf squirts when she sees me beating my previous time in my Super Mario 64 Speedrun (I'm going for the world record). It has gotten to the point where I have to put a towel beneath her when she sits to watch me because I just know the sofa will be soaked with pussy juices afterwards,
As soon as Mario says
"So long, gay bowser."
She jumps on top of me and rips my clothes off.
Just found this interview of the making-of Dune (the film); featuring both David Lynch and Frank Herbert.
Given that whenever I point out that Dune has bad worldbuilding the fanboys start shitting and pissing themselves, I am starting to think that those books aren't as good as they're advertised as, but rather that they have large numbers of fanboys.
>Dune has bad worldbuilding
So you know how the point of dune is the biological improvement of humans? Well, the problem is that in the setting this is entirely done with selective breeding and other traditional methods, despite the series explicitly establishing that artificial genetic engineering is extremely powerful in the setting. The only reason the author gives for why everybody isn't engineered artifically is that most factions consider artifical genetic modifications icky, which frankly feels incredibly petty by the author. Atleast in settings like 40k there is some harebrained justification for why genetic engineering of humans isn't more common.
Did you miss out on the entire point of the Bene Tleilaxu? If they clone you or make a ghola of you, they basically OWN you at that point. They can implant obedience and all kinds of other stuff in you. BT clones are less than fully human in a very real sense, and so genetic engineering is not a valid way of improving human stock. It ceases to be human.
That said, not all human-like creatures can be considered fully human either, which is the point of the gom jabar test.
Look at the real world. Do you really want the current crop of elites and billionaires to genetically engineer your kid? Of course not, they're entirely untrustworthy. Every time they do something, a few years later it turns out they were doing absolutely evil stuff and doing a poor job of hiding it. You can't trust them to run a newspaper ethically, let alone a genetic engineering clinic. The first thing they'll do is make sure every embryo they modify has plenty of genes that confer obedience to authority figures, and then after that they'll tighten IQ to the midwit level (90-110). No more geniuses who might disagree with the elites, and no more troublemakers who might disobey the government. Fuck that.
That still doesn’t explain why they haven’t done so. Yes, it can be a “bad idea” but as you said, what’s stopping the powers that be?
In the books? Because it's not just a "bad idea", it's a fatal idea. The second the Imperial family, or any noble house, let the BT do genetic engineering on them they'd become puppets of the BT.
In real life it hasn't happened yet only because the technology isn't fully developed. As soon as it is, it'll be made mandatory, same as our recent experiment in biological tyranny, but worse.
What prevents the noble houses from doing genetic engineering themselves? Furthermore, if the BT are the only ones who have mastered the technology, then how come they haven't become a powerful family in their own right?
They don’t have the technology to do it
utter trash
>God Emperor
>everything else
literal worm excrement
How can you think God Emperor is meme worthy but Children is not?
Children is literally the superior version of God Emperor, God Emperor is the shitty remake trying to recapture lightning in a bottle.
They are a powerful family. In God Emperor it's rumored theyve started using AI again.
Children is so bland. I can't remember a single thing except some kind of space tiger eating kids. God Emperor is seared into my memory because of its pure retardation.
>50+ y.o. shitposter
Why the lie?
It’s straight up confirmed with the character who literally is a walking AI, did you read the book?
What part of GE did you dislike?
No person who would make fun of you with that sentence has reached the 4th book, so this conversation would never exist.
I specifically read shitty sci-fi in order to make fun of dweebs.
>Oh, you like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? Isn't that the one where the computer is a literal tranny?
You're not the hero we deserve, or even the hero we need, but the hero we want.
It’s probably my favorite fun fact of all time that Heinlein was looked up to by the early LGBT community because of his sex positive novels and this tormented him because he hated faggots
Goddamn, I always get so nauseated when I see this cunt's disgusting rat-face...
This. Women have incredibly powerful sexual imagination, as opposed to our "hurr boobs".
of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most
user, jokes are meant to be enjoyed, not analyzed.
in a clownword, everything must be a joke, and everything must be explained
I disliked the first book but I am halfway through the second book and loving it. Probably because the plot is people just conspiring to fuck Pauly and his funky bunch
You'll enjoy Children of Dune then
You're the only clown I see here, Fool.
We must imagine the clown unhappy.
Is it ok to skip children of dune and go straight to emprah?
No, not really.
Yah but paul(swt) dies, what's even the point after that if there are no worm gods
> but paul(swt) dies
Did he? :)
You should read Children of Dune