Which is the most blackpilled book in all of literature bros? Who is the most bleak writer?
Which is the most blackpilled book in all of literature bros? Who is the most bleak writer?
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Any "pill" is gay just live your life and don't let internet strangers influence your beliefs
That simple
sensible and opaque-pilled
>and don't let internet strangers influence your beliefs
but you're an internet stranger trying to influence my beliefs
I just want to know which are the most pessimistic books ever written.
I pretty much instantly disregard anyone who uses that term red pill nowadays. Then I read their retarded ideas and confirm they are retards anyways.
Anyone using memes like -jaks and -pills and -chad is basically sus.
No longer human by osamu dazai is just one long fall into despair with no happy ending.
It was practically the writers suicide note. It's also got a visual adaption by junji ito if you enjoy horror manga.
>"Blackpilled" was the hottest, freshest, newest concept straight out of the chans
>The pill to end all pills, it basically meant "Shut up and listen, both redpilled and bluepilled takes are simply the opinions of those still trapped within the confines of the game. Here's the REAL truth, sonny boy..."
>Now "blackpilled" just means "Here's my nihilistic view on the whole matter-- everything's shit"
Schopenhauer is bleak, but -pill suffix shit is retarded. I hope you're under 25
There is nothing wrong with cannibalism
I acquired a massive taste for pork, and hearing about how man tastes like pork makes me so hungry. I used to bag big fat sows with my compound bow while hunting, and I would eat good for days; never had to pay a fucking dime for fresh meat. When I think about all the meat I could harvest from just a single fat person, my mouth sometimes waters, just because the memory of eating wild sow is so vivid in my mind, and the associations run so deep between pig and long-pig.
The blackpill isn't about bleakness to me it's about escaping from the rat race and finding one's own future
I would say Compendium of General Sociology by Pareto. Literally just calls all ideologies copes and post-hoc rationalizations to justify elite's power.
But I guess all elite theorists are black pills politically.
that's called being a sigma male
I have no idea what sigma male means honestly, last time I looked at this stuff was 2017 and sigma was something new
Honestly I'm on HRT too so I'm taking it pretty far, I'm not sure if that's a sigma male thing because sigma male seems to be quite normie now too
>I'm on HRT too
I'm sorry, bro. Don't blame yourself too hard when you realise it is a bad decision. You've been propagandized. Godspeed.
are you asking because you think that being black pilled is a cool character trait to adopt and you want something to help you emulate or because you have introspected and hav come to the conclusion that you are black pilled and are looking to find something that empathizes with your disposition. don't lie, we are anonymous here.
Redpill (verb): a metaphor about essoteric knowledge making someone see something in a different light forever
I get that it's overused but it was a good coining when it first came out that everyone immediately understood and is widely applicable from anything as simple as music theory and hearing how many songs are the same song to the common definition of seeing corperate and government corruption. I don't see the hate of a meme. I guess I'm just not that emotional. Hearing sus for the millionth time or an all lower case post makes me disregard people much faster. I also can't take you seriously if you are an actual literal pillhead who *needs* pills to cope with life.
Other than prion diseases I guess. But then I guess just don't eat the brain or heart.
Can you put that worldview in pill-form for me?
It used to be a meme that basically meant you were a psychopath but its now "Not normal but succesful/functional"
Blackpillers are more annoying than blue or red pillers combined.
it only comes in suppository form
>don't let other people influence your beliefs
user, surely you understand how ridiculous that sounds..
internet strangers are not real people
There’s no such thing as a black polled writer because once you’ve taken it, you could care less about imparting your knowledge to others.
Maybe a diary out there is blackpilled.
>no countries
>no religion
>nothing to kill for
>nothing to die for
Normies unironically think it'd be a good world?
Godspeed, sister. I'm sure you will become a sexy girl with big breasts so that several lucky men can suck the milk out of them at the same time
Meant to
real redpill is taking women's rights away
No one is real. It's all just projectors.
But my le arbitrary moral beliefs that I can't prove so I impose them on you by law instead say it's wrong, so it's wrong, trust me
Taking HRT is possibly the most sigma thing a male can do.
>It was practically the writers suicide note.
Leaving Las Vegas also was this.
Anyhting by Houellebecq
That one book about how the Social Purity Movement was the first step in destroying the west. We still haven't recovered from this
Define "Black pilled"
why are women so fucking evil?
Did anyone else find A Hero of Our Time to be kind of appealing as someone who's taken the blackpill?
It's been 5 years now and I'm not sorry to say
That's ok though because fucking up my sexuality has helped me cope especially the low libido part
Isn't that the guy who had like 5 wives and at least two different women willing to commit suicide with him? Seems like he was doing pretty well with women. What was his trick?
moral relativists are mentally ill
He didn't want/need/care about them (because he wanted to die), that was his trick.
He forced himself to play a character his entire life which so happened to be very comedic and charismatic despite the unending internal suffering
Also women unironically going "I can fix him"
I think it's the "No pill"
Is it possible to fake that you're suffering and want to die, just to impress women?
industrial society and its future
probably Calvin's Instiutes of the Christian Religion to be honest.
White Pill:
>Women? Don't need 'em.
Sure, there are entire musical subgenres based on this principle.
Masculine authority seriously does work though, dominating women through social situations, teasing, making fun of them, controlling the situation, etc.. works very well. The problem is it's such a chore to do consistently, I just don't care enough and don't feel like I have the energy to do it frequently.
getting advice from 4channers is probably a horrible idea
How is moral relativism objectively wrong?
>"Hurr durr, muh SOCIETY tells me how to look, think, act, and feel! I MUST have someone tell me how I should feel about certain things, otherwise I absolutely CANNOT form my own worldly opinions!"
Is it wrong to murder and eat your fellow man, especially when you live in a first world country and food is abundant and you did it all simply because you're a sick fuck? Then yeah, I think it's wrong. Is it wrong to kill and eat your fellow man if you slay him in war and you believe that by consuming him you acquire some of his divine mana? No, I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all, and neither did a shit ton of other cultures. What? Is it any more disrespectful than just leaving his body there to rot? Is it any kinder than dropping him in a big hole and covering it back up with dirt? Is it any more sanitary or sane than eating, say, a dog? A cat? Your trusty horse?
Is it wrong to look at a 16 year old girl and say "damn, she's hot", just because modern society says that this biologically attractive girl in the prime of her youth is indeed NOT hot? Is it wrong to end the life of a stunted babe, even though you KNOW the miserable conditions that child will suffer due to your own ethical hang-ups or moral negligence? Is it wrong to jump off a cliff to end your worldly suffering and let your loved ones grieve? Then would it also be wrong to jump off a burning building because you preferred the fall over the flames? Let's revisit cannibalism. Is it wrong to eat a man in times of plenty, and also even in times of famine? Is it wrong to eat a man whose culture considered it the ultimate form of respect in the afterlife?
Yeah, exactly, retard. Morality is relative to the culture, time period, individual, and the circumstances that we find ourselves in. Trying to argue against moral relativity is like trying to argue against the immutable physical differences between a male and a female, or like trying to argue against evolution, or gravity. How can you deny something that's so plain and obvious?
Have you read Notes From Underground? that ones pretty hopeless if that's what your looking for
Based hurrah/boo theory