Write What’s On Your Mind

/WWOYM/ Better Off Living edition

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Asked on /adv/ but I'll repost here because I'm sure some slither of you guys take and keep notes:
I have hundreds of thousands of words of notes and summaries of ideas, books, models which are of no use to me. Ideally I’d find a way of repackaging these as e-books and marketing them, but the marketing part I am clueless on.
My other idea has been to automate the process of summarizing them so they can somewhat be more useful. I have almost zero coding experience but am willing to learn as a ‘exercise’. I’ve been experimenting with using a Javascript summarizer which ranks individual sentences and now wonder if it would be possible to create a sort of database that not only automatically ranks key sentences and sits out the top ones, but maybe ways of cross-pollinating the summaries. Sort of like an elaborate but totally automatic Bowie/Burroughs “cut up method”.
It just feels like I have this resource and it shouldn’t go to waste. Which idea is more likely to pay dividends?

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>Better Off Living
this guy gets it.

sounds really based desu

a horse died earlier this month. this is the last pic i took of him. not ours but he was a honorable member of the herd
may this thread be in his memory

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Why is Gilbert and Sullivan so unpopular on this board? I've posted a few threads in hopes of interesting discussion but they usually get little to no replies each and every time. Why is that? I'm sure most people here would enjoy them.

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>Yea Forums - Song & Stage

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I am extremely unhappy. Aside from the desire to fit in and the constant guilt of leeching off of society, I have cut off contacts with my parents and am struggling to find proper jobs with my inferiority complex. People of my age are supposed to network as much as they can but all that I could muster is halfhearted attempts at conversation that will last for around two days before I stopped replying to them. I don't know what has caused me to turn this way but I am seeing no way out of my situation.

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Complete this pattern, not a trick question:

>tfw I want to get some good recommendations for history books, but don't want to enter the cesspool that is /his/

Is it really bad

Or if you want something easier, continue this pattern:
>Guard & Prisoner
>Patron & Valet
>Mentor & Protege
>Lord & Servant
>Shlemiel & Shlimazel
>Senpai & Kohai
>Sugermomma & Toyboy
Bonus points if you can find examples that invert the presumed power relationship. Where the 'weaker' of the two actually has all the leverage or control. First example that comes to mind is Father & Child: unless he's a psychopath, he'll sacrifice everything for his kids even though economically, socially, and by convention he has all the 'power' in the dyad.

I think there comes a point in self loathing and depression where everything you've done in life, so minor and unremembered by everyone, starts to look good.

My entire artistic drive and desire which consumed the last decade of my life has nothing to show for it; except for the few hundred views on my blog or a popular thread on Yea Forums. It ends up making me feel like it was worth it, just for the tiny number of people whose lives it touched.

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Girard solved "the" problems. The fact that people circle around him without ever engaging with him is proof positive of that fact. All they can do is belittle but they can't refute.
This whole Chan is a shrine to his work in the way that everyone imitates the other. The mimetic rivalries that form between ideological opposites and the symmetry you all achieve while claiming difference is laughable. Girard solved the problems but, just like the pharmakoi of old, you all prefer to remain blind to your own interdependent desires for the sake of clinging onto Romantic notions which should have died with the Romantics.
Look at the way Girard is smiling at you. There's amusement but pity. He solved your problems but you cling to the skandalon and choose Satan as your arch-model rather than the crucified.
Stay with your tribe, your fellow guenonites, your Hindus, your poor poor post-modern structural deconstructionists. Keep singing the Psalms of Heidegger and Guattari and your phony literati.
Still, Girard smiles, because he knows your weakness is his. He solved the problem but you won't listen.

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Never heard of the dude. What problem exactly did he solve?

How to stop thinking about w*men? I don’t wish to socialize with them ever again, but my dumb lizard brain keeps craving t*ts, p*ssy and intimacy. Then I have replay the depressing memory reel of my experience with them to sober up. It’s a miserable loop.

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How do you summarise a 40 year career of solving all problems in the humanities.
He took Freud where Freud was afraid to go.
He solved the problem which drove Nietzsche to go mad and suck horse cock. He vindicated The Crucified against Dionysius
He called out Heidegger for his silence on this very problem as Heideggers knees clattered in his grave like a little bitch boy
He obliterated the entire Romantic philosophy of individual, autonomous desire
He rubbished the Enlightenment project by labelling it for what it was, the creation of a new mythology on (what they thought was) the corpse of Christianity.
He bent Hegel's aufhebung over and smacked its pink little behind
He took Clausewitz's political "philosophy" and wrenched out the anal beads.
The real question is: what didn't he solve.

One man, one lifetime, revealing things Hidden since the Foundation of the World.

Got all those artistic resources and cant do anything with it. How do i uncripple my will?

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>open wiki
>is christcuck
>even worse, catholicuck
>chuckle, close wiki
Miss me with this midwit shit

Genuinely healing in the certitude of Gods grace can restore anyone from anyhting. I am sure of this. It may be that one might need to seek forgiveness in some ways. If one is sincere with God this should be doable, although it may be difficult. But I don't think there's a single person on this planet who can not be reformed in God, who can not become the most complete and beautiful soul there ever was. Everything other than God is the illness of longing for what will Last. In God man finds his home, and once there he can begin to abandon those evils in him that led him astray, because in the certitude of Gods grace he can begin to look at them as they truly are, and he can know that the darkness does not overcome the Light. He can dare see it, knowing it will not last, knowing it has no power over himself that he has not granted it.

And so may I live in Gods grace, may I stand up for what is right, and may I sacrifice all should it be right for me to give that sacrifice. May I not cower from responsiblity but bear it in trust. May I be allowed the certitude and simplicity of Light and may I be free from every encroaching darkness, of every confusion, meaninglessness and distortion. Most of all: may I truly be beloved to Him, in the stewardship of what He has granted and in my failures; and may He be beloved to me. Amen.

>pr*ttie post

Proved my original post right. Belittle but can't refute.
Let me know when baby learns how to walk and I might help you out, kid

What are some books I should be reading if I believe all public workers, all journalists and all bankers should be hanged and thrown into a ditch?

and the summer
it too will fade
and with it brings the winters frost here
and I know
we too are made
by all the things we have lost here

I'm thinking bob the builder maybe. you know, focus on the positive

every day it's a struggle not to watch Nicokado Avocado


Rip Caesar

Has anyone here read this? Is it worth a read?

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Imagine having a big, thick, powerful cock. Imagine the confidence of knowing that your lovers can barely handle your masculinity, that every subsequent partner will come short of filling up their holes like you did. Imagine the sexual power, imagine the respect you’d have. Women only respect mind-blowing fucking, everything else is a lie, a cope.

you got issues bruh

6 incher is my issue, and having enough experience to know how primitive female sexuality is

Girard is king. glad fellow girachads are here

I met some girl who is literally the female version of myself on Omegle and have been talking to her on Telegram. She also wants to marry and settle down after she graduates from college next year. How do I not turn into a complete sperg and get this girl to marry me. Keeping up chat for over a year would be hard for me. She’s American but not in the US until she comes back next year

one possible option is not trying to force a conversation for that long and just saying "this is good, I like you. we should give this a shot if we get the chance" and then just try to put less pressure on it. I understand you've got a unicorn about 60% fenced in here, but this a fickle game and desperation will not serve you I don't think. You have to accept first and foremost that this can go wrong, and that you can live with that. That you stand to gain but not to lose. So if, then great, but if not then this is how it is. Take the pressure off, that's my advice. I'm not sure I'm qualified, but I know the feeling and have failed about where you are right now.

cus I think it feels closer than it is. you almost certainly really can't tell with what you have. try to be friends first, that's pretty much your only chance I think. If she starts talking about other guys then let her know how you feel and let her decide. Just take it easy senpai.

Which should I read next?

In the House in the Dark of the Woods - Laird Hunt
Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay
Our Love Will Go the Way of the Salmon - Cameron Pierce
The Blacktongue Thief - Christopher Beuhlman
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke - Eric LaRocca
The Sluts - Dennis Cooper
Titanoboa: Journey to the Amazon - PK Hawkins
Convienience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata
Witch Piss - Sam Pink
Baccano!: The Rolling Bootlegs by Ryohgo Narita & Katsumi Enami
Escape From Dinosauria by Vincenzo Bilof & Max Booth III
Fear by Ronald Kelly

Last book I read was
>Hell Island - Matthew Reilly.
Picrel is my summary and thoughts.

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>Our Love Will Go the Way of the Salmon - Cameron Pierce
this one

Honestly, get high.

Thanks, user. I’ll have to apply some of this, along with other things I’ve unfortunately learned from my years in high school, like not bothering the girl every hour of the day

>like not bothering the girl every hour of the day
I suspect we will make it but fuck me if it doesn't take a while, and a lot of hassle

My body is beautiful.

thanks, will do

Books where the main character talks to snakes? Don’t mention Harry Potter, Horns (Joe Hill), or The Jungle Book.

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canada sucks

Mine isnt. Im an ugly guy.

Still have no idea why self-described incels don’t just go gay and have sex with each other. You can change your sexuality through extensive porn use.


No, Sam Harris is fucking retarded.

holy bible

Looks are subjective.
You're gonna get laid. How d'ya like them apples, uggo? Ya non-cope? Ya non-seethe?

it is such a fantastic feeling to be a reader of books
please cherish it anons

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noticed a small drop of (possibly) blood on toilet paper and on stool (more yes than no).

>not semen

Doctors. Now.

This is a zoomer as fuck video but it made me realize something

The boomers lived through the '60s, when it genuinely was possible to buy a house, have a decent job, balance your budget, and avoid falling into debt. Debt was something stupid people got into because of poor choices or poor planning, or something you tragically fell into. Jobs were plentiful, there was a basic "equilibrium" to how life felt. As long as you work and save, you will basically be okay. Life is full of second and third chances and you can always work harder.

They are finally, finally dying off. Look at the voter demographics in the French election. Everybody voting for neo-liberal Macron is old. The younger you go, the more populist and protectionist.

Older millennials and gen xers probably resemble the boomers because they grew up with boomer-dominated media selling them the boomer vision of the world. But younger millennials and zoomers are the first generations to grow up with it completely normalized that debt is not something that can be avoided, there is no equilibrium to life ("the economy" is mostly out to crush you), everything is ruthless. They're also far stupider than the boomers. Boomers were raised on traditional culture in pop form, so when they did the hippie thing it was against a backdrop of basic standards. Zoomers can't understand hippies because being a shiftless layabout is their default.

So you have a retarded, dehistoricized, cultureless generation of people who by nature assume the world is a hostile, senseless, imbalanced place full of predators. And as each year goes by, this mentality collectively makes up a greater and greater majority of the voting base. The world is about to plunge into economic crises that make 1929 look like a joke, and all these countries are full of visible minorities who are responsible for 90% of crime, not to mention urban decay and degeneracy.

This isn't just Weimar, this is Weimar x20.

Internal bleeding can indicate all kinds of things, including cancer. Don't screw around with that, get it checked ASAP.

This post is zoomer as fuck.
Yeah, a crash is coming. Socialists’ve been saying this for years and “you realize it” just now and apply your “protectionist” shit over it. So what?
We told ya


You're vile

how is your second sentence in any way related to your first sentence?

The main problem with the economy is the transition away from a productive economy to a financialized consumer and service economy. Financialization ensures that a parasitic finance class can drain the extract from the real economy by inventing all kinds of financial instruments or "fictitious capital" as Marx called that they manipulate in a game they play amongst themselves, such as credit swaps, convertible bonds, hedge funds etc, in which various trickeries are concocted to essentially make money from nothing. Meanwhile all those manufacturing jobs that used to be able to buy houses for boomers with high school education have been offshored and those houses are now used as gambling chips for banks to try to turn yet another financialized profit.

These were the very enemies of the people who the fascists and communists militated against back in the 20th century, although the fascists post-Hitler had to single out only the Jewish ones which in my opinion is counterproductive. No need at all to blur the lines and make it about vague ethnicity when a clearly defined social class easily defines clear target brackets.

Writing a poem for an unrequited love. Every poem is a broken heart, but every broken heart is a poem.

I’ll love you, but I’ll love you distantly.
Destroy my hope, for hope is all I keep;
You fly away, and why, I cannot say,
And all these thoughts of you have broken me.