Is this book worth reading?

It's from a reputable author who seems to get a lot of praise over his take on controversial real world issues.

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The best books about Incel culture are ones written by incels themselves

I'm not sure I would want to read that since it's bound to be misogynistic and biased.

Nick Van Der Leek is someone who has been fucking tons of women his whole life, so I would trust his level-headed account on the situation a lot more.

Why not? I mean feminist literature is misandric, toss one out for the other

I've never heard of him.
You can fuck tons of women and be misogynistic. If you think those things are mutually exclusive you need to grow a brain.

Yeah I agree. I mean you could be drowning in pussy and be like "I really have no empathy for these hoes"

>"I really have no empathy for these hoes"

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The main reason I'm interested in this book is because it has Anthony Fantano in it.

I've heard rumors of him being a feminist incel back in his college days. He would lose his temper around women for rejecting him after he would spend his time with them being a feminist activist.

as a 26 year old virgin would this book help me

it may give you some perspective and self-awareness that you wouldn't otherwise get. I feel many virgins lack that which is why they come off as disrespectful towards women.

>come off as disrespectful towards women.
I never really had this problem though? For most of my life I was afraid of them

>For most of my life I was afraid of them
and this is why you're an incel. if you just viewed them as any other human being, you wouldn't be afraid of them.

I do that now but my friends tell me now to talk to girls the same way I would talk to them (guys) because they don't want to hear about stuff like that, so obviously you can't just treat them the same

incel is a bullshit word made up by trannies who work for mi6

Respecting women doesn't get you laid lmao. Pursuing sex is a double edged sword depending on how attractive you are.


Self awareness is overrated
I'd believe it

Virgins talking about sex only the opposite.

Start with the incel wiki.

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>if you just viewed them as any other human being, you wouldn't be afraid of them.
I hate this meme.

Have my gold and 100000 updoots kind sir/mäm/thingy.

I'm willing to check this book out, but not willing to pay for it. Anyone have a link to it? It's not on libgen or zybooks.

My question is why retards started obsessing over sex so much and centering their entire personality around being unable to get laid and blaming the whole world for it... casual sex with random whores is fucking worthless, and even if you're a "virgin" at 20 or something... so what? You shouldn't be chasing sex before then because teens are fucking retarded and make terrible choices, that's where messes like school pregnancies or being forced to marry at 18 come from. If anything gives you shit for being a "virgin", it's their problem, not yours.

Me? I'll have sex eventually, but if I do it will be with someone I care about enough, and preferably to have kids. If I wanted to get rid of horny I'd just jack off, why involve some random whore when the feeling would be about the same, I'd risk an STD and feel like a degen afterwardw?

Only incels get asspained over the word "incel".

The only reason I want to read this book is to see the part about Anthony Fantano. The dude was supposedly a straight up creepy incel in college.

Is that why he's on the cover? First I've heard about this, though I've never really watched him anyway. I rmember he deleted his channel and I never found out why there either

>muh incels
What a terrible thread

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>if you just viewed them as any other human being, you wouldn't be afraid of them.
That's probably not why they're afraid of them? I'm incredibly insecure when it comes to this too, not women in particular but anyone I'm attracted to

Troll harder.

ive read a few times on Yea Forums that he lost his temper when girls rejected him back in college

i have no idea if that's why he's on the cover though

Lightskin niggas stay taking L's.

Maybe. But that's not a link to the book

you get made fun of, you get called a creep, an incel all that stuff, if you don't participate in this shallow horrid lifestyle, I have a cousin who has a degree in psychology from fucking UCLA and she called me an incel when I said the exact same thing as you did. It has gotten so fucking bad, I didn't care either but ever since she said that to me I've fallen into a downward spiral of living a shallow sex life, I hate it so much

kek I was reading this the other day and it's not a bad resource (excepting that quite a bit of it is very visibly written by teenage boys): pages on a lot of literature and (proto)inceloid thinkers. (Including Henry Flynt and his 'creep theory' - which someone on Yea Forums posted about a week or two ago, and which, whom, I thought very interesting.)

what's that gchq, we can't hear you with the black dick in your mouth

"Because he seems weak and inferior in the company of others, and cannot maintain his self-respect, the creep is pressed into isolation. There, the creep doesn't have the pressure of other people's presence to make him feel inferior, to make him feel that he must be like them in order not to be inferior. The creep can develop the morale required to differ. The creep also tends to expand his fantasy life, so that it takes the place of the interpersonal life from which he has been excluded. The important consequence is that the creep is led to discover a number of positive personality values which cannot be achieved by the mature, married adult. During, the period when I developed the creep theory, I was spending almost all of my time alone in my room, thinking and writing. This fact should make the positive creep values more understandable.

Because of his isolation, the creep has a qualitatively higher sense of identity. He has a sense of the boundaries of his personality, and a control of what goes on within those boundaries. In contrast, the mature adult, who spends all his time with his marriage partner or in groups of people, is a mere channel into which thoughts flow from outside; he lives in a state of conformist anonymity. The creep is emotionally autonomous, independent, or self-contained. He develops an elaborate world of feelings which remain within himself, or directed toward inanimate objects. The creep may cooperate with other people in work situations, but he does not develop emotional attachments to other people. Although the creep's intellectual abilities develop with education, the creep lives in a sexually neutral world and a child's world throughout his life. He is thus able to play like a child. He retains the child's capacity for make believe. He retains the child's lyrical creativity in regard to self-originated, self justifying activities. There is enormous room in the creep's life for the development of every aspect of the inner world or the inner life. The creep can devote himself to thought, fantasy, imagination, imaging, variegated mental states, dreams, internal emotions and feelings towards inanimate objects. The creep develops his inner world on his own power. His inner life originates with himself, and is controlled and intellectually consequential. The creep has no use for meditations whose content is supplied by religious traditions. Nor has he any use for those drug experiences which adolescents undertake to prove how grown up they are, and whose content is supplied by fashion. The creep's development of his inner life is the summation of all the positive creep values."


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i worked with a guy that looked like LTG but he lived in a motel and talked about how he liked insecure fat bitches because they try to prove something on that dick. pretty cool guy.

"When I distributed the prospectus for The Journal of Indeterminate Mathematical Investigations to graduate students at the Courant Institute in the fall of 1967, the most negative reactions came from the females. The mere fact that I wanted to invent a mathematics outside of academic mathematics was in and of itself offensive and revolting to them. Since the academic status of these females was considerably higher than my own, the disagreement could only be considered one of values.

The field of art provides an even better example, because there are many females in this field. In the summer of 1969 I attended a meeting of the women's group of the Art Workers Coalition in New York. Many of the women there had seen my Down With Art pamphlet. All the females who have seen this pamphlet have reacted negatively, and it is quite clear what their attitude is. They believe that they are courageously defending modern art against a philistine. They consider me to be a crank who needs a "modern museum art appreciation course." The more they are pressed, the more proudly do they defend "Great Art." Now the objective validity of my opposition to art is absolutely beyond question. To defend modern art is precisely what a hopeless mediocrity would consider courageous. Again, it is clear that the opposition between myself and females is in the area where one must choose one's values.

I have found that what I really have to do to make a favorable impression on females is to conceal or suspend my activities - the most important part of my life; and to adopt a facade of conformity. Thus, I perceive females as persons who cannot function in my occupation. I perceive them as being like an employment agency, like an institution to which you have to present a conformist facade. Females can be counted on to represent the most social, human" point of view, a point of view which, as I have explained, is distant from my own. (In March 1970, at the Institute for Advanced Study, the mathematician Dennis Johnson said to me that he would murder his own mother, and murder all his friends, if by doing so he could get the aliens to take him to another star and show him a higher civilization. My own position is the same as Johnson's.)"
TLDR: Women suck
Kek, where was this guy my whole life

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>Kek, where was this guy my whole life

he's been around for while, you only just now discovered him to confirm your sad view on life after deliberately looking for any kind of evidence.

>you only just now discovered him to confirm your sad view on life
user I have a gf, but you're r8 desu, that bitch is gonna leave me sooner or later and honestly I can't complain, I'm tired of pretending being a normie in front of her

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Lol, what is this? Has that 'genius misanthrope who's too indispensable to properly deal with' feel to it; a bit like that chess player, Fisher, or whatever.

Also post the direct link pls.

So is this guy a schizo?

Shame this is tinged with hate, and I say this as a level 99 woman hater. I just think it detracts from his good points and makes him more easily dismissed as a crank. The insights are lost in the polemic coloring.

>I have found that what I really have to do to make a favorable impression on females is to conceal or suspend my activities - the most important part of my life; and to adopt a facade of conformity. Thus, I perceive females as persons who cannot function in my occupation. I perceive them as being like an employment agency, like an institution to which you have to present a conformist facade. Females can be counted on to represent the most social, human" point of view

This is very accurate.

Henry Flynt, conceptual/fluxus artist, musician, and philosopher; a chapter from his book Blueprint for a Higher Civilization, a collection of his writings (he has also put a lot of his writing, on science etc., on his website – very high autist stuff).

>You can fuck tons of women and be misogynistic
If you fuck tons of women, you are bound to become misogynistic; but more often than not, that's putting the cart before the horse.
>disrespectful towards women.
I am not quoting you exactly, but I hate the stupid fucking meme that incels are women haters. Incels don't hate women. They don't treat them with disrespect. In fact, the problem is that treat women with too much respect. If they were disrespectful towards women, they would actually be getting laid. This is the most puzzling psyop I have ever encountered on the internet, and my theory is that a woman unwittingly came up with it. Only a woman can be so stupid as to take someone putting them on a pedestal as a sign of disrespect or contempt. For emphasis; if incels actually viewed women as sex-objects/ a warm hole as feminist((s) sympathizers) claim, they would be fucking so many bitches, they'd forget what wearing clothes feel like. Their problem is that they DON'T view women as sex objects. If they did, the mental shift at this "revelation"/ point of view would get them laid like tile.

Imagine putting a girl who was brutally murdered on the cover of your book just to make some money. I know she was some E-girl whore but that is just in bad taste.

That's nothing compared to the metalfags that used their suicided friend for an album cover. Or ghetto boys using a picture of Bushwick bill after he gouged his eye out when he went schizo on PCP.

Incels don't respect women, they just view them as walking vaginas with stipulations attached.

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Explain to me how you came to this conclusion like I was a seven year old child.

Based autistic old man

I would do that
t. Metalfag

Sounds more like a description of autism

You don't Need that book, we have litteraly /pol/ here as a living example to understand incels.


Friendly reminder that you don't have to be an incel to understand that Bianca Devins was a demon and her brutal murder was an objectively good thing. If incels as a collective exclusively killed girls like her then they would be heroes.

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So why is Anthony Fantano on the cover? What does the book say about him?

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a book that helps to honor and remember the victims of misogynists.

Incels are afraid, they're not angry. Some lash out, but most are just scared introverts that have some deep rooted fear they'll get hurt or deceived again.

Reminder that no man is entitled to a girl