Which author do you own the most books by?
Which author do you own the most books by?
Hemingway and H Miller-8
Kafka-9(different translations)
Faulkner-6(2 are LoA collections)
Tolstoy-4 (2 are multiple book sets, so 7 individual books)
Shakespeare-everything he wrote
Nietzsche-4(1 is an anthology with 5 individual works in it)
DH Lawrence-4
Steinbeck- 2 (huge tomes with 10 works total)
Nietzsche from my understanding
Probably Doszto, only 2 (the rest I pirated)
When it comes to individual volumes, definitely Steinbeck, but I have three editions of the complete works of Shakespeare which shakes out to about 120 books by one dude.
pic related is my Joyce stuff. But it's probably Faulkner or Tolstoy.
>folio society lettering rubbing off
Oh no no no
Brian Jacques
Stephen King or William Gibson
Stephen King 1st
Dean Koontz 2nd
My sister mailed me 3 books by Ray Dalio after she heard from my dad that I'm a marxist so that ties with how many I currently own of Lenin.
My own, of which I am the only reader. Entire Tomes, closed to the world. I am author, editor, publisher, reader and critic.
hermann hesse cuz i won a hermann hesse lot on ebay like 10 years ago. second prob nietzsche. or proust i guess if you count that 6 volume boxset as separate books.
Fitzgerald. No one else is really close because I generally try to only by the best book by an author and no more but I enjoy Fitzgerald in general. Many authors write books to get a point across, often singular points and they do it best in one book more than others so I don't see much point in buying more than one or two books from authors who write about the human condition.
Second place is like a 5 way tie between random authors I own 3 books by.
>I'm a marxist
We don't like your kind around here. Now shoo back to twitter, tranny.
not gonna look at my shelf and check but probably dosto
God - 2 (The Old Testament and The New Testament)
7 books by pinecone
he wrote both of them?
Winston Churchill
Murakami - 9
baka...i should have kept my funko pop in the box like reddit said...
that finnegan's wake is cool, mine is from penguin too but it's the uglier newer version
St. Peter Damian. I have his letters as translated by CUA (6 volumes), that comprises the largest collection by an author I own. I’ve never really gravitated to a single writer.
>refusing to read God’s latest bestseller The Koran
Alhamdulillah Kaffir
Edward gibbon, about 20 volumes, this one is 8
Based list autist
Heres mine
>pic related
Books I've purchased physical copies of
1984 (orwell) - 1
Brave New World [+re](huxley) - 1
The Map of Time trilogy (some dude) - 3
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius) - 1
LOTR, The Hobbit, The Silmarilion, Beren and Lithuin, The Fall of Gondolin, the Children of Hurnin, Unfinished Tales, the Complete History of Middle-Earth [12vol.+Index], the Nature of Middle Earth, Beowulf(JRRT) - 12
The Chronicles of Narnia, Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Abolition of Man, The Four Loves, The Problem of Pain, The Weight of Glory, A Greif Observed, Spirits in Bondage, On Stories, Of Other Worlds, Till We Have Faces, Narrative Poems, The World's Last Night, Present Concerns, The Personal Heresey, A Mind Awake, Surprised By Joy, The Dark Tower, All My Road Before Me, Miracles, Letters To Malcolm, The Cosmic Trilogy(C.S. Lewis) - 32
Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass(Lewis Carroll) - 2
Wuthering Heights (Emily Brontë) - 1
Robinson Cursoue (Daniel Defoe) - 1
The Divine Comedy: Italian, Longfellow, Durling (Dante) - 4
Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karamazov, Notes From Underground[+otherstories], The Idiot, The House of the Dead, The Gambler, Devils[extratranslation](FRODO DOSTO - all Garnett) - 7
I also have some books on my tablet that I haven't bought physical copies of. Gene wolfe, hg wells, the count of monte cristo, etc.
I like that one still. I think it's better than the oxford cover.
Philip K. Dick - 35 books
Recently I've been re-reading some that I haven't read in a couple of decades, and also started acquiring a few that I didn't have before.
go back to r/TheDonald faggot. all contrarian extremist frogposters are welcome here
Proust since In Search of Lost Time was so long. Dostoevsky is second with five.
Don Delillo
likely Pynchon and Bolano (8 or 9 each), but I read more books from Vargas Llosa and Calvino (15+ each)
Probably John Cowper Powys. I own most of what he’s published, but the reason he is the author I have most books by is only because I own 2 copies of Maiden Castle and Weymouth Sands, as well as 3 copies of A Glastonbury Romance. If not him, maybe Michael Moorcock or Robert Jordan for obvious reasons.
>God’s latest bestseller the Book of Mormon
Murakami (two)
Philip K Dick..
P.G. Wodehouse
Everything by Pratchett (except those scifi books he co-wrote). That's the one advantage of dead authors; collection complete.
Almost everything by Neil Gaiman - what there is SO FAR anyway. Yes, including the comics (Sandman, obviously, but the death of Batman too and even the 1602 Marvel book).
China Mieville (predictably). Everything so far.
Is it bad that my top 3 has no ethnic or female author? Should I get woke?
Get some China Mieville books; a British Trotskyist. Very good fiction author.
Either Frank Herbert, Robert Heinlein, or Ben Bova. Haven't counted.
S. D. Perry, her complete Resident Evil novelization series. I love this bitches writing, the Aliens stuff was personally my favorite of her work.
Chronologically by date of publication, yes sir.
>Allah sat in a bar, looking sad."My son won't listen to me," answered Allah
Wodehouse- 9 books.
Based user. I have all the Jeeves books collected in 5 omnibuses and few other books. I need to get the Blandings novels someday.
Why is someone so prolific as James not memed to death here? How does he escape his Yea Forumscore phase on this board?
Based as fuck
>worrying about the demographics of the authors you read not being 'woke' enough
>sound and the fury
>as i lay dying
>go down moses
>light in august
Wait what is Ellman????
Is Faulkner worth reading beyond The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, and Absalom Absalom?
Based. Loved reading the Redwall books as a kid.
Richard Ellman’s biography of James Joyce. It’s a brilliant biography, a masterpiece in its own right. Highly recommended.
Heidegger because I had to go through a lot of his lectures for work.
Have you read any Henry James? It's obvious why he isn't memed here. He's awful.