Reading about Chinese history

>Reading about Chinese history
>Read about literature during the Cultural Revolution
>Only one novelist during the whole period in a country of over 580 million
>Mao despised genre fiction and wanted to destroy fantasy and sci-fi
>Red Guard killed off many modernist era writers still alive and burned unpublished books and notes

Why do communists hate Gandalf?

Attached: Mao-Book.jpg (500x499, 59.18K)

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the cultural revolution was one giant skullfucking psyop ran entirely to please one mans cosmically large psychopathic ego

Communism can't survive if the population still has a soul. For Communism to take over you must destroy the soul of the nation by removing all culture and anything that inspires man to greater heights than simply a wish for better material circumstances.

fantasy genres are bourgeois escapism to impede the development of proletarian class conciousness

CIA reads Mao. You should do.
Best start believing in Cultural Revolutions, user. You’re in one.

communism only survives as long as those whom it rules are 100% demoralised and spiritually surrendered

those were bourgeois revolutionaries, not communists

Which is funny because he wrote poetry

I'm not knowledgeable enough about the intricacies of communism but I thought it was interesting while reading the history book that there was a Shanghai Commune that emerged during the Cultural Revolution that Mao thought was too left wing and sent his agents in to take it over and shift to a 'revolutionary committee".

Poetry has a much stronger tradition in China than novels and was considered what the educated class wrote instead of fiction, based on what I read previously.

no true scotsman cope. i’m as infantile as the next guy but this perlman stuff is 4th grade level thinking.

you're doing no true scotsman cope by implying it wasn't a bourgeois revolution. also the only Perlman I heard of was some kind of a classical music conductor/performer, so I have no idea what you're referring to

looks like your case is terminal. i’m sorry.

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Because they can't have anything that isn't about bowing to and serving the state. Soviet Russia did the same type of shit like how they tried to stomp out all traces of nationalism in Mongolia by getting rid of gengis khan.

because I believe that the people who realized the task of making China into a modern bourgeois state were bourgeois revolutionaries or because I don't know some random faggot?
this has nothing to do with communism either. it's typical for bourgeois revolutions to strive to make the modern nation-state they're creating as broad as possible and subsume as many local peoples into it as they're able to.

>>Mao despised genre fiction and wanted to destroy fantasy and sci-fi
Wtf I love Mao now.

All communism is bourgeois.

To know why Communists hate fantasy you should read Hegel. I recommend reading the science of logic, it is very good.

>Because they can't have anything that isn't about bowing to and serving the state.
Well the Cultural Revolution was more complicated because it was like the leader of the state giving the order to smash everything that got in their way, including but not limited to the rest of the government, the police, the military, the courts, the schools, religions, and companies.

>Best start believing in Cultural Revolutions, user. You’re in one.
That's like comparing a tiger vs. a kitty really. The Red Guards were full of rage and they were armed with weapons, had rich experience in street fighting and sometimes shooting. If you wanted to unleash a Cultural Revolution in the United States, that would be like giving millions of destructive 15- and 16-year-old SJWs weapons and the energy of a Lamb of God concert and letting them loose.

So there's really no comparison.

Attached: DCTYWvZW0AAlw4B.jpg (640x480, 41.88K)

Also it worked:

Attached: 179ebd24d8b10046134151.jpg (900x675, 361.25K)

the chinese are under possession by evil aliens

>Red Guard killed off many modernist era writers still alive and burned unpublished books and notes
name one

>Only one novelist during the whole period in a country of over 580 million
Who was that?

When are commie gooks going to learn chubby middle-aged men standing around as if they're having a conversation aren't good photo ops?


>>Mao despised genre fiction and wanted to destroy fantasy and sci-fi

Communists can't decide amongst themselves what they want. Burn this keep that, next ruler changes it again. It's so tiring. Right wingers kill each other over race and religion. Lefties do the same for the arts. One mans cultured necessity is another man lavish excess so no comrades are happy.

they're not making them for you

Hao Ran

Lao She was in his late 60s when the Red Guards dragged him out of his home and beat and paraded him to humiliate him. Depending on the source he either died from his beating or commited suicide. Shen Congwen faced similar torture and tried to commit suicide after being banned from writing and having his works erased. If you check the Yea Forums wiki theyre both in the recommended books pic for china.

> If you wanted to unleash a Cultural Revolution in the United States

Attached: 9523A161-044C-4EDC-A617-7181314D8778.jpg (1140x1727, 1.99M)

>Shanghai Commune
Sound like anarchist kiddies that would ruin authoritarianism. All Stalinist type of soviet governments after killing the reactionary right(especially in the military) went after other ideological left-wingers next. My great-grandfather was anarcho-libertarian mayor of a village during 3rd Bulgarian Kingdom and he got send to the concentration camps after the commies took over.

>Mao tried to save us from the endless piles of Return of the Mountain Sage Sword Immortal Chaos Emperor and Green Tea Bitch System Slaps Her Butt and Runs Away shitnovels
Based cultural revolution, they should have killed more people

>Bitch nigga mad because he can't cultivate his internal qi
Stop being poor and buy some pills and learn a cultivation breathing method.

Congratulations, mutt, you just described (((capitalist))) Weimerica

Im not american and I hate america and americans, you retarded bunkertranny commie golem

is Hao Ran any good? are there any translations?

I'm pretty sure chinese pop fiction degraded to just Wuxia/Xianxia martial wish fulfilment and crappy romance novels precisely because of the Cultural Revolution

*That is to say, it is not unlike the boom of Superhero comics in the USA after everything else was banned.

Xianxia is at its peak.

His novel was called The Golden Road and I'm sure you can find a translation somewhere.


Comparing Wuxia/Xianxia to Superhero comics in the USA is interesting. From what I read there was a thriving pulp literature scene in China in the early 1900s. There were works of romance, fantasy, and scifi influenced by what was out in the 1920s but the stories were either not saved, destroyed during WW2, or burned by communists during literature purges. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon from 1941 is the oldest martial artist story still read I've come across so far.

Also the author of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon got fucked too:

>After the Chinese Civil War, Wang was assigned to work as a school teacher by Communist leaders, who labelled him an "old literati". He was forbidden from producing new works. Following his retirement, possibly around 1966, he was labelled a "reactionary literati", thus the Communist Party punitively sentenced him to farm labor.

>He died from an unknown illness on 12 February 1977. Prior to his death he made several attempts to return to his wife and family who were living in Shenyang.

yes, that's why current american culture is so full of soul and imagination!

What if you all just stopped?
Have you thought about that shit?
fr ikrn

New Marvel just dropped, I heckin love manufactured culture!

>too left wing
People seem to think of communism as some ultraleft position, when in fact its the radlibs and useless anarchist retards who are the actual proponents of these beliefs and have been summarily dealt with in any successful communist implementation. I don't get why uneducated rightwing amerimutts have never been able to acknowledge this distinction, even when the most well-known figureheads of 20th c. communism like lenin and mao wrote extensively on the diseased rot these groups bring to a revolution, and to a society as a whole. But I guess its silly of me to assume any level of reading comprehension from the western right.

Heroism and individuality are sins in socialism. Evil is overcome through collective action. You'd understand that if you actually read anything

When the value of your labor isn't siphoned off by leeches somehow that leads to the elimination of individuality!

When you are no longer allowed to succeed based on your own merit then you have destroyed Individuality in any meaningful way, yes.

I guess it's just a matter of where you draw the line.
What makes the hippie retards more dangerous than the actual communist party?

Capitalism is what destroys individuality by allocating a majority of the product of your own labor to someone else rather than to you

What is success? Accumulating money and the ability to have people beneath you?

Capitalism doesn't mean you have to work like a slave. You can choose whatever you want.

No it does this by reifying your role as a producer of surplus labor, not inherently by not giving you more "surplus" to spend on Funco Pops and anal lube

Returning people's labor to them doesn't inherently make them better people, in fact now that capitalism has destroyed every other form of life except mindless meaningless overproduction and overconsumption, people freed from capitalism would just be unmoored and eat themselves to death

Production and consumption only make sense in the context of a healthy society

Success is whatever you want it to be in capitalism

>allocating a majority of the product of your own labor to someone else rather than to you

This is not unique to capitalism.

no, that's not the point. attributing it to the mere fact of functioning within a society with socialized production is incorrect. capitalism destroys individuality by reducing people to machines for producing surplus value (both capitalists and workers, in different senses), which requires a one-sided tendency in a person's development. it doesn't destroy it through the fact that you don't make your own shoes, only though the particular form which the fact of not making your own shoes takes.
lol what if I want to succeed as the best thief in the world but the capitalists put me in jail for violating private property, depriving me of the chance to succeed in whatever I want based on my own merit? the garbage you're spewing doesn't even hold together

>Reading about Chinese history
>somehow missed The Story of the Stone, Journey to the West, The Water Margin and Romance of the Three Kingdoms

Theft is against the law, what does that have to do with capitalism?

Choice under capitalism is a goddamned spook. I don't choose to work, I do what I must to not live on the streets and be able to feed myself and my family. Choice my fucking ass.