Why aren't there based fantasy books?

I don't know of any fantasy book that is considered one of the best books ever written, only realistic fiction ones. Why is that? Because I think it isn't inherent to fantasy, one could write very profound or game changing works with a fantasy component. The only reason I can figure out is that it's due to the type of person who writes fantasy books, they somehow aren't as good as non-fantasy fiction writers or they haven't that hunger of breaking the rules.
Any insights are welcome

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First of all, define based. I’d say Harry Potter is based for making Goblins greedy bankers that look like Jews. I don’t think that’s what you meant, though. I’m going to assume you used the word based as a synonym for good.

Perhaps it’s because certain elements are sacrificed for world-building. I’d imagine it would be hard to write a text that can be read as an allegory in the fantasy genre for example.

Read Book of the New Sun

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>define based
he 'defined' it in the body
>I don't know of any fantasy book that is considered one of the best books ever written

>certain elements are sacrificed for world-building
how is that? i mean instead of describing a real world set you describe a fantasy world one. I thnk it isn't that different

prince of nothing and

The only one I know is Frankenstein and it is light fantasy ie it could have been done with an ugly malformed guy, he doesn't needed to be a monster

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are all the books of the series good or only the first ones?

I enjoyed those, idk what other anons think of them

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>I’d say Harry Potter is based

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this guy wrote pic related too, which is kind of good

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All of them

good first 50 pages pretty rubbish after like most fantasy of the era

The issue is women and publishers. They are full liberal retards that will only publish you if you identify as tranny. Most "fantasy readers" just buy sandersoy books. If you want based fantasy, look no further than Lord of the Rings. Simple as.

>that Neil Gaiman endorsement

I don't like the narration style in this book but it's definitely the biggest male power fantasy I've seen

>i mean instead of describing a real world set you describe a fantasy world one.
You don’t need to describe the real world. People already have a pretty good understanding of what the real world is like. When you introduce different mythical creatures, magic, and hominoid species then you have some explaining to do.

Have you never read a good book? Moby Dick? It doesn't matter if your world is real or not real, good authors describe it in great depth.

>are all the books of the series good or only the first ones?
The first books make no sense without reading the others. I have no idea how people say torturer is the best when it makes 0 sense without the Alzabo reveals etc.

>If you want based fantasy, look no further than Lord of the Rings. Simple as.
Nothing based in those soi books user. Gor books are based.

because fantasy writers are bullied nerds

GoT and LotR. I know this board likes to think theyre the MacDonalds of lit (especially GoT), but as far as fantasy goes theyre unironically pretty good. Theyre just too popular for snobs and contrarians.

what makes a fantasy book based?

okay so i guess i'll have to read of all them

Tolkien and Gene Wolfe are both great writers even outside of their genre.
Excellent choice user.

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Why tf would you write a 10 volume fantasy tome with shitty prose when you could just DM? More fun and people actually interact with your worldbuilding (only thing that matters to modern fantasy authors anyway).

>The issue is women and publishers. They are full liberal retards that will only publish you if you identify as tranny.
that's right but doesnt explain why there isnt the dostoevsky, the cervantes, the shakespeare, the pynchon, the nabokov, the joyce, the melville, etc of fantasy. There are hundreds of incredible fiction writers that doesn't write fantasy and none or little, at least at the level of the ones i've listed, fantasy writers. Why is that the case? I don't know but it is a fact

do you know who Tolkien is?

>You don’t need to describe the real world
So? What is it? More words? Aren't there books that explain non-daily things in depth? Couldn't one describe, instead of that sort of thing, fantasy concepts? I don't see how it is that much different

okay tolkien, one, that doesnt matter. Explain the huge difference of number

If we include actual mythology and folklore with fantastical elements, fantasy btfos literary fiction and it's not even close. It's just due to narrow definitions.

being one of the best in general. Compete with the greatest books of all time, regardless of genre. Or, if you want, to be in the top in the fiction competition

there has to be a writer, homer and stoker count but the story that your grandmother told you doesnt

Because fantasy is good for video games and nothing else

>read this cool shit or you’re an ugly nerd
Why is Nell Gayman bullying me???

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>for making Goblins greedy bankers that look like Jews
That's the films. And it was a set of coincidences (like the fact the floor of the magic bank was left with the Star of David even after the after effects). You really think a english liberal like Rowling would put in 'antisemitism' consciously?

You are an easy target.


They're all good, and they get retroactively better when you've read the rest
The only whole series I've reread

There's also Long/Short Sun books but those are only tangentially related

I'm writing a novel about a virus that turns black africans into giant mutated human beasts that spread all around the world and bring chaos and destruction, and paramilitary units or individuals called "Nigger Hunters" that hunt these monsters down for a job. How do you consider this?

What are Levantin people doing in this setting? Infected too?

the same as usual. Eat rice with fish and be racist

I know one very based fantasy book but it has never been translated to english so you may never have heard of it.

You're implying that the kind of person apt to write a decology of high fantasy books would allow player agency for very long - you'd be better off playing a pc rpg at that point, at least it wouldn't argue with you if you go off the creators' rails.

Im finding Erikson pretty based so far and most people I talk to love his work.
Gene Wolf is also based and pretty decent. But ive recommended it to 3 friend so far who read fantasy and they found him boring. So I guess it's not for everyone, but you should give him a try imo.

Licia Troisi?

> Erikson
Bloated piece of shit is literally a D&D campaign adapted for print.

There is always some salty brainlet kek.
Go read harry potter, its closer to your reading level.

mccarthy is my favorite author and i do not like erikson
you may now either say mccarthy is at a lower level than erikson or reconsider
to me it seems that malazan is the 40k of /sffg/, some mountainous pile of trash that some people constantly discuss as though it were a great thing, baffling everyone else

I love Mccarthy but he doesn't even write fantasy lmao. I don't know what to tell you, you either have never read Malazan or don't read fantasy at all. Bakker also seemed like garbage before I read it but I gave it a try and now I love it.

Bakker and Erikson are fucking trash. I swear to God fantasyfags are the most tasteless brainlets alive and it's a sin that we let you subhumans live.

You don't even read fantasy do you?
What are you doing in this thread larping as a fantasy reader? Is this some kind of faggot kink you have?

>it's a sin that we let you subhumans live

Who are "we" ? Are you going to kill every fantasy reader just because you don't like fantasy? How old are you? You can't be older than 15 if you write shit like this unironically.

>I don't know of any fantasy book that is considered one of the best books ever written
Ficciones? One Hundred Years of Solitude? Shakespeare's plays? The Faery Queen? Many examples.

Cry about it to your D&D group you fucking idiots.

Im pissing my pants in fear right now. Some 300 lbs neckbeard on lit is going to kill me for reading fantasy books.

Marquez was a complete faggot. I'm glad Vargas Llosa suckerpunched his fat ass.

Good to know.

I didn't read it but theorically it could be good, why not? I don't say there aren't an inherent problem with fantasy but, if it is, I don't get it, I can't imagine which one could be

Share it with us, maybe someone here can speak that language

> ive recommended it to 3 friend so far who read fantasy and they found him boring
Because they read fantasy regularly. It has to be analised by a non-fantasy reader who know about lit

Keep recommending pls, I'm interested

I agree, you're probably right. His books don't have most of the classic pulls that grab fantasy readers. I enjoyed it anyway.

>His books don't have most of the classic pulls that grab fantasy readers
Maybe that is the answer to op's question, fantasy writers write for fantasy readers so they write what they think it will like to those readers and that doesn't coincide with what the GOAT of books needs to be it (the GOAT)