Who scratches the same itch as Nietzsche? Especially Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

Who scratches the same itch as Nietzsche? Especially Thus Spoke Zarathustra?

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Mein kampf

bhagavad gita

lol Nietszche was an anti-anti-semite and probably would have despised Hitler, deriding him as the sociopath who manipulated the Will to Power of others so his own megalomaniacal and ultimately self-destructive aims.


Ressentiment movement of his beloved germans, kek. Literally the ape of Zarathustra and his reflection in the mirror from the book.

Henry Miller
Bhagavad Gita
Herman Hesse

Nietzsche hated Judaism and a lot of Jews. He was just against a specific kind of anti-semitism propagated by German nationalists because it originated from their nationalist conceptions, and nationalism is another levelling mechanism for Nietzsche who wanted pan-Europeanism. Nietzsche is pretty racist as fuck. He supported a kind of eugenics too. But all of that stems from his aristocratic radicalism rather than nationalism of any sort.

He literally said aryan influence corrapted the world, lmao. Btw racial and jewish question is kinda complex. In his late works he even celebrate race mixing into some mutt field for the plant of uebermensch. If you forgive my methaphors.

>Literally the ape of Zarathustra and his reflection in the mirror from the book.
interesting comment
gonna look into this

there's another prophetic line about Hitler (I think from a different Nietzsche book) and he says that if someone with much power followers Wagner, it will surely lead to the destruction of Germany and the German people.

He used Jew as a slur a lot for a supposed anti-anti-semite

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>In his late works he even celebrate race mixing
a pan-european mutt race mixing (including jews)
he said the average mutt will like sink to lower levels but it will produce uber-mutts that will make it all worth it.

>he even celebrate race mixing into some mutt field for the plant of uebermensch
That's from his pan-Europeanism. Nigga was celebrating when everyone was horrified what Belgium did in Congo. He also supported a kind of eugenics that doesn't discriminate between different ethnicities/races of Europe.

So he was willing to compromise after all that overman stuff? Lol

Yep. I guess it was from Will to Might (correct translation btw). So it leads to interesring conclusion. So N. was kinda pro globohomo in our retarded terms? He considered it like it's the natural "progress" of the Human race. Looks like he rethought his last man problematic into ITS GOOD. Painful to accept if you ask me.

It literally supports caste system and it takes for granted dumb shit like souls and reincarnation.
There are other better philosophical texts from India(mainly from heterodox schools rather than hindu orthodoxy).

>pro globohomo in our retarded terms?
Intermixing of white Europeans/jews is not pro globohomo

Looks like you know about overman concept from the YouTube.

Nietzsche doesn't even understand basic biology. But I don't hold it against it because he's from 19th century.

I think he just meant inspirational

>arise therefore Arjuna..

Definitely in the Zarathustra ilk

Wille zur Macht is so good. im a big Nietzschefag but had held off on reading it for the longest time until about ~2 months ago. I think the 'Rank and Ordering' section from it is his best work.
it's a similar style to Zarathustra

HE SAID ABOUT RACES. IT'S from the very beginning of the Will to Power, i remember it as clearly as my name.

Nietzsche loved Indian caste system. He praised Manusmriti. He also wanted two create another caste system in Europe anyway.

iirc he thought the 'breeding of four castes' was unnecessary and thought it would be more practical to breed two races - a master race and a slave race

It's really easy to misread racism into the words of people writing in the pre-PC era. You have to distinguish between the true racists who think white people are better than other races just because they're white, and the people who are pointing out that the behavior and culture of white people is generally superior (think the whole "black folks vs. niggers", it's politcally incorrect af but it's not really racist).

Same deal with Nietszche being labeled a misogynist. If you notice, he's actually criticizing the 'crabs-in-a-bucket' behavior of women rather than saying women are inherently inferior. Again, politically incorrect af, but Nietszche is actually a proto-feminist IMO.

Love me some Nietzsche, but he really does attract some of the worst people

Because it's really easy to twist his words into whatever edgelord ideology you want, way moreso than any other philosopher. Nietszche is trying to communicate some REALLY complex concepts that lie outside of most people's frame of experience, but it usually goes over their head. The irony is that he's usually criticizing the very people who falsely champion him as their idol.

I will always hold the belief that Nietzsche would have become a Buddhist if it was better understood and translated at the time in Germany. Nietzsche wasn’t a violent person. He was a mouse trying to roar; he wrote what he wrote to psyche himself up.

oof, he fell for the anti-anti-semite meme made explicitly to “Save” him from the nazis. If anything we was an anti-anti-anti semite.

>That thou mightest have cause for much VENGEANCE! For vengeance, thou vain fool, is all thy foaming; I have divined thee well!

>but Nietszche is actually a proto-feminist IMO.
>Continuation of Christianity by the French Revolution. Rousseau is the seducer: he again removes the chains of woman, who from then on is represented in an ever more interesting way, as suffering. Then the slaves and Mistress Beecher-Stowe. Then the poor and the workers. Then the vicious and the sick – all that is brought to the fore.
Lmao you're such a clown who thinks nietzsche is some kind of leftie

Good post, woman.

>Hope is possible again! Our German mission isn’t over yet! I’m in better spirit than ever, for not yet everything has capitulated to Franco-Jewish levelling and ‘elegance’, and to the greedy instincts of Jetztzeit (‘nowtime’). There is still bravery, and it’s a German bravery that has something else to it than the élan of our lamentable neighbours. Over and above the war between nations, that international hydra which suddenly raised its fearsome heads has alarmed us by heralding quite different battles to come.

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based women detector.

>Nietzsche would have become a Buddhists
>Nietzsche wasn’t a violent person
You're so fucking stupid

GOD i imagine how hard he cringing in the future from this wagnerian stage.

Ayn Rand. Fountainhead then Atlas Shrugged.

Evola is MEGA cringe pagan larper. user, i..

It's mind-boggling how leftists twisted his words and appropriated him for their slave morality ends when Nietzsche spent his entire life debunking socialist shit.
At least losurdo is honest and his assessment of Nietzsche in his book aristocratic rebel is pretty accurate.

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youve never read him, guenon, nor nietzsche
opinion discarded

Probably not much because he spouted same shit albeit without nationalist trappings.

It's all about pity vs. empowerment. This lineage of 'liberation' that Nietzsche writes of doesn't actually strengthen any of these groups. Instead, they are put on pedestals and the masses are told to pity women, black people, the sick, disabled, etc. Pity does fuck all for those denied the means to independence.

That's what 'slave morality' is: pity for these minorities corrupts and weakens all parties involved. That seems to be his most fundamental critique of Judeo-Christian morality as far as I can tell.

Holy shit you can't be this delusional. You don't even understand slave morality.

Guenon is a fucking muslim, his premordial tradition is fucking Islam the desert x2. Evola just comix versions of N. teachings.

Did you learn about nietzsche from that cuck philosophy's garbage book or what. My dude, it's time you actually read nietzsche.

You're right user, I just skim through wikipedia articles about philosophy and then post my thoughts here so that people who actually read them can set me straight.

People with strong political opinions should be banned from reading Nietzsche. They just misinterpret his philosophy to fit their ideology.

43 replies. 7 posts. Typical Nietzsche post

cringe take
go read the four guenon books listed in the pic
you will see there are so many parallels in nietzsche and guenon's critiques of the modern West

nietzsche + guenon = evola

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They should be banned from reading and writing ;) as N. said spirit become the pleb. Right! Left! Discont! LOL. You are talking about phenomenon much bigger than these all too human definitions.

You dumb fuck, Nietzsche’s hate for liberalism/socialism stems from his hate for their levelling metaphysics where you treat everyone as equal deserving certain rights/oppurtunitis by putting all of them in an abstract box called muh human. His whole project is to destroy all levelling mechanisms of modernity so that what's left is just naturalistic hierarchies where sick and diseased will not be treated the same as healthy and glorious(he wrote a lot of eugenics towards the end of his life as a way to remove the sick and diseased from gene pool if they have no use even as a slave)

Another apropriation of N. by midwits and BELIEVERS lel nothing new under the sun even earlier christian attempts were better.

Marx+Nietzsche = Deleuze lol so what?

Like every german for example.


>The irony is that he's usually criticizing the very people who falsely champion him as their idol.
Nietzschean leftists yeah

This. I feel like he speaks only to the reader. He trashes everyone including the reader. Optimism through pessimism. He says so much contradictory, vague beliefs, peppers them with parables and aphorisms, and the reader can interpret the work as they want. He was very clearly writing for “the loner”

might is right its not the same as neech but i liked it

Fugg dude now I really gotta go read Deleuze

Wagner. Especially the Ring, which was a major inspiration in its language and themes for Zarathustra. In its mythological structure. Zarathustra's relation to the Ubermensch was based on Wotan and Siegfried.

>I suppose I know better than any one the prodigious feats of which Wagner was capable, the fifty worlds of strange ecstasies to which no one else had wings to soar; and as I am alive to-day and strong enough to turn even the most suspicious and most dangerous things to my own advantage, and thus to grow stronger, I declare Wagner to have been the greatest benefactor of my life. The bond which unites us is the fact that we have suffered greater agony, even at each other's hands, than most men are able to bear nowadays, and this will always keep our names associated in the minds of men. For, just as Wagner is merely a misunderstanding among Germans, so, in truth, am I, and ever will be. Ye lack two centuries of psychological and artistic discipline, my[Pg 45] dear countrymen!... But ye can never recover the time lost.

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Never read this kraut even though most everyone I’ve read is clearly infected by him.