Wwoym write what's on your mind

better off dead? edition


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archived.moe/lit/search/text/my brain has been balkanized/

I gotta play some oldschool text adventure games bros. they look so cozy

What’s your excuse for not having sex today?

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Being horny is so rude and annoying. How nature toys with us over sex, interrupting the daily flow of life with it with stubborn insistence no matter the event, be it work or rest, wedding or funeral, all for the fleeting moment of self-nullification that is orgasm. Only for nature to then throw us away like discarded playthings immediately afterwards with the instantanous cessation of all sexual desire. Then, it is easy to feel tricked. Was this what I was wasting my time over? Was that it?

For the adolescent fondling himself for the first time sex presents itself as a vast unexplored universe of tantalizing bodily discoveries. He senses himself standing on the cusp of a rapturous realization; suddenly the human body is cast in a dazzling new light. A light that blinds. Parts of the body which used to carry no sexual meaning now flicker with flashes of arousal. Bodily scents acquire new seductive dimensions, evoking intoxicating images of sensual promises. Others, once simply themselves as they are, now find a second life as raw objects of attraction, a role which in his overrides the former, primary one. As this sexual expanse opens up before him and conquers more of his psychological territory, little does he know that it will soon consume him, that it will remake him utterly, break him down and build him back up with sex at his core; that the happy peace of mind which is mistaken for childhood innocence is exchanged for this overwhelming new adult regime of lustful turmoil. His own body lures him into chains.

Soon enough those first, cosmic orgasms will subside in intensity and become a routine, almost a chore, no more extraordinary than any form of bodily elimination but just as necessary to find relief . Like an imp on his shoulder sexual desire will follow him into old age, whispering indecent thoughts, prodding him to act against his better judgement, goading him into shameful dark corners. Again and again he will listen because no words could be more convincing when heard. And no matter how many times he hears those same words he still always believes them as if some novel cunning was employed each time despite it being the same old ruse. Never have lies appeared truer.

Damn this nigga needs pussy asap

No personality
No status
No money

We're on a road to nowhere.

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What is more good a cringy shitpost or nothing at all? Presume there would be an angel of posting, how would he consider an attempt at something unique and unexpected that ended up being ugly and retarded (not it a based way)? Taking into account that silence is a pure nihilistic denial of life and retardedness is at least an attempt at living. But what if it is.. smelly?

I for the life of me can't find a job
it's been months and it's getting me really down
I don't think it's because I'm stupid, I see everyone I know have good well paying jobs and most of them seem way less intelligent that I am

Since returning after lockdown my workplace is like 95% female, bunch of people resigned and the new hires are all women except for one, and its really shifted the workplace culture to this point where you just have to engage with everybody in this falsely upbeat and positive manner which is ironic because they have all cliqued up and are engaging in bitchy drama with one another.

stealing from megacorporations should be legal.

I'm ace.

I have the same issue but with finding a new place to live. I've been trying for a year now. It's extremely demoralizing.

it's a lot.
no mate for real.
it's a lot.

just politely refuse to engage.

I remember I saw a clip with a british cop who'd worked undercover in drug-gangs. it was very interesting all in all, bu one thing that stood out as interesting was how he said it was a major expense for the gangs to stay terrifying. A large part of their budget and brain-power went in to schemes of intimidation. It was a real hassle for them, figuring out whos hand to chop off dramatically when

my brain has been balkanized

I think I'm mentally disabled and that hitting my head out of anger and self-hatred cause brain damage


I found three collections of Joseph Roth articles on zlib, they all are like 1500 pages each, 150-175 words a page.

They're extermely interesting an absolute joy to read.

I can't believe he was drunk like 90% of the time.

I'm already dead inside, I'm only alive in a physical and material sense, my heart beats and I'm still breathing. However, my soul gave up, I gave it up, I'm living day after day waiting for the inevitable bittersweet end.

You're not dead.

The fact that Holocaust believers exist is the biggest indictment against critical thinking. All you need to debunk the Holocaust is to look into it. Check all the approved source, all the Jew-owned sources, all the official source. Look for any material evidence that 6M jews were killed. You won't find any. No need for any /pol/ chart and conspiracy theory websites. Only based on official sources, any reasonable man with critical thinking abilities should be skeptical of the Holocaust. Yet people accept it uncritically.

I gave pol one day to convince me. I came to the conclusion the protocols of the elders of zion was hogwash, and there was some sign at auschwitz that was apparently the damning piece of evidence that just seemed dumb. I decided they were all twats and that was that.

/pol/ solved it many years ago

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I feel like the thing of it is that the holocaust as a political tool is waning either way. I wouldn't want to go in some rabbit hole for nothing, ostracizing myself from anyone above 40 permanently just so I can what- somewhat effectively shit on israel in front of nazis? it has all moved on either way. if they own everyting (I bet they do) then they already own everything, and have for so long, and I don't think anyone cares anymore

I don't disagree, I don't think most people have any reason to learn about it. My point was just that it doesn't pass any basic critical thinking test.

fair enough, I wouldn't know

this website is the closest anyone has ever been to living a guy ritchie film

>actual small time crooks
>mid size gangsters
shit bants, dilettantes

I should have been dead a million times over and I'm so fucking tired of feeling sorry about it

Pic related

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Is it me or do these guys have same kind of eyes?

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droopy eyes?

“Hooded eyes”
A few of these are from aging and at least one is from having epicanthal folds genetically.

I watched Inside by Bo Burnham today and it really resonated with me, especially when he said he would kill himself if it was temporary, only for like 18 months or so. I've always looked down on suicidal people and ruled it out for myself a long time ago, but then again I also used to look down on alcoholics and here i am with my 4th beer the 5th day in row. i also hate finishing things as i always find myself feeling empty afterwards. i'm writing a cthulhu themed RPG for my friends at the moment but i'm kinda stuck on the setup.

Who gives a fuck how many they've killed
It did happen and that's the point

I have no skills, im boring, not good at anything, dont enjoy hobbies, not good socially or physically, dont have energy, never let myself go, never develop anything, have no opinions or true knowledge, cant do anything with information i have, cant make simple decisions....even if i reset time i wouldnt know what to do.

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are you me?

I keep forming a narrative with almost the whole of my past in my mind, a story of how I got there and how I became who I am. The problem is that I've already done this a thousand times. It seems compulsive at this point, almost as if it were a symptom of some bizarre disease or something like that.

>he is the still waters, the slice of bread, the clouded sky
>he is the perfect median of all things. he doesn't provoke or offend, he doesn't create or inspire
>to have an opinion about him is to not understand him, for he is the absence of opinion

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It far more lucrative to write furry erotica than it is to write a "serious" novel.

Yeah, pretty much the same here. On top of that I’m thoroughly unpleasant (borderline abusive) person and objectively deserved all the abuse, cuckoldry and ostracization I received in return. And too lazy to make it as a hermit writer.

Yes. I'm in the same position. What's your plan? Mine is to write erotica until I have enough to just focus on writing whatever I want to.

I wish I could be talented autistic just to put my whole life into one thing.

OP here:
the point is not for you to kill yourelf. Don't kill yourself. The point is that the thread has been really slow for a while and I wasn't sure if it should be given up on.

>By relieving the brain of all unnecessary work, a good notation sets it free to concentrate on more advanced problems, and in effect increases the mental power of the race . . . By the aid of symbolism, we can make transitions in reasoning almost mechanically by the eye, which otherwise would call into play the higher faculties of the brain. It is a profoundly erroneous truism . . . that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them. (Whitehead)
Is Whitehead right? But should we not think about problems in order to avoid ecological disasters, like what has occurred now as caused by innovative production involving pollutants? In my opinion, the human species doesn't use reasoning for the sake of reasoning because the telos of such a thing as thinking about problems is to axiogenetically provide solutions to increasing the well-being of human persons as evidence by constraints to scientific evidence and reactions against science without a code of ethics. Or am I misinterpreting what Whitehead is saying?

there should be a word for the particular brand of male inadequacy that comes from watching his movies

Whats this from?

i honestly can't remember where i read that text a couple of years ago. but i liked it and wrote it down. the image is from thisisnthappinessdotcom

nvm i found it.
>5. Mickey - Mickey is an apple. A slice of bread. A three out of five star rating. He is the perfect median of all things, he does not provoke, insult, inspire or create. To have an opinion on Mickey is misunderstand Mickey, as he is the absence of opinion.


that was fast. cheers for that

big dicks will rule the world

He explained that the companies we work for had invested millions into the building of privately owned prisons and that our positions of influence in the music industry would actually impact the profitability of these investments. I remember many of us in the group immediately looking at each other in confusion. At the time, I didn’t know what a private prison was but I wasn't the only one. Sure enough, someone asked what these prisons were and what any of this had to do with us. We were told that these prisons were built by privately owned companies who received funding from the government based on the number of inmates. The more inmates, the more money the government would pay these prisons. It was also made clear to us that since these prisons are privately owned, as they become publicly traded, we’d be able to buy shares. Most of us were taken back by this. Again, a couple of people asked what this had to do with us. At this point, my industry colleague who had first opened the meeting took the floor again and answered our questions. He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled. Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice. He assured us that this would be a great situation for us because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies, and as employee, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons.

>covid lock downs happen
>throws off my whole workout routine
>still exercise but definitely not as consistent as before
>start reading philosophy
>start reading jung
>tired of getting fat so get back into old routine
>1 month later
>no more interest in philosophy or Jung
>want to read history books again
>read berserk
>might read some Hemingway again

Is this the true power of testosterone?

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>killing 1 person and 100M persons is the same thing, stop asking questions
The Holocaust never happened.
>The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jewish men, women and children by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.

an unemployed man has many burdens

don't care if it's true or not, that's a wild story

Train levels in video games are really cool. I just like the idea of walking around on moving transportation with other people.

I was a monster on de_train

>1. to seize and take away by violence
>2. to overcome with emotion (such as joy or delight)
>3. rape

I can't stop thinking about this. Why is there a word in the English language that can equally mean to rape or to overwhelm someone with pleasure? What does this say about female sexuality? Rhetorical question. I'm cackling.

The thought of her being happy keeps me alive

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Train level in Paper Mario on the Gamecube fucking sucked.

>archived.moe/lit/search/text/my brain has been balkanized/
have we ever figured out their motive?

'Tis Pity She's a Whore by John Ford is better than anything Shakespeare ever wrote.

my brain has been motivated

She said no

I stopped believing in myself

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