/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy Genera

Mystical Caverns Edition

Previous Thread:>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>A link to the ultimate colossal science fiction and fantasy collection torrent
Never going to be created.

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first for zyzz

I agree, Zelazny is based

Walder Frey did nothing wrong

Fack. I missed the L in General. I just broke hundreds of threads of tradition. Don't mind me. Just going to go kill myself.

Here's a cat. Cats are cute.

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Book of the Long Sun is sick af on gang

I miss Beric Dondarrion

Are you my mother, Thoros?

Since that other user hasn’t been asking what are you currently reading and/or what are you planning to read?

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Currently reading curse of the mistwraith. Well written but boring so far. I plan to read Mask of the corcerer next

What are some other houses and coat of arms that came from a story like house Clegane and house Dondarrion?

Like a commoner lifted to noble status? I can't think of any off the top of my head. I know the manderly's were exiled from the reach, and the starks gave them land.

Bran ate jojen.

Is Brian Herbert aware people hate him and his books for ruining the Dune series?

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Give me some recs on Sci-Fi and fantasy books with sandy settings.

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Infinite Realm book 2. I'll write an effortpost sometime when I have internet on my computer

Just trying to find and read random shit on RR that seems interesting. I've gotten burnt out so many times trying to read multimillion word count series and web serials that reading in general is exhaustive now. Thinking of just exclusively sticking to novelas and short stories in the near future.

I want Winds of Winter to come out just to see how many theories get de-confirmed. It's going to be a fan theory apocalypse.

user its never coming out. Even if gurm was actually writing anything (he isn't), he will be dead imminently due to heart attack because of being a morbid fat fuck.

i'm reading dilvish now, it's amazing how versatile zelazny is. hard to believe the same guy wrote this, lord of light, amber chronicles and night in lonesome october

Too busy editing and watching Dark Winds

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I bet we will get Winds eventually. It's Dream of Spring I'm worried about.
And besides, I didn't say Winds was *definitely* coming out. I only said I *want* it to come out.

Stop coping user, we all know it's not happening. Enjoy game of thrones season 8 because that's your ending.

What cope? All I said was that it's likely coming. With the implication that there's the chance that it might not come.
You're the one desperately attempting to make me despair.

>"A Wild Cards Novel" by Deuces Down

Does the last chapter of the wisdom of crowds imply Bayaz has opened the house of the maker and broken the demonic seals that stopped magic from working? Rikke's long eye got tattooed shut for good after her vision of a monarch passing away, which was Jezal that she mistook for her own father dying, so it's safe to say her visions foretold of events just as they happened, and for her long eye to work again after being sealed shut would only mean that Bayaz has successfully managed to allow magic to come thundering back to the world otherwise she wouldn't have had that vision from her long eye. I didn't notice this until my second reading of the age of madness books. Not to mention that the phrase 'voice of Euz' is used directly after she hears "I am returned" in her vision.

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These authors have some really weird names

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Is that supposed to be Rikke? She looks like a man with long hair there.
I always imagined Rikke more akin a trailer trash looking girl. First, she's kind of trashy-hot with big boobs. And then she becomes emaciated akin to a meth head.

Sorry, I have no clue what the fuck Bayaz is doing. As far as I can tell, he's trying to put something new together. Concocting a new way to gain power.

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I don't care what that bald fuck is planning, I just wanna see Hildi go apeshit

>ten thousand years pass in which fucking nothing happens
Why do so many sci-fi settings do this?

If you're writing a story which relies on evolutionary scales then this is perfectly valid. See Children of Time.

It really damages credibility for literally NOTHING to happen for ten thousand years in interstellar societies.

From her vision it's pretty clear she sees the seed in Bayaz's hands and the circle of eleven wards on the black doors of the house of the maker before the doors swing open revealing a figure of light coming forth. It's just something I noticed because her long eye got tattooed shut for good throughout the trilogy until the very last chapter. The only way it's working despite having the same wards on it as the door of the house of the maker is if the latter has been opened again and somehow magic is working full steam in the First Law universe now. Otherwise, it cannot be possible for her long eye to show her visions like that.

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If you're writing a story that happens on evolutionary scales, you should stop.

It will always be funny to me how putting GRRM's name up there is a big selling point when he was the editor on these.


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Progression fantasy fag here, continuing my read of 20 books in the genre. Note for all you autists: my definition of this term is broad and includes xianxia, progression fantasy, gamer lit, etc. I tend to join the thread once a week and post my review before arguing with the Reverend Insanity guy until the thread 404s. I've just wrapped up my read of Forge of Destiny by Yrsillar, which is released weekly on Royal Road.

One of the anons in this thread mentioned that it was written by committee and it shows after the first 3/4 of the book. I dug into this further and saw that the author will post a regular weekly vote for what the main character will do and then executes the chapter along those lines. Everything produced on Royal Road and Audible have had an editing pass done to make a coherent story out of it. Unfortunately this leaves this rather directionless and the pace falls into a rut quickly. Ling Qi is a simple xianxia school girl who goes to class, trains, cultivates and socializes with her friends.

This is all she does. When you think the story is about to catch and finally begin escalating, the chapter ends with Ling Qi receiving a new manual or tool and moving along. There's also a few females in this story that aren't written with a unique voice and tend to run together, especially since they've all got similar Chinese names. The author tries to surprise you with older characters returning but there is such an extensive cast that I lost track of several of the faces by the end. Aside from those gripes, the story's cultivation system is its strongest feature.

Each character forms their own techniques by binding an element to internal qi meridians. These meridians intersect major organs which, depending on the organ, allows a different technique to be used. Heart meridians allow for support techniques, meridians in the brain allow for perception of time to be impacted, etc. Each character has their own discipline that they explore to the fullest and this is definitely the first time since Cradle that I've enjoyed the wide array of techniques and styles available in the world. In addition to techniques, several characters are bonded with spirit animals or have spirit animal ancestors and animal features.

These companions cultivate their own path and support their partner, requiring them to advance to higher levels of cultivation. All in all, interesting features and system in a very limited environment.

Final Score: 7/10 but I don't see this score holding up into future volumes. I'm tentative on picking up future volumes, given it doesn't have a clear direction.

Next up: The Last Ship in Suzhou by 'Lungs'

Previous Scores:
Cradle by Will Wight - 9/10
Forge of Destiny by Yrsillar - 7/10
A Thousand Li by Tao Wong - 7/10
Virtuous Sons by Ya Boy - 6/10
Bastion by Phil Tucker - 6/10
Reverend Insanity by Gu Zhen Ren - 4/10
Reincarnation: Threads by Michael Head - 3/10

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>Those scores

So I'm reading Bakker's Prince of Nothing series and I'm on the first book chapter 7 and [spoiler warning I guess] Xerius just casually mentioned how he had a sexual relationship with his mother and she was the first one to make him orgasm. Did I miss something earlier in the book or does this just come out of nowhere?
Enjoying the book so far anyway

>20 books
What are the other 8 progression fantasy books/serials left?

I am that user. I love this story but also hate it. I ultimately stopped reading when she gained her they/them Moonfolk Headmate.

Sorry, was tired and couldn't do math, meant 12

Pic related is one that I've drawn from and had several anons recommend from. I'm open to suggestion but have got this list...

Definite Reads (5+ Recs):
>Mother of Learning by 'Nobody103'
>Worm by 'Wildbow'
>The Wandering Inn by 'Pirateaba'
>Soulhome - Weirkey Chronicles 1 by Sarah Lin
>Ave Xia Rem Y by Mat Haz
>Lord of Mysteries by 'Cuttlefish'

Tentative Recommendations (2+ Recs):
>Ascendance of a Bookworm by Miya Kazuki
>Soulship by Nathan Thompson
>Heaven's Laws by Apollos Thorne
>Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe
>The World After the Fall by Sing-Shong
>The Second Coming of Gluttony by Ro Yu-jin

Chopping Block (2+ Discouraged):
>Coiling Dragon by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi
>The Menocht Loop by Lorne Ryburn

That's a shame to hear, I figured she'd get some interesting moon-aligned spirit... like a moth, I don't know.

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>Definite Reads (5+ Recs)
Those seem right, I would maybe consider adding APGTE, unless that list is strictly progression fantasy (which APGTE could be argued to fall under anyway).
Out of those I've read my ranking would be Mother of Learning > APGTE > Worm

>i'm now 50% done with the book im writing

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Any good alien apocalypse books sort of similar to zombie apocalypses? Aka Earth has been conquered and humanity is forced into survival mode.

Unironically add Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System.

It's a bit later in the timeline than an Apocalypse, but maybe Undying Mercenaries will fit the bill.
>Earth is absorbed into an intergalactic bureaucracy at gunpoint, the only export of any value Earth can offer to justify not just sterilizing and strip mining the planet is warm bodies, so humanity becomes an intergalactic PMC, aided by alien machines that poop out clone bodies and zap their mental engrams into them when they die

It's not exactly serious however. It's more of a Big Dumb Fun series. In fact the protagonist is referred to as an overgrown hillbilly retard almost as often as he's referred to by name.

The Strain Trilogy and Skyward maybe

Haven't finished it but Nightwings seems to fit that, and Robert Silverberg is a good writer


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thanks for posting, now I know to skip this

I've decided to give Worm a shot. I'm up to chapter 3.1 but I've hit a bit of a stumbling block: The protagonist is just an awful, awful person. Does she get some decent development or is she just going to stay a slimy sack of shit the entire way through?

She gets better far far later but she's definitely a product of her shitty environment.

>but she's definitely a product of her shitty environment.
No, she's basically a perfect example of a Cluster B personality, she intentionally puts herself in shitty situations. Her actual environment is pretty good, she's from a well off family with a supportive father. However, she goes out of her way to enable herself to be victimized in order to generate a sense of moral superiority when she lashes out. At best, she's an awful person. At worst, she's a violent narcissist, and I'm not certain the author even intended for her to come across that way.

Do Worm and Wandering Inn really fit progression fantasy either? They're just web novels. TWI is at least gamelit, I suppose.

Does TWI pick up? They're talking about some ruins right now, chapter 20 something, but I feel like it's movong kinda slow and I'm not digging all the bugs

>I'm not certain the author even intended for her to come across that way.
Cluster B(itches) have been bread & butter fantasy characters for like 50 years at this point. She's probably based on his mother or ex.

It's got some of the best world building. I'm waiting for it to end so I can binge it