/wg/ Writing General (TNE)

This is the TOTALLY NORMAL Edition (TNE) of the Writing General. Discussion of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genre work is FORBIDDEN. This is a thread for serious discussion of drama, historical fiction, political thrillers, and nonfiction. REAL stuff for mature adults.

Previous thread (if you're a fan of filthy pablum): Links (some may be off topic.)

For General Writing
>The Rhetoric of Fiction, Booth
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft, Burroway
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin
>The Anatomy of Story, Truby
>How Fiction Works, Wood

YouTube Playlists for Writing
>youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTCv6n1whoI23GmdBZienRW0Q0nFCU_ay Robert Butler
>youtube.com/watch?v=-6HOdHEeosc Brandon Sanderson

Technical Aspects of Writing
>Garner's Modern English Usage, Garner
>What Editors Do: The Art, Craft, and Business of Book Editing, Ginna
>Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style, Tufte

Books Analyzing Literature
>Poetics, Aristotle
>Hero With a Thousand Faces, Campbell
>The Art Of Dramatic Writing: Its Basis in the Creative Interpretation of Human Motives, Egri
>The Weekend Novelist, Ray

Traditional Publishing

Self Publishing Options

Self Publishing How-To

>This Craft of Verse, Borges
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Kooser
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry, Mason

Anime Writing (^・o・^)

/wg/ Authors and Flash Fiction Pastebin

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Other urls found in this thread:


Thread question:
Jamie is dating Carly but cheating on her with Alley but Alley is in love with Sylvia and they're all being courted by the rising socialist regime which will oppress an ethnic minority in a totally believable way which will really put current political trends in a totally new light!
What should Alley wear to the prom and how should Carly address the fact that she's a secret minority who might suffer under the regime her friends are supporting?

So my horror book's gotten four ratings so far, Two five, a three and a four. I guess I'm pleased with that.

Is this anime?

We will write what we will write.
Don't impose your rules on us.

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Is it spooky?

what kind of smartass started this thread?
first no sci-fi/fantasy, then this teen-lit crap?

I hope so.

>Discussion of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror genre work is FORBIDDEN
>Steering the Craft, Le Guin

ur a bit of dum cunt, arnt u

So I'm writing a book about niggers and the nigger experience. I was going around interviewing some of them - trying to get a feel for their world - and apparently I'm not allowed to call them niggers anymore. When did that happen? What made it more surprising is they call themselves niggers. Hey nigger, shouted one. What's up, my nigger, the other one replied. Really its made me question the premise of my book entirely and I'm thinking about alternative projects. I wanted to write a book about niggers because they're fascinating hominids with incredible stories to tell, but I guess I'm not allowed to. Would it be racist if I wrote a book that explicitly didn't have niggers in it?

This series is a masterclass in writing a good twist.

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Post it and I'll give you an honest review

Instead of interviewing them in person (which could get really dangerous), consider reading a book such as "Please Stop Helping Us" by Jason L. Riley.
It may supply the necessary background for your project.

Chad should rape all of them into submission so those stupid women know their place

>writing historical fiction
>completely fuck up and forgot to write down my bibliography and footnotes
Oh fuck

Yeah, but I was worried about the process of outlining a twist. Is it okay to want to include a twist before you know what that twist is?

>writing historical fiction
>eschew any references to history books or texts, will claim they're wrong if I'm challenged on it later


Historical Fiction: Copper Age Europe
3700 words
I just posted it in in that user's fancy new discord but as it's unproven I'll putting it here too in case nobody actually ends up going on there (I'm not getting burned by discordites again).

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>Be stuck on one chapter for a month
>Finally finished it last night
>Reread it this morning
>It's fucking kino
May the day smile upon you my friends.

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>1590 words tonight
>MC is like 100 words away from meeting the main girl
If only he knew how much this little lady is about to completely fucking change his life.

What is the best way to introduce harem members? Childhood friends or classmates?

it's a harem, so both. Include a transfer student, student from a club, girl from a restaurant or store, an alien girl, childhood friend, random incest girl, next door neighbor, girl from another school, teacher, doctor, and hell, toss in a homosexual as well.

>works 2 years on a book
>don’t research market at all
>don’t build audience
>don’t advertise
>throw book into void thinking smugly how much better I am than George R.R. Martin
>Cry self to sleep when it sells 5 copies over 9 months, wondering why a publisher hasn’t approached me yet
Many such cases.

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Or check out their culture on youtube.

I'm not sure how to market a book since I don't think an ad has ever convinced me to read what it's peddling.
Just make it look good on a shelf, I suppose.

Don't respond to the meerkating pseud.

I don't know what that means

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Actually covers are huge and I recommend getting like 3-4 concepts sketched out yourself and getting a professional to draw out your favorite one.

It's not a "harem story" but it will have a harem. I just want to know the best way to have him be at a bar, have 7 girls appear and introduce them as his childhood friends/classmates and leave it at that.

>Don't respond to the meerkating pseud.

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Furry stuff.

Basedjack treats marketing of books as unholy and thinks books should be able to draw in millions without spending even a cent.


I finished my first draft...
...and have been reading it over for most of the day. Just finished.
89,200 words now.
I was afraid I had a lot to rewrite.
But it all sounds good to me!
I'm just fixing typos, awkward phrasing, stuff like that.
I will show it to other people a lot sooner than I expected!

>pay professional $300 to draw a cover
>make only $10 back

Oh, so like the erotica I'm working on.

Retard in this thread famous for spamming his get-rich-quick scheme that amounts almost entirely to Twitter follow4follow scams and showing phishing bots his email.

I never understood this. How do starving authors justify paying a starving artist $2000 to draw a cover where the odds of the author making their money back is slim to none.

I rather just go around and take a picture of something in nature or go with a Catch-22 Joseph Heller minimalist design.

Not bad. Not bad at all. It's interesting, quick start, and action is happening. I would like more set up of the setting instead of a woman on the mud shitting out a baby. Which made no sense since the God's speech in the beginning is about midwives. So is there a midwife or is she just shitting out a kid in the middle of the road?

Has there been even a semi decent book written from anons in this general besides Gardner?

>It's not a "harem story" but it will have a harem
>all the harem members will show up at once
I dunno what level of cope this is, but the only way it works would be like in my japanese cartoons where your mc becomes the manager of the girl's softball team and he has to sex all the team members so they stay motivated to win all the big games.

Has there been? No.
Will there be? Yes.

>I don't think an ad has ever convinced me to read what it's peddling
this is most likely completely wrong. ads exist to let you know the product exists. that's it. putting it in front of your eyeballs changes you from someone who doesn't even know the product exists to a potential sale. you are not immune to propaganda.

you are going to want to let it rest before doing a serious edit. no harm in pushing it on others for feedback in the meantime, though

How come people who say they're only just working on their debut novel are typically more popular on twitter than those who have actually already written stories? Like, why the fuck would you follow somebody who has yet to produce anything at all and just spams writer lifts 24/7? I don't understand humans

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Because then you don't know that they're bad yet

I guess, but how could somebody possibly be good if he's writing a book for the first time in his life?

>Another 1.2k down
>Only a couple of chapters to go
>Full of so many ideas
>I'm probably going to start on the third book before i get to editing 1 & 2
Is this why nobody writes ?

My Finnish army novel is exquisite.

Prove it.

My mom liked it.

feels good, man
building an audience might be the toughest part
it's about demand and quality. try doing a minimalist cover and see how it turns out.

Oh, yeah, she had it on the nightstand during our appointment and I flicked through the first couple of chapters while she was smoking outside afterwards. I really liked your characters, user!

I'm very proud of those boys. We went through a lot together.

Can someone tell me why every famous author in the last 20 years has some form of social media presence but every hissing user in this thread vehemently hates audience building, email lists, and advertising?
Why such the hate anons? You know he’s right.

Social media? Son, whatever you's a selling, I ain't a-buying

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Ah, you mean like every major author of the last 20 years?
Good justification.
Guess you don’t buy books at all.

You will never be a writer. All you'll ever amount to is an attentionwhore on social media.
Where is the fire in your heart? Why do you talk about marketing in the WRITING general? How's your prose, how're your themes? Is your work something you can be proud of, is it honest and true?
Or are you just typing instead of writing? Typing something, anything, to have a product you can sell?

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pure simulacrum. plus, they don't have to read to be in the scene with an aSpIrInG wRiTeR


Hell-user reporting for duty. Just finished a fun chapter.

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I can't stop feeling stupid about writing my fantasy fiction novel.

If you write psychology, philosophy, history or even something like historical fiction, you provide the reader with informative writings or at the very least, your own perspective on a particular subject.

Fantasy fiction is like "here's this fantasy world I created in my head, it won't provide you with any interesting ideas on philosophy, human nature, etc but it may be entertaining I guess"

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There is no such thing as writer's block. You just have no imagination.

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Why can't the fantasy world in your head provide the reader with interesting ideas on philosophy or human nature?
What's stopping it? What's stopping you?
That's how you ascend SFF.

Followers =/= sales