Based texas

based texas

Attached: rupi_banned.png (1910x1432, 2.34M)

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Why is banned tho?

because rupi's a stupid cunt and the book is the all-time worst book of poetry

fuck i hate canada
i hate east indians
i hate sluts

wish this was real

The Killing Cringe
it is

So her pussy is just dry, or what is she trying to communicate? No one fingers a girl's pussy to "find honey", it's either wet or it isn't, and the fluid is evenly distributed on all the interior surfaces of the vagina.

Probably because parents don't want their children checking out a book talking about penises and vaginas from their elementary school library.

it's not even literature
it's pornography
fucking degenerate east indian cunt

But is it meant for children? Aren’t there a lot of books that talk about the same things?

her pussy is wet she just couldn't coom idk
how can you even be such an idiot?
fuck i hate east indians and canadian women

>dangerous terrifying
More like dangerously bland.

She's trying to demonstrate that any literate brown woman can become a wildly successful published poet with shit that can be found in pretty much any 17 year old girl's journal.

Is it banned from stores or being removed from school libraries. Shouldn't we curate what our children should read on the taxpayer's dime?

If there are a lot of shitty books already, why do we need to produce another?

just being banned from school libraries

That’s fair

>Yea Forums defending a book being banned
not surprising

No books should be banned

"dangerously terrifying" is a terrible and juvenile expression, not at all surprising for this "poet"


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rupi kaur's a shitskin cunt and her "poetry" should never have been popular in the first place

i feel that danger and terror are very different and seemingly incompatible things and that the phrase itself is vulgar, vaguely threatening nonsense

it is so bad i would be in favor of burning it

Proves that all the talk about 'cancel culture' is hot air. Both left and right want to ban and cancel, they just have different targets.

Except it isn't being banned, you daft faggot.

we should curate everywhere

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rupi kaur has mediocre feet.

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One side is trying to push the overton window for political gain/domination. The other is trying to protect the innocence of children (hilariously ineffectually). Recognizing this doesn't make you clever.

The only thing I can think is the honey is like her admiration or affection?

The only problem with this interpretation is that in usual hook up culture once the man has the women in a position where he can finger her, he has already won the contest. I've never said this word before but it is the most appropiate, she is "coping"

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lol no im right wing i dont think Das Kapital should be banned.
Just faggots marxists should be banned from life.

we should protect kids because leftists want to prey on kids and create disturbed people. And we dont need anymore mentally ill emos

Dangerously "
" Terrifying: Canadi
an poet Rupi Kau
in Texas

It's incoherent but the heart of it is that she's trying to create the image that there's some substance of value inside (specifically her) vagina that people are looking for when they finger her. She has a fundamental misunderstanding of why vagina is valued (for men, it feels good, for society, it's what babies come out of, for women it actually has little value because of the pain of menstruation and the clit being outside of the vagina itself). Like said, it's a cope.

>ackshully the chuds are the real censors

yes. I hate you. I hate your parents. I hate everything you have ever held important. I seek to smite any trace of your sordidness from this world. And I will start with your child banging books.

I said this about the fundies burning Harry Potter decades ago:
"Sometimes the right things are done for the wrong reasons."
Same applies here.

Both the Right and the Left have learned that there are no principles whatsoever in politics. Liberalism and its "sphere of neutrality" is a complete lie. If you have differing political and social aims than your opponents, and you are in power, you must use the power of the State to crush your opponents through any means necessary. Because if THEY were in power, they'd do the exact same thing to you.

That's what everyone in American politics is realizing now. Ol' Carl would be proud.

Attached: Carl_Schmitt.jpg (274x363, 11.66K)

not everyone is pleased with this development

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Conservatives are extra retarded though because many of them are still operative on completely nonexistent concepts like small government and free speech absolutism.

Like, neither thing has ever fucking existed or been possible. They are so fucking stupid it's unreal.

This is coming from a reactionary.

You know, I was an edgy teen you loved to talk about how hitler was right. I went on to travel a lot and become more open and politically pragmatic. I've met good people of all races, creeds, and careers. At the end of my journey, now, I think I've come full circle. Hitler was right.

That would be the result of the government compulsory school system doing its job exceptionally well decades ago.

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half of her stories are about being raped, a quarter are literal mentally ill seethings over a chad who fucked and chucked her, and the last quarter is just shitty poetry

Well I agree with you, but I would argue that women view their vagina as a means to get and keep a man.

Define banned.

>Removed from school libraries
I hate progressives so goddamn much its unreal. We're less that an decade from headlines about conservatives "banning porn" for preventing highschool libraries from stocking the Brazzers filmography.

more like
>removed from curriculum
They love to twist things so much to take advantage of people’s tendency to not look past headlines. I’ve gotten very good though, I can deduce the truth based on a lying headline just by the way they frame the lie probably 80% of the time

keyed and gattopilled


That dirty colonizer needs to go back to her own country.

I am going to beat rupi kaur to death with an aluminum baseball bat


Not everyone should have unlimited access to information. Bring back book-burning.
God, I hate them.

exactly, yes

rupi? is that you?


What philosophical insight, Americans are truly intelligent

>t. closeted homosexual

dangerously terrifying
canadian poet rupi
kaur's book banned
in texas

I learned this morning that Rupi is from Brampton. Probably the least poetic place on planet Earth. I hate immigrants.

Imagine being afraid of words on paper