Life in Scandinavia seems so beautiful and comfortable, it is almost surreal

Life in Scandinavia seems so beautiful and comfortable, it is almost surreal.

I have just been watching videos of people living in Copenhagen, and their lives seem fantastic. After reading Knausgaard's My Struggle I came to the same conclusion. It seems as if people are living with a kind of pre-modern collectivist homogenous, almost family-like mindset but also with the advanced technology which makes life easier.

Look at Knausgaard's life, for example:

>comfy lower-middle class home in a leafy suburb
>plenty of natural surroundings but the town isn't far away
>safe, homogenous society
>culture isn't degenerate and there is still a great innocence even though he makes out with girls etc in his teens
>gets a teaching job in his late teens without any qualifications
>studies WRITING for years in a comfy little town with little to no student debt
>his family have a comfy off-grid cabin where he spends lengthy periods at numerous points to focus on his writing and unwind
>studies a second degree (history of art or something), again probably for free
>publishes a single short story about a shipwreck or something
>immediately gets recognised by a senior figure at the top Danish publishing house who speaks to him personally
>bums around for years
>gets grants from the Danish culture department to live in cosy remote locations to focus on his writing
>aforementioned figure from the Danish publishing house personally mentors him throughout the writing process and pretty much guarantees he will be published
>has kids despite having a meagre income but lives decently
>first novel gets a top Danish prize but first and second don't sell much
>publishers stick with him and encourage him

What the fuck. This is like a different world. In my country you have to "network" and emasculate yourself in the process, have a shiny flawless social media profile, and have your work already written and proofread before an agent (probably a woman who would swipe right - or left, whatever - on you the same way she would on Tinder if you come across as a little odd) will give you the time of day, and even then you will make no money and be thrown to the wayside in favour of some bantu with a few anecdotes about feeling like an ethnic outsider.

How am I supposed to feel at all content with my life knowing that I will NEVER live in Scandinavia?

Attached: Knausgaard.jpg (780x520, 108.33K)

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It's called being good looking.

This nigga doesnt know what he's talking about

Scandi girls have a higher body count than Americans and the sexual culture there isn't innocent at all

His easy successes are due to being a chad, not location

I've seen people of both sexes who are attractive get the following offers for no reason other than being good looking:
- modelling job
- multiple service job offers
- 30k gift as a "joke" by a billionaire
-an offer to have tuition paid at a top university by a stranger that is in love with them
- an offer to have a 10k worth of music gear bought for them by a stranger in love of them

Being good looking is legit life on easy mode and most of you don't know it. It's like no matter how much you fuck up, people will literally bend over backwards to gift you success. Half of these apply to a guy too lmao, rich women are even more desperate than male simps.

Half of it is down to looks, the rest is high taxes. It takes both to make it happen.

Also his publisher is probably gay infatuated by him. Nobody will ever support you that much unless they're gay. One of the top writers in my country got his start by fucking a highly acclaimed poet in the ass. His first book ever published had a foreword by said poet. It's literally just being good looking, otherwise nobody will help you.

The guy at the publishing house didn't know he was a chad though. And there are other Scandinavian writers in recent history with a similar trajectory.

Yes, it's very comfy here (t. Dane in CPH), but the increasing amount of trannies and sandniggers is making everything worse by breaking the social fabric

based troons and Arabs btfoing scandifags

Have you seen the movie Another Round (Druk)?

I watched it recently and it makes life in Copenhagen seem idyllic.

I'm good looking and my life has been hell on earth. I was jobless for years.

my wife studied abroad in Denmark and she wishes we could live there and I annoy her by pointing out the ethnic and cultural homogeneity contributes a lot to that. People don't get as pissed off about dumb cultural grants in Denmark as they do in America because of that family feeling, it's more like your parents giving your brother some money to try being an actor

maybe you're not good looking

No, but I should. It was a big thing when it came out, same as the Hunt (Jagten).

your mom telling you you're good looking doesn't count

support your national cinema you dick i man how many danish movies come out every year like 2?

Attached: wbcZUJh.jpg (1500x1152, 479.24K)

No shit guys. Denmark has been ranked as one of the top 3 happiest countries in the world for more than a decade.

Are they actual Scandinavian?
You didn’t get the point of the movie.
The ending is supposed to be darkly poignant despite the sunny weather, dancing and merrymaking.
It’s a dark reflection on Denmark’s (and by extension Scandinavian) drinking culture, which heavily pressures people into becoming alcoholics.
Mikkelsen’s character is basically doomed to never go fully sober because his native culture heavily pressured him in the opposite direction.
The general optimistic mood of the scene is supposed to serve as stark contrast to this uncomfortable truth.

Denmark is a communist hellhole.
It’s the reason why Refn, Trier, Mikkelsen, the Skarsgards and other actors prefer to work overseas.
Good for them, they obviously made the right choice since now they are world famous for their fantastic films and performances, I feel bad for the poor fucks who were too dumb/can’t leave.

Scandinavian countries (Sweden especially) are unironically extremely hostile to any kind of culture and art - it’s a society made up of engineers who despise anything that isn’t “useful”

Other Europeans despise them because of this, Swedes literally can’t talk about anything other than money, they have zero interest in the arts and even openly deny that their nation has a culture

You have much better conditions to become an artist/philosopher in Germany/Italy/Spain/France than in Scandinavia

This this this
The truth is Jante’s law is very much a part of Danish cultural identity.
This guy actually succeeded against the odds because he didn’t give a fuck about the soibois and Karens shaming him into conformity.
He could have listened to them but he didn’t and now he’s world famous women want to be with him and men want (secretly) to be him.

How come Scandi countries invest so much money in artists though via grants etc then?

How come a tiny nation (population-wise) like Norway can continue to produce acclaimed writers whose works are translated etc?

>In my country you have to "network" and emasculate yourself in the process, have a shiny flawless social media profile, and have your work already written and proofread before an agent (probably a woman who would swipe right - or left, whatever - on you the same way she would on Tinder if you come across as a little odd) will give you the time of day, and even then you will make no money and be thrown to the wayside in favour of some bantu with a few anecdotes about feeling like an ethnic outsider.
This is the case here in Sweden nowadays as well

Can’t get a proper job without years of education or nepotism and our cultural sector is filled with feminist hags

Immigrants and sandniggers swamp your existence

Only boomers and gen x:ers had it good

This makes a lot of sense if you apply it to Scandinavia. Look at Greek art. Females were portrayed as pale because they were in the kitchen so the sun didn't burn them. Males were portrayed as dark (tanned) because they were out there in the sun earning a living. Before you go full /pol/tard you should considered that this has nothing to do with race but with the portrayal of their gender and function. Either way, among Caucasian Europeans, women prefer those with darker features (hair, skin, etc.) but with blue eyes. Pale and blond = feminine.

Now, as you know, Scandinavia is having a massive increase in trannies. Like holy shit. Many young men are becoming trannies. Who make the best trannies? Blond men. They're basically women already. All it takes is a little push.

As you now, Scandinavia has sucked in art and literature historically. They just don't have in them. Why? Because artistic pursuits are fundamentally masculine. Art requires reason, drive, spirit, and balls. Good male artists abound, good female artists are scarce. In the past, women were receptors of good romantic poems made by men. Men are active, women are passives. And Scandinavians suck at art because they are feminine, and they are feminine because they are blond.

Now, as feminine cultures, they care for comfort and living standards because women are neat and materialistic and want a clean house. Comfort kills the creative drive. So not only are Scandinavians feminine and therefore not artistic, but they are also materialistic and bland societies who live bubbled lives which don't enable the creative juices.

Blond & pale = feminine = high living standards = sucking at art.


You can at least afford to buy a decent-sized house innawoods and ignore all that shit though.

>How come Scandi countries invest so much money in artists though via grants etc then?
Surplus of money.
>How come a tiny nation (population-wise) like Norway can continue to produce acclaimed writers whose works are translated etc?
They have the means to meme them and fabricate them.

It's all about money in the end.

nta and he's a retard but they do it to some extent to preserve their culture in the face of American (and other but mostly USA) influence. They kind of have to. Danish folk music is almost entirely reliant on the government to persist. Compare that to American folk/country/bluegrass which has no trouble selling records

The grants go to niggers, samis and queers and gigacorps who want “design” (Swedes love to funnel tax money to large corporations)

Based, glad to see so many anons are redpilled on the actual situation in Scandinavia.
Hint: it’s not the great place to live in that you think it is.

Is it true the based Arabs are conquering thr scandicucks and fucking their women?

not him but the hunt was lame as fuck though.

It was kino. Unsure how it can filter a faggot.

The only thing Arabs dominate are gay hook-up apps

Based Arabs fucking Viking bussy.

Must suck. You can get rid of the arabs but never the trannies. Enjoy it while you can.

>dark skinned

t. Can't read

Here’s a list of great artists from Scandinavia I can name off the top of my head:
Edvard Munch (Norwegian painter)
Edvard Grieg (Norwegian composer)
Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian playwright)
Ernest Borgnine (Swedish actor
Tor Johansson (Swedish actor and wrestler)
Charles Bronson (Finnish actor)
Dolph Lundgren (Swedish bodybuilder and actor)
Carl Theodor Dreyer (Danish director)
Ingmar Bergman (Swedish director)
Thomas Vinterberg (Danish director)
Lars von Trier (Danish director)
Nicholas Winding Refn (Danish director)
Stellan and Alexander Skarsgard (Swedish actors)
Mads Mikkelsen (Danish actor)
What do they have in common?
They all either spent a significant amount of time overseas or just emigrated and never looked back.
For the older figures they went to France or Germany and the younger ones go to America.
They are all far more well known and celebrated outside their home countries btw.
Jante’s law is part of the culture in those countries, they hate success and talent because those that stand out make the rest of them look bad.
If you’re an aspiring artist, as many Yea Forums anons are, don’t go live there, your talent will go to waste on people that will berate you and not appreciate you.
Only materialist consoomers would like to live there.
Watch The Square, Vinterberg’s The Hunt and The Commune for great satires on Nordic toxic conformism.
Also read this article
You are NOT allowed to have political opinions outside the opinion corridor

Benefits of a smaller national literature. Not every idiot is trying to be a writer; and institutions that often support “serious” literature

the current situation in scandinavia disturbs me to my core

yeah im a scandifag and im pretty sure i can get a novel published. it seems piss easy over here compared to england/america

>he doesn't know about the swedish housing bubble

>Hint: it’s not the great place to live in that you think it is.
seems like the best general option
whats so bad about it

Germany is that different to Scandinavian cultures? Is Germany the land of the engineers?

>produce acclaimed writers
Such as...?

Take your meds

modern germany might still be ww2-cucked but at least they have a rich history of great enduring writers, philosophers, artists + genuine cultural diversity from region to region. everything and everyone in scandi looks and sounds the same and everyone's a turboautist who worships jante, not jesus. everything functions but nothing lives

I wouldn't be surprised if most Europeans have a higher body count than Americans. Just because sexual culture is everywhere doesn't mean people are getting laid.

Von Trier films all of his shit in Denmark/Germany because he's afraid of flying.

I lived in Scandinavia for awhile. It feels utopian when you are connected in a social circle.
As soon as you are on your own its possibly the most cold alienating society on the planet.
Its like being in a dystopian prison society.

Autism cancels lookism (for males)

Sounds a lot like Canada.

I will. Mediterraneans are superior.

Distinction without difference. Ancient mediterraneans were genetically equivalent to modern nords.

In your head, maybe.

Scandinavia may be proof that Democracy only excels in a society without factions.

>They all either spent a significant amount of time overseas or just emigrated and never looked back.
Because the international market is infinitely larger than the domestic market, no?


he's basically the equivalent of a boomer, scandi life is currently a historic aberration borne out of a rare period of sustained prosperity. by the end of the decade their lifestyle will have collapsed because of the sheer weight of bad faith actors eroding their social contract

I lived in Norway for seven months in 20-21. It sucks: It's cold and dark and everything is expensive and everyone is in debt. Don't buy the hype.

I also got my heart broken so maybe take my evaluation with a grain of vitamin D supplement.

>I also got my heart broken

Move to Norway for girl, girl no like no more, leave Norway, cry many tears.

pretty bang on the money. Ten years ago the Nordic countries were like the pre-90s English speaking countries.
This is all due to it being a backwater.
ten years from now it will catch up and the fantasy will end.

Bronson? Finnish?
>Bronson was born Charles Dennis Buchinsky, the eleventh of fifteen children, into a Roman Catholic family of Lithuanian descent in Ehrenfeld, Pennsylvania, in the coal region of the Allegheny Mountains north of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. His father, Valteris P. Bučinskis, a Lipka Tatar, who later adjusted his name to Walter Buchinsky to sound more American, was from Druskininkai in southern Lithuania. Bronson's mother, Mary (née Valinsky), whose parents were from Lithuania, was born in the coal mining town of Tamaqua, Pennsylvania.

Don't worry this is the experience of basically any guy that lives in a Nordic country.

Haha actually kind of comforting, thanks.

Imagine being envious of life in cold countries.

You're pathetic. The happiest people on Earth live in the warmest, sun-drenched coastal regions of the world.


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