Why do so many chuds believe in literal magic, leftbros?
Why do so many chuds believe in literal magic, leftbros?
because it's real you cocksucker
Because right wing """theory""" is the astrology of the social sciences
redpill me on this
you mean pharaohs and demigods believe in it?
They come upon epistemic bedrock/circularity and make some shit up. Simple as.
There was no left wing honestly until around the time of the Reformation. We've got you beat by thousands of years, and it worked. Then some faggot had to bitch and whine about the state of affairs and fucked everything up. Gg.
I'd just as soon believe in wingardium leviosa
haha, ya. what a bunch of crazy racist/fascist assholes just wanting to opress womyn and BIPOCs by any means necessary
don't tell the plebs
actually all of history seems to be a degeneration veering to the left
By my understanding, there are left wing magic circles who study and practice the meditations and rituals in the UR Group's writings.
name them
>he thinks magic isn't real
Ironic how Marx literally addresses this in the first sentence of the communist manifesto, "The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggle."
They don't live in reality.
Yeah because people constantly want "change"
Change is overrated
>muh fellow leftbros?
schizo talking to his literal imaginary friends
His ontology is a bitch ontology
>leftists dont think Capitalism is literally a Hex that going to make us all into mindless Demons
The Schizophrenia thanks to Christianity is incredible.
Rightist appeal to Tradition, can't recognise they haven't addressed Capital.
Leftists address Capital, and then LARP as if they weren't completely in the same Field of thought as their "Blind" rightist counterparts.
God fucking damnit.
When you get down to it, "progress" is anti-human. And that's a good thing. We will rise above.
haha ya, crazy fascist drumpftards who are probably fat and never get laid (i had sex with my bbw trans gf last night, you mad incels?)
But there is no "above" . Everything is already in synthesis "Here".
in absolute terms sure, but in terms of the average human there is an above which cannot be accessed, thus they have no knowledge of it.
reading introduction to magic right now
it is incredibly based
magic is inherently liminal (George P. Hansen), and so whatever political ideology is out of mainstream favor will gravitate toward occultism. Leftism is at its best when it is a counter-cultural force embracing an occult aesthetic, as it was in the leadup to the french revolution or even in the electric guitar psychedelia of the euro-american counterculture, before the boomers fried themselves on acid and turned into reaganites. The coolest thing about the alt-right was its adjacency to occult ideologues like evola. Now as it wedges itself further into the main stream it is shedding its most interesting dimensions as they spin off into working class picturebook gnosticisms like qanon and covid politics in general. happens every time.
>Now as it wedges itself further into the main stream it is shedding its most interesting dimensions as they spin off into working class picturebook gnosticisms like qanon and covid politics in general. happens every time.
This is where "magic" gets you.
Because the global elite worship evil in the woods of bohemian grove.
They wouldn't go through that all that effort for no reason.
Tradition already addressed capital, Distributism, Georgism, etc are anti capitalist mindsets
Qanon was retarded from the start but ill be damned if I let anyone force a needle in my arm
This nigger knows
OP here. Ate a pack of very spicy pepperoni today and currently my guts are hurting and I have watery fart shits. Fuck drumpf and fuck white ppl.
magic IS real.
Same why leftoids heckin' love science
This frog knows
By "magic circles" I meant a tiny group of some nobodies, probably less than 10, who get together locally or online, and fuck around and do some magic and shit. Not secret societies.
Well if you have any links I would be interested
My bunghole stung after, last time this happened was from eating 10 insanely spicy wings and that was worse, what spells help with this?
I'm just going from what I've read from random blog posts, and I can't substantiate any of these claims.
Evolution. You, and the people like you, are redundant. The lies you tell yourself about magic and tradition are cope to deny your behind.
Which part are you on? Do you intent to practice it?
>Which part are you on?
very early in the book, just started last night.
taking it slow so I can properly contemplate on each chapter
>Do you intent to practice it?
absolutely. i'm going to channel it all towards bodybuilding and get fucking huge
Ok. I was interested in hearing of their results. Probably nothing, since those practices require a high amount of discipline and connection to spiritual wisdom, and they are leftards.
>Why do so many chuds believe in literal magic, leftbros?
Because they need to believe in something.
Ok, but the aim is quite different and not the physical body. Still, it'll help with the discipline I suppose.
>Still, it'll help
based. that's what I like to hear
you've read it I assume?
any advice or insights?
magic is far more popular with the left in my experience. see the witches who tried to hex Trump (and the moon), and in general the Wicca and Thelema scenes, etc.
I haven't really seen any right wing magic movement since the Kek chaos magic that briefly appeared in 2016. the right is much more likely to be Christians hostile to magic and occultism
As opposed to the left who believe getting rid of all socialized mores and codes and removing heirarchy from society - whatever the fuck that means - creates a magic gommie utopia.
I'll bet you think the Earth is a sphere, faggot.
You nigger
seethe, spherecuck
>the right is much more likely to be Christians hostile to magic and occultism
I think that due to the decline of the Church/Christianity (apparently predicted by astrology to occur around the year 2000) people who hold traditional views are moving to other beliefs that align to their ideals.
The left think that current system is oppressive so they want to go to something that is the underdog/a symbol of defiance (women who did magic)
I also imagine the whole science fetishism accelerates this even if it's primarily the right vocally hating it, the left will probably get sick of it eventually
True. Outwardly the left is into magic, but the core intellectual elite isn't. Outwardly the right opposes it, inwardly many thinkers are into it.
It isn't a sphere idoit, its an oblate spheroid. Theres this thing called science, i no you never heard of it but maybe you should look into it mkay
The term you are looking for is involution
Sounds like Luciferian NASA cointelpro to me.
Dialectical materialism is about as real as magic. Marxists are guard dogs for capitalism.
Yes sir, thank you.
I am deep into it. The use of magic in the title is misleading, it is about transcendence through asceticism and other practices. The books are very good. I meandered around "the occult" for a little while but when I read ItM and the Hermetic Tradition I realised this was something of a much higher caliber, both in aims and in approach. If you are serious about it you will have to devote a significant proportion of your life to it, maybe all of it, depending on how far you want/can go. If you accomplish the goals you will reach higher states of existence, becoming a god with powers, and not merely psychic powers, which are still relegated to the physical by Guenon.
If you are serious the books will need to be studied, you mentioned "contemplating" which is very good. This knowledge isn't obtained analytically or through normal memory. It needs to come to you, let it "brew" for a while. Leo wrote about this. A lot of it still won't make sense until later too. You really do learn from experience if you stick with it. Also, don't be afraid to keep reading if you haven't reached a certain state (I was worried about this at first). The first half of book 1 contains the core initiatic teachings, the rest of the books add to it, provide other things to help you understand, other practices, etc. Also "Concentration and Silence" is so essential, if you haven't meditated before you could probably do that for an entire year before moving to anything else.
based post, thank you very much. I do intend to focus solely on this book (with multiple re-readings) over the coming months.
How long do you think I should work on it for?
Any other good supplementary resources?
>depending on how far you want/can go
all the fucking way!!!
This user gets it. The Italian edition had a subtitle called "The Science of the I". ItM shouldn't be read as a monolithic work, but a series of experiments to be tried out and see what works for you.