What the top 3 (three) books that will improve the majority of people's lives if they read them?

What the top 3 (three) books that will improve the majority of people's lives if they read them?

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*What are

Sometimes I wish 4chin had an edit function

12 Rules for Life
12 More Rules for Life
The Bible


based peterstein enjoyer

Phenomenology of Spirit
Capital vol. 1-3

Just read summaries, you just want these on your list for social capital and posturing to impress art hoes

Bhagavad Gita
The Bible

The Gospel of John
Man’s Search for Meaning
The Cancer Ward

-Plato Complete Works
-Some Poetry Collection in your native language
-Some Work Out Treatise Idk

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Beyond Good and Evil
The Twilight of the Idols

Starting Strength
The Richest Man in Babylon
How to Win Friends and Influence People

You gotta start with the basics.

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>Starting Strength
Is this really a good book or a meme?

Zero to One by Peter Thiel. It is marketed as business book but it is more of a philosophy book. Particularly, it is a philosophy of what it takes to create things that do not yet exist but must exist in the future.

The Origins of Virtue by Matt Ridley. It is a counterbalance to The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli. Meaning, those who ironically follow The Prince through devious means will eventually btfo by those who are in it to bake a bigger pie. In other word, the book reveals to an individual, through game-theoretic lenses, on the importance of maintaining trust and eliminating un-trust.

On The Shortness of Life by Seneca. "It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested. But when it is wasted in heedless luxury and spent on no good activity, we are forced at last by death’s final constraint to realize that it has passed away before we knew it was passing. So it is: we are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it… Life is long if you know how to use it.” Remember deeply—embed it into your bones if you must—that humanity went from the discovery of a car, airplane, computer, the splitting of the atom, and the landing of the moon in one single lifetime.

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It's good for beginners who don't already know how to do the compound lifts or why they should do compound lifts. /fit/'s problem with SS is that "beginner" when doing the SS program only lasts like 2-4 months, so they keep trying to do SS progression and force it by overeating and getting fat, which works to a point but then you're like 50lbs overweight. Rippetoe has another book called Practical Programming that helps you work through the intermediate stage of lifting which lasts several years but it's not nearly as widely known as SS.

I made those recommendations because I figured most people have problems with fitness/health, relationships, and money. Like those are the big three. So I'm pretty comfortable blanket recommending them to anyone when asked. SS doesn't cover everything about fitness/health, for instance it doesn't really talk about cardio or diet or nutrition, but almost nobody has an adequate amount of lean muscle mass these days so it's probably a better start than a book on nutrition.

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You need to be over 18 to go on Yea Forums

meme. You don't need to read books to get jacked.

What's wrong with those recs?

The recs are just an ironic shitpost, don't worry about it.

It's very heavy on the lower body exercises. You don't really need a book for this kinda thing, just a simple program with compounds desu.

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Imitation of Christ

The book teaches you to do the compounds, how they work, and why you should do them. Yeah, if you have a mentor who can show you the lifts and how to do them and is a good example of why to do them, that's great. But most people who "get into lifting" wind up curling, using machines, and never training legs, and they make no significant gains despite months of effort.

>or diet or nutrition, but almost nobody has an adequate amount of lean muscle mass these days
Let's say I'm a really skinny, ectomorph guy. Is it still a good rec?
(I'm afraid of getting fat)

Yes, of course. /fit/ can help you with a lean bulk strategy but basically aim for 1lb of bodyweight gain per week while bulking and if you panic, do a cut.

>Man’s Search for Meaning
Please stop suggesting this crap.

Plutarch's Lives
Montaigne's Essays
Emerson's Essays

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>Montaigne's Essays
>Emerson's Essays
what are they about?

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

How to Win Friends and Influence People
The Intelligent Investor
Salt Fat Heat and Acid

Montaigne's essays are about himself. He wrote down whatever thoughts to came to mind, and his thoughts often revolved around philosophy and how we should live. He famously said that to philosophize is to learn how to live and die. For example, in one essay, he talks about his near death experience and what he learned from it about how we should approach thinking about death. In another, he weighs the pros and cons of committing suicide. His main inspirations were the Stoics, Epicureans, and Sceptics. He drew a lot from them, combining them together and making them superior.
Emerson's essays are about the major themes of American transcendentalism: nature, self reliance, and spirituality. His optimism and affirmation of life is very contagious and makes for a very comfy and uplifting read.

Those sound very interesting. THanks user

Anything and everything that interested them

Broadly Montaigne was a guy who read a lot of ancient Greek scepticism/epicureanism/stoicism which were just then becoming available to Europeans again thanks to the Renaissance. He is known for wide ranging comfy free thinking essays that inspired a lot of subsequent early modern thinkers

Emerson's essays are also unique, supposedly they were the one book Nietzsche would save from a fire and he kept a copy on him at all times or something like that. Emerson was deeply inspired by the Platonist strain in German idealism and the revival of Platonism in the Anglosphere. Many people read the Transcendentalists as straight up Platonists; his friend Alcott was in direct contact with Bohmean Theosophists in Germany, trying for a time to import their thought to America.

Emerson's essays are also wide ranging and comfy but they have a kind of mystical feel to them, you almost feel like Emerson was writing in a meditative trance state. Tried to google something about his connection to Carlyle just now and found this page that gives a decent feel for both Carlyle and Transcendentalism.

How to Read a Book
The Culture of Narcissism
Tao Te Ching

My diary
My diary (#2)
The Bible

I dare say almost no work of art will improve anyones live.

At most they are useful for stimulation, but hardly anything will be applied to daily life.

Books can definitely be applied to real life. I do believe life should be lived though


Those are depression 101's

Kek you have two diaries? Or should we read your diary twice?

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On Suffering by Arthur Schopenhauer
On Suicide by Arthur Schopenhauer
How To Tie A Noose by wikihow.com

Euthyphro, Plato.
Serotonin, Houellebeqc.
Introduction to Jungian Psychology, Jacobi.

Not entirely wrong, but you're clearly underage

"What can be our doctrine alone?—That nobody *gives* human beings their qualities, neither God, nor society, nor their parents and ancestors, nor *they themselves* (the nonsense of this last notion we are rejecting was taught by Kant as “intelligible freedom,” and maybe was already taught by Plato as well). *Nobody* is responsible for being here in the first place, for being constituted in such and such a way, for being in these circumstances, in this environment. The fatality of our essence cannot be separated from the fatality of all that was and will be. We are *not* the consequence of a special intention, a will, a goal; we are not being used in an attempt to reach an “ideal of humanity,” or an “ideal of happiness,” or an “ideal of morality”—it is absurd to want to *divert* our essence towards some goal. *We* have invented the concept “goal”: in reality, goals are *absent* ... One is necessary, one is a piece of destiny, one belongs to the whole, one *is* in the whole.—There is nothing that could rule, measure, compare, judge our being, for that would mean ruling, measuring, comparing, and judging the whole ... *But there is nothing outside the whole!*— That nobody is made responsible anymore, that no way of being may be traced back to a causa prima [first cause], that the world is not a unity either as sensorium or as “spirit,” *only this is the great liberation*—in this way only, the *innocence* of becoming is restored . . . The concept “God” was up to now the greatest objection against existence ... We deny God, and in denying God we deny responsibility: only thus do we redeem the world."

None. Just look at the catalog; people here read a lot and they are miserable. Books cannot help you.


Art of the deal
How to win friends and influence people.
bronze age mindset

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Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle


I'd like to think that a lot of people would have a sublime, or at least a cathartic response to Hamlet, and even after many reads, still be inspired by what the play has to offer hermeneutically on an individual level, but all this is unlikely for "the majority of people's lives".

For the state of the world at the moment they should first listen to the tapes/recordings of Self Under Siege by Rick Roderick, then read Subjectivity by Donald E. Hall, then read Beloved by Toni Morrison.

Capital volumes 1-3

Though it gets a bit grim at the end.


Tao te Ching
Art of the deal

Pseud reading list.

Nicomachean Ethics
Leviathan (Books I + II)

Le Bossu
Hashire Melos/Die Bürgschaft
Conrad's The Duel

I'll do you one better. Don't ever read whole books, just go on Wikiquote, memorize a few quotes and then drop them with the girls.

Their panties will also drop.

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You only need to read In search of lost time

The famous Buddhist/Hindu texts
The Tao Te Ching

Bonus: Henry Miller

1. the bilble
2. moby dick
2. kanye west

First good post
Bad posts.
Not funny

The Ultimate Home Property Maintenance Manuel (how to cheaply maintain property)
Buy Rehab Rent Refinance (how to become a landlord)
The Ultimate Guide to Frugal Living

Basically just become a handiman and then rent out town houses and repair and remodel them yourself to snowball equity. Then you can think about the real cash cow: wedding mills. I'm talking taking net $300,000 a week on a property that you just dress up and make deals with local vendors to supply.

Of COURSE a thiel cuck mass replies.

Les Miserables
Les Miserables
Les Miserables

In a petersonian sense, that's based and redpilled