Please list your non-meme top 3 books aside from religious texts. I am trying to turn my life around.
Please list your non-meme top 3 books aside from religious texts. I am trying to turn my life around
Narcissus and Goldmund
Hunger (Knut Hamsun)
She looks like a young Greta Scaachi. That bloke in the wheelchair in the background is on the phone to his brother asking him to get round there with the white van and the chloroform pronto.
>teehee look I do books hehe
>oh jessica, tyrone just texted back, he wants a 3sum right now, lets go!
Thanks, I will actually look into these. Which should I start first?
>Van Gogh’s Letters
>The Colossus Of Maroussi-Miller
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra-Nietzsche
If the last one is a meme, then
Your first problem is posting that picture. It means you are ruled by coombrain. You are so deeply in thralls of coombrain that the very notion of an attractive member of the opposite sex (indecently dressed to boot) posing near an "intellectual" hobby sends you into fits of daydreams and all kind of delusions to the point that you felt it was legitimately a good option to post online. You should probably start here.
This. The amount of moros who are willing to apply all kinds of positive character traits to a slut strictly based on her physical looks never ceases to amaze me.
>OmG sHe iS an InteLleCtual
Crime and Punishment
The Divine Comedy
>is that a female?
Moby D
>Moby D
Can I get the same benefit by reading the abridged version? I hear the full version is full of unnecessary details.
Also thoughts on Blinkist? If I can get 99% of a books' ideas in 15min, why would I not do this?
>If I can get 99% of a books' ideas in 15min
You cannot do that, as a matter of fact. Not just you, nobody can.
Anyway my recs are The Iliad, The Richest Man in Babylon, and 48 Laws of Power. They're not necessarily my top three but if you're trying to turn your life around and you've given no other clues, I'd go with those. MAYBE replace Iliad or 48 Laws with Starting Strength if you're a DYEL.
>Paradise Lost
>The Republic
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Can I get the same benefit by reading the abridged version? I hear the full version is full of unnecessary details.
>Also thoughts on Blinkist? If I can get 99% of a books' ideas in 15min, why would I not do this?
>Can I get the same benefit by reading the abridged version? I hear the full version is full of unnecessary details.
An ocean of rage and misery has been poured into my vessel of a person upon reading this. May you never find any positivity in your meager life.
What benefit do I get as a person in 2022 by reading dozens of pages on how to process whale carcass?
at that point just read the fucking wikipedia for it lmao, why do you even read
>aside from religious texts
redundant much?
That's just slippery slop argument right there. Obviously there's a point where you have to judge what's the most bang you can get for your time.
Simulacra and Simulation
Beware of Pity
The Odyssey
Don Quixote
War and Peace
The Magic Mountain
I never believed the NPC meme until I finished Moby Dick and looked to discussions online and in-person regarding the book. I was met with an unprecedented amount of genuine complaints and whining about the chapters where Melville writes so beautifully about the process of whaling on the open sea aboard whaling vessels fitted for such an activity. It was a reality beyond my apprehension since these were supposedly "people" that had wholly read the book and, I figured, enjoyed it enough to want to discuss it.
But no. It took me some reflection to realize that these myopic ingrates had forced themselves through one of the greatest stories ever conceived just to say they had read it. Not once did they actually enjoy the process of reading the book nor the glorious tale told within it. Thinking now, I wish he had written more about it. He could've written on the ecosystem of ants and I would've loved it.
These emotions are not what NPCs feel when reading. I use reading very loosely because not once did they actually read the words of Melville. These vapid golems are the fish of our world; they persist, breed, and perish in the same sordid waters that they shit in. I'd say that these non-humans would enjoy children's books more, but even those have actual writing that they would invariably and predictably gloss over.
TLDR. You are not a human if you read a book and wish that there were less of it. Just fucking put down the book and return to whatever cyberpunk realm you arose, or better yet, kill yourself.
>the faery queene by edmund spenser
>2666 by roberto bolano
>2 years before the mast by richard dana
I hope you accomplish your goal
My TLDR for the TLDR in the most brevitous way possible: Die
>he doesn't hunt and dress his own whale
aesthetic my boy. aesthetic.
the chapters on whaling were gay as fuck but that chapter on the color white made me read them again. content = ass but the quality = sublime.
Anna Karenina
Horace's works, Odes and Satires favourites
The Count of Monte Cristo
No chapter of Melville's is gay as fuck, because it's Melville writing it. Imagine a man shitting on Starry Night with the reasoning that it's just a painting of a night sky. You would instantly think of them as one of the most retarded people to have ever been born and very likely missing a large chunk of their brain. It's the exact same case with certain godlike authors and these lobotomites bitching and moaning about them daring to explain the situation and process behind what's happening in the story.
this is, ironically, a very npc-ish position to have. a "real" person with their own perspective would be likely to have a variety of responses to different parts of something as broad as moby dick, including perhaps not giving a shit about some of it at all. AH YES EVERY PAGE HAS ME IN ECSTASY BECAUSE I AM EXPERIENCING GREAT ART, I'M NOT LIKE THOSE OTHER KIDS MR TEACHER - give me a break. go read ferdydurke next, turns out this one polack was already making fun of you last century.
>No film of Marvel's is gay as fuck, because it's Marvel releasing it. Imagine a man shitting on Starry Night with the reasoning that it's just a painting of a night sky. You would instantly think of them as one of the most retarded people to have ever been born and very likely missing a large chunk of their brain. It's the exact same case with certain godlike brands and these lobotomites bitching and moaning about them daring to explain the situation and process behind what's happening in the story.
If melville wrote a gay sex scene it would be gay as fuck. regardless of how good his writing is (which I say again is damn near perfect). and if one can imagine melville writing something gay as fuck then it is conceivable that something he did write is gay as fuck. to say that the subject being written about is the same as the way that it is written is dumb. I can understand that it fits in the context but that doesnt make the subject any less gay.
this. is fetishizing melville and acting as an exclusively pro melville automiton.
Why do girls reading get me so rock hard?
I can't even get aroused watching POV porn now, but suddenly I want to wrap my hands around their waists and kiss them gently on the neck
He warrants the fetishization and adoration.
the problem isn't who "warrants" what, the problem is that you're making a retard out of yourself with this kind of thinking. your biggest takeaway from this giant book is that you're better than chad and stacy for liking it? that's very shallow.
Stop watching porn. You're all kinds of fucked up.
melville is really good but no one is worth fetishization. that is how slaves are made
I love women so much, bros.
Unironically (and in no specific order)
>Crime and Punishment
(actually changed my life, pretty much anything by Dostoevsky is worth checking out)
>Of Mice and Men
>Meditations (the Marcus Aurelius memoir, theres tons of bullshit new age books that one might get confused with)
this nigger gets it
never got why people were so into S&S
you literally have a disease my friend :^)
The Once and Future King, Snow Country, and Joan of Arc
kolyma stories -varlam shalamov
anna karenina-tolstoy
very special mention to growth of the soil - hamsun
>abridged version
absolutely filtered. If you cant read an entire book you should get another hobby or read ya, tranny and women lit. Maybe you could read steohen king and paulo coelho too
Many King books are long indeed, not sure what's your point. Not same user btw
1) Canterbury Tales
2) Julius Caesar by Shakepeare
3) King of Elfland's Daughter
The brothers karamazov
East of eden
One hundred years of solitude
Narcissus and Goldmund
War and Peace
An Artist of a Floating World
Unfathomably based.
Wind Sand and Stars
Moby Dick
Secondhand Time
Cicero's writings, Emerson's essays and praise of folly by Erasmus.
You want me to reccomend non-memes when I myself am the clowniest clown.
Anna Karenina
Moby Dick
The brothers K
Excluding some passages from the Bible. I just realized how very Christian this list is.
So The Wind Won't Blow It All Away
Balcony in the Forest
It is pie in the sky, something which can never be had. People do this because the subject can never disappoint in the way the people in our lives do. If you will never know someone you can make them out to be anything you want. It is not that complex and part of most everyone's lives and part of how people identify what it is they actually want in life, like trying on a pair of pants before you buy them. If you do not do this it almost certain means you lack an imagination and/or inner voice.
>A Confederacy of Dunces
(this probably won't be of much help if you're trying to turn your life around beyond an example of what not to do)
>The Day Lasts More Than A Hundred Years
>A Canticle for Leibowitz
Who is this girl? I want to see more pics of her.
The Picture of Dorian Gray
The Catcher in the Rye
Nothing else really stands out
Well now I hate her
Not for being an attention whoring insta thot
But for shilling neoliberal drivel to her army of simps
Against a Dark Background
Forgetting Elena
The Sun Also Rises
Joseph and His Brothers
Paradise Lost
Ovid's Metamorphoses
>your biggest takeaway from this giant book is that you're better than chad and stacy for liking it?
Not at all what I've ever thought nor is that what I meant to say with my earlier tryhard paragraphs. Chad and stacy don't show up to book clubs or discuss them online. I just can't believe that there's people that read that book and don't love every word of it, cover to cover. Even the dreaded, evil whaling chapters were just more information on the subject to me and helped me learn more about somethingI had no previous knowledge of.
Looking back, I definitely went s.oymode about Moby Dick earlier and with denouncing those that don't love every part of it, especially since It's clearly not for everyone.
I simply wish other people were as autistic about it as I.
Metaphors we LIve by
Knowing isn't Acting: why Reading isn't the Answer (I just made this Title up)