What are some books that you have stolen and why?
What are some books that you have stolen and why?
Stole and burned "The God Delusion" from the physics department of my university. Reason were:
1 - It's an awful book based on pseudoscience
2 - It has no business being on the physics library
Forgot to return some Egyptian mythology book to my high school library before I graduated, still have it somewhere.
very based behaviour
Dante's Inferno from a degenerate high school teacher because I felt like he didn't deserve to have a copy
best way to shoplift books? was gonna shoplift some books from Books-A-Million, anybody who steals literature from that place is actually rescuing those books
There's not really a secret to it, just be discreet.
>from the physics department
you went to an unserious "university"
i stole this guy's dawkins book while he turned around to look for matches and replaced it with the bible. tee hee
I purloined over 100 books from my Uni’s library over the span of 2 years
all "universities" are unserious
>Birthday Letters (Ted Hughes)
I bought this for my aunt (for her birthday, haha). I gave her a decent period of time to read it (a year or so) then stole it.
>The Sound and the Fury (Faulkner)
I found this at a friend's house and started it and took it home with me to finish it and haven't (and won't) return it. The friend wasn't going to read it. Not sure why she even had it in the house. She likes Catherine Cookson.
>Edgar Allen Poe, Complete Short Stories & Poems
Stole this from someone's attic in Poland. It had been up there for years, and clearly wasn't getting read any time soon.
Do it confidently in a way that you could play of if caught. For example, Pick up the book you want and browse, tuck said book under your arm to inspect another book you dont care for. Do this a few times and just walk out the store. If caught, you simply forgot you had the book tucked as you were browsing for so long.
Or shoplift the way you would normally shoplift and put it in your pants or bag
>Or shoplift the way you would normally shoplift
i stole "steal this book"
how do you avoid sensors though?
i used to work in an old country mansion house that was turned into a conference centre
the owners had named one of the meeting rooms "the library" and covered one wall in bookcases filled with old books from an interior design company (like one of those "books by the yard" places). of course nobody ever actually read the books, people just hired the room to talk about sales forecasts and so on
some of the books were actually early editions of some 19th/20th century classics. hg wells, gk chesterton, kipling, w somerset maugham, stuff like that
i stole some of them and just shuffled the other books along to fill in the gaps
nobody ever noticed and i still have the books
do intellectual property violations count as stealing? ive digitized several books and corrected/formatted the archive.org digitizations on others. they just need a thorough read-over to check for mistakes before i put them on libgen.
No, it doesnt count. Otherwise, i have stolen TBs worth of books.
yeah, it does count. trying to claim it doesn't is just wishful thinking. god told you not to steal so i'm sorry but you are going to hell.
Good thread
Because its a 100+ year old book
>rip off the barcode
>bring a magnet and run across the white magnetic strip to demagnetize it
>believing you can own something intangible like an idea and it can be stolen
>falling this hard for the copyright jew
from the dumpster when my local university decided to dump the classics
A lot of my books are from public bookshelves, or from my parent's attic. (RIP grandma, I wish I would have ever had a serious conversation with you.)
I once "stole" a book in elementary school, by accident. A teacher would give us a list of books we could order, I guess in an attempt to get us to read. I chose a joke book, called "Tausend Sachen zum Lachen" (thousand things to laugh), because it had a book of a cartoon dog in a bottle on the cover. I found it funny as a kid. The book was delivered a few days later, and I was supposed to give the teacher the money my mom gave me. But I forgot. The teacher forgot aswell. I got the book, didn't pay for it, and spent the money on candy later that day.
I read the book several times, actually. Was quite fun. Don't remember a single joke from it today.
>This thread
>all of them
sorry user it's the lake of boiling blood for you
maybe if you did some volunteer work or something you can get put in the circle where people push heavy weights around forever or something i dunno
The sensors don't catch barcodes
>What are some books that you have stolen
I've stolen a couple of stacks of books from a college in California. Can't remember the titles off the top of my head it was a while ago
>and why?
To burn them lol. Gonna bring them to a "pool party" meetup and burn them for my user twitter clout.
>To burn them lol. Gonna bring them to a "pool party" meetup and burn them for my user twitter clout
Are all the other black students on board with this?
Do you mean /fit/? Sounds comfy.
Not a habbo hotel pool party m8, a TRS pool party.
none because I'm not a nigger
A copy of Blood Meridian in my senior year of high school because I thought it was that good
Faulkner's Fable from a coffeeshop because I felt like it
What state are you from?
Stole a book from one of my elementary school teachers on the last day. Felt bad about it afterwards desu. Don't remember the book, probably some garbage like Harry Potter.
long story short more than a decade ago there were a couple of tintin albums translated to hebrew in the library that i seriously considered taking and photocopying because they were out of print for 40+ years but i lost interest in the end and later that year they were finally reprinted which was very pleasing for ten year old me
ban check
just go to 4channel.org/banned
I'm not a regular thief but it's incredible that people don't know that the best way to steal is to act 100% confident.. People can easily pick up on sneaky body language and behavior. If you have confidence, even if someone has a hunch you're stealing, they would hate to risk starting a very awkward confrontation in the case that you're not.
>Atlas Shrugged from hs library
I read that the author felt that American Settlers were justified in stealing land because they brought industry, so I felt justified stealing the book
>The Brothers Karamazov from hs library
It was mandatory reading for a class. About 3 page of that copy would've been read and the rest looked up on sparknotes
Wow you're a fag
I stole a Gideon Bible from a hotel when I was on holiday in Austria with my parents. I was a pretty edgy 16 year old. Still have it though, no regrets.
I'd think the Gideons would be overjoyed to hear someone took their Bibles.
That's exactly what they want you to do: 1) pick it up (you did that part) and 2) read it (in principle, you might, if you haven't.
stole 3 books including 1984 (didnt know what it was at the time) from my elementary school library in grade 6 right before moving schools. 1984 got me into reading too lol
Stealing is wrong. I stole a copy of Herodotus in middle school, and though it got me interested in the classics, it was wrong.
>Last time the book was checked out was 40 years ago
Das Capital. I thought it would be funny.
In my junior year of high school my favorite teacher was accused of diddling a kid 30+ years ago... they left his office unlocked after he was let go, so I went in and recovered his entire collection of 50+ books on the shelves. Bible, Book of Mormon, Quran, and some other religious texts. The republic, The inferno, and more. This guy was the reason I began to love reading, so this event left me very provoked -- the start of my personal collection was brought about this way. (I'm still in touch with the guy, he's about 70 now, good guy. I don't think he diddled any kids, but who knows, it was alleged from a time before I was born).
>from a college in California
stole that new age spirit book because it was so big, I wanted to see if I could do it, my pets chewed it up, never even read it
Based moralfaggot
Tote bag with a one or two of your own books inside. Discreetly slide book in, walk out. You could also have a jacket covering the books if you're a bit paranoid. In Australia security guards/mall cops are legally forbidden from touching the contents of your bag, thus they can't move things around—and even then, bag checks are a request which you have a right to decline and they have a legal obligation to respect—so I'm pretty lucky in the sense that the laws kind of work in my favour (at least in my state). Of course YMMV depending on where you live among other factors etc.
is pretty much on the money and the "sorry I forgot" excuse is usually an easy out unless you fit the 'jock' stereotype or you're African or Aboriginal
>physics department