Strangest Beliefs

What are your strangest or most strongly held fringe beliefs?
(try to keep it Yea Forums related)

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Women aren't human, their literary output is one of the many proofs

hmmm...atomism is a false science to discredit the inherent "electricity" based conception of the universe, started by the sophist (imo) Democritus who ruined science from the very beginning.

also, nukes are fake, likely.

I wouldn't consider this belief strange.

evolution is bullshit
the earth is flat
jews are the children of satan
germans are the first cousins of the jews and anglos the second
roman catholicism is the one true religion
roman imperialism is the one true political body
pius xii was the last valid pope and every subsequent pope was/is an antipope and the dead ones are all in hell
the vatican ii council established an entirely new religion LARPing as catholic
jews and freemasons were behind it
the true catholic church has been reduced to a faithful remnant
a new true pope will arise soon against the antipope
a new roman emperor will arise with him
at least a third of the world's population will die within the next couple of decades due to religious war and natural catastrophe
there aren't really 7 billion people on earth btw
after the purging, world order will be totally re-established and justice will reign for 1000 years, or maybe just 100 or so, idk
reptilians are 100% real and Zuckerberg and queen Elizabeth are some of the most blatant ones
the entire British royal bloodline should be exterminated for the good of the world, even the children 100% unironically I am not fucking joking
"aliens" are just demons, so is bigfoot and skinwalkers and any other cryptid basically
the rothschilds should also be completely eradicated as well along with other banking families
they're probably planning on using project bluebeam to fake an alien invasion or something
CERN is trying to open a portal to the spirit world and/or hell and it's working
they have also cloned human beings, i don;t know if the clones have souls or not
if the clones have some kind of crude fake-soul that can't get them into heaven, they'll basically be like the zetsu clones from naruto and we'll have to fight an army of them
if the clones are just bodies with no control, then demons will be able to possess them fully and they'll basically be superhumans with no inhibition, so basically like the zombies from world war z that have super speed and strength, but they would also have intelligence
these clone things might also be presented as aliens by the media
the army of clones is being built in north Korea, even the location in the naruto universe map looks like north Korea if you flip it, it's prophetic

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I am the one true God.

This is just average /pol/tard schizo shit


And thus, with his standard namecall, the /pol/tard reveals himself

i think that most people are illiterate

my roommate is functionally illiterate but he has some weird beliefs, like God created the earth many times with different people and different environments and this gem I meditated on my blog

>my blog

nah, I'm good. you do you


There is a continent in the middle of the pacific that the elites are hiding from the world

Madagascar isn't real. Have you been there? No. Have you ever met anyone trustworthy who has? Likewise no.

stirner wasn't real, engels made him up to troll marx

People can subjectively alter causal reality, but never as individuals, only as mass collectives. Thus, magic was once, to an extent, possible.

Why it was once possible?
Why it isn't anymore?

I sincerely believe that women are fundamentally a bane to mankind. There is ample evidence and testimony for this in literally every genre and period of literature until about 50 years ago. BTFOing whores and their evil ways is so important that the head scribes of multiple mesopotamian civilizations felt it necessary to include an entire tablet for it in Gilgamesh.

Without an independently rich class, no great works can be made.
We should nuke academia because they are fundamentally unable to produce greatness. Anything written for money is inherently tainted though can still be good.
If you have never been risked your life for you family/religion/city/country/oaths you should not be allowed to publish.

That the process of making a witch's casket involves sewing it into a pure white goose and burying it under an ash tree. I am 100% sure that I read that somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can find it.


They truly are missing something. They're too myopic, too focused on petty, materialistic goals (relationships, muh career-that-i-want-only-to-FEEL-like-i-am-a-real-feminist-and-a-cool-independent-womyn, kids, squabbles with friends/relatives/coworkers).
They genuinely feel no interest and no curiosity whatsoever for the world beyond those petty goals. They lack that drive towards the universal that makes a Homo sapiens a real human.

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>Norton publishes new translation of Arabian Nights, omits outdated notions of sexism
>A new English translation of the classic work of Arabic folktales, Arabian Nights is opening up a wider discussion about the importance of updating and building upon outdated, canonical texts
>Yasmine Seale’s distinctly contemporary and lyrical translations break decisively with this masculine dynasty
>It also includes stories featuring female characters that had not been included in prior translations of the work
Uhm sorry sweetie, slut-shaming is cancelled

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>jews are the children of satan
Only true thing. The rest is retarded.

Most people are absolutely functionally illiterate, in that they're incapable of correctly reading a long text and absorbing its message. They can decipher letters and words, but can't really READ.

Women are a necessary force that needs to be carefully controlled, otherwise it runs wild and destroys everything and itself. They're the social equivalent of the little Sun that Doc Ock made in Spiderman 2.
All ancient civilizations knew this. We forgot it, and now we're paying the price. The collapse of our civilization is well underway, and will get worse before stabilizying in a new status quo (where some brown backward culture who hasn't forgotten how to keep women on a leash will replace the kind, white civilization).

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>updating and building upon outdated, canonical texts
Lots of babble to just say "we want to censor everything we don't agree with because we're fascists, just like any other extreme ideology".

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I can switch timelines by making myself ejaculate

Vikings are not true Aryans because Loki was a Jew

To experience the new is disadvantageous, because if you end up enjoying the new, you will feel worse in knowing its absence compared to never knowing in the first place. I have derived this belief from all of my previous experiences. I am slowly shaping my life with this information in mind for the purpose of approximating absolute stability.

Agree. Only some individuals probably had the ability.

kek, you used the fake Sally Rooney cover in that.

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God can be described as a slime-mold, and we are the individual cells, dead or alive. We are part of a whole. Even if we are forgotten, we are not forgotten.

plato's allegory of the cave is not simply an allegory; it is something very real which can be experienced by those who are open, humble, and willing to have their view of reality shattered to see reality as it is

I believe in the Pythagorean/Platonic concept of harmonics and the conditioning of the thumos. This can be done through music, proper reading, activity, the sounds of nature, and the proper amount of silence.
I think the monastics intuitively understand this through chanting.
It goes without saying modern life for most is the antithesis of this and leads to all sorts of maladies.

Very adolescent view. Anime inspired?

>evolution is bullshit
i think i agree with this to some extent. simple fact is no one knows how anything truly works or how we came to be. evolution is too much of a simple explanation that happens to fit and i can't begin to believe that the perfect systems in nature just kind of occurred because they did and that lineage of everything can be traced back to fishes that chose to grow legs one day

I’m not the one who said that but he’s not wrong. Egalitarianism is bad for the arts and academia. Classical music was at it’s peak when composers were sponsored by aristocrats who had refined taste. With social mobility there is no permanent upper class that consistently raises their children to have good taste, instead we see rich people who were brought up to like normie tv shows and movies. With equality of wealth artists appeal to the masses which lowers the quality of the work. Australia is a good example of why egalitarianism is detrimental to culture since they’ve never had an aristocracy and have a pretty trashy culture and very little quality literature to speak of.

very Guenonian take. I disagree except for the part about women.

I think academia should be destroyed too but not for the reasons stated, rather that its a bad filter mechanism that keeps autodidacts from having cultural impact.

another weird view of mine (I'm this guy ) is that maybe for all intents and purposes for once since forever, men should be the ones to choose who gets to mate. we've had women dictate who's getting laid and who's not for quite some time and maybe flipping it back for another hundred years couldn't hurt.

Nikola Tesla had a similar view to yours, but unfortunately he died before publishing a valuable gravitational theory to discredit main stream science.

I got his writings (same user) for free, too bad his theory is probably not in there.

psychopaths vs schizophrenics psychic war

Who’s winning?

Evolution basically says that things just happen because... They just do

I think this is the best explanation of things. They happen because they just do... There is no higher reason and there will never be. Rich people become rich because they just do, sure you become richer if you are smart or big and strong but things just happen. If i raped my 8 brother right now it would just happen because I decided to and there is no higher reason and there never was. Sure I might be more likely to rape him if I am a strong guy or a cunt but the action itself if it happened would have happened even if I was the strongest or the weakest.

I quess you could call it the natural curiosity of the world. If something is possible then there is a chance that it has happened or will happen. Doesn't matter how crazy it is. And this curiosity also applies to humans. Just think of the craziest thing you can that can be reasonably done. For example sticking a raw alive baby kitten up your ass. It is possible so somebody must have done it.just because you haven't seen it on video doesn't mean that it hasn't been done. I can guarantee you that it has been done... Now if a person that crazy can exist in one dimension such as being a faggot and hating animals then there also must be a person equally crazy but in a different dimension such as extraversion, being extremely rich and loving kids in a not family friendly way. And boom a pedophile ring.

Also the first rich people were those that were willing to risk death. And they still today rich people come from rih families who's ancestors came from lines of aristocrats whose parents came from ancient warrior tribes which were willing to risk death for recognition. Recognition that they are better. The master and slave dichotomy. So today you end up with extremely rich people living comfortable lives with their rich friends who don't recognize them because all they have is money but their friends also have money. So the rich people will risk their death on an extreme magnitude to get recognition from their rich peers. And you end up with pedophilia rings, satanistic cults and all that other shit. Tldr things happen just because they can.

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Forgiveness is always a more noble deed than retaliation even if it's supposedly justified.

Strip away all that rots and dies and you'll find that everyone carries goodness in them. Getting angry, holding grudges or hating is misguided because deep down people are a good.

Add to that also that all that we do, say, think is already decided beforehand. Every mistake and hardship was meant to happen right in that moment.
This isn't an excuse to escape responsibility but an explanation of why one needs to forgive themselves and others.

Engaging in politics outside of one's own town is retarded.

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People mostly don't regret their 'mistakes'. They will laugh at your benevolentness

my consciousness may be just a dream that my dead soul is having in the afterlife (came to this one in the most intense lucid dream experience of my life)

alternative hypothesis: an extremely advanced post human consciousness is reconstituting all of history through simulation at the end of time and humanity will be judged by the moral standards of that post human god

epigenetics means that nearly everyone (unless they're literally retarded) can be programmed to have 145+ IQ through extreme training during sensitive periods and this information has been deliberately suppressed by an unseen shadow cabal

That's what makes it my strangest belief.

planets and stars are living deities (or some kind of physical vessel for greater spiritual powers, a gigantic "idol" if you will) according to the arab sage that wrote the spanish grimoire the picatrix . the history of religious wars between christians, jews, pagans and muslims is a conflict between 4 of the major cults of these planetary deities (christians are sun cultists, muslims are venus cultists, jews are saturn cultists, while pagans are a hodgepodge mix of lunar, jupiterian, martial and mercurial cultists, with some siding with christians jews or muslims even, depending on which deities they worship) none are entirely aware of the true nature of their religions; christians are unaware that many of their rituals and prayers are intended to increase the power of the sun and jews are likely unaware that they actually worship saturn. the picatrix is very specific in detailing how each religions traditions and rituals are descended from ancient planetary cults. inb4 >>>> /x/ yes i know im looney like fucking looney tunes, im a moon/sun cultist afterall

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>Engaging in politics outside of one's own town is retarded.
preach brother

The thought about linear time was one of the biggest mistakes we have made as a species, and we can correct that if we want to

Do you realize how easy it is to be idle-rich today?

Probs antinatalism and I have this strong sneaking feeling that I can't really fully articulate that consciousness isn't, like, "real". Like nothing is alive, and we're the byproduct of something that self-organizes like ant colonies or other superorganisms made out of mindless parts.

I also have this idea that God, wanting to know itself, split itself into the laws of the universe where it's like order versus entropy. So we're god defragging itself. It's more accurate to say I guess that the universe is both god's corpse, and the underlying laws that govern the universe so it's like a self-assembly thing.

Progress is a social construct and greatness is very far from goodness. We need to stop thinking about things in terms of growth and ambition and instead on contentment

Why is it that the people who question evolution are ALWAYS the most retarded shit for brains imaginable?
And they never understand the theory either. Never.

Because they do so as a contrarian reaction against some other belief system they dislike

Keen eye, user.

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>moral anti-realism
>Christ myth theory
I also have fringe politics, but that's fairly common here

they're probably homeschooled american christcucks who unironically have moderate brain damage because oxygen deprivation during their home births

Isn't a unique belief at all on Yea Forums. There are several other posts on this thread saying the exact same thing. It's so funny how you types whine about NPCs with no self awareness.......

Forgiveness is a useless and arrogant thing. Better to take no offense to begin with.

Computers are inherently demonic. A two-way street into depths no man should reach. A fool’s everyday seance. AI becoming sentient will be a masquerade of demons blatantly interacting with humans.

>Engaging in politics outside of one's own town is retarded.
the world is most fundamentally changed by mass movements that sweep across entire nations

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